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《Applied Geochemistry》1999,14(3):395-407
An ultrafiltration procedure has been developed to study the interaction between organic C and Hg species in natural waters, and a pilot study was conducted in the surface waters of the Florida Everglades. Compared to total Hg, CH3Hg shows different distribution patterns in the suspended particulate, colloidal, and truly dissolved phases. Colloidal forms (0.22 μm, 3 kDa) contain the majority of the total dissolved Hg, while the amount found in the truly dissolved fraction (<3 kDa) is small (about 10%). However, CH3Hg, which shows strong binding capability with low molecular-weight dissolved organic C, is present almost entirely in the lower molecular-weight fraction of the colloids and in the truly dissolved fraction. Quantitative CH3Hg data correlate well with those for dissolved organic C, an indication that the organic matter present in the system plays an important role in the fate and transport of organomercury. Distribution coefficients between water and the different-sized fractions of the dissolved organic C were determined for both total Hg and CH3Hg. Results for total Hg were in general agreement with other reports resulting from studies of molecular size distributions of total Hg in freshwater systems. This is, to the best of our knowledge, the first report of such distribution profiles for CH3Hg between different-sized fractions of dissolved organic C in natural waters.  相似文献   

Composition of dissolved organic matter in groundwater   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Groundwater constitutes a globally important source of freshwater for drinking water and other agricultural and industrial purposes, and is a prominent source of freshwater flowing into the coastal ocean. Therefore, understanding the chemical components of groundwater is relevant to both coastal and inland communities. We used electrospray ionization coupled with Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (ESI FT-ICR MS) to examine dissolved organic compounds in groundwater prior to and after passage through a sediment-filled column containing microorganisms. The data revealed that an unexpectedly high proportion of organic compounds contained nitrogen and sulfur, possibly due to transport of surface waters from septic systems and rain events. We matched 292 chemical features, based on measured mass:charge (m/z) values, to compounds stored in the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG). A subset of these compounds (88) had only one structural isomer in KEGG, thus supporting tentative identification. Most identified elemental formulas were linked with metabolic pathways that produce polyketides or with secondary metabolites produced by plants. The presence of polyketides in groundwater is notable because of their anti-bacterial and anti-cancer properties. However, their relative abundance must be quantified with appropriate analyses to assess any implications for public health.  相似文献   

The integration of the statistical approaches and GIS tools with the hydrogeological and geological contexts allowed the assessment of the processes that cause groundwater quality deterioration in the great important deltaic aquifer in the northeastern Tunisia (Medjerda Lower Valley Aquifer). The spatial variation of the groundwater parameters and the molar ratio (Cl?/Br?) were also used to determine the possible impacts from seawater intrusion and from the septic tank leachate. Sixty shallow groundwater samples were collected in 2014 and analyzed for major and trace ions over an area of about 1090 km2 to determine the suitability for drinking or agricultural purposes. The total dissolved solids (TDS) content ranges from 1005 to 19,254 mgl?1 with a mean value of 3477.18 mgl?1. The chemistry is dominated by the sodium–chloride waters (55%). Mapping of TDS, Cl?, Na+, SO42? and NO3? using kriging method shows a clear increase in salinity toward the coastline accompanied by Na+ and Cl? increase which may be related to seawater intrusion and halite dissolution. Locally, higher nitrate concentration is related to the agricultural activities inducing contribution of chemical fertilizers and irrigation with treated wastewater. The saturation indices indicate that all carbonate minerals tend to reach saturation equilibrium confirming water–rock interactions, while evaporitic minerals are still in sub-saturation state and may increase the salinity of the groundwater. The principal component analysis proves the occurrence of groundwater contamination principally by seawater intrusion in the factor I (74.15%) and secondary by an anthropogenic source in the factor II (10.35%).  相似文献   

Estimates of water quality variables such as chlorophylla concentration (Chl), colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM), or salinity from satellite sensors are of great interest to resource managers monitoring coastal regions such as the Florida Bay and the Florida Shelf. However, accurate estimates of these variables using standard ocean color algorithms have been difficult due to the complex nature of the light field in these environments. In this study, we process SeaWiFS satellite data using two recently developed algorithms; one for atmospheric correction and the other a semianalytic bio-optical algorithm and compare the results with standard SeaWiFS algorithms. Overall, the two algorithms produced more realistic estimates of Chl and CDOM distributions in Florida Shelf and Bay waters. Estimates of surface salinity were obtained from the CDOM absorption field assuming a conservative mixing behavior of these waters. A comparison of SeaWiFS-derived Chl and CDOM absorption with field measurements in the Florida Bay indicated that although well correlated, CDOM was underestimated, while Chl was overestimated. Bottom reflectance appeared to affect these estimates at the shallow central Bay stations during the winter. These results demonstrate the need for new bio-optical algorithms or tuning of the parameters used in the bio-optical algorithm for local conditions encountered in the Bay.  相似文献   

系统评述了水体中溶解有机物的特性及测量方法。介绍了水体中溶解有机物的研究概况,指出了开展水体中溶解有机物定量监测的必要性;详述了水体中溶解有机物的激光诱导荧光测量方法、对水体中有机物荧光光谱进行分析的特征光谱荧光标记技术和荧光强度归一化处理技术,以及利用激光诱导荧光方法测量水体中溶解有机物浓度的标定方法;综述了多种因素对利用激光诱导荧光方法测量的影响。  相似文献   

Southern Bangladesh’s irrigation and drinking water is threatened by saline intrusion. This study aimed to establish an irrigation water quality index (IWQI) using a geostatistical model and multivariate indices in Gopalganj district, south-central Bangladesh. Groundwater samples were taken randomly (different depths) in two seasons (wet-monsoon and dry-monsoon). Hydrochemical analysis revealed groundwater in this area was neutral to slightly alkaline and dominating cations were Na+, Mg2+, and Ca2+ along with major anions Cl? and HCO3 ?. Principal component analysis and Gibbs plot helped explain possible geochemical processes in the aquifer. The irrigation water evaluation indices showed: electrical conductivity (EC) >750 µS/cm, moderate to extreme saline; sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), excellent to doubtful; total hardness (TH), moderate to very hard; residual sodium bicarbonate, safe to marginal; Kelly’s ratio >1; soluble sodium percentage (SSP), fair to poor; magnesium adsorption ratio, harmful for soil; and IWQI, moderate to suitable. In addition, the best fitted semivariogram for IWQI, EC, SAR, SSP, and TH confirmed that most parameters had strong spatial dependence and others had moderate to weak spatial dependence. This variation might be due to the different origin/sources of major contributing ions along with the influence of variable river flow and small anthropogenic contributions. Furthermore, the spatial distribution maps for IWQI, EC, SSP, and TH during both seasons confirmed the influence of salinity from the sea; low-flow in the major river system was the driving factor of overall groundwater quality in the study area. These findings may contribute to management of irrigation and/or drinking water in regions with similar groundwater problems.  相似文献   

Concentrations of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and ultraviolet/visible light absorbance decrease systematically as groundwater moves through the unsaturated zones overlying aquifers and along flowpaths within aquifers. These changes occur over distances of tens of meters (m) implying rapid removal kinetics of the chromophoric DOM that imparts color to groundwater. A one-compartment input-output model was used to derive a differential equation describing the removal of DOM from the dissolved phase due to the combined effects of biodegradation and sorption. The general solution to the equation was parameterized using a 2-year record of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration changes in groundwater at a long-term observation well. Estimated rates of DOC loss were rapid and ranged from 0.093 to 0.21 micromoles per liter per day (μM d?1), and rate constants for DOC removal ranged from 0.0021 to 0.011 per day (d?1). Applying these removal rate constants to an advective-dispersion model illustrates substantial depletion of DOC over flow-path distances of 200 m or less and in timeframes of 2 years or less. These results explain the low to moderate DOC concentrations (20–75 μM; 0.26–1 mg L?1) and ultraviolet absorption coefficient values (a 254?<?5 m?1) observed in groundwater produced from 59 wells tapping eight different aquifer systems of the United States. The nearly uniform optical clarity of groundwater, therefore, results from similarly rapid DOM-removal kinetics exhibited by geologically and hydrologically dissimilar aquifers.  相似文献   

Water samples from Narragansett Bay and the Providence River, and fulvic acid/ saline water solutions were examined for their ability to solubilize n-alkane (n-C16 and n-C20), isoprenoid (pristane) and aromatic (phenanthrene and anthracene) hydrocarbons and dibutyl phthalate. Removal of the dissolved organic matter (D.O.M.) from the natural samples by activated charcoal and by ultra-violet oxidation resulted in a 50–99 per cent decrease in the amounts of n-alkanes and isoprenoid hydrocarbons solubilized. This decrease was directly related to the amount of D.O.M. removed. The solubilities of the aromatic hydrocarbons were unaffected by the D.O.M. Fulvic acid from a marine sediment, surface active organic material isolated at a chloroform/sea water interface, organic material extracted from a marine sediment by sea water, and organic matter contributed by a municipal sewage effluent, promote n-alkane solubility when added to NaCl solutions and re-enhance solubility when added to organic depleted sea water. The solubility of No. 2 fuel oil increased 2.5 times in the presence of fulvic acid (3.7 mg C/l.) with most of the increase seen in the alkane and isoprenoid components.N-Alkane solubility increases in fulvic acid/saline water solutions with increasing pH and reaches a maximum with respect to ionic strength at I = 0.3. There is evidence to suggest that the mode of solubilization of the hydrocarbons is by incorporation into micelles formed by intermolecular association of the surface active humic-type monomers. The presence of ionic species is a prerequisite for micelle formation.  相似文献   

The fluorescence properties of groundwaters from sites in two UK aquifers, the Penrith Sandstone of Cumbria and the Sherwood Sandstone of South Yorkshire, were investigated using excitation–emission matrix (EEM) fluorescence spectroscopy. Both aquifers are regionally important sources of public supply water and are locally impacted by pollution. The Penrith Sandstone site is in a rural setting while the Sherwood Sandstone site is in suburban Doncaster. Fluorescence analysis of samples from discrete sample depths in the Penrith Sandstone shows decreasing fulvic-like intensities with depth and also shows a good correlation with CFC-12, an anthropogenic groundwater tracer. Tryptophan-like fluorescence centres in the depth profile may also provide evidence of rapid routing of relatively recent applications of organic slurry along fractures. Fluorescence analysis of groundwater sampled from multi-level piezometers installed within the Sherwood Sandstone aquifer also shows regions of tryptophan-like and relatively higher fulvic-like signatures. The fluorescence intensity profile in the piezometers shows tryptophan-like peaks at depths in excess of 50 m and mirrors the pattern exhibited by microbial species and CFCs highlighting the deep and rapid penetration of modern recharge due to rapid fracture flow. Fluorescence analysis has allowed the rapid assessment of different types and relative abundances of dissolved organic matter (DOM), and the fingerprinting of different sources of organic C within the groundwater system. The tryptophan:fulvic ratios found in the Penrith Sandstone were found to be between 0.5 and 3.0 and are characteristic of ratios from sheep waste sources. The Sherwood Sandstone has the lowest ratios (0.2–0.4) indicating a different source of DOM, most likely a mixture of terrestrial and microbial sources, although there is little evidence of pollution from leaking urban sewage systems. Results from these two studies suggest that intrinsic fluorescence may be used as a proxy for, or complementary tool to, other groundwater investigation methods in helping provide a conceptual model of groundwater flow and identifying different sources of DOM within the groundwater system.  相似文献   

肖琼  赵海娟  章程  贺秋芳  吴夏 《第四纪研究》2020,40(4):1058-1069

岩溶作用所产生的岩溶碳汇对全球碳循环有着重要的影响。岩溶水生生物通过CO2富集机制(CCM)固定岩溶水中的HCO3-,将其转化为有机碳。惰性有机碳(RDOC)为水生生物和微生物不能利用和降解的溶解性有机碳。RDOC长时间滞留水体,形成稳定碳汇。多次培养实验发现可以用原位微生物法对岩溶区地表水中的RDOC进行检测。以桂林漓江为对象,研究由外源水补给并流经岩溶峰林平原区的岩溶地表水中的RDOC及其相关因子,结果显示:1)漓江水中Ca2+,HCO3-浓度从上游到下游逐渐升高,表明外源水进入岩溶区,发生了岩溶作用。漓江水的C/N为6.29~10.50,表明水中有机碳的来源为外源水和水生生物作用。受岩溶作用和水生生物光合作用双重影响,δ13C-DIC值从上游到下游逐渐偏正,水生生物优先利用无机碳中的12C使得δ13C-POC从上游到下游逐渐偏负。C/N与δ13C-DIC、δ13C-POC的变化以及相关性体现了岩溶地表水体中无机环境和有机环境相关联;2)岩溶区地表水中检测出RDOC且浓度远大于非岩溶区,RDOC浓度的时空变化与水生生物利用岩溶作用所产生的HCO3-有关。漓江地表水中DOC、BDOC、RDOC浓度与HCO3-浓度变化趋势一致,从上游到下游逐渐升高,下游L6(岩溶区)RDOC浓度为上游L1(非岩溶区)的3倍,在季节上表现出秋季>冬季>夏季>春季,RDOC的含量平均占水体中DOC含量的78%左右,体现了岩溶作用强度和水生生物活动对岩溶地表水中RDOC的影响;3)结合流量数据计算RDOC通量:桂林水文站RDOC的通量为0.75×107 kg/a,阳朔水文站的RDOC通量为1.3×107 kg/a,是桂林水文站断面的1.7倍。


The contribution of terrigenous organic matter (TOM) to high molecular weight dissolved and particulate organic matter (POM) was examined along the salinity gradient of the Delaware Estuary. Dissolved organic matter (DOM) was fractionated by ultrafiltration into 1–30 kDa (HDOM) and 30 kDa–0.2 μm (VHDOM) nominal molecular weight fractions. Thermochemolysis with tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH) was used to release and quantify lipids and lignin phenols. Stable carbon isotopes, fatty acids and lignin content indicated shifts in sources with terrigenous material in the river and turbid region and a predominantly algal/planktonic signal in the lower estuary and coastal ocean. Thermochemolysis with TMAH released significant amounts of short chain fatty acids (C9–C13), not seen by traditional alkaline hydrolysis, which appear to be associated with the macromolecular matrix. Lignin phenol distributions in HDOM, VHDOM and particles followed predicted sources with higher concentrations in the river and turbid region of the estuary and lower concentrations in the coastal ocean. TOM comprised 12% of HDOM within the coastal ocean and up to 73% of HDOM within the turbid region of the estuary. In the coastal ocean, TOM from high molecular weight DOM comprised 4% of total DOC. The annual flux of TOM from the Delaware Estuary to the coastal ocean was estimated at 2.0×1010 g OC year−1 and suggests that temperate estuaries such as Delaware Bay can be significant sources of TOM on a regional scale.  相似文献   

Natural organic matter is readily adsorbed by alumina and kaolinite in the pH range of natural waters. Adsorption occurs by complex formation between surface hydroxyls and the acidic functional groups of the organic matter. Oxides with relatively acidic surface hydroxyls, e.g. silica, do not react strongly with the organic matter. Under conditions typical for natural waters, almost complete surface coverage by adsorbed organic matter may be expected for alumina, hydrous iron oxides and the edge sites of aluminosilicates. Potentiometric titration and electrophoresis indicate that most of the acidic functional groups of the adsorbed organic matter are neutralized by protons from solution. The organic coating is expected to have a great influence on subsequent adsorption of inorganic cations and anions.  相似文献   

Fluorescence characterization of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and measurements of Cr-reducible sulfide (CRS) are presented for 72 coastal marine and estuarine water samples obtained from the USA and Canada. Each sample is identified according to source: terrigenous, autochthonous, wastewater or mixed. Fluorescence data are resolved into contributions from humic, fulvic, tyrosine and tryptophan-like fluorophores. Humic and fulvic-like fluorophores correlate well with dissolved organic C (DOC) (r2 = 0.73 and 0.71, respectively) but tyrosine and tryptophan-like fluorophores show no correlation with DOC. Quality factors are identified by normalization of fluorescence contributions to DOC. Humic and fulvic components show no statistical differences between sources but the amino acid-like fluorescence quality factors show significant variations between source, with highest values for autochthonous sources (0.07 ± 0.01 arbitrary fluorescence units per mg of C) versus low values (0.015 ± 0.005) for terrigenous source waters. CRS concentrations are highly variable from 0.07 ± 0.01 to 7703 ± 98 nM and do no correlate with DOC except when terrigenous source waters (n = 13) are separated out from the total sample set (r2 = 0.55). There is an open question in the literature; does DOC source matter in terms of protective effects towards metal toxicity? Here is shown that DOC molecular-level quality does vary and that this variation is mostly in terms of the contributions of amino acids to total fluorescence.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is composed of a diverse array of compounds, predominantly humic substances, and is a near ubiquitous component of natural groundwater, notwithstanding climatic extremes such as arid and hyper-arid settings. Despite being a frequently measured parameter of groundwater quality, the complexity of DOC composition and reaction behaviour means that links between concentration and human health risk are difficult to quantify and few examples are reported in the literature. Measured concentrations from natural/unpolluted groundwater are typically below 4 mg C/l, whilst concentrations above these levels generally indicate anthropogenic influences and/or contamination issues and can potentially compromise water safety. Treatment processes are effective at reducing DOC concentrations, but refractory humic substance reaction with chlorine during the disinfection process produces suspected carcinogenic disinfectant by-products (DBPs). However, despite engineered artificial recharge systems being commonly used to remove DOC from recycled treated wastewaters, little research has been conducted on the presence of DBPs in potable groundwater systems. In recent years, the capacity to measure the influence of organic matter on colloidal contaminants and its influence on the mobility of pathogenic microorganisms has aided understanding of transport processes in aquifers. Additionally, advances in polymerase chain reaction techniques used for the detection, identification, and quantification of waterborne pathogens, provide a method to confidently investigate the behaviour of DOC and its effect on contaminant transfer in aquifers. This paper provides a summary of DOC occurrence in groundwater bodies and associated issues capable of indirectly affecting human health.  相似文献   

洱海沉积物间隙水中溶解有机质的地球化学特性   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
对洱海沉积物间隙水中溶解有机质(DOM)含量、紫外可见吸收、荧光以及分子量等的垂直分布特征进行了研究。结果表明,DOC含量在沉积物水界面明显富集,随后急剧下降,6cm处达到最小值,随后呈上升趋势。DOC与吸光度值、荧光发射光谱强度之间具有一定的线性相关关系。DOM的E3/E4值范围在1~6之间,绝大多数在1~35之间。表征DOM中腐殖质来源的指标荧光指数值处于148~159之间,说明DOM以陆源输入为主。此外,洱海沉积物间隙水DOM分子量分布呈多峰分布模式,重均分子量(Mw)值在1462~1953Da之间,数均分子量(Mn)值在547~900Da之间,多分散性系数ρ值在202~305之间。随着沉积深度增大,Mw和Mn有略微的增大趋势,但变化不大。沉积物的氧化还原条件、微生物活动以及铁、锰氧化物等在沉积剖面的差异是控制间隙水中DOM各种地球化学特性的主要因素。  相似文献   

Dissolved organic matter (DOM) in sediment pore water is a complex molecular mixture reflecting various sources and biogeochemical processes. In order to constrain those sources and processes, molecular variations of pore water DOM in surface sediments from the NW Iberian shelf were analyzed by ultrahigh-resolution Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR-MS) and compared to river and marine water column DOM. Weighted average molecular element ratios of oxygen to carbon ((O/C)wa) and hydrogen to carbon ((H/C)wa) provided general information about DOM sources. DOM in local rivers was more oxygenated ((O/C)wa 0.52) and contained less hydrogen ((H/C)wa 1.15) than marine pore water DOM (mean (O/C)wa 0.50, mean (H/C)wa 1.26). The relative abundance of specific compound groups, such as highly oxygenated aromatic compounds or nitrogen-bearing compounds with low H/C ratios, correspond to a high concentration of lignin phenols (160 μg/g sediment dry weight) and a high TOC/TN ratio (13.3) in the sedimentary organic matter and were therefore assigned to terrestrial sources. The lower degree of unsaturation and a higher relative abundance of nitrogen-bearing compounds in the pore water DOM reflected microbial activity within the sediment. One sampling site on the shelf with a high sediment accumulation, and a humic-rich river sample showed a wide range of sulfur compounds in the DOM, accompanied by a higher abundance of lipid biomarkers for sulfate-reducing bacteria, probably indicating early diagenetic sulfurization of organic matter.  相似文献   

The δ34S values of dissolved sulfide and the sulfur isotope fractionations between dissolved sulfide and sulfate species in Floridan ground water generally correlate with dissolved sulfate concentrations which are related to flow patterns and residence time within the aquifer. The dissolved sulfide derives from the slow in situ biogenic reduction of sulfate dissolved from sedimentary gypsum in the aquifer. In areas where the water is oldest, the dissolved sulfide has apparently attained isotopic equilibrium with the dissolved sulfate (Δ34S = 65 per mil) at the temperature (28°C) of the system. This approach to equilibrium reflects an extremely slow reduction rate of the dissolved sulfate by bacteria; this slow rate probably results from very low concentrations of organic matter in the aquifer.In the reducing part of the Edwards aquifer, Texas, there is a general down-gradient increase in both dissolved sulfide and sulfate concentrations, but neither the δ34S values of sulfide nor the sulfide-sulfate isotope fractionation correlates with the ground-water flow pattern. The dissolved sulfide species appear to be derived primarily from biogenic reduction of sulfate ions whose source is gypsum dissolution although upgradient diffusion of H2S gas from deeper oil field brines may be important in places. The sulfur isotope fractionation for sulfide-sulfate (about 38 per mil) is similar to that observed for modern oceanic sediments and probably reflects moderate sulfate reduction in the reducing part of the aquifer owing to the higher temperature and significant amount of organic matter present; contributions of isotopically heavy H2S from oil field brines are also possible.  相似文献   

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