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近年来随着改革开放的深入,使化学工业有了一个突飞猛进的发展.然而化学工业的迅猛发展,给环境也造成愈来愈大的压力,化工“三废”处理也就更受到人们的关注.我们联系化工生产的实际,在广泛研究的基础上广开思路,经大量的试验研究,试制出了冲击式喷淋器,并经一年的生产试用其效果令人十分满意.1 冲击式喷淋器的研制  相似文献   

分子筛煅烧尾气中含有三乙胺、正丁胺等挥发性有机化合物(VOCs),严重影响厂区及周边环境。为彻底治理有机废气污染,采用三床式蓄热式氧化炉(RTO)处理有机废气,通过优化调整控制工艺,以排烟温度控制法替代原有的排烟时间控制法。结果表明:排烟温度控制法可确保排烟温度保持在设计范围内,有效降低了排烟热损失;蓄热式氧化炉通过吸热-燃烧-放热周期性稳定运行,在天然气平均耗量4.5 m3·h-1的情况下,获得99%以上的VOCs去除效率,达到预期目标。蓄热式氧化法是一种经济、高效、稳定和安全的有机废气处理技术。  相似文献   

低压供气式射流器工业化性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要介绍了低压供气式射流器的工作原理和作用,对其在氧化沟污水处理工艺中的氧利用率和动力效率等因素做了测试和分析,比较了不同水深对充氧性能的影响。结果表明,低压供气式射流曝气器氧利用率达23.17%,动力效率达2.43 kg O2/(kW.h),优于其他形式的曝气设备,可以有效降低能耗。  相似文献   

为有效去除废水中的残留抗生素,设计了一种由涡流腔与螺旋线流道相组合的新型旋流式涡流空化器。运用ANSYS流场计算软件仿真该涡流空化器核心部件流场的绝对压力;研究了不同溶液初始pH值、土霉素初始质量浓度、降解时间及温度控制范围等条件下该旋流式涡流空化器对水中土霉素的去除效果;用亚甲基蓝法检测该旋流式涡流空化器产生的羟基自由基质量浓度,初步推断其降解土霉素的机理。结果表明:本研究中设计的新型旋流式涡流空化器在局部区域可形成远低于饱和蒸汽压的低压区域,具有较明显的涡流空化效应;酸性和中性条件有利于涡流空化器中土霉素的降解,但总体上,溶液初始pH值对降解率影响不大;随土霉素初始浓度的增大,土霉素的降解率相应下降;在最初10 min内土霉素的降解速率较快,随后变慢,至50 min时初始质量浓度2 mg·L−1的土霉素溶液的降解率为76.45%;控制溶液温度在25~50 ℃时,对土霉素的降解更有利;该旋流式涡流空化器产生的羟基自由基质量浓度为4.58 μmol·L−1,由此可推断,土霉素的降解可能主要在羟基自由基的强氧化作用下完成。涡流空化法降解抗生素技术可为废水中抗生素的去除提供一种新的途径。  相似文献   

小型高效回转窑式焚烧炉的探索与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对化工行业中多种类工业废弃物的特点,确定采用回转窑式焚烧炉的可行性,给出了焚烧系统的设计思路以及重要设备的计算方法,并在实际中加以验证。  相似文献   

为增强污泥淋溶器固定污泥重金属的效果,降低其淋滤液中重金属含量从而更加安全地农业利用,在前期研究基础上对污泥淋溶器进行了改进,实验不同高度开孔和在污泥中间垂直放置黑网两个改进措施。研究表明,距淋溶器底部2 cm处开孔,污泥淋滤液的Cd和Cu总量显著低于底部开孔(原始污泥淋溶器)。淋溶器底部2 cm 形成厌(缺)氧层使得下层硫化物态Zn、Cd和Cu含量显著高于孔的上层,提高了污泥重金属的生物稳定性。添加中间黑网可显著降低污泥淋滤液Cu总量。上述污泥淋溶器的两个改进措施均可有效固定污泥中某些重金属,减小污泥淋滤液重金属累计总量,促进污泥淋滤液更安全农用。  相似文献   

对序批式反应器 (SBR)用于牛场污水的处理进行了试验研究 ,主要研究了三个水力停留时间 (HRT)和有机负荷率对污染物去除率、出水水质和污泥特性的影响。试验结果表明 ,对 10 0 0 0mg/LCOD牛场污水 ,使用 1dHRT ,相应有机负荷率为 10gCOD/L·d时 ,混合出水COD、TS、VS、TKN和TN的去除率分别为 45 %、2 1.4%、34 .2 %、5 3.2 %和 2 2 .2 % ,上清液出水的分别为 80 .2 %、6 3.4%、6 6 .2 %、75 %和 38.3% ;两种出水的SCOD和NH3 N去除率相同 ,分别为 5 0 .0 %和 76 .5 %。经SBR处理后 ,污泥的沉降浓缩性能也有了比较明显的改善。  相似文献   

地坑压缩式城市生活垃圾转运站的设计与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了一种具有压缩功能,并与吊装设备配套使用的城市生活垃圾转运站,具有操作方便,减少工人劳动强度等特点,通过压缩机的压缩增大了箱内垃圾比重,提高了垃圾的清理及运输效率,同以往相比运输次数减少半数以上,大大提高了工作效率,有效的节省了人力和物力资源.  相似文献   

介绍了一种具有压缩功能,并与吊装设备配套使用的城市生活垃圾转运站,具有操作方便,减少工人劳动强度等特点,通过压缩机的压缩增大了箱内垃圾比重,提高了垃圾的清理及运输效率,同以往相比运输次数减少半数以上,大大提高了工作效率,有效的节省了人力和物力资源.  相似文献   

环境治理中光催化剂的失活与再生   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
催化剂失活是影响光催化过程用于污染治理经济实用的关键因素。对近几年来国内外环境污染控制中光催化剂的失活现象及其原因进行了综述.分析了液相和气相光催化反应体系中催化剂失活后再生的方法.特别是对气相光催化反应中水蒸汽的影响进行了讨论。  相似文献   

A pilot apparatus of a regenerative catalytic oxidizer (RCO) equipped with two electrical heaters and two 20-cm i.d. x 200-cm height regenerative beds was used to treat methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) and toluene, respectively, in an airstream. The regenerative beds were packed with gravel (approximate particle size 1.25 cm, specific area 205 m2/m3, and specific heat capacity 840 J/kg degree C) as a solid regenerative material and K-type thermal couples for measuring solid and gas temperatures, respectively. The catalyst bed temperature was kept around 400 degrees C and the gas superficial velocity was operated at 0.234 m/sec. This investigation measured and analyzed distributions of solid and gas temperatures with operating time and variations of volatile organic compound (VOC) concentrations in the regenerative beds. The overall VOC removal efficiency exceeded 98% for MEK and 95% for toluene. Degradation of VOCs will exist for MEK on the surface of solid material (gravel) in the temperature range of 330-400 degrees C, but toluene does not exhibit this phenomenon.  相似文献   

Hart JR 《Chemosphere》2008,72(1):75-78
Emissions and inlet concentrations of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/PCDF) have been measured from a catalytic oxidizer and a thermal oxidizer. The catalyst inlet temperature was 427 degrees C. The thermal oxidizer operating temperature was 791 degrees C. Data of the toxic dioxin and furan congeners are reported. Important results of this field study are: (1) the catalytic oxidizer in this study produced an increase in PCDD/PCDF congener concentration of almost 10-fold from the inlet to the outlet (stack), thus verifying results of a previous study that evaluated only PCDD/PCDF emissions. All congeners increased from inlet to the stack. (2) The thermal oxidizer had little effect on PCDD/PCDF levels. There was a decrease in four of the congeners and an increase in 13 congeners. (3) Ambient air was the main source of PCDD/PCDFs in the stack emissions of the thermal oxidizer in this study. Laboratory investigations are needed to understand how PCDD/PCDFs are formed (and emitted) under conditions of this study.  相似文献   

Okuda T  Nam SY  Lim JL  Shin HS 《Chemosphere》2003,53(1):97-100
Dichloroacetic acid (DCAA) is produced during the oxidation of trichloroethylene. It is also produced in drinking water treatment as a disinfection by-product. DCAA is a problem material, because of its toxicity. The objective of this research is to find the final products and the reaction pathway of the DCAA decomposition by hydrolysis, and to increase the hydrolysis rate. The removal of both chlorine atoms in DCAA structure was achieved with hydrolysis at around 75 degrees C, and the final products were oxalic acid and glycolic acid. The reaction pathway was the production of oxalic acid and glycolic acid from two glyoxylic acid molecules by Cannizzaro reaction after the glyoxylic acid production from dechlorination of DCAA with hydrolysis. The hydrolysis rate of DCAA was increased with the use of 90% ethanol solution as solvent. The activation energy of DCAA was about 80 kJ/mol in it, while it was around 105 kJ/mol in water.  相似文献   

采用批式呼吸法求得好氧氨氧化菌产率系数为0.2119 mg COD/mg NH4 -NOD(或者0.7268 mg COD/mg NH4 -N)和氨氧化菌最大氨氮降解速率为0.1 mg NOD/(mg COD·h)(或者0.0292 mg N/(mg COD·h)).用间歇式批试验法,加入24 μmol/L NaN3抑制NO2--N氧化,建立氨氧化反应动力学方程,得到氨氮半饱和系数为18.38 mg NOD/L(或者5.36 mg NH4 -N/L),DO半饱和系数为0.494 mg/L.对比参数值表明,用一步硝化动力学来描述氨氧化反应动力学模型是错误的.  相似文献   

Scrap preheating in foundries is a technology that saves melting energy, leading to economic and environmental benefits. The proposed method in this paper utilizes solar thermal energy for preheating scrap, effected through a parabolic trough concentrator that focuses sunlight onto a receiver which carries the metallic scrap. Scraps of various thicknesses were placed on the receiver to study the heat absorption by them. Experimental results revealed the pattern with which heat is gained by the scrap, the efficiency of the process and how it is affected as the scrap gains heat. The inferences from them gave practical guidelines on handling scraps for best possible energy savings. Based on the experiments conducted, preheat of up to 160 °C and a maximum efficiency of 70 % and a minimum efficiency of 40 % could be achieved across the time elapsed and heat gained by the scrap. Calculations show that this technology has the potential to save around 8 % of the energy consumption in foundries. Cumulative benefits are very encouraging: 180.45 million kWh of energy savings and 203,905 t of carbon emissions cut per year across the globe. This research reveals immense scope for this technology to be adopted by foundries throughout the world.  相似文献   

以城市污水处理厂脱水污泥为供试材料,通过比较电子束辐照、热水解及组合工艺对污泥破解率的影响发现:随着热水解温度从90 ℃提高到120、140和160 ℃,污泥破解率分别从14.82%升高至19.97%、23.16%和33.28%。当热水解温度低于140 ℃时,氨氮/溶解性总氮的比值(NH3-N/TSN)在0.14~0.17之间波动,而温度达160 ℃时,NH3-N/TSN升高至0.22。另一方面,当污泥吸收剂量由5 kGy增加至10、15、20 kGy时,污泥破解率分别由3.77%缓慢上升到4.87%、5.01%、5.42%。但是,NH3-N/TSN维持在0.32~0.33之间,比热水解处理约提高1倍。在组合工艺中,15 kGy+90 ℃热水解30 min污泥破解率最高,达25.1%,NH3-N/TSN≈0.22。实验证明:热水解对污泥破解效果显著,但电子束辐照可进一步将大分子有机物质降解为小分子物质。  相似文献   

蓄热式高温带压蒸汽发生器设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了自制蓄热式高温带压蒸汽发生器的工作原理及运行过程,对炉体结构进行了设计计算,设计并计算了保温层的厚度,通过部分热态实验,验证了高温带压蒸汽发生器设计的合理性和系统运行的可靠性。试验结果表明,经过高温带压蒸汽发生器蓄热室的换热,可以生产出压力在0.2~0.4 MPa、温度在650℃以上的高温过热水蒸气。从而说明系统的整体设计能满足要求。  相似文献   

在自行研制的蓄热式高温带压蒸气发生器上开展了高温空气制备实验。主要对不同换向周期及一个换向周期内工况条件下的高温空气的生产特性进行了研究,相应地,对不同换向周期条件下的高温带压蒸汽发生器的热回收效率进行了计算。结果表明:以空气为介质时30 s的换向周期为最佳换向周期。随着换向周期的增大,热回收效率快速降低。在一个切换周期内,随着换热时间的延长,空气预热温度逐渐降低,排烟温度总体较低,蓄热体对烟气热量的吸收效果良好。  相似文献   

介绍了针对火电厂输煤系统作业环境粉尘治理而研制开发的新型湿式湍流除尘器的设计思路、设备结构、技术特点及在电厂输煤系统的应用情况.  相似文献   

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