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目的航空因素对胃肠动力的影响尚不清楚。本研究目的观察低压低氧对胃排空和小肠运动的作用,为阐明飞行因素对胃肠动力的影响提供理论依据。方法应用同位素99mTc—SC测定胃排空和碳末法测定小肠推进率,分组(每组大鼠10只)在低压舱海平面、  相似文献   

桃花止泻颗粒的药效学研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 观察桃花止泻颗粒对正常及脾虚小鼠胃肠功能的影响。方法 通过小鼠肠推进试验、胃排空试验、对脾虚小鼠排便影响的试验,观察桃花止泻颗粒的止泻作用。结果 桃花止泻颗粒可抑制正常小鼠小肠推进及胃排空运动,明显减少脾虚小鼠的腹泻次数。结论 桃花止泻颗粒具有止泻作用,机制可能是通过抑制胃肠道平滑肌而抑制腹泻。  相似文献   

肝硬化患者胃肠动力学研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
肝硬化患者胃肠动力改变主要表现为食和运动功能下降,食管下降括约肌压力下降。其原因可能是受食管静脉曲张产生的机械因素影响及肝功能受损。胃排空延迟,主要原因为自主神经系统功能损害,胃肠激素代谢紊乱,可能与肝功能受损程度无关。小肠消化间期移行复合运动(MMC)Ⅱ期延长,Ⅲ期缩短,使食物通过小肠时间延长。肝硬化门脉高压症合并食管静脉曲张破裂出血,硬化剂注射治疗后食管运动 弱,蠕动波数目减少,并诱发同时性收  相似文献   

胃肠运动必须有神经肌肉的高度协调,才能有效完成其正常的动力功能。胃肠运动调控的复杂性,给动力障碍性疾病的药物治疗提出了挑战。目前,根据药物作用机制,促动力药可分为四种类型:①直接胆碱能作用;②多巴胺受体拮抗剂;③突触前5—HT4受体激动剂;④胃动素受体激动剂。本文就新一代促动力药西沙比利对胃肠运动的作用及临床应用进展作一综述。1 西沙比利的作用机理 具有胃复安的中枢抗多巴胺能作用或者直接拟胆碱能效应。Cis能促进全胃肠动力,增强食管下端括约肌和食管体部平滑肌蠕动性收缩,减少胃酸反流;增加胃窦十二指肠收缩的协调性,加速胃排空;促进小肠和大肠推进性运动。  相似文献   

双核素试餐对非溃疡性消化不良患者胃肠运动功能的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
双核素试餐对非溃疡性消化不良患者胃肠运动功能的研究高再荣张永学詹浩熊洁胡佳侯晓华一般认为,非溃疡性消化不良(NUD)与胃运动功能障碍有关〔1〕。我们对52例NUD病人的胃排空功能和小肠通过时间进行了观察。资料与方法一、研究对象对照组18例,男10例、...  相似文献   

我们曾报导了不同剂量~(60)Co——丙线照射对小鼠小肠组织中乙酰胆碱含量和胆碱酯酶活性变化的影响。本文进一步观察不同剂量中子-丙线混合照射后小鼠小肠组织中乙酰胆碱和胆碱酯酶的动态变化,并和丙线照射引起的变化进行比较。以了解中子照射对小鼠小肠损伤规律及相对生物效应,研究分析中子损伤所引起的小肠运动功能紊乱及肠套叠易于发生的原因。  相似文献   

甜食与冷饮对小儿胃动力的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的;研究甜食与冷饮对小儿胃动力的影响。方法:对59例健康小儿随机分为甜奶,温水及冷水组,在B超下观察各组不同时间点的胃运动及排空情况。结果:60min时胃体蠕动频率以甜奶组最快,温水组次之,冷水组最慢;甜奶组各点排空时间较温水及冷水组明显延长,各时间点的界内残留率明显大于其他两组;温水组与冷水组90%及100%排空时间差异显著,以冷水组排空时间短,冷水组45min及60min胃内残留率亦明显少于温水组,此差异在胃窦部更明显。结论:甜奶可导致胃排空延缓,冷饮可使胃排空加速,频繁不合时宜地饮用低温奶制品可扰乱胃的正常运动节律,引起儿童厌食症,长此造成各种营养缺乏性疾病。  相似文献   

^13C呼气试验的方法学及在胃肠病临床的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
^13C呼气试验因其具有安全和非侵害性等特点已被广泛应用于营养学、药物代谢和胃肠疾病诊断等研究。应用不同的标记物,除进行幽门螺杆菌感染检测外,还可在胃排空、胰腺外分泌功能、小肠细菌衍生、肝脏功能等检测中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

13C呼气试验的方法学及在胃肠病临床的应用   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
13C呼气试验因其具有安全和非侵害性等特点已被广泛应用于营养学、药物代谢和胃肠疾病诊断等研究。应用不同的标记物,除进行幽门螺杆菌感染检测外,还可在胃排空、胰腺外分泌功能、小肠细菌衍生、肝脏功能等检测中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

胃肠减压是腹部外科患者的重要治疗措施之一,特别是食管、胃术后患者因迷走神经被切断,该区的交感神经兴奋性相应增加,使胃基本电节律、频率、传导、速度和胃环型肌收缩力减慢,导致胃运动功能减慢,胃蠕动减弱或消失,胃排空受阻。所以,术后必须留置胃肠减压管,通过抽吸作用机械性地将胃内气体、液体引出,减轻胃内压力。胃肠减压还可以降低胃肠动力,减轻腹胀,减轻缝线张力及切口疼痛,改善肠壁血液循环,促进消化功能恢复日。大量文献证实置人长度已成为影响胃肠减压效果的重要原因,但临床观察发现传统法留置胃管置入长度45-55cm,引流效果欠佳。针对这一结论我们结合临床文献,对胃肠减压时胃管留置长度进行探讨。  相似文献   

Gastric emptying in small laboratory animals is a useful parameter to assess gastrointestinal motility for physiologic, pharmacologic, or other research purposes. In mice, phenol red recovery is considered the gold standard for determination of gastric emptying. However, this method requires sacrifice of the animal and yields data of gastric emptying at only 1 time point. Gastric-emptying scintigraphy, the gold standard technique in humans, allows sequential and serial measurements in the same subject. In this study, we developed and validated a novel method of gastric-emptying scintigraphy applied in mice, by comparing it with phenol red photospectrometry. METHODS: A dedicated animal pinhole gamma camera was equipped with a specially designed mouse application device. Gastric emptying was measured in unanesthetized mice using pinhole scintigraphy. First, gastric emptying determined with scintigraphy was compared with gastric phenol red recovery simultaneously within the same population. Subsequently, normal values for gastric emptying of solids and liquids in mice were established, and finally, the effects of handling stress and the late effects of frequently used anesthetics or sedatives on gastric emptying were assessed by scintigraphy. RESULTS: Gastric emptying of liquids measured by pinhole scintigraphy did not significantly differ from that measured by phenol red recovery. For the same information, 80% fewer animals were needed for the scintigraphic method. More stress-related delay in gastric emptying was induced by multiple handling of the mice, compared with the less frequent handling that was associated with taking measurements every 10 min or more (P < 0.05). The mean half-emptying time for solids measured by scintigraphy was significantly slower than that for liquid emptying (P < 0.01). Previous anesthesia did not significantly affect gastric emptying 6 h after induction. CONCLUSION: Dedicated small-animal pinhole gastric-emptying scintigraphy is a reliable tool to investigate gastrointestinal motility in mice, significantly reducing the number of laboratory animals needed for statistical power in trials. The technique enables sequential and serial measurement within 1 subject and is thus useful for follow-up investigations, which can be performed even after invasive procedures that require anesthesia.  相似文献   

The effect of mildly and strongly hypertonic solutions on intestinal tone and motility was tested with aqueous contrast solutions and with mannitol as a control in 15 dogs. These experiments were repeated in animals premedicated with atropine sulfate and/or methysergide maleate. Intestinal motility was recorded on serial x-ray films. Tone and motility were estimated by variations of intestinal caliber and rate of transit of contrast solution, respectively. The results obtained contradict the currently accepted mechanism of action of iodinated contrast media on the intestinal tract, which assumes that the effect is osmotic like that of a saline laxative. Solutions of different osmolarity produce hyperperistalsis of the same magnitude. This effect begins rapidly after the onset of gastric emptying and much sooner than a significant osmotic fluid shift occurs. Atropine sulfate and methysergide maleate (serotonin blocker), when given individually, are incapable of completely inhibiting hyperperistalsis induced by hypertonic solutions. However, when these agents are given in combination, motility is completely inhibited. The evidence supports a serotonin role in the hyperperistalsis induced by hypertonic solutions, partly by direct action of serotonin on the smooth muscle cells and partly by indirect action on the intramural cholinergic ganglion cells. This concept offers a possible means of eliminating one of the adverse effects of aqueous contrast media on the gastrointestinal tract.  相似文献   

目的:评价自制不透X线标志物的临床应用价值,并确定正常人胃排空及胃肠道通过时间的正常值。方法:采用X线法对60例健康志愿者餐后1 h、2 h3、h的胃排空及24 h4、8 h肠道标志物排出情况进行观察。结果:正常人标准餐后3 h胃排空率为41.1±30.0%,24 h和48 h肠道标志物排出率分别为73.5±29.8%、99.0±20.9%。结论:自制的标志物具有良好的屏蔽功能;X线法胃排空及胃肠通过时间测定方法简单实用,值得临床推广。  相似文献   

An investigation was performed to establish the usefulness of 111In-labelled polymer beads mixed into a standard meal as a tracer of gastrointestinal(GI)-motility changes due to the influence of various drugs. The labelled polymer beads were well mixed into the food, which was then fed to healthy beagle dogs undergoing drug therapy. GI motility was monitored using a gamma camera and data processor. The results were compared to those obtained from corresponding placebo studies on the same dogs. A significant acceleration of gastric emptying and colon transit was noted under the influence of a gastric and intestinal prokinetic coded R51619. No influence on GI motility could, however, be detected after the administration of a calcium-blocking agent to the dogs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether gastric scintigraphy with quantitative analysis of gastric peristalsis may be a useful tool for documenting the effects of prokinetic therapy. METHODS: Gastric emptying was determined in eight patients with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) and nine patients with progressive systemic sclerosis (PSS) after ingestion of a semi-solid test meal. Fourier analysis of condensed images was used to evaluate contraction amplitudes of the entire stomach, as well as frequency and velocity of gastric contractions. Patients were studied twice, first under baseline conditions and then after 4 weeks of continuous oral prokinetic therapy with cisapride (10 mg t.i.d.). Findings were compared with data derived from 15 healthy controls. RESULTS: At baseline conditions IDDM and PSS patients exhibited reduced gastric peristalsis and delayed emptying compared to controls. After 4 weeks of prokinetic treatment, gastric contraction amplitudes increased significantly, especially in the gastric corpus and the proximal stomach, associated with a slight improvement of gastric emptying. Changes in frequency and velocity of gastric contractions during prokinetic treatment correlated with the improvement of gastric motility and emptying. CONCLUSIONS: Prokinetic therapy with cisapride stimulates gastric motility, and could be non-invasively monitored by scintigraphy. This radionuclide technique provides a number of relevant parameters of gastric function, such as gastric emptying, contraction amplitudes, frequency and velocity of gastric contractions, which give crucial insights into the mechanisms of action of prokinetic drugs.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To assess gallbladder contraction, gastric emptying, and antral motility in untreated celiac patients and healthy controls using a single MRI examination. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Gallbladder emptying, gastric emptying, and antral motility were measured in 15 celiac patients and 15 age/sex-matched healthy controls following a 323-kcal test meal using EPI techniques. Postprandial dyspepsia scores were recorded on a questionnaire. RESULTS: Fasting gallbladder volume (P=0.01) and the volume of bile ejected postprandially (P=0.014) were increased in celiacs. Gastric emptying tended to be slower in celiacs (P=0.142). Three celiac patients with severe postprandial dyspepsia and total villous atrophy had pathologically delayed gastric emptying and increased fasting gallbladder volume. Antral contractions were absent in five out of 14 patients (36%) five minutes after the meal, but in none of 10 volunteers in whom the antrum could be visualized (P=0.128). CONCLUSION: This study shows that using MRI, multiple parameters related to upper gastrointestinal function in celiac disease can be measured in a single noninvasive study, whereas previously three separate visits would have been required. Celiacs have increased fasting gallbladder volumes and tend to have slower gastric emptying.  相似文献   

用实时超声研究儿童功能性消化不良症胃运动功能   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:通过对胃液体排空功能的测定,以探讨实时超声在胃动力学方面的应用价值及其可行性。材料与方法:利用实时超声测定145例功能性消化不良儿童及42例健康儿童胃容积变化及胃底体交界处前后壁内径变化。结果:观察组两种方法测定的胃液体排空时间均较对照组明显延长,二组间有显著差异,胃排空时间呈正相关。结论:儿童功能性消化不良与胃动力障碍有关。  相似文献   

目的 应用口服胃肠超声造影结合灰阶超声及彩色多普勒超声评估尿毒症患者胃十二指肠动力及胃壁形态的改变.资料与方法 35例经临床诊断为尿毒症但未接受透析治疗的患者作为尿毒症组,同时选取31名健康志愿者作为对照组,通过口服胃肠超声造影结合灰阶超声及彩色多普勒超声检测各项胃肠动力学的超声评估参数及胃壁形态.结果 尿毒症组胃窦收缩频率、胃窦动力指数(MI)及胃排空率(GER)低于对照组(P<0.05),胃排空时间(ET)较对照组长(P<0.05),十二指肠胃窦反流(DGR)率高于对照组(P<0 05);尿毒症组胃窦胃壁厚度大于对照组(P<0.05),其中19例胃壁层次模糊,其胃壁层次清晰性显著低于对照组(P<0.05);餐后20min MI与ET呈负相关(r=-0.061,P<0.05),GER与年龄、ET均无相关性(P>0.05).结论 口服造影超声检查是一项简便、非侵入性、可重复进行的实时评估尿毒症患者胃动力改变及胃壁形态改变的方法,并可同时检测十二指肠胃窦反流的发生.  相似文献   

An investigation was performed to establish the usefulness of 111In-labelled polymer beads mixed into a standard meal as a tracer of gatrointestinal(GI)-motility changes due to the influence of various drugs. The labelled polymer beads were well mixed into the food, which was then fed to healthy beagle dogs undergoing drug therapy. GI motility was monitored using a gamma camera and data processor. The results were compared to those obtained from corresponding placebo studies on the same dogs. A significant acceleration of gastric emptying and colon transit was noted under the influence of a gastric and intestinal prokinetic coded R 51619. No influence on GI motility could, however, be detected after the administration of a calcium-blocking agent to the dogs.  相似文献   

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