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The interactions between climatic and volcanic forcing on diatom communities contained in a 50,000-year sedimentary sequence from Lake Massoko, Tanzania, were examined. At the century scale, 19 discrete tephra inputs to the lake isolated the sedimentary nutrient supply and shifted the diatom communities to those tolerant of low phosphorus levels, whereas at the millennial scale, diatom-inferred shifts in precipitation–evaporation based on conductivity optima and diatom life-form ratios were broadly similar to lake-level reconstructions from Lake Rukwa, Lake Malawi, and others in the region. Some fluctuations of Lake Massoko are consistent with the precession-driven changes in insolation, but the major climate shifts do not relate directly to orbital forcing of summer insolation south of the equator and show more consistency with records from the equatorial and northern tropics that receive rainfall from the passing of the intertropical convergence zone. Sea surface temperatures are strongly correlated to multimillennial-scale climate patterns over this region of Africa.  相似文献   

A 136-m-long drill core of sediments was recovered from tropical high-altitude Lake Titicaca, Bolivia-Peru, enabling a reconstruction of past climate that spans four cycles of regional glacial advance and retreat and that is estimated to extend continuously over the last 370,000 yr. Within the errors of the age model, the periods of regional glacial advance and retreat are concordant respectively with global glacial and interglacial stages. Periods of ice advance in the southern tropical Andes generally were periods of positive water balance, as evidenced by deeper and fresher conditions in Lake Titicaca. Conversely, reduced glaciation occurred during periods of negative water balance and shallow closed-basin conditions in the lake. The apparent coincidence of positive water balance of Lake Titicaca and glacial growth in the adjacent Andes with Northern Hemisphere ice sheet expansion implies that regional water balance and glacial mass balance are strongly influenced by global-scale temperature changes, as well as by precessional forcing of the South American summer monsoon.  相似文献   


季风气候是影响地区古环境变化的主要因素。文章通过程海长556cm岩芯的沉积摇蚊亚化石、粒度、TOC、TN和TOC/TN记录,探讨了季风气候影响下程海地区约7660cal.a B.P.以来的降水变化情况。结果表明,沉积物中摇蚊属种以Procladius Skuse、Chironomus plumosus、Tanytarsus mendaxMicrochironomus tener为主。约7660~2800cal.a B.P.时期流域受印度季风影响强烈,气候暖湿、降水量大,湖泊生产力水平较高;约2800cal.a B.P.以来程海流域降水量逐渐减少,湖泊生产力水平降低。Procladius Skuse与T.mendax的组合关系反映了程海在约6850~6500cal.a B.P.、约5500~5000cal.a B.P.、约4150~3700cal.a B.P.、约2800~2300cal.a B.P.和约1400~1100cal.a B.P.这5个时期由于印度季风减弱,发生了短暂性的干旱事件,研究表明季风因素驱动下的程海摇蚊亚化石组合主要受流域降水侵蚀因素的影响。


High-resolution physical analyses (varve thickness and relative X-ray density) were conducted on a 3000-year varved sediment sequence in Lake Korttajarvi, central Finland. Climate and the local environment strongly influence the properties of the lake sediments, and, through a combination of physical proxies, severe and favourable climate periods and anthropogenic effects on sedimentation with an annual to decadal resolution could be detected. We observed previously identified historical climate periods in the Lake Korttajarvi varve record. The Medieval Climate Anomaly (often termed the Medieval Warm Period) of AD 980–1250, which is characterized by highly organic sediment and a minor minerogenic flux during mild winters, started and terminated abruptly, but also included a short (30-year) colder period lasting between AD 1115 and AD 1145. The Little Ice Age, however, was not clear in our record, although there were two minor cooling periods in AD 1580–1630 and AD 1650–1710. Natural variability in the sediment record was disrupted by increased human impact in the catchment area at AD 1720. There is a distinct positive anomaly in mineral matter accumulation between 907 and 875 BC, which indicates more severe climate conditions. This period exists contemporary with a cold event, recorded worldwide, c. 2800 years ago.  相似文献   

We present a varve thickness chronology from glacier-dammed Iceberg Lake in the southern Alaska icefields. Radiogenic evidence confirms that laminations are annual and record continuous sediment deposition from A.D. 442 to A.D. 1998. Varve thickness is positively correlated with Northern Hemisphere temperature trends, and more strongly with a local, ∼600 yr long tree ring width chronology. Varve thickness increases in warm summers because of higher melt, runoff, and sediment transport (as expected), but also because shrinkage of the glacier dam allows shoreline regression that concentrates sediment in the smaller lake. Varve thickness provides a sensitive record of relative changes in warm season temperatures. Relative to the entire record, temperatures implied by this chronology were lowest around A.D. 600, warm between A.D. 1000 and A.D. 1300, cooler between A.D. 1500 and A.D. 1850, and have increased dramatically since then. Combined with stratigraphic evidence that contemporary jökulhlaups (which began in 1999) are unprecedented since at least A.D. 442, this record suggests that 20th century warming is more intense, and accompanied by more extensive glacier retreat, than the Medieval Warm Period or any other time in the last 1500 yr.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地地处西北干旱区、青藏高原和东部季风区三大自然区域交汇地带,生态环境极其脆弱,是开展古气候研究的理想场所。本次以青藏高原柴达木盆地湖泊沉积物为研究对象,利用先进的前处理方法和气相色谱-质谱联用技术(GC-MS),探讨该区长链烯酮和中位酮的分布特征及指示意义。研究表明,青海湖、尕海湖、托素湖和可鲁克湖的湖泊表层沉积物中均含有长链烯酮系列化合物,并显示出C37优势模式。其中,尕海湖、托素湖和可鲁克湖具有相近的烯酮比值(C37/C38),暗示这3个湖泊可能具有相同的烯酮母源藻。而柴达木盆地湖泊中C37四不饱和烯酮含量(% C37:4指标)与盐度呈正相关关系,这与青海湖和已发表的结论相矛盾,可能是由于湖泊中藻类群落结构的差异性而导致的。在可鲁克湖湖边湿地钻取了520cm的沉积物岩芯,将岩芯的烯酮数据与可鲁克湖和青海湖已发表的烯酮记录进行对比,发现存在一定的差异性,可能与采样的位置、烯酮母源藻物种效应和柴达木盆地湖泊的特殊自然条件有关。特别的是,本次研究在湖泊表层沉积物和沉积物钻孔中均检测出长链中位酮系列化合物(C31-16-one、C33-17-one和C35-18-one),且其表现为随着碳数增加,化合物丰度明显减小的变化趋势,即C31>C33>C35。通过与正构烷烃参数进行对比,发现C31-16-one可能来源于沉水植物,而C33-17-one和C35-18-one可能来源于高等植物贡献。在"8.2ka"和"4.2ka"冷事件中,C31-16-one的含量显著减小,而C33-17-one和C35-18-one增加,暗示中位酮系列化合物可能是指示古气候环境变化的潜在指标。  相似文献   

A decadal-scale multiproxy record of minerals, pollen, and charcoal from Kettle Lake, North Dakota provides a high-resolution record of climate and vegetation change spanning the entire Holocene from the northern Great Plains (NGP) in North America. The chronology is established by over 50 AMS radiocarbon dates. This record exhibits millennial-scale trends evident in other lower-resolution studies, but with much more detail on short-term climate variability and on the rapidity and timing of major climatic shifts. As a proxy for precipitation, we utilize the rate of endogenic carbonate sedimentation, which depends on groundwater inflow, which in turn depends on precipitation. Independent cluster analyses of mineral and pollen data reveal major Holocene mode shifts at 10.73 ka (ka = cal yr BP), 9.25 ka, and 4.44 ka.The early Holocene, 11.7–9.25 ka, was generally wet, with perhaps a trend to higher evaporation associated with warming temperatures. A switch from calcite to aragonite deposition associated with a severe, but brief drought occurred at 10.73 ka. From 10.73 ka to 9.25 ka, climate was generally humid but punctuated at 100–300 yr intervals by brief droughts, including the most severe drought of the entire Holocene at 9.25 ka. This event was coeval with the 9.3–9.2 ka event in the Greenland ice cores and observed at a number of sites worldwide. In contrast, the prominent 8.2 ka event in Greenland is not remarkable at Kettle Lake. The prominence of the 9.25 event locally in the NGP may be due to a major drawdown and northward retreat of Lake Agassiz at this time, reducing its mesoclimatic effect on the NGP and thrusting the region into an insolation controlled regime.The mid-Holocene, 9.25–4.44 ka, was characterized by great variability in moisture on a multi-decadal scale, with severe droughts alternating with more humid periods. The high abundance of the weedy but drought intolerant Ambrosia generally during the mid-Holocene and specifically during the multi-decadal drought periods is seemingly paradoxical, but can be explained by high interannual variability of moisture overlaid on the multi-decadal variability.The late Holocene, 4.44 ka–present, was also characterized by multi-decadal variability in moisture, but was generally wetter than the mid-Holocene and the magnitude of variability was less. The trends in wet-dry mineral, pollen, and charcoal proxies were similar to the mid-Holocene, but late Holocene mineral-pollen assemblages are distinct from mid-Holocene. The shift to wetter climate in the late Holocene was more gradual than the abrupt shift to arid conditions 9.25 ka, which may explain the asymmetric retreat and readvance of forest along the eastern margin of the NGP.Precipitation variations in the NGP have been linked with Pacific and Atlantic sea-surface temperatures, and mid-Holocene drought in the NGP has been linked with sustained La Niña-like conditions in the Pacific. These linkages may explain the decadal- and millennial-scale variations seen in the NGP, but cause of the prominent century-scale variations remains elusive.  相似文献   

Analysis of pollen, spores, macrofossils, and lithology of an AMS 14C-dated core from a subarctic fen on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska reveals changes in vegetation and climate beginning 14,200 cal yr BP. Betula expansion and contraction of herb tundra vegetation characterize the Younger Dryas on the Kenai, suggesting increased winter snowfall concurrent with cool, sunny summers. Remarkable Polypodiaceae (fern) abundance between 11,500 and 8500 cal yr BP implies a significant change in climate. Enhanced peat preservation and the occurrence of wet meadow species suggest high moisture from 11,500 to 10,700 cal yr BP, in contrast to drier conditions in southeastern Alaska; this pattern may indicate an intensification and repositioning of the Aleutian Low (AL). Drier conditions on the Kenai Peninsula from 10,700 to 8500 cal yr BP may signify a weaker AL, but elevated fern abundance may have been sustained by high seasonality with substantial snowfall and enhanced glacial melt. Decreased insolation-induced seasonality resulted in climatic cooling after 8500 cal yr BP, with increased humidity from 8000 to 5000 cal yr BP. A dry interval punctuated by volcanic activity occurred between 5000 and 3500 cal yr BP, followed by cool, moist climate, coincident with Neoglaciation. Tsuga mertensiana expanded after ~ 1500 cal yr BP in response to the shift to cooler conditions.  相似文献   

A tephra record is presented for a sediment core from Llyn Llech Owain, south Wales, spanning the early- to mid-Holocene. Seven cryptotephra deposits are discovered with three thought to correlate with known eruptions and the remaining four considered to represent previously undocumented events. One deposit is suggested to correlate with the ~6.9 cal ka bp Lairg A tephra from Iceland, whereas more distant sources are proposed as the origin for two of the tephra deposits. A peak of colourless shards in early-Holocene sediments is thought to tentatively correlate with the ~9.6 cal ka bp Fondi di Baia tephra (Campi Flegrei) and a second cryptotephra is tentatively correlated with the ~3.6 cal ka bp Aniakchak (CFE) II tephra (Alaska). The Fondi di Baia tephra has never been recorded beyond proximal sites and its discovery in south Wales significantly extends the geographical distribution of ash from this eruption. The remaining four cryptotephra deposits are yet to be correlated with known eruptions, demonstrating that our current understanding of widespread tephra deposits is incomplete. This new tephra record highlights the potential for sites at more southerly and westerly locations in northwest Europe to act as repositories for ash from several volcanic regions.  相似文献   

We compared the stratigraphy of sediment cores that span the last 13,000 yrs from three sites in the main basin of Lake Titicaca, Boliva/Peru as indicators of regional paleoclimate. The cores show similar patterns of change after ∼6400 calendar yrs before present (cal yr BP) but differ before that time. Site NE98-PC2, which is near the Rio Illave and its delta, shows differences in diatom species composition and in calcium carbonate concentrations relative to cores from the other two sites, particularly during times of inferred high precipitation. In contrast, the carbon isotopic stratigraphy of the three sites is relatively similar. The magnetic susceptibility data suggest that the proximity of site NE98-PC2 to the river and delta resulted in higher loads of detrital sediment prior to 6400 yr BP, whereas pelagic sources contributed most of the sediment at the other sites. These differences highlight the potential for spatial heterogeneity of sediment records in large lake systems and the importance of evaluating multiple cores for robust interpretation of paleoenvironmental history.  相似文献   

The property of sphericity is used to identify some anthropogenic particles in a Lake Michigan sediment. Three classes of products from high temperature processes, primarily fossil fuel burning, have been isolated: charcoals, iron oxides and aluminosilicates. The morphologies, structures and surface characteristics are indicative of the combustion process.  相似文献   

A sediment core 7.2 m long from Lake Mirabad, Iran, was examined for loss-on-ignition, mineralogy, oxygen-isotopic composition of authigenic calcite, and trace-element composition of ostracodes to complement earlier pollen and ostracode-assemblage studies. Pollen, ostracode-inferred lake level, and high Sr/Ca ratios indicate that the early Holocene (10000 to 6500 cal yr BP) was drier than the late Holocene. Low δ18O values during this interval are interpreted as resulting from winter-dominated precipitation, characteristic of a Mediterranean climate. Increasing δ18O values after 6500 cal yr BP signal a gradual increase in spring rains, which are present today. A severe 600-yr drought occurred at ca. 5500 cal yr BP, shortly after the transition from pistachio-almond to oak forest. During the late Holocene, two milder droughts occurred at about 1500 and 500 cal yr BP. Within the resolution of the record, no drought is evident during the collapse of the Akkadian empire (4200–3900 cal yr BP). Rather, a decrease in δ18O values to early-Holocene levels may indicate the return to a Mediterranean precipitation regime.  相似文献   

Fossil beetles from a last glacial landslide‐generated lake‐forest sequence aged 33 480–34 410 cal. yr BP (late Marine Isotope Stage 3 (MIS 3)) are identified from the Waitotara Valley in South Taranaki, North Island, New Zealand. The stratigraphy indicates that the landslide caused changes to local hydrology, resulting in the formation of a lake‐swamp environment and subsequent transition to forest. Fossil leaves suggest a forest dominated by Nothofagus menziesii, and radiocarbon ages indicate the site was forested for around 4000 yr. A fossil beetle‐based temperature estimate using the maximum likelihood envelope method indicates the climate was cooler than present day. The distributions of the fossil beetle taxa are examined and compared with the modern ecological patterns. The fossil fauna is very typical of a modern‐day Nelson (northern South Island) fauna. None of the beetle species is present in the modern South Taranaki fauna and many taxa such as Platypus caviceps, Alema paradoxa, Rhyzobius consors, Syrphetodes ater, Cyclaxyra impressa and species of Grynoma and Pycnomerus are now absent from part or all of the lower North Island. This is important because the lower North Island is currently an area of low diversity and endemism and these results suggest this biogeographical pattern stems from the last glaciation. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The abundances and distribution patterns of mono-, di- and trimethylated 2-methyl-2-(4,8,12-trimethyltridecyl) chromans (MTTCs) and long-chain alkylbenzenes in extracts of marl (66 samples), anhydrite (15) and halite (1) strata of the Salt IV Formation of the Oligocene Mulhouse Basin are reported. The distributions of the methylated MTTCs indicate salinity changes of the upper part of a density stratified water column of the basin. These variations are explained by a tectonically or climatically induced change in the supply of water of relative lower salinity to form a layer overlying the deeper water brine. Hence, it is suggested that mesohaline (3.5–15%) conditions in the surface waters were established as a result of periodic incursions of marine water and subsequent evaporation. Conversely, during periods when the surface water was derived mainly from fresh water from the hinterland, lower average salinity in the surface layer resulted. The distributions of long-chain alkylbenzenes also appear to record these changes.  相似文献   

Investigation of biogeochemistry and amino acids on a 30-m-long core from Mansar Lake has thrown light on palaeoclimate variability during the Holocene period. The C/N ratio between 6 and 10 with some deviations and δ13C mostly between −20 and −22‰ in the shallow core, as well as a C/N ratio greater than 13 reaching from 19 to 20 and correspondingly lower δ13C of –28‰ in the deeper core suggest an aquatic source of carbon in the former and a cellulose-rich land plant source in the latter. This is supported by the abrupt increase in organic carbon content in the deeper core compared to the shallow core, which indicates a hot and wet climatic regime during the early Holocene and dry and cold during the late Holocene period. The amino acid data AA-C/C% and AA-N/N% are higher in shallow sediments compared to deeper sediments, indicating an aquatic plant source in the shallow core and greater supply of land plant sources in the deeper core. The lower percentage of the non-protein amino acids β-alanine (ALA) and γ-amino-butyric acid in the shallow core compared to the deeper core indicates different sources of organic matter in the lake basin. The higher amino acid ratio Asp/β-Ala (16.99 av.) and Glu/γ-Aba (18.18 av.) in the shallow core and lower ratios (10.32 and 12.41 av.) in the deeper core, and Asp/Glu (1.52 av.) and β-Ala/γ-Aba (1.61 av.) ratios in the former, which are potential indicators of the nature of the organic matter, are higher in the shallow core relative to the deeper core (1.33 and 1.23 av.), indicating relative biodegradation of organic matter in deeper sediments. It has been observed that the organic matter associated with the dry season is relatively less biodegraded, as evidenced from their higher ratios, and is more biodegraded in the wet season as their ratios are lower in the river sediments. In the absence of a bacterial contribution of organic matter from the soil source in this lake, since Mansar Lake is a non-drainage type, it is envisaged that the climatic variation may be responsible for biodegradation in the deeper core sediments. Therefore, the C/N ratio and δ13C values supported by amino acid data, the latter being significant in revealing primary productivity and a terrestrial source of organic matter, suggest a hot and wet climatic regime during the early Holocene (ca. 7580 bp) and a dry and cold in the late Holocene period (ca. 4050 bp).  相似文献   

The Eocene rocks of southern Wyoming have provided a spectacular discovery of fossil bones and teeth. The remains of 25 titanotheres were found all together in one place less than 100 m square. Some of these horse-like mammals were young, some very old; and they were part of a herd. The geological and social evidence indicates that they perished together in a flash flood.  相似文献   

Reworking of fossils commonly leads to loss of morphological detail and inferior preservation; the main contributions of such specimens to geology are in sedimentology, regional geology and neoichnology. A reworked specimen of the Late Cretaceous (chalk) sponge boring Entobia cretacea Portlock is unusually well preserved. This specimen is from superficial deposits and is well enough preserved that delicate apertural and intercameral canals are apparent. Two factors are recognized as important in maintaining the fine features of this trace fossil: preservation in flint and, presumably, minimal fluvial transport. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Biostratigraphical and palaeoecological analyses of cores along a transect from Femer Belt to the Arkona Basin reveal that North Sea waters began to enter the western Baltic Sea between 8600 and 8400 calibrated years BP. Studies of diatoms indicate that Mecklenburg Bay was characterised by slightly brackish-water conditions between 8400 and 8000 cal. years BP. At around 8000 cal. years BP increasing salinity is indicated by a strong dominance of the diatoms Paralia sulcata and Dimeregramma minor. Some centuries later another diatom assemblage appeared and became dominant in Mecklenburg Bay. This assemblage includes Hyalinella lateripunctata and Pravifusus hyalinus species typical of shallow water areas along the Atlantic coast today. At this time the first marine molluscs made their appearance. The oldest shell of a marine mollusc found in our material is dated to 7600 cal. years BP. The associated assemblage that includes adult specimens of the gastropod Aporrhais pespelicani indicates higher salinities than today.During the Littorina Sea stage a marine diatom flora with P. sulcata, Catenula adhaerens and D. minor crossed the Darss Sill and became widely distributed in the Arkona Basin, Pomeranian Bay and the Baltic Sea proper. In contrast, taxa indicative of the Hyalinella lateripunctata/P. hyalinus assemblage are only found west of the Darss Sill in Femer Belt and Mecklenburg Bay. Apparently, the Darss Sill threshold has been acting as an important salinity border from around 7800 cal. years BP until today.  相似文献   

A 137 cm sediment core from Fog Lake, a small upland basin that was not glaciated during the Late Wisconsinan, reveals the following stratigraphic succession: (I) basal diamicton, (II) laminated silts, (III) compacted dewatered gyttja, (IV) stratified minerogenic sediments, and (V) overlying gyttja. Units I–III, and most of unit IV, were deposited prior to the Holocene; unit V represents approximately the last 8000 14C years. Alternate luminescence dating techniques (TL and IRSL) place unit III in latter oxygen isotope stage (OIS) 5, >74,000 years BP. A suite of 20 AMS 14C dates suggests that much of the post-OIS 5 paleoenvironmental record is characterized by either extremely low continuous sediment accumulation, or by one or more episodes of more rapid sedimentation. Diverse pollen and spore assemblages have concentrations that are unexpectedly high throughout the pre-Holocene sediments (>10,000 grains cm−3), by comparison to the Holocene (5000 grains cm−3). Exceedingly low sediment accumulation rates appear to have resulted in the concentration of atmospherically derived pollen and spores. Diatom assemblages record the evolution of the lake's chemistry and past algal production. Several abrupt changes occurred synchronously in both the terrestrial and aquatic components of the system, and these appear to represent ecological responses to pre-Holocene climatic variability. The sediments of Fog Lake provide the first integrated paleoecological record older than Holocene for a vast region of the Canadian Arctic, thereby refining our understanding of long-term arctic ecosystem ontogeny.  相似文献   

A pollen diagram from Lago di Martignano, a maar lake in central Italy, provides an 11000-year record of vegetation and environment change. The earliest pollen spectra are dominated by Artemisia and Gramineae, representing late glacial steppe vegetation typical of the Mediterranean region. Broad-leaved forests were established by ca. 11 000 yr BP. Although Quercus initially dominated their canopy, a wide range of other mesophyllous trees were also present. Pollen values for sclerophyllous tree and shrub taxa characteristic of Mediterranean woodlands and scrub are initially low (<10%). After ca. 7000 yr BP, however, they begin to increase and rise to a peak of >40% of total land pollen at ca. 6700 yr BP, with Olea europaea the single most abundant taxon. Human influence upon the vegetation only becomes significant somewhat after this peak, with progressive clearance of woodland and expansion of herbaceous communities. Castanea sativa and luglans regia pollen is recorded consistently from the beginning of the rise in pollen values for taxa characteristic of Mediterranean scrub communities. Pollen values for arable crops increase progressively after ca. 5500 yr BP, following the peak pollen values for taxa characteristic of Mediterranean scrub vegetation. Late glacial and Holocene climate changes have been complex in this region, with the present character of the climate developing only during the last millennium. Rates of change of pollen spectra peak during this period.  相似文献   

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