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脊髓损伤的尿流动力学检查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
尿流动力学(Urodynamic)是近年来逐渐形成并获得迅速发展的泌尿外科检查新技术,现已成为各类排尿障碍患者重要的检查手段,对脊髓损伤患者。更是一项必不可少的检测手段,通过尿流动力学各项检查,可动态地了解下尿路功能,并在此基础上,对诊断和治疗提供更多的客观指标和依据。 尿流动力学是运用流体力学,电生理及神经生理学等学科的原理和方法,研究泌尿系统有关尿液输送,贮存和排出功能的新学科。通过检测膀胱容积压力变化,尿道压力分布测定,肌电图,尿流率等项检查,可较全面完整地反映出下尿路功能动态改变。1膀胱压力容积测定(Cystometry) …  相似文献   

膀胱控制器恢复截瘫犬膀胱功能的尿流动力学观察   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目的:观察膀胱控制器重建截瘫犬排尿功能时的尿流动力学变化,评价膀胱控制器对截瘫犬排尿功能恢复的效果。方法:4只健康杂种犬经T10平面造成截瘫后,在双侧S2神经根上植入刺激电极并通过导线与皮下的接收器连接,通过体外发射器进行电刺激,同时作硬膜内S1~S3后根切断。术后每天进行电刺激,观察截瘫犬的排尿情况,并进行尿流动力学检查。结果:4只犬均获得电刺激人工控制下排尿,排尿量80~140ml/次,尿流动力学检测证实为刺激后排尿模式。结论:国产膀胱控制器结合骶部神经去传入能很好地重建截瘫犬膀胱的贮尿和排尿功能。  相似文献   

尿流动力学检查对脊髓拴系诊治的临床意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的讨论尿流动力学检查在脊髓拴系患者治疗中的重要性.方法对38例脊髓拴系患者行尿流动力学检查、静脉肾盂造影和排泄性膀胱尿道造影,了解患者泌尿系损害情况.结果上尿路损害组最大逼尿肌压(7.45±1.22kPa)明显高于上尿路组无损害组(4.25±1.40kPa),膀胱顺应性(2.6±0.6ml/cmH2O)低于下尿路无损害组(6.7±0.8ml/cmH2O).逼尿肌与括约肌协调组上尿路损害的发生率(16.7%)明显低于逼尿肌与括约肌不协调组(52.1%).结论逼尿肌压升高、膀胱顺应性下降、逼尿肌与括约肌不协调是上尿路损害的高危因素,尿流动力检查可为临床治疗提供指导.  相似文献   

常用尿流动力学检查及其应用:尿流动力学系列讲座之二   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1尿流动力仪尿流动力仪是开展尿流动力学研究必不可少的设备。了解尿流动力仪对检查结果的分析及简单故障的排除有较大的帮助。最早的尿流动力学检查设备十分简单,将置入原路腔内的测压管与一垂直放置的有刻度的玻璃管相连,即可读取压力值;用一秒表记录尿流时间,用尿流时间除以所排出的尿量即获得平均尿流率。现代尿流动力仪一般均包括有传感器、电信号处理系统、灌注泵及记录装置。传感器:将压力和流率信号转化成电信号,通过信号转换和放大后输入到记录系统,压力和流率值越大,电信号越强,记录到的曲线幅度越高。压力传感器一般多…  相似文献   

目的探讨尿动力学检查在糖尿病患者膀胱功能异常的诊断中的临床意义。方法对已确诊的23例糖尿病患者进行尿流动力学检查,记录相关参数和临床资料。结果对比显示患者组残余尿量、初始尿意容量、膀胱容量均较正常组明显升高(P〈0.05),但最大尿流率、最大逼尿肌收缩压明显下降(P〈0.01)。结论尿流动力学检查是对DCP进行客观评价的最重要的手段,尽早进行尿流动力学检查有助于早期确诊,并且可以据此进行针对性治疗,对预防膀胱功能恶化有重要的意义。  相似文献   

影像尿流动力学检查在膀胱输尿管反流研究中的意义   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的:了解影像尿流动力学检查在膀胱输尿管反流研究中的意义。方法;对行影像尿流动力学检查的18例有排尿障碍并伴肾积水的患者进行回顾性分析。结果:8例出现膀胱输尿管反流,其中7例出现反流时膀胱内压力≤3.92kPa,1例〉3.92kPa。出现反流的8例中,7例有膀胱顺应性降低,逼尿肌反射异常或膀胱颈梗阻。  相似文献   

脊髓损伤后的膀胱功能重建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

尿流动力学概要   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
传统的尿流动力学(Urodynarmic)是指利用流体力学(Hydrodynamic)的基本原理研究尿路功能和功能障碍性疾病的一门科学。现代尿流动力学研究已不仅仅只涉及压力、流率、阻力等流体力学内容,而是把所有能动态反映尿路功能状况的内容均纳入尿流动力学的范畴,如肌电图、动态尿路造影、动态超声及动态核素检查等。根据研究部位不同,又分为以研究肾益、肾盂、输尿管为主的上尿路动力学和以研究膀此、尿道为主的下尿路动力学。在自然界中,水总是往低处流,这是由于高度差形成的势能的存在;而人工引水上山则是因加压系给水以动能的结果。在…  相似文献   

目的观察大鼠膀胱出口部分梗阻(PBOO)后尿流动力学及超微结构变化,探讨膀胱出口部分梗阻后超微结构和尿流动力学改变的关系。方法 48只雌性Sprague-Dawley大鼠随机分为假手术组(Sham组)24只、PBOO 2周组8只、4周组8只、8周组8只。饲养后,于相应周数解剖膀胱,测定膀胱重量、不稳定收缩发生率、容量、漏尿点压及膀胱顺应性,观察逼尿肌超微结构改变等指标。结果 PBOO 2周、4周、8周膀胱重量分别为(220±24.2)mg、(327.8±27.7)mg、(521.6±24.7)mg,Sham组为(108.5±6.3)mg(P0.05);不稳定收缩发生率分别为50%(4/8)、87.5%(7/8)、37.5%(3/8),Sham组0%为(0/24)(P0.05);膀胱最大容积分别为(0.65±0.26)mL、(1.57±0.70)mL、(5.62±1.39)mL,Sham组为(0.30±0.08)mL(P0.05)。梗阻组漏尿点压为2周组(31.5±4.78)cmH2O、4周组(56.5±7.46)cmH2O、8周组(33.00±9.92)cmH2O,Sham组(22.13±3.18)cmH2O(P0.05)。膀胱顺应性PBOO 2周组、4周组与Sham组比较,差异无统计学意义(P0.05),8周组与Sham组相比,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。透射电镜观察结果为大鼠PBOO后线粒体增多、水肿,细胞膜穴样凹陷增多,中间连接减少、缝隙连接及胞突连接增多。结论膀胱出口部分梗阻后由代偿期进入失代偿期,可以通过尿流动力学进行检测,而产生这一系列变化的形态学基础可能是超微结构的改变。  相似文献   

目的:观察选择性骶神经根切断治疗脊髓损伤痉挛性膀胱的实际疗效,探讨骶神经根高选择性切断的治疗机制及最佳手术方式。方法:雄性家犬12 只,制备成脊髓损伤后痉挛性膀胱模型,根据骶神经切断方式分为A、B、C、D4 组,通过尿流动力学检测及电生理观察,记录并计算骶神经切断前( 对照组)及术后各组各项功能性指标的变化,并进行比较分析。结果:A、B、C、D4 组术后膀胱容量均明显高于术前对照组,尿道压力均低于术前对照组,其中B 组的膀胱贮尿功能、排空能力、尿道压力均接近正常,且对犬阴茎勃起功能无明显影响。结论:高选择性骶神经根切断治疗脊髓损伤后痉挛性膀胱有确实明显的疗效,是一种值得研究的新方法。  相似文献   

【摘要】目的:观察利用脊髓正常反射通路重建人工膀胱反射弧恢复脊髓损伤后神经原性膀胱功能的临床疗效。方法:对36例完全性脊髓损伤(ASIA分级A级)患者行人工膀胱反射弧重建,其中28例脊髓圆锥上脊髓损伤患者(痉挛性膀胱),切断并显微吻合单侧S1前根与支配膀胱最强的神经根(一般为S2或S3)前根;8例脊髓圆锥损伤患者(弛缓性膀胱)采用腓肠神经移植并显微吻合T10/T11神经根前根及支配膀胱最强的神经根前根。通过对34例(2例痉挛性膀胱患者死亡)患者术前、术后6、12、18个月随访并行尿流动力学检查(无菌生理盐水灌注速度25ml/s),评估痉挛性和弛缓性膀胱功能恢复情况。两种不同类型的神经原性膀胱患者均选其具有代表意义的尿流动力学检查指标,整理数据后进行统计学分析。结果:26例痉挛性膀胱患者,最大膀胱测压容积术后3个时间点间比较差异无显著性(P>0.05),但与术前比较均有显著性差异(P<0.05);残尿量、膀胱顺应性不同时间点间比较两两均有显著性差异(P<0.05)。8例弛缓性膀胱患者,最大膀胱测压容积术后与术前比较差异无显著性(P>0.05);残尿量由术前的495.1±56.6ml降至术后18个月时的264.4±30.8ml,且术后不同时间点与术前比较均有统计学意义(P<0.05);最大逼尿肌压力由术前的6.3±3.9cmH2O升高到术后18个月时的82.9±4.3cmH2O,且术后3个时间点与术前比较差异均有显著性(P<0.05)。未发现一例通过搔抓下腹部皮肤引起排尿。结论:利用脊髓正常反射通路重建神经原性膀胱人工反射弧改善膀胱功能是可行而有效的方法。  相似文献   



We aimed to investigate the relationship between the severity of the spinal lesion and urodynamic findings, bladder drainage method at discharge, and incidence of renal calculi in patients with spinal cord injury (SCI).




In-patient rehabilitation unit of a tertiary research hospital.


A total of 131 patients who were admitted to our clinic with a diagnosis of SCI and placed into a rehabilitation program were included in the study. The severity of the lesion was determined according to the American Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale (AIS). We evaluated the relationship between the severity of the lesion and the detrusor hyperactivity and compliance as determined by urodynamic investigation, the bladder drainage method used at discharge, and the renal calculi rate as determined by ultrasonography.


While no difference was found between the patients with complete and incomplete injuries in terms of age, sex, disease duration, detrusor hyperactivity and compliance, the bladder drainage method was found to show a significant change according to the severity of the lesion. None of the patients were found to have hydronephrosis and the rate of renal calculi showed no statistically significant difference according to the severity of the lesion.


We concluded that urodynamic examination is required in each patient with SCI as the severity of the lesion is not sufficient to determine the bladder type, and patients with complete and incomplete injuries should be monitored with the same sensitivity in terms of complications.  相似文献   

Objective: To identify and classify quality of life (QoL) tools for assessing the influence of neurogenic bladder after spinal cord injury/disease (SCI).

Design: Systematic Review

Methods: Medline/Pubmed, CINAHL, and PsycInfo were searched using terms related to SCI, neurogenic bladder and QoL. Studies that assessed the influence neurogenic bladder on QoL (or related construct) in samples consisting of?≥50% individuals with SCI were included. Two independent reviewers screened titles and abstracts of 368 identified references; 118 full-text articles were assessed for eligibility, and 42 studies were included. Two reviewers independently classified outcomes as objective (societal viewpoint) or subjective (patient perspective) using a QoL framework.

Results: Ten objective QoL measures were identified, with the Medical Outcomes Short Form (SF-36/SF-12) used most frequently. Fourteen subjective QoL measures were identified; 8 were specific to neurogenic bladder. Psychometric evidence for SCI-specific neurogenic bladder QoL tools was reported for the Quality of Life Index (QLI), Qualiveen, Bladder Complications Scale, Spinal Cord Injury-Quality of Life (SCI-QOL) Bladder Management Difficulties, and the SCI-QOL Bladder Management Difficulties-Short Form. The QLI and Qualiveen showed sensitivity to neurogenic bladder in experimental designs.

Conclusion: Several objective and subjective tools exist to assess the influence of neurogenic bladder on QoL in SCI. The QLI and Qualiveen, both subjective tools, were the only validated SCI-specific tools that showed sensitivity to neurogenic bladder. Further validation of existing subjective SCI-specific outcomes is needed. Research to validate objective measures of QoL would be useful for informing practice and policy related to resource allocation for bladder care post-SCI.  相似文献   



There is limited knowledge about bladder dysfunction and bladder management in persons with spinal cord injury (SCI) after discharge from the hospital in Norway. The impact of bladder dysfunction on satisfaction of life has been rarely explored.


Community-based survey from Norway.


An anonymous cross-sectional postal survey. A questionnaire was sent to the registered members of the Norwegian Spinal Cord Injuries Association. A total of 400 participants, with traumatic or non-traumatic SCI, received the questionnaire.


A total of 248 subjects (62%), 180 men and 68 women, answered the questionnaire. Mean age was 54 years and mean time since injury 13.4 years. A total of 164 participants (66.1%) used intermittent catheterization for bladder emptying (48.5% women versus 72.8% men); more paraplegics than tetraplegics (77.2% versus 55.7%). Recommendations given at the Spinal Cord Units were thoroughly followed by persons who had used catheters more than 5 years. Use of incontinence pads were associated with reduced satisfaction of life.


The most common method of management of bladder dysfunction is clean intermittent catheterization in Norway. Recommendations were followed more thoroughly by persons who have used intermittent catheterization for more than 5 years. Spinal Cord Units are important source for information and guidance.  相似文献   



There is limited knowledge about bladder dysfunction and bladder management in persons with spinal cord injury (SCI) after discharge from the hospital in Norway. The impact of bladder dysfunction on satisfaction of life has been rarely explored.


Community-based survey from Norway.


An anonymous cross-sectional postal survey. A questionnaire was sent to the registered members of the Norwegian Spinal Cord Injuries Association. A total of 400 participants, with traumatic or non-traumatic SCI, received the questionnaire.


A total of 248 subjects (62%), 180 men and 68 women, answered the questionnaire. Mean age was 54 years and mean time since injury 13.4 years. A total of 164 participants (66.1%) used intermittent catheterization for bladder emptying (48.5% women versus 72.8% men); more paraplegics than tetraplegics (77.2% versus 55.7%). Recommendations given at the Spinal Cord Units were thoroughly followed by persons who had used catheters more than 5 years. Use of incontinence pads were associated with reduced satisfaction of life.


The most common method of management of bladder dysfunction is clean intermittent catheterization in Norway. Recommendations were followed more thoroughly by persons who have used intermittent catheterization for more than 5 years. Spinal Cord Units are important source for information and guidance.  相似文献   

Our purpose was to determine if intact perianal (S4–5) pin sensation (PPS) and bulbocavernosus (S2–4) reflex (BCR) shortly after spinal cord injury (SCI) are predictive of bladder function recovery. Twenty-eight SCI patients (aged 18–68 years, Frankel Classification A–D, spinal injury level C4–T12), admitted within 72 hours of injury, underwent evaluation of initial PPS and BCR. The presence of intact PPS and BCR were correlated with the patient's voiding function and urodynamic evaluation results 1 year postinjury. Of the 28 patients within 72 hours of SCI, PPS was intact in 17 (60%) and absent in 11 (40%), while 15 patients (54%) demonstrated a positive BCR and 13 (46%) did not. One year after SCI, no patient with absent PPS voided unassisted, while of the 17 patients with preserved PPS, 11 (65%) were voiding spontaneously. Of these 11 patients, urodynamic evaluation revealed detrusor areflexia in 1 (9%), normal detrusor function in 2 (18%), and detrusor hyperreflexia in 8 (73%), with 3 of these 8 patients (38%) also demonstrating detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia. At 1 year postinjury, only 2 of 13 patients (15%) with an absent BCR voided spontaneously, while 9 of 15 patients (60%) with an intact BCR were able to void. Although PPS and BCR are moderately sensitive in predicting the return of spontaneous voiding, they cannot predict detrusor hyperreflexia and sphincter dyssynergia. Therefore, urodynamic study remains an essential component of initial urologic evaluation after SCI. Neurourol. Urodynam. 17:25–29, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Background contextIn recent years, hypothermia has been described as a therapeutic approach that leads to potential protective effects via minimization of secondary damage consequences, reduction of neurologic deficit, and increase of motor performance after spinal cord injury (SCI) in animal models and humans.PurposeThe objective of this study was to determine the therapeutic efficacy of hypothermia treatment on sensory-motor function and bladder activity outcome correlated with the white and gray matter sparing and neuronal survival after SCI in adult rats.Study designA standardized animal model of compression SCI was used to test the hypothesis that hypothermia could have a neuroprotective effect on neural cell death and loss of white and/or gray matter.MethodsAnimals underwent spinal cord compression injury at the Th8–Th9 level followed by systemic hypothermia of 32.0°C with gradual re-warming to 37.0°C. Motor function of hind limbs (BBB score) and mechanical allodynia (von Frey hair filaments) together with function of urinary bladder was monitored in all experimental animals throughout the whole survival period.ResultsPresent results showed that hypothermia had beneficial effects on urinary bladder activity and on locomotor function recovery at Days 7 and 14 post-injury. Furthermore, significant increase of NeuN-positive neuron survival within dorsal and ventral horns at Days 7, 14, and 21 were documented.ConclusionsOur conclusions suggest that hypothermia treatment may not only promote survival of neurons, which can have a significant impact on the improvement of motor and vegetative functions, but also induce mechanical allodynia.  相似文献   

脊髓损伤后的高凝状态   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目的:观察脊髓损伤患者凝血系统的变化。方法:以20例符合条件的脊髓损伤病人为研究对象,分别于伤后2~6h、伤后1、3、5d采集病人股静脉血,测定血浆凝血酶抗凝血酶Ⅲ复合物(TAT)、凝血酶原片段1 2(F1 2)和D-二聚体(D-dimer)浓度;同时测定20名健康献血员TAT、F1 2、D-dimer血浆浓度作为正常对照。结果:正常对照组TAT、F1 2和D-dimer血浆浓度分别为3.1±0.9ng/ml、0.9±0.2nmol/l和42.6±9.3ng/ml。20例脊髓损伤病人伤后2~6hTAT、F1 2、D-dimer血浆浓度即显著增高(P<0.05),分别达45.3±14.2ng/ml、4.1±0.7nmol/l和136.2±14.3ng/ml,伤后1、2d内仍明显高于对照组,伤后3、4d趋于正常。结论:脊髓损伤后可激活凝血系统,造成高凝状态,这种高凝状态于伤后数小时即可发生,且持续存在2~3d。  相似文献   

Objective: To investigate the neurological and functional recovery patterns of ischemic spinal cord injury (ISCI) compared with traumatic spinal cord injury (TSCI) in the acute to chronic phase.Design: Retrospective cohort study.Settings: Department of Neurology, Neurosurgery, Rehabilitation Medicine at a tertiary hospital.Participants: Fifty-four patients with ISCI and 86 patients with TSCI.Interventions: Not applicable.Outcome measures: MRI findings, American Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale (AIS), modified Rankin Scale (mRS), Korean Spinal Cord Independence Measure (KSCIM), ambulatory status, and bladder status were reviewed. The functional outcomes were measured at admission, discharge, and >6 months after discharge.Results: AIS classification did not significantly change after 6 months in both ISCI and TSCI groups. Between admission and discharge, the proportion of patients needing a wheelchair or assistive device to ambulate decreased more in the ISCI group compared with the TSCI group [odds ratio (OR) 0.40, P = 0.04]. In addition, the proportion of catheterized voiding in the ISCI group was significantly higher than in the TSCI group at all time points (OR 5.12, P < 0.001). Lastly, both groups showed that functional improvement was the greatest between admission and discharge. In addition, the proportion of catheterized voiding decreased (Diff = −0.12, P = 0.019) and mRS score decreased (Diff=−0.48, P < 0.001) significantly in the ISCI group at >6 months post discharge.Conclusion: The ISCI group showed better recovery of mobility during inpatient rehabilitation period and worse recovery of bladder function as demonstrated by higher number of patients requiring bladder catheterization at all time points when compared with the TSCI group.  相似文献   

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