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负载对实际道路重型柴油车排放的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用车载测试系统对重型柴油货车空载、50%负载和100%负载不同负载情况下在实际道路的排放进行测试,基于测试数据分析负载对重型柴油货车排放CO、HC、NOx和微小颗粒物(PM)等4种污染物的影响.不同速度区间和行驶模式下负载对排放的影响分析表明,在有负载时,大多数工况下4种污染物排放呈现增加趋势,但各速度区间和行驶模式下的增幅不尽相同,部分工况出现下降.空载时测试柴油车基于新欧洲行驶循环测试(NEDC)工况的标准化CO、HC、NOx和PM排放因子分别为3.38、0.39、6.27、0.39 g/km.对于柴油车重点污染物NOx和PM而言,与空载相比,50%负载时分别增加43%和59%,100%负载时分别增加62%和44%.  相似文献   

基于车载尾气检测设备(portable emission measurement system, PEMS), 研究了国Ⅵ重型车气态污染物的排放特征; 基于单位燃油消耗排放因子、单位行驶里程排放因子、单位时间排放因子, 分析了NOx、HC、CO污染物随路况的变化规律。实验结果表明, NOx、HC、CO气态污染物较国Ⅴ重型柴油车下降幅度较大, 3种气态污染物分别下降88%、98%、62.7%。采用功基窗口法对数据进行整理分析, NOx测量结果为460 mg·(kWh)-1, CO测量结果为192 mg·(kWh)-1, HC测量结果为37.5 mg·(kWh)-1, 该重型柴油车可以满足国Ⅵ车载法规的要求。研究结果可为国Ⅵ重型车排放标准制定及其在环境污染控制领域的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

利用便携式车载排放测试系统,对某款采用增压中冷和高压共轨技术的国Ⅳ轻型柴油车进行实际道路排放测试,研究其分别燃用石油基柴油、费托柴油和混合柴油(费托柴油与石油基柴油按一定比例混合而成)时,不同车速下的CO、THC、NOx和CO2排放特征和油耗变化情况。实验结果表明:对于3种柴油,所测4种气态物的排放均随着车速的增加而降低,当速度达到一定程度后趋于稳定;与石油基柴油相比,费托柴油和混合柴油的CO、NOx和CO2排放分别降低23%和5%,30%和24%,20%和20%,但THC排放均略有增加;通过碳平衡计算,费托柴油和混合柴油的体积油耗相对石油基柴油分别降低12%和17%。总的来说,燃用费托柴油和混合柴油时的气态污染物排放与石油基柴油具有相似的速度变化趋势,但费托柴油和混合柴油的整体尾气排放和油耗要低于石油基柴油。使用费托柴油或混合柴油是降低轻型柴油车实际道路排放的一个有效途径。  相似文献   

利用OBS2200车载测试系统,对天津市的道路行驶车辆进行测试,在3种不同交通流特征(交通高峰期、低峰期和平峰期)下获得了道路车载排放污染物(HC、CO、NOx和CO2)的逐秒数据,结果显示,高峰期HC和CO平均排放率(0.027±0.018 g/s和0.330±0.196 g/s)明显高于低峰期和平峰期,大约分别是低峰期的5.4倍和4.3倍,平峰期的3.9倍和9.2倍。低峰期NOx和CO2平均排放率(0.006±0.006 g/s和1.904±0.960 g/s)稍高于高峰期和平峰期。加速工况下4种排放物的平均排放率:0.022±0.019 g/s、0.243±0.234 g/s、0.007±0.007 g/s和1.766±0.946 g/s,大约分别是减速工况下4种排放物平均排放率的1.1倍、1.4倍、2.3倍和1.9倍。随着加速度增大4种排放物的排放率逐渐增大。  相似文献   

综述了国内外几种常用的机动车颗粒污染物排放因子的确定方法,介绍了各模型的使用概况及其优缺点,最后提出对机动车颗粒污染物排放因子应深入开展有关研究。  相似文献   

重型柴油车排放已经成为中国城市与区域大气污染的重要来源。为研究负载条件对重型柴油车实际道路排放的影响,利用车载排放测试(PEMS)方法对2辆国Ⅱ重型柴油货车开展实际道路排放测试,分析不同负载(空载、半载和满载)条件下的尾气污染物排放特征。基于机动车比功率(VSP)方法分析了不同速度区间的气态污染物(NOx、CO和总碳氢化合物(THC))排放特征,同时通过滤膜采样方法对尾气PM2.5及其碳质组分(有机碳(OC)和元素碳(EC))进行了定量分析。结果显示,2辆国Ⅱ重型柴油货车气态污染物排放因子与负载呈现显著的正相关关系,半载和满载时NOx、CO和THC排放因子相对于空载分别升高18%~41%、6%~67%、37%~125%。但2辆重型柴油货车的PM2.5排放因子并未随负载增加而呈现相同的变化规律。在PM2.5中碳质组分排放约占61%~97%(质量分数),其中EC排放因子随负载的增加而增大。  相似文献   

利用COPERTIV模型计算和车载尾气测量系统实测得到不同行驶速度下的机动车尾气排放因子,并分析不同车型不同排放标准等级车辆的行驶速度对排放的影响。调查研究北京市城区路网早高峰、平峰、晚高峰和夜间的车流量、车型构成、行驶速度,基于ArcGIS建立平均车速和行驶里程的网格分布数据库,并对比车速修正前后不同道路类型不同污染物的排放强度。结果表明,基于COPERT IV模型和车载测量系统计算的小客车NOx和HC排放因子随车速的变化趋势类似,均随车速的增加呈现U型分布;柴油公交车与柴油卡车NOx和HC排放因子随着车速的升高而减小。4个时间段平均车速大小排序为:夜间(44 km·h-1)> 晚高峰(34 km·h-1)> 平峰(32 km·h-1)> 早高峰(28 km·h-1)。车速修正后CO和HC的排放量上升,上升幅度分别为10.6%~11.8%和8.8%~9.2%,NOx和PM排放量下降,下降幅度分别为22.1%~23.3%和12.7%~13.5%。  相似文献   

基于车载式排放测试系统(PEMS),对混合动力轿车进行典型城市道路行驶工况下的排放测试,对比分析实验车辆速度、加速度和比功率区间下的排放特性。混合动力轿车在车速低于50 km/h时,发动机处于关闭状态无排放,温度也下降,会降低NOx排放。主干道上NOx排放最少,快速路上NOx排放较高,高速公路上NOx排放最多。车速超过50 km/h时发动机再起动,产生CO和HC排放峰值。主干道上CO和HC排放峰值最频繁,总平均排放因子最高;快速路上排放峰值稀少,总平均排放因子居中;高速公路上没有很大的排放峰值,总平均排放因子最低。  相似文献   

In the present study, the real-world on-road liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) vehicle/taxi emissions of carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbon (HC) and nitric oxide (NO) were investigated. A regression analysis approach based on the measured LPG vehicle emission data was also used to estimate the on-road LPG vehicle emission factors of CO, HC and NO with respect to the effects of instantaneous vehicle speed and acceleration/deceleration profiles for local urban driving patterns. The results show that the LPG vehicle model years and driving patterns have a strong correlation to their emission factors. A unique correlation of LPG vehicle emission factors (i.e., g km−1 and g l−1) on different model years for urban driving patterns has been established. Finally, a comparison was made between the average LPG, and petrol [Chan, T.L., Ning, Z., Leung, C.W., Cheung, C.S., Hung, W.T., Dong, G., 2004. On-road remote sensing of petrol vehicle emissions measurement and emission factors estimation in Hong Kong. Atmospheric Environment 38, 2055–2066 and 3541] and diesel [Chan, T.L., Ning, Z., 2005. On-road remote sensing of diesel vehicle emissions measurement and emission factors estimation in Hong Kong. Atmospheric Environment 39, 6843–6856] vehicle emission factors. It has shown that the introduction of the replacement of diesel taxis to LPG taxis has alleviated effectively the urban street air pollution. However, it has demonstrated that proper maintenance on the aged LPG taxis should also be taken into consideration.  相似文献   

On-road vehicle tests of nine heavy-duty diesel trucks were conducted using SEMTECH-D, an emissions measuring instrument provided by Sensors, Inc. The total length of roads for the tests was 186 km. Data were obtained for 37,255 effective driving cycles, including 17,216 on arterial roads, 15,444 on residential roads, and 4595 on highways. The impacts of speed and acceleration on fuel consumption and emissions were analyzed. Results show that trucks spend an average of 16.5% of the time in idling mode, 25.5% in acceleration mode, 27.9% in deceleration mode, and only 30.0% at cruise speed. The average emission factors of CO, total hydrocarbons (THC), and NOx for the selected vehicles are (4.96±2.90), (1.88±1.03) and (6.54±1.90) g km−1, respectively. The vehicle emission rates vary significantly with factors like speed and acceleration. The test results reflect the actual traffic situation and the current emission status of diesel trucks in Shanghai. The measurements show that low-speed conditions with frequent acceleration and deceleration, particularly in congestion conditions, are the main factors that aggravate vehicle emissions and cause high emissions of CO and THC. Alleviating congestion would significantly improve vehicle fuel economy and reduce CO and THC emissions.  相似文献   

Continuous on-site measurements of 50 speciated volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were conducted in downtown Guangzhou to characterize the sources and concentration profiles of ambient VOCs. The synchronicity in diurnal variation between the VOCs and NO suggests that traffic emissions were responsible for the observed VOCs in downtown Guangzhou.It was found that the three major constituent species of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), i.e., propane, iso-butane, and n-butane, together termed LPG alkanes, contributed, on average, 24% of the total VOCs (TVOCs). Their high correlation and synchronized diurnal variations between NO and the LPG alkanes suggest that their origin lies in LPG fueled car exhaust in Guangzhou. LPG buses and taxis were likely to be responsible for the bulk of ambient LPG species. Using propane and 3-methyl pentane (3MC5A) as the indicators for the LPG and gasoline emissions, respectively, the emissions of the LPG fleet were found to increase more than those of the gasoline fleet during the morning and evening rush hours, as well the noontime break in downtown Guangzhou.Although LPG alkanes account for 24% of the TVOC, their contribution to the total ozone forming potential (OFP) is only about 7%. Ethylene and propylene contribute about 26% to the total OFP despite their lower contribution of 16% to the TVOC.  相似文献   

Leakages of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) are suspected to contribute greatly to ozone (O3) formation in Mexico City. We tested such a hypothesis by outdoor captive-air irradiation (CAI) experiments in the two largest Mexican metropolitan areas: Guadalajara (GMA) in 1997 and Mexico City (MCMA) in 2000. O3 was monitored in each city for 20 days (8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.) in smog chambers containing unaltered morning air or morning air enriched with either commercial LPG or LPG synthetic mixture 60/40 (propane and butane). Tested additions of both components were 35% (by volume) in GMA and 60% (by volume) in MCMA. The addition effects on O3 (max) were compared with effects from diluting LPG components or total nonmethane hydrocarbons (tNMHCs) by 50%. Diluting tNMHCs had the greatest absolute effect at both cities: it lowered O3 (max) by 24% in GMA and 55% in MCMA. Adding commercial LPG increased O3 (max) by 6% in GMA and 28% in MCMA; whereas adding LPG synthetic mixture 60/40 caused a similar increase in O3 (max), 4 and 21% in GMA and MCMA, respectively. Compared with dilution of tNMHCs, dilution of LPG-associated compounds had a smaller decreasing effect on O3 (max), only 4% in GMA and 15% in MCMA. These results show that commercial LPG and LPG synthetic mixture 60/40 affect O3 formation to a lesser extent than estimated previously.  相似文献   

An estimation of hydrocarbon emissions caused by the consumption of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) in the Metropolitan Area of Mexico City (MAMC) is presented. On the basis of experimental measurements at all points of handling, during the distribution process, and during the consumption of LPG in industrial devices and domestic appliances, an estimated 76,414 tons/year are released to the air. The most important contribution is found during the domestic consumption of LPG (70%); this makes the control initiatives available to the consumer. By developing a control program of LPG losses, a 77% reduction in emission is expected in a 5-yr period. The calculated amounts of LPG emissions when correlated with the consumption of LPG, combined with information from air samples from the MAMC, do not point to LPG emissions as the most important factor contributing to tropospheric ozone in the air in Mexico City.  相似文献   

Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is currently used in a small fleet of taxis as an alternative fuel to gasoline in Taipei, Taiwan as part of an incentive program promoted by Taiwan EPA to improve urban air quality. Under the test procedure in accordance with the US FTP-75 protocol to simulate an average urban driving pattern, the exhaust from four LPG and four gasoline-powered vehicles was analyzed for the percent composition of NMHCs. Emission factors for individual NMHCs were apportioned from the emission factors of total hydrocarbon based on chemical composition of the exhaust from both types of vehicles. After adjusting for ozone formation potential (OFP) by maximum incremental reactivity, the average OFP for LPG vehicles was estimated to be only 52.8% (g-O3/veh-km) of the gasoline vehicles, or 3.3% of ozone reduction in Taipei metropolitan area, should all taxis be converted to LPG fuel.Composition analysis of the local LPG revealed that propane, butane and isobutane were the three major components and negligible amounts of alkenes were also found. In addition, the leakage from a LPG service station was substantially smaller than from a gasoline service station because of the closed design with the LPG pumping systems.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Mitigating environmental pollution has become a global agenda keeping the sustainability of socioeconomic and environmental development into...  相似文献   

利用隧道实验法对澳洲Vulturestreet公交专用隧道的细微颗粒物和气体污染物进行连续4d实测,分析了自然通风和纵向通风下隧道内NOX、细微颗粒物数目浓度以及细微颗粒物粒度分布特征。结果表明,隧道内细微颗粒物粒径谱呈双峰分布,峰值区段细微颗粒物粒径分别在19~25、70~105nm,判定为低硫柴油公交车和CNG公交车共同作用结果。隧道内NO2/NOX比值与NOX具有很强的相关性(R2=0.8320),当NOX大于1.000×10-6时,NO2/NOX渐进于(0.088±0.001),同时,NOX与细微颗粒物数目浓度、细微颗粒物总体积(VFP)呈明显的线性相关关系。柴油公交车和CNG公交车的混合条件下,细微颗粒物数目浓度、NOX平均排放因子分别为(2.48±1.53)×1014个/km、(12.8±5.1)g/km,柴油车和CNG公交车细微颗粒物数目浓度排放因子和NO排放因子没有明显差异。  相似文献   

The investigation of several passenger car generations with gasoline engines shows that the emissions depend very strongly on the driving cycle. Official type approval cycles allow just very inaccurate predications about their real-world emissions. The measured gasoline vehicles have up to factor 11 higher real-life emissions than in type approval cycles. However, a clear reduction of real-world emissions can be seen over the different investigated generations of gasoline cars. In addition, it can be seen that the cold start emissions depend strongly on ambient temperature levels for all generations of cars and that the cold start accounts for an increasing part of the total pollutant emissions. As an extreme example, the cold start hydrocarbon emissions of Euro-3 cars at –20°C ambient temperature correspond approximately to those of 1,000 km driving with warm engines.  相似文献   

为了解加油站运营对周边浅层地下水环境质量的影响,随机选择了12个正常运营20年以上的加油站,在加油站上游和下游共布设了27口地下水监测井,对地下水中石油烃、苯系物、萘、1,2-二氯乙烷和甲基叔丁基醚开展了水质监测。结果表明,石油烃在地下水中的检出率较高,为96.3%,检出浓度为4.2~544.7μg/L,检出组分主要为柴油烃中的C26和C20,检出率分别达到了88.9%和77.8%;汽油烃的有效组分C6~C9未检出,作为汽油添加剂的1,2-二氯乙烷和甲基叔丁基醚在地下水中存在,检出率分别为96.3%和22.2%,检出浓度分别为1.7~30.9μg/L和3.8~30.9μg/L。其中,11.1%的监测井中甲基叔丁基醚浓度超过了EPA推荐的饮用水安全的浓度限值(20μg/L),3.7%的监测井中1,2-二氯乙烷浓度超过了《地表水环境质量标准》(GB 3838-2002)中"集中式生活饮用水地表水源地特定项目标准限值"规定的30μg/L。总体而言,石油烃、苯系物、1,2-二氯乙烷和甲基叔丁基醚的含量远低于油品渗(泄)漏导致的污染水平。  相似文献   

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