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Summary Separation of dansyl and di-dansyl derivatives of amino acids present in natural products (corn seed flour, wheat flour fraction gliadine) is described. Problems with coelution of derivatization by-products and reagent with some dansyl amino acids (DNS-AA) were solved. A preconcentration step after derivatization of real sample is described. DNS-AA peak areas for different varieties of corn seed flour were compared. Di-dansyl histidine is not separated from di-dansyl lysine and didansyl tyrosine. Additional separation mechanisms have to be introduced to achieve separation of these three species.  相似文献   

Summary The separation of seven analogous anabolic steroids was studied by micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography (MECC). The retention order was found to be dependent on polarity. All of these steroids were well separated by the addition of organic modifiers to the separation buffer. Of the organic modifiers tested, 1-propanol gave the best separation, better than methanol or acetonitrile.  相似文献   

Four novel chiral anionic surfactants having carbohydrate hydrophilic heads, sodium n-dodecyl 1-thio-beta-D-glucopyranoside 6-hydrogen sulfate (6-betaGlcD), sodium n-dodecyl 1-thio-beta-L-glucopyranoside 6-hydrogen sulfate (6-betaGlcL), sodium n-dodecyl 1-thio-beta-L-fucopyranoside 3-hydrogen sulfate (3-betaFucL), and sodium n-dodecyl 1-thio-alpha-L-rhamnopyranoside 3-hydrogen sulfate (3-alphaRhaL), were synthesized by selective sulfation of the corresponding thioglycosides. Their CMC determined by fluorescence using pyrene as a probe in water was 1.3-2.7 mM. These surfactants found to be useful as chiral selectors for enantiomeric separation by MEKC. The enantiomeric separation was optimized with respect to pH, buffer concentration, and surfactant concentration. Under the optimized conditions (50 mM phosphate buffer at pH 6.5, 30 mM surfactant, 20 kV), the enantiomeric separations of five dansylated amino acids (Dns-AAs) were achieved within approximately 20 min with the migration order of Val相似文献   

胶束电动力学毛细管电泳分离和测定牡蛎中的氨基酸   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用胶束电动力学毛细管电泳,在25mmol/L Na2HPO4-NaH2PO4(pH7.0),40mmol/L十二烷基硫酸钠和3mol/L尿素的实验条件下,在28min内实现了牡蛎中8种游离丹酰化氨基酸的分离和测定。在一定浓度范围内,氨基酸的峰面积与其浓度呈良好的线性关系,相关系数0.9955~0.9984之间。对于8种氨基酸,标准加入回收率在99.5%~100.7%之间。  相似文献   

胶束电动毛细管色谱间接紫外光检测法分离胆汁酸   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用间接紫外光检测法在254 nm进行胆汁酸胶束电动毛细管色谱分离的研究.在对氨基苯磺酸为背景电解质和十二烷基硫酸钠作胶束的体系中,加入高浓度的尿素,有效地改善了两类胆汁酸5组份的分离度,在优化分离缓冲体系10 mmol/L对氨基苯磺酸-5 mmol/L硼砂-30 mmol/LSDS-7 mol/L尿素-10%乙醇(pH 7.5)中,13 min内获得基线分离,分离效率为8.4×104~1.1×105.所建立的方法无需衍生化处理,为胆汁酸的分离提供了新的通用的方法.  相似文献   

Summary There is no proportional correlation between increasing organic solvent polarity from hexane to methanol and the extractability of propolis solids by the solvents or the bactericidal action of the propolis extracts obtained. Hexane (17.7%) and chloroform (62.1%) were the poorest and the best extractants, respectively, for propolis solids. The antibiotic activity of the extracts againstStaphylococcus strains decreased in the order hexane≥ethanol>methanol. Different capillary GC profiles were obtained for persilyl derivatives of propolis extracted with hexane and methanol and for propolis collected in different Brazilian provinces, suggesting the influence of flora variability on propolis composition. Wavelength-selected DAD detection revealed MEKC to be an innovative and sensitive method for monitoring the occurrence in propolis of the flavonoids and phenolcarboxylic acids thought to be responsible for the antimicrobial activity of propolis.  相似文献   

Pesticide analysis by micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
On-capillary sample concentration using sample stacking for the improvement of detection limits for various pesticides separated by micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography was examined. The dependence of the stacking on different parameters was investigated. An approximately 30-fold preconcentration was achieved by applying sample stacking. Employing a two-step enrichment process (solid-phase extraction combined with sample stacking), detection limits were improved and the sample volume for SPE was reduced. In addition, the total time for the analysis was considerably reduced. Detection limits were between 0.01 and 0.1 ng/ml under these enrichment conditions.  相似文献   

Summary Coelectroosmotic micellar electrokinetic chromatography (coelectroosmotic MEKC) has been investigated for the separation of twelve aromatic sulfonate compounds. The advantage of this method is that it combines the efficient separation characteristic of MEKC and the short analysis time of the coelectroosmotic mode. MEKC was performed with either cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) or polyethylene glycol dodecyl ether (Brij 35) surfactants as pseudostationary phases and 2-propanol as organic modifier. The electroosmotic Flow (EOF) was reversed by adding two types of EOF modifier, an alkylammonium salt (cetyltrimethylammonium bromide, CTAB) or a cationic polyelectrolyte (hexadimetrine bromide, HDB). The surfactant concentration, applied voltage, and temperature were optimized, the influence of 2-propanol on the MEKC resolution of the compounds was studied. The effect of the osmotic modifier on the separation was also investigated.  相似文献   

建立了一种用来分离测定己烯雌酚的胶束电动色谱法,。通过对十二烷基硫酸钠、胆酸钠、脱氧胆酸钠3种表面活性剂进行比较,选定以60mmol/LSDS 10mmol/L硼砂的水溶液作为背景电解质溶液,研究了不同pH对分离己烯雌酚的影响。该方法被应用于测定己烯雌酚片剂中有效成分的含量。  相似文献   

Summary A method for the separation of a number of herbicides consisting of chlorophenoxy acids by micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography (MECC) was developed. Sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS), Brij 35, cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) and methanol were introduced into the buffers to investigate their effects on the separation of the herbicides. SDS combined with Brij 35 as the micellar agent was found to provide the best overall separation of these components.  相似文献   

The separation and determination of aminophenols and phenylenediamines were investigated by liquid chromatography (LC) and micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC) in this study. Aminophenols and phenylenediamines are commonly used components in commercial hair colorants. The problem of tailing peaks in LC was improved by the technique of using mobile phase containing 15 mM triethylamine at pH 8.0. The analysis of o-aminophenol was not succeeded with LC even though the modifier of triethylamine was added. But it could be quantitative successfully by MEKC. The optimum separation condition of MEKC was achieved by employing 55 mM cetyltrimethyl ammonium chloride in 50 mM borate buffer (pH 9.2) with electric field strength of −145 V cm−1. Finally, the commercial hair dyes were analyzed by developing methods of LC and MEKC. From both the results, there is no significant difference presence at 99.5% confidence level. These two methods could give the complementary results.  相似文献   

A capillary electrophoretic method was developed using micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography (MEKC) with diode-array detection to analyze simultaneously 26 beer constituents in a single procedure, including alcohols, iso-alpha-acids, amino acids, flavonoids, isoflavonoids, a vitamin, purine and pyrimidine bases. After filtration, sample components were separated with an uncoated capillary and a 25 mM sodium borate and 110 mM SDS buffer at pH 10.5. Analyses were run at 14 kV and 8 s of hydrodynamic injection with UV detection at 210 nm and 270 nm. The proposed method was successfully applied to the direct determination of beer constituents without any sample cleanup procedures.  相似文献   

The limited peak capacity of neutral compounds in micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC) causes peak overlap in a simple 38-compound sample that is predicted by statistical-overlap theory (SOT). The low-concentration sample was prepared in-house from several compound classes to span the entire migration-time range and was resolved partially in a pH=7 phosphate buffer containing 50 mM sodium dodecyl sulfate. Peaks, singlets, doublets, and other multiplets were identified on the basis of known migration times and were counted at 13 voltages spanning 4 – 26 kV. These numbers agreed well with predictions of a simple SOT based on the assumption of an inhomogeneous Poisson distribution of migration times. Because the dispersion theory of MEKC is simple, the standard deviations of single-component peaks were modeled theoretically. As part of a new way to implement SOT, probability distributions of the numbers of peaks, singlets, and so on, were computed by Monte Carlo simulation. These distributions contain all theoretical information on peak multiplicity predictable by SOT and were used to evaluate the agreement between experiment and theory. The peak capacity of MEKC was calculated numerically and substituted into the simplest equations in SOT, affirming that peak overlap arises from limited peak capacity.  相似文献   

Retention indices in micellar electrokinetic chromatography   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The use of retention indices in micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC) is evaluated both from a theoretical and a practical point of view. Fundamental equations for the determination of retention indices in MEKC are described, showing that retention indices are independent of the surfactant concentration. Possibilities as well as limitations of different homologous series as reference standards are described. In addition, the practical application of retention indices for identification, investigation of solute-micelle interactions, characterization and classification of pseudo-stationary phases and determination of solute lipophilicity are discussed.  相似文献   

Arnica montana preparations have been used in Europe for centuries to treat skin disorders. Among the biologically active ingredients in the flower heads of the plant are sequiterpenes, flavonoids and phenolic acids. For the simultaneous determination of compounds belonging to the latter two groups a micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography (MEKC) method was developed and validated. By using an electrolyte solution containing 50 mM borax, 25 mM sodium dodecyl sulfate and 30% of acetonitrile the separation of seven flavonoids and four caffeic acid derivatives was feasible in less than 20 min. The optimized system was validated for repeatability (σrel ≤ 4.4%), precision (inter-day σrel ≤ 8.13%, intra-day σrel ≤ 4.32%), accuracy (recovery rates from 96.8 to 102.4%), sensitivity (limit of detection (LOD) ≤ 4.5 μg mL−1) and linearity (R2 ≥ 0.9996), and then successfully applied to assay several plant samples. In all of them the most dominant flavonoid was found to be quercetin 3-O-glucuronic acid, whereas 3,5-dicaffeoylquinic acid was the major phenolic acid; the total content of flavonoids and phenolic acids varied in the samples from 0.60 to 1.70%, and 1.03 to 2.24%, respectively.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of the temperature of the capillary on the separation of small molecules by micellar electrokinetic chromatography with buffers containing sodium dodecyl sulfate was examined. Investigated parameters were the electroosmotic velocity, the migration velocity of the micelles, the strength of the electric current, retention factors and plate numbers. Thermodynamic parameters associated with micelle solubilization were evaluated from the variation of the retention factor with temperature. An investigation was carried out as to whether the dependence of the electroosmotic velocity and the migration velocity of the micelles are mainly due to the decrease in viscosity and dielectric constant with increase in temperature. The temperature of the capillary strongly affects the plate numbers for various solutes obtained with the same chromatographic system. In order to exclude secondary effects by alteration of the instrumental band broadening and the electroosmotic velocity with temperature, a method is presented that permits the development of chromatograms in MEKC at various temperatures with constant injected plug length and constant electroosmotic velocity. The results are discussed from the point of view of minimizing the analysis time and optimizing the resolution.  相似文献   

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