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Regional variations in initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (r i) of Mesozoic plutons in central Idaho locate the edge of Precambrian continental crust at the boundary between the late Paleozoic-Mesozoic accreted terranes and Precambrian sialic crust in western Idaho. The r i values increase abruptly but continuously from less than 0.704 in the accreted terranes to greater than 0.708 across a narrow, 5 to 15 km zone, characterized by elongate, lens-shaped, highly deformed plutons and schistose metasedimentary and metavolcanic units. The chemical and petrologic character of the plutons changes concomitantly from ocean-arc-type, diorite-tonalite-trondhjemite units to a weakly peraluminous, calcic to calcalkalic tonalite-granodiorite-granite suite (the Idaho batholith). Plutons in both suites yield Late Cretaceous ages, but Permian through Early Cretaceous bodies are confined to the accreted terranes and early Tertiary intrusions are restricted to areas underlain by Precambrian crust. The two major terranes were juxtaposed between 75 and 130 m.y. ago, probably between 80 and 95 m.y. Oxygen and strontium isotopic ratios and Rb and Sr concentrations of the plutonic rocks document a significant upper-crustal contribution to the magmas that intrude Precambrian crust. Magmas intruding the arc terranes were derived from the upper mantle/subducted oceanic lithosphere and may have been modified by anatexis of earlier island-arc volcanic and sedimentary units. Plutons near the edge of Precambrian sialic crust represent simple mixtures of the Precambrian wall-rocks with melts derived from the upper mantle or subducted oceanic lithosphere with r i of 0.7035. Rb/Sr varies linearly with r i, producing “pseudoisochrons” with apparent “ages” close to the age of the wall rocks. Measured δ 18O values of the wall rocks are less than those required for the assimilated end-member by Sr-O covariation in the plutons, however, indicating that wall-rock δ 18O was reduced significantly by exchange with circulating fluids. Metasedimentary rocks of the Belt Supergroup are similarly affected near the batholith, documenting a systematic depletion in 18O as much as 50 km from the margin of the batholith. Plutons of the Bitterroot lobe of the Idaho batholith are remote from the accreted terranes and represent mixtures of Precambrian wall-rocks with melts dominated by continental lower crust (r i>0.708) rather than mantle. “Pseudoisochrons” resulting from these data are actually mixing lines that yield apparent “ages” less than the true age of the wall rocks and meaningless “ri”. Assimilation/ fractional-crystallization models permit only insignificant amounts of crystal fractionation during anatexis and mixing for the majority of plutons of the region.  相似文献   

桂东岩体位于诸广山—万洋山花岗质岩浆岩带的中部, 沿NE向呈不规则条带状分布于湘赣交界处, 该岩体作为诸广山—万洋山加里东期花岗质岩浆岩带的核心部分, 记录着该岩浆岩带的形成时间、岩浆物质来源、壳幔相互作用等典型特征。在详细地质调查基础上, 本文对桂东岩体主要岩石类型进行了岩相学、LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄及Hf同位素组成的分析研究。结果表明, 桂东岩体是一个复式岩体, 岩浆活动持续>60 Ma(474—411 Ma), 经历了4个脉动阶段: 474—464 Ma、452—442 Ma、435—425 Ma、 415—411 Ma, 其中, 474—464 Ma、452—425 Ma、415—411 Ma期间的岩浆活动与华南加里东造山运动三个构造幕密切吻合。4个阶段岩浆活动对应岩石类型分别为黑云母花岗岩-花岗闪长岩、黑云母花岗岩-二云母花岗岩、黑云母花岗岩-二长花岗岩及角闪黑云花岗岩-黑云母花岗岩。原位锆石Hf同位素特征表明, 大部分样品εHf(t)值位于球粒陨石演化线下方, 主体集中于–2.20~–9.84之间, Hf同位素两阶段模式年龄TDM2为1969~1577 Ma。其岩浆物质主要由华南造山带下地壳物质的一次或多次重熔而成, 且幔源物质参与程度经历了由弱—强—弱, 并与研究区太古宙—古元古代发生的重要地壳增生事件时间相呼应。  相似文献   

北淮阳庐镇关岩浆岩锆石U-Pb年龄和氧同位素组成   总被引:10,自引:7,他引:10  
对大别造山带北麓的北淮阳庐镇关浅变质岩浆杂岩进行了锆石阴极发光显微结构观察、激光剥蚀等离子质谱锆石U-Pb定年以及单矿物激光氟化氧同位素分析。锆石阴极发光图像显示,这些样品中的锆石具有明显的振荡环带或片状分带,为典型的岩浆锆石。少数样品的锆石具有窄的蚀变边。锆石U-Pb定年结果表明,这些岩浆岩有较一致的形成年龄,变化范围为739±8Ma~754±5Ma。岩浆岩单矿物的氧同位素组成具有较大的变化范围,其中锆石δ~(18)O为1.39‰~6.81‰,石英为3.12‰~12.47‰,斜长石为0.71‰~8.38‰。锆石的δ~(18)O值在不同岩体和/或同一岩体的不同样品之间具有明显差别,反应了其初始岩浆在氧同位素组成上的不均一性。锆石与其它矿物之间表现出显著的氧同位素不平衡,说明它们经历了岩浆期后的扰动,其中部分样品受到了亚固相条件下高温热液蚀变作用的影响,还有部分样品在岩浆后期演化过程中可能同化混染了高δ~(18)O值的围岩。大多数锆石具有低于典型地慢锆石的δ~(18)O值,表现出~(18)O亏损特征。低δ~(18)O锆石的内部结构和化学组成表现出典型岩浆锆石的特征,表明这些低δ~(18)O锆石是从亏损~(18)O的岩浆中结晶出来的,而非热液蚀变成因。这一结果证明,扬子板块北缘新元古代低δ~(18)O锆石形成于热液蚀变岩石经部分熔融所形成的低δ~(18)O岩浆。结合这些样品的形成年龄,我们认为这些低δ~(18)O岩浆的形成与Rodinia超大陆裂解有关的地幔柱裂谷岩浆活动有关,并对应于全球性的雪球地球事件。此外,这些岩石中锆石U-Pb年龄与矿物δ~(18)O分布与大别造山带高压-超高压变火成岩原岩相似,指示北淮阳单元属于俯冲的扬子板块北缘  相似文献   

Major and trace elemental concentrations as well as Sr and Pb isotopic data, obtained for 41 plutonic samples from the Coast Mountains Batholith ranging in age from ~108 to ~50 Ma, indicate that the source regions for these rocks were relatively uniform and typical of Cordilleran arcs. The studied rocks are mineralogically and chemically metaluminous to weakly peraluminous and are mainly calc-alkaline. Initial whole-rock 87Sr/86Sr ratios range from 0.7035 up to 0.7053, whereas lead isotopic data range from 18.586 to 19.078 for 206Pb/204Pb, 15.545 to 15.634 for 207Pb/204Pb, and 37.115 to 38.661 for 208Pb/204Pb. In contrast to these relatively primitive isotopic data, δ 18O values for quartz separates determined for 19 of the samples range from 6.8 up to 10.0‰. These δ 18O values preclude the possibility that these melts were exclusively generated from the Mesozoic mantle wedge of this continental arc, just as the Sr and Pb data preclude significant involvement of an old (Precambrian) crustal/mantle lithospheric source. We interpret the high δ 18O component to represent materials that had a multi-stage crustal evolution. They were originally mafic rocks derived from a circum-Pacific juvenile mantle wedge that experienced a period of near-surface residence after initial crystallization. During this interval, these primitive rocks interacted with meteoric waters at low temperatures, as indicated by the high δ 18O values. Subsequently, these materials were buried to lower crustal depths where they remelted to form the high δ 18O component of the Coast Mountains Batholith. This component makes up at least 40% (mass) of the Cretaceous through Eocene batholith in the studied area. The remainder of the source materials comprising the Coast Mountains Batholith had to be new additions from the mantle wedge. A prolonged period of contractional deformation beginning with the Early Cretaceous collisional accretion of the Insular superterrane is inferred to have been responsible for underthrusting the high δ 18O component into the lower crust. We suggest that mafic rocks of the Insular superterrane (e.g. Alexander–Wrangellia) are of appropriate composition, and were accreted to and overthrust by what would become the Coast Mountains Batholith just prior to initiation of magmatism in the region.  相似文献   

采用锆石U-Pb定年方法,精确测定了西南天山木扎尔特群花岗片麻岩的结晶锆石年龄为(707±13)Ma(MSWD=0.33)。元素地球化学特征和低的ε  相似文献   

海洋Sr同位素的变化主要是由陆地河流注入的Sr同位素的变化所引起。在全球河流中,流经喜马拉雅山地河流(恒河—布拉马普特拉河)表现出与世界上其它河流明显不同的特点,具有高87Sr/86Sr、高\[Sr\]的特征。恒河—布拉马普特拉河是世界上第四大河流,是当今世界海洋Sr的重要来源。国际上,目前人们对造成喜马拉雅河流Sr异常的原因(来源)的认识,仍存较大分歧。归纳起来,主要有3种认识:一是认为来源于硅酸盐岩;二是认为来源于碳酸盐岩的风化;三是认为来源于碳酸盐岩和硅酸盐岩的风化。近年来,作者对高喜马拉雅中央结晶岩系河流Sr同位素异常及其源岩进行的研究表明,高喜马拉雅河流Sr同位素受流域地质作用的强烈影响,呈现出高87Sr/86Sr、低\[Sr\]的特点。对岩石和单矿物的研究表明,中央结晶岩系变质岩(片岩、片麻岩)和花岗岩黑云母中的87Sr/86Sr与\[Rb\]成正比并具有高87Sr/86Sr、低\[Sr\]的特征。黑云母矿物具有的易风化性,为高喜马拉雅河流放射性87Sr提供了主要来源。恒河—布拉马普特拉河的Sr异常(高87Sr/86Sr和高\[Sr\])则可能是反映了流经整个喜马拉雅造山带河流Sr混合平衡后的特征。  相似文献   

利用阴极发光和离子探针技术,对大别山北部黄土岭片麻岩的锆石进行了内部结构、U-Pb年龄和氧同位素组成的系统分析。黄土岭片麻岩的锆石具有核-幔-边三层结构,核部是原岩的岩浆锆石,形成时代为-2800Ma;幔部是变质重结晶的产物,变质作用的时代为-2000Ma;边部则是在-110Ma从部分熔融体里结晶出来的增生锆石,是受大别山燕山期构造-岩浆事件影响的反映。黄土岭片麻岩和麻粒岩中-2800Ma和-2000Ma的年龄,以及麻粒岩中约3400Ma的残留锆石年龄均可以与扬子崆岭群变质岩对比。由此可以推断,北大别在构造属性上属于扬子板决,扬子与华北板决的缝合线应在北大别以北。锆石的核-幔-边具有不同的氧同位素组成,氧同位素数据表明黄土岭片麻岩的原岩是S型花岗岩,在-2000Ma和-110Ma的事件中都有外来物质(流体或熔体)的加入。  相似文献   

对皖南新元古代花岗闪长岩样品进行了锆石LA-ICPMS微区U-Pb定年、全岩主微量元素分析和Sr-Nd同位素分析以及矿物氧同位素分析。结果表明,皖南花岗闪长岩中存在两个时代的岩浆锆石,在阴极发光结构图像上没有明显区别, 对应的U-Pb年龄分别为821±7Ma和881±9Ma,其中较老年龄的分析点多在锆石核部。这些岩石以富Al2O3为特点,为典型的过铝花岗岩;其全岩δ18O值高达11.1-13.6‰,显示了突出的壳源S型花岗岩的特点。但是,这些岩石具有与地幔相似的 Nd-Sr同位素组成,εNd(t)值为-2.06-0.02,初始87Sr/86Sr比值是0.7033-0.7087,指示其岩浆源区含有显著的初生地壳组分, 类似于Ⅰ型花岗岩的特点。石英、锆石、石榴石等氧同位素封闭温度高的矿物保存了岩浆结晶时的δ18O值,而钾长石、斜长石等矿物在岩浆冷却中经受不同程度地中低温热液蚀变。根据这些岩石的同位素年代学和地球化学特征,我们将U-Pb年龄 881±9Ma左右的锆石解释为继承来源,而年龄821±7Ma的锆石解释为同时代岩浆成因。因此在约900-880Ma,在扬子板块东南缘的皖南地区出现过大规模的幔源岩浆活动。这些新生岩浆岩很快遭受风化沉积作用后,形成低成熟度的沉积岩。大约820Ma热事件(地幔超柱活动?)使岩石圈地幔及其上覆地壳加热,导致拉伸加厚地壳内部的富水沉积岩重熔形成典型S型花岗岩。在花岗岩浆冷却过程中,出现的是中低温热液蚀变而不是高温超固相热液蚀变,指示皖南花岗闪长岩体形成于大陆边缘前裂谷期而不是裂谷活动高峰期。由于前裂谷期阶段没有软流圈地幔物质的直接加入,只有热源引起地壳加厚部位岩石部分熔融,因此由这种年青沉积物重熔所形成的花岗闪长岩兼具S型花岗岩和初生地壳的岩石学和地球化学特点,从而见证了初生地壳的短周期再循环。  相似文献   

胶东地块东部变质岩锆石U-Pb定年和氧同位素研究   总被引:18,自引:10,他引:18  
对胶东地块东部高压-超高压变质岩作了系统的锆石U-Ph定年和矿物氧同位素分析,结果对这些变质岩的原岩性质提供了制约。研究得到:(1)区域花岗片麻岩及岩浆锆石普遍不同程度地亏损~(18)O,3个片庥岩样品中岩浆核锆石U-Pb年龄分别为723±36Ma、738±17Ma和744±63Ma,低δ~(18)O值(-0.42~4.14‰)岩浆核锆石说明其原岩为新元古代低δ~(18)O值岩浆岩,石英-石榴石氧同位素温度及少量印支期变质锆石的出现,指示片麻岩与榴辉岩曾经共同经历了印支期超高压变质作用;(2)花岗片麻岩中的榴辉岩原岩年龄有两种,一种是新元古代,其U-Ph年龄为806±79Ma。另一种是古元古代晚期,其 U-Pb年龄为1838±41Ma。这2个榴辉岩的超高压变质年龄分别为229±3Ma和242±21Ma。多数榴辉岩中的变质增生或变质重结晶锆石也具有低δ~(18)O值特征(0.22~3.4‰),指示在榴辉宕相变质作用之前,这些榴辉岩原岩为低δ~(18)O值蚀变岩或低δ~(18)O值基性岩浆岩;(3)大理岩中榴辉岩变质增生锆石δ~(18)O值高达15.9‰,U-Pb年龄为229±4Ma,指示在榴辉岩相变质作用之前,榴辉岩原岩与大理岩一样具有高δ~(18)O值;(4)斜长角闪岩的原岩U-Pb年龄为1719±18Ma,与同时期榴辉岩原岩一起构成扬子板块北缘新元古代岩浆侵位时的裂谷肩部围岩,在三叠纪大陆碰撞时同样受到变质改造。  相似文献   

胶东地块西部变质岩锆石U-Pb定年和氧同位素研究   总被引:19,自引:10,他引:9  
对胶东地块西部变质岩作了系统的锆石U-Pb定年和矿物氧同位素分析,结果对这些变质岩的原岩性质和变质时代提供了制约。研究得到:(2)2个TTG片麻岩的原岩谐和年龄分别为2692±14Ma和2691±12Ma,部分锆石记录了1.7Ga~1.8Ga左右的变质事件。岩浆锆石δ~(18)O值为5.11~5.55‰,指示TTG岩浆在成因上与幔源岩石关系密切;(2)呈透镜状包体分布于TTG片麻岩中的斜长角闪岩全岩δ~(18)O估计值总体在6.0~6.5‰之间,表明斜长角闪岩原岩同样具幔源性质,其原岩初始氧同位素组成总体未受后期变质作用改造,但局部有低δ~(18)O值(3.6‰)斜长角闪岩分布,指示胶东地块西部同样存在δ~(18)O亏损事件;(3)粉子山群长英质副片麻岩具有较高的氧同位素组成,全岩δ~(18)O估计值在12.3~14.5‰之间,锆石δ~(18)O值高达9.92‰,指示其源区物质为高δ~(18)O值表壳岩。粉子山群斜长角闪岩全岩δ~(18)O估计值在5.5‰左右,表明其原岩具有幔源性质,原岩初始氧同位素组成也未受后期变质作用的明显改造;(4)粉子山群混合岩化变质作用时间为1748±22Ma,斜长角闪质混合岩中变质新生锆石δ~(18)O值为6.07‰,长英质混合岩中变质新生锆石δ~(18)O值为6.88~7.67‰,指示在混合岩化变质作用过程中有外部高δ~(18)O值流体加入,引起混合岩氧同位素组成不同程度地升高;(5)粉子山群中橄榄大理岩岩浆核锆石U-Pb不一致线上、下交点年龄分别为769±48Ma和215±34Ma,分别代表岩浆锆石结晶年龄和变质年龄,说明胶东地块西部同样存在新元古代岩浆活动,并遭受到三叠纪变质作用;(6)分布于TTG片麻岩中的基性麻粒岩原岩年龄为2379±54Ma,麻粒岩相变质作用时间为1794±41Ma,与混合岩化变质作用时间基本一致。麻粒岩相变质锆石δ~(18)O值为4.75‰,氧同位素研究表明基性麻粒岩原岩具幔源性质,其原岩氧同位素组成未受到后期变质作用改造。胶东地块西部新元古代岩浆活动、印支期变质时代和~(18)O亏损事件的产出指示,胶东地块西部有可能属于扬子板块,对应于扬子板块北缘新元古代裂谷岩浆侵位时裂谷肩部的北翼古老围岩。在印支期陆壳俯冲过程中,整个胶东地块西部可能并没有俯冲到地幔深度。  相似文献   


The Sawtooth Metamorphic Complex (SMC) of central Idaho contains exposures of metasupracrustal rocks, in a crucial location between the Archaean Wyoming craton to the east and the adjacent Mesozoic terranes to the west, that provide constraints on Precambrian crustal evolution in the northwestern United States. Mineral textures, whole-rock geochemistry, and thermobarometry of calc-silicate gneisses record multiple stages of crustal evolution, including protolith deposition, burial and multiple metamorphic and deformational overprints. Whole-rock signatures are consistent with derivation from post-Archaean, continental sources that have undergone sedimentary maturation and recycling typical of clastic sedimentation in passive-margin environments and with a metamorphosed sequence of calcareous sandstones and marls, containing varying proportions of clay and quartzo-feldspathic detritus. The sandstone-to-marl continuum may reflect a shallow-to-deep water transition in the depositional environment of the calc-silicate protoliths. Two metamorphic events and three deformational events are preserved. The assemblage clinopyroxene + quartz + plagioclase + K-feldspar + rutile represents peak metamorphic conditions (M1), estimated at 750–775°C with relatively oxidized metamorphic fluids, during development of D1a foliation. Deformation twinning in clinopyroxene records a widespread, high strain D1b event at high temperature. A second static thermal event (M2), associated with randomly oriented amphiboles overprinting M1 and D1b features, records conditions of ~550–725°C and H2O-rich fluids. Late-stage, brittle–ductile D2 deformation is characterized by mylonitic lenses of quartz, fractures within M1 clinopyroxenes that crosscut D1b deformation twins, and localized fracturing of M2 amphiboles. Geochemical and mineral chemical signatures of SMC calc-silicates preserve fingerprints of the original protolith through burial to mid-crustal conditions and high-grade metamorphism and suggest crustal thickening to about 20 km. The SMC may reflect rocks at depth beneath the Idaho batholith. These data, indicative of newly recognized post-Archaean terrain with passive-margin, continental sediments suggest that a continuous Cordilleran passive margin sequence may have extended along the western edge of Laurentia.  相似文献   

There are two types of gneisses, biotite paragneiss and granitic orthogneiss, to be closely associated with UHP eclogite at Shuanghe in the Dabie terrane. Both concentration and isotope composition of bulk carbon in apatite and host gneisses were determined by the EA-MS online technique. Structural carbonate within the apatite was detected by the XRD and FTIR techniques. Significant 13C-depletion was observed in the apatite with δ13C values of −28.6‰ to −22.3‰ and the carbon concentrations of 0.70–4.98 wt.% CO2 despite a large variation in δ18O from −4.3‰ to +10.6‰ for these gneisses. There is significant heterogeneity in both δ13C and δ18O within the gneisses on the scale of several tens meters, pointing to the presence of secondary processes after the UHP metamorphism. Considerable amounts of carbonate carbon occur in some of the gneisses that were also depleted in 13C primarily, but subjected to overprint of 13C-rich CO2-bearing fluid after the UHP metamorphism. The 13C-depleted carbon in the gneisses is interpreted to be inherited from their precursors that suffered meteoric–hydrothermal alteration before plate subduction. Both low δ13C values and structural carbonate in the apatite suggest the presence of 13C-poor CO2 in the UHP metamorphic fluid. The 13C-poor CO2 is undoubtedly derived from oxidation of organic matter in the subsurface fluid during the prograde UHP metamorphism.

Zircons from two samples of the granitic orthogneiss exhibit low δ18O values of −4.1‰ to −1.1‰, demonstrating that its protolith was significantly depleted in 18O prior to magma crystallization. U–Pb discordia datings for the 18O-depleted zircons yield Neoproterozoic ages of 724–768 Ma for the protolith of the granitic orthogneiss, consistent with protolith ages of most eclogites and orthogneisses from the other regions in the Dabie–Sulu orogen. Therefore, the meteoric–hydrothermal alteration is directly dated to occur at mid-Neoproterozoic, and may be correlated with the Rodinia supercontinental breakup and the snowball Earth event. It is thus deduced that the igneous protolith of the granitic orthogneiss and some eclogites would intrude into the older sequences composing the sedimentary protoliths of the biotite paragneiss and some eclogites along the northern margin of the Yangtze plate at mid-Neoproterozoic, and drove local meteoric–hydrothermal circulation systems in which both 13C- and 18O-depleted fluid interacted with the protoliths of these UHP rocks now exposed in the Dabie terrane.  相似文献   

The Gejiu-Bozushan-Laojunshan W-Sn polymetallic metallogenic belt(GBLB) in southeast Yunnan Province is an important part of the southwestern Yangtze Block in South China.Tin polymetallic mineralization in this belt includes the Niusipo,Malage,Songshujiao,Laochang and Kafang ore fields in the Gejiu area which are spatially and temporally associated with the Kafang-Laochang and Songshujiao granite plutons.These granites are characterized by variable A/CNK values(mostly 1.1,except for two samples with 1.09),high contents of SiO_2(74.38-76.84 wt.%) and Al_2 O_3(12.46-14.05 wt.%) and variable CaO/Na_2 O ratios(0.2-0.65) as well as high zircon δ~(18)O values(7.74‰-9.86‰),indicative of S-type affinities.These rocks are depleted in Rb,Th,U,Ti,LREE[(La/Yb)N=1.4-20.51],Ba,Nb,Sr,and Ti and display strong negative Eu and Ba anomalies.The rocks possess high Rb/Sr and Rb/Ba ratios,relatively low initial ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr ratios(0.6917-0.7101),and less radiogenic εNd(t)values(-8.0 to-9.1).The zircon grains from these rocks show negative ε_(Hf)(t) values in the range of-3.7 to-9.9 with mean T_(DM2)(Nd) and T_(DM2)(Hf) values of 1.57 Ga and 1.55 Ga.They show initial ~(207)Pb/~(204)Pb ranging from15.69 to 15.71 and ~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb from 18.36 to 18.70.Monazite from Songshujiao granites exhibits higher U and lower Th/U ratios,lower δ~(18)O values and higher ε_(Hf)(t) values than those of the zircon grains in the KafangLaochang granites.The geochemical and isotopic features indicate that the Laochang-Kafang granites originated by partial melting of Mesoproterozoic crustal components including biotite-rich metapelite and metagraywacke,whereas the Songshujiao granites were derived from Mesoproterozoic muscovite-rich metapelite crustal source.Most zircon grains from the Songshujiao,Laochang and Kafang granites have high-U concentrations and their SIMS U-Pb ages show age scatter from 81.6 Ma to 88.6 Ma,80.7 Ma to 86.1 Ma and 82.3 Ma to 87.0 Ma,suggesting formation earlier than the monazite and cassiterite.Monazite SIMS U-Pb ages and Th-Pb ages of three same granite samples are consistent and show yielded 206 Pb/~(238)U ages of 83.7 ± 0.6 Ma,83.7±0.6 Ma,and 83.4±0.6 Ma,and ~(208)Pb/~(232)Th ages of 83.2 ± 0.5 Ma,83.8 ± 0.4 Ma,and 83.5±0.9 Ma,which are within the range of the SIMS zircon U-Pb ages from these rocks.The data constrain the crystallization of the granites at ca.83 Ma.In situ U-Pb dating of two cassiterite samples from the cassiterite-sulfide ore in the Songshujiao ore field and Kafang ore field,and two from the cassiterite-oxide+cassiterite bearing dolomite in the Laochang ore field yielded weighted mean 206 Pb/~(238)U ages of 83.5±0.4 Ma(MSWD=0.6),83.5 ± 0.4 Ma(MSWD=0.5),83.6 ±0.4 Ma(MSWD=0.6) and 83.2 ±0.7 Ma(MSWD=0.6),respectively.Combined with geological characteristics,the new geochronological data indicate that the formation of the granites and Sn polymetallic deposits are coeval.We correlate the magmatic and metallogenic event with lithospheric thinning and asthenosphere upwelling in continental extension setting in relation to the eastward subduction of the Neo-Tethys beneath the Sanjiang tectonic domain during Late Cretaceous.  相似文献   

通过对四川盆地北缘广元地区及南缘綦江地区上奥陶统及下志留统地层的87Sr/86Sr、δ13C及δ18O的系统测定,取得了沿地层剖面变化的同位素组成规律。研究结果表明,在盆地南缘87Sr/86Sr值高于地质历史中海水的平均值,其原因是本区为受板块内古陆控制的缓坡环境,大量陆源锶的混入增加了87Sr/86Sr的值。87Sr/86Sr值在上奥陶统至下志留统地层交界处、Rhuddanian/Aeronian(鲁丹期/艾隆期)交界处具正峰波动,反映了此时海平面的短时下降。但从Rhuddanian至Telychian(特里奇期),87Sr/86Sr逐渐降低。从Aeronian至Sheinwoodian(舍因伍德期)早期,盆地南北缘的δ13C值处于逐渐上升的过程之中,而δ18O则相反。同位素的演化特征说明本区当时为海进时期,海平面不断上升,与全球性海平面变化相吻合。由于受区域构造运动的作用,Sheinwoodian之后的全球持续海进对本区无影响。  相似文献   

Zircon U-Pb and hornblende Ar-Ar ages, major and trace elements, and Sr, Nd and O isotope compositions of Neoproterozoic and Mesozoic granitoids from the Wulian region in the Sulu orogen of China demonstrate that post-collisional granitoids were generated by Early Cretaceous melting of subduction-thickened continental crust that has geochemical affinities to Neoproterozoic protolith of ultrahigh-pressure metaigneous rocks that were derived from the Yangtze Block. The Mesozoic granitoids share the following features with the Neoproterozoic granites: (1) occurrence of Neoproterozoic U-Pb ages in zircon; (2) strong LREE enrichment but HFSE (Nb, P and Ti) depletion; (3) variable δ18O values for constituent minerals; (4) significantly negative εNd(t) values with Paleoproterozoic Nd model ages. Thus the two ages of granitoids have a genetic relationship in source nature. However, they differ significantly in both the O isotope composition of zircon and the concentration ratios of fluid-mobile to fluid-immobile elements. These differences are interpreted to reflect differences in the depth of magma sources, and in the nature of subsequent water-rock alteration. The Neoproterozoic granites were derived from hydration melting of Paleoproterozoic crust during breakup of the supercontinent Rodinia at ca. 780 to 740 Ma along the northern margin of the Yangtze Block, with subsequent overprinting of high-T meteoric-hydrothermal alteration and rifting-induced low-18O magmatism. In contrast, the Mesozoic granitoids were derived from dehydration melting of subduction-thickened crust that was unaffected by meteoric-hydrothermal alteration. The source of the Mesozoic granitoids may be coeval middle-lower crustal counterparts of the Neoproterozoic granites.  相似文献   

本文报道桂东南大容山-十万大山花岗岩带浦北岩体(东北带)、旧州岩体(中部带)和台马岩体(西南带)全岩的主、微量元素、Sr-Nd同位素和锆石的LAM-MC-ICPMS原位Hf同位素分析结果.岩石学及元素地球化学结果显示:上述三个岩体为典型S型花岗岩;高ISr(>0.721)和低εNd(t)(-13.0~-9.9)意味着它们可能来自古老地壳的重熔.岩浆结晶(~230Ma)锆石的εHf(t)值主要集中在-11~-9,相应的TDM2模式年龄为1.9~1.8 Ga;少数结晶锆石的εHf(t)值逐渐升高到-4.5,TDM2降低为~1.5 Ga.捕获锆石(1681~384 Ma)的的εHf(t)值分布在-17.1~+3.4,TDM2主要集中在2.4 Ga、1.9 Ga和1.5 Ga.大部分岩浆结晶锆石εHf(t)值与根据"全岩εNd(t)值和‘地壳Hf-Nd相关'预测值"基本一致,表明平均地壳存留年龄为1.9 Ga的地壳是最重要的物源区.部分岩浆锆石与捕获锆石具有相同的TDM2~1.5 Ga,表明平均地壳存留年龄为1.5 Ga的物源区参与了该花岗岩带的形成;由于缺少TDM2>2.0 Ga的岩浆锆石,少量平均地壳存留年龄为2.4 Ga的再循环地壳物质参与了该花岗岩带的形成.因为缺少显著幔源特征的高εHf(t)值锆石,本文认为地幔物质基本没有参与该S型花岗岩带的形成.  相似文献   

本文报道出露于越南西北部的Posen花岗岩岩体锆石U-Pb年龄和Hf同位素组成特征,讨论岩石成因和该地区新元古代岩浆作用的大地构造意义.分析3个花岗岩样品获得723Ma至760Ma的锆石U-Pb年龄,表明花岗岩形成于新元古代.该花岗岩的锆石Hf同位素组成有较大的变化范围,ε_(Hf)(t)值变化范围为-16.1至+3.4,单阶段Hf模式年龄为1186~1945Ma,暗示Posen花岗岩有着复杂的源区物源组成.在误差范围内,锆石两阶段Hf同位素模式年龄值主要集中在2.0~2.1Ga,与两阶段Nd同位素模式年龄值2.1~2.2Ga一致,说明花岗岩体主要由古元古代地壳物质部分熔融形成的.部分锆石颗粒具有正ε_(Hf)(t)值,可能指示花岗岩岩浆形成过程中存在壳-幔混合相互作用.在越南西北部发育新元古代岩浆作用可能与扬子板块广泛发育的、伴随Rodinia超大陆裂解过程的岩浆活动存在成因的联系,也揭示越南西北部地体可能与扬子板块具有亲缘关系,因此,可以推断马江断裂带应该代表印支板块和华南板块之间的古特提斯缝合带在越南西北部的延伸.  相似文献   

We review the oxygen isotopic compositions of minerals in chondrules and compound objects composed of a chondrule and a refractory inclusion, and bulk oxygen isotopic compositions of chondrules in unequilibrated ordinary, carbonaceous, enstatite, and Kakangari-like chondrites, focusing on data acquired using secondary ion mass-spectrometry and laser fluorination coupled with mass-spectrometry over the last decade. Most ferromagnesian chondrules from primitive (unmetamorphosed) chondrites are isotopically uniform (within 3–4‰ in Δ17O) and depleted in 16O (Δ17O>−7‰) relative to amoeboid olivine aggregates (AOAs) and most calcium–aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs) (Δ17O<−20‰), suggesting that these classes of objects formed in isotopically distinct gaseous reservoirs, 16O-poor and 16O-rich, respectively. Chondrules uniformly enriched in 16O (Δ17O<−15‰) are exceptionally rare and have been reported only in CH chondrites. Oxygen isotopic heterogeneity in chondrules is mainly due to the presence of relict grains. These appear to consist of chondrules of earlier generations and rare refractory inclusions; with rare exceptions, the relict grains are 16O-enriched relative to chondrule phenocrysts and mesostasis. Within a chondrite group, the magnesium-rich (Type I) chondrules tend to be 16O-enriched relative to the ferrous (Type II) chondrules. Aluminum-rich chondrules in ordinary, enstatite, CR, and CV chondrites are generally 16O-enriched relative to ferromagnesian chondrules. No systematic differences in oxygen isotopic compositions have been found among these chondrule types in CB chondrites. Aluminum-rich chondrules in carbonaceous chondrites often contain relict refractory inclusions. Aluminum-rich chondrules with relict CAIs have heterogeneous oxygen isotopic compositions (Δ17O ranges from −20‰ to 0‰). Aluminum-rich chondrules without relict CAIs are isotopically uniform and have oxygen isotopic compositions similar to, or approaching, those of ferromagnesian chondrules. Phenocrysts and mesostases of the CAI-bearing chondrules show no clear evidence for 16O-enrichment compared to the CAI-free chondrules. Spinel, hibonite, and forsterite of the relict refractory inclusions largely retained their original oxygen isotopic compositions. In contrast, plagioclase and melilite of the relict CAIs experienced melting and 16O-depletion to various degrees, probably due to isotopic exchange with an 16O-poor nebular gas. Several igneous CAIs experienced isotopic exchange with an 16O-poor nebular gas during late-stage remelting in the chondrule-forming region. On a three-isotope diagram, bulk oxygen isotopic compositions of most chondrules in ordinary, enstatite, and carbonaceous chondrites plot above, along, and below the terrestrial fractionation line, respectively. Bulk oxygen isotopic compositions of chondrules in altered and/or metamorphosed chondrites show evidence for mass-dependent fractionation, reflecting either interaction with a gaseous/fluid reservoir on parent asteroids or open-system thermal metamorphism. Bulk oxygen isotopic compositions of chondrules and oxygen isotopic compositions of individual minerals in chondrules and refractory inclusions from primitive chondrites plot along a common line of slope of 1, suggesting that only two major reservoirs (gas and solids) are needed to explain the observed variations. However, there is no requirement that each had a permanently fixed isotopic composition. The absolute (207Pb–206Pb) and relative (27Al–26Mg) chronologies of CAIs and chondrules and the differences in oxygen isotopic compositions of most chondrules (16O-poor) and most refractory inclusions (16O-rich) can be interpreted in terms of isotopic self-shielding during UV photolysis of CO in the initially 16O-rich (Δ17O−25‰) parent molecular cloud or protoplanetary disk. According to these models, the UV photolysis preferentially dissociates C17O and C18O in the parent molecular cloud and in the peripheral zones of the protoplanetary disk. If this process occurs in the stability field of water ice, the released atomic 17O and 18O are incorporated into water ice, while the residual CO gas becomes enriched in 16O. During the earliest stages of evolution of the protoplanetary disk, the inner solar nebula had a solar H2O/CO ratio and was 16O-rich. During this time, AOAs and the 16O-rich CAIs and chondrules formed. Subsequently, the inner solar nebula became H2O- and 16O-depleted, because ice-rich dust particles, which were depleted in 16O, agglomerated outside the snowline (5 AU), drifted rapidly towards the Sun and evaporated. During this time, which may have lasted for 3 Myr, most chondrules and the 16O-depleted igneous CAIs formed. We infer that most chondrules formed from isotopically heterogeneous, but 16O-depleted precursors, and experienced isotopic exchange with an 16O-poor nebular gas during melting. Although the relative roles of the chondrule precursor materials and gas–melt isotopic exchange in establishing oxygen isotopic compositions of chondrules have not been quantified yet, mineralogical, chemical, and isotopic evidence indicate that Type I chondrules may have formed in chemical and isotopic equilibrium with nebular gas of variable isotopic composition. Whether these variations were spatial or temporal are not known yet.  相似文献   

南极半岛长期以来位于冈瓦纳古陆的西缘,是冈瓦纳古陆最后裂解的发生地。南极半岛内出露有大量的中新生代火成岩,关于其成岩期次、源区性质以及产出的动力学背景等尚存争议,从而影响到对南极半岛构造演化的认识。本文报道了南极半岛中部构造域屈韦维尔岛地区出露的安山质火山岩、闪长玢岩脉及其中闪长岩捕掳体的LA-MC-ICP-MS锆石UPb年代学和Hf同位素分析数据。其中含角砾安山质熔岩、安山质火山角砾岩、中粒闪长岩捕虏体和闪长玢岩脉4件样品的锆石U-Pb测年结果分别为103.3±1.7Ma、101.9±1.8Ma、92.0±1.2Ma和85.7±07Ma,表明该岛在白垩纪中期存在三幕火山岩浆作用事件:第一幕约为102Ma发生的强烈火山喷发;第二幕约为92Ma的闪长岩侵入作用;第三幕约为86Ma的闪长玢岩体侵入作用。锆石的Hf同位素原位分析结果表明,主要测点的εHf(t)值在+2.5~+7.9之间,平均值为+4.4,其一阶段Hf模式年龄为505~678Ma,表明白垩纪中期出露的火成岩可能由新元古代-寒武纪的亏损地幔物质部分熔融所形成。结合前人研究成果,得出本岛出露的火成岩形成于冈瓦纳古陆裂解过程所伴生的俯冲岛弧环境中,是构成南极半岛中部岩浆弧构造域的主体岩性之一。  相似文献   

Ten of eleven analyzed water samples from mud volcanoes of the Taman Peninsula are characterized by 87Sr/86Sr ratio within 0.70734–0.70957, which overlaps the values typical of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentary carbonates, but sharply differs from the value in the clayey sediments of the Maikop Group (0.7157 ± 0.0022). These data indicate that the strontium isotopic composition is mainly defined by carbonate reservoirs, with relatively little effect of elision solutions, input of which is noticeable only in the water of Gladkovsky Volcano (87Sr/86Sr = 0.71076). The high δ18O in mud volcanic waters (up to 14.2‰) can also be attributed to ionic exchange with sedimentary carbonates at temperatures around 150°C.  相似文献   

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