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髌骨置换在全膝关节置换中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
骨关节炎患者全膝关节置换时,是否应进行髌骨置换,一直是争论的焦点。有人反对.有人支持,还有人认为两者并无差别。本文从髌骨置换的两大分歧、临床效果、手术技巧、患者筛选标准和假体设计等方面进行综述,有利于加深对髌骨处理问题的认识。  相似文献   

全膝关节置换术髌骨置换与否的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的回顾性分析、比较全膝关节置换术髌骨置换与否的疗效及优缺点,为临床治疗提供参考。方法自1994年1月~2000年12月间住院治疗的骨关节炎及类风湿性关节炎患者86例(109膝)。对髌骨置换和未置换的两组患者进行随访,膝关节评分采用美国HSS评分系统,髌骨评分采用Feller等的髌骨评分标准。随访时拍摄膝关节正、侧位及髌骨30°、90°轴位X线片。结果使用SPSS统计软件进行统计学分析。结果置换组与未置换组术后疗效及并发症的发生率无明显差异,髌骨功能评分差异有非常显著性意义(P<0.01)。置换组部分功能(上下楼梯及从椅子上坐起)略好于未置换组,未置换组术后膝前痛的发生率高于置换组,但多为轻度,差异有显著性意义(P<0.05)。术后髌骨不稳定和半脱位的发生率无统计学差异。结论髌骨不稳定的发生与术前畸形明显及术前髌骨外侧偏移倾向有关,是造成未置换组膝前痛的因素之一。未置换组髌骨不稳定与髌骨分型有关,建议如果术前拍摄髌骨轴位X线片时发现髌骨属于Ⅲ型者应置换髌骨。  相似文献   

目的 应用Cochrane系统评价髌骨置换与不置换两种处理方式在全膝关节置换中的疗效.方法 检索并获取1995-2009年发表的所有全膝关节置换中比较髌骨置换与不置换术后疗效的随机对照试验,对纳人文献进行数据提取、偏倚风险评估、质量评价并行统计分析.结果 15个随机对照试验共纳人分析1 707膝.Meta分析结果 表明...  相似文献   

目的通过与非髌骨置换比较,探讨髌骨置换对人工全膝关节置换术疗效的影响。方法将2010年9月-11月符合选择标准的63例(63膝)拟行人工全膝关节置换术的骨关节炎患者随机分为两组,其中32例关节置换术中行髌骨置换(置换组),31例不作置换(非置换组)。两组患者性别、年龄、病程、骨关节炎分级、美国膝关节协会评分系统(KSS)标准临床评分及关节功能评分、髌骨评分、髌骨倾斜角、胫股角及髌韧带比值等一般资料比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05),具有可比性。术后6周及3、6、12个月对疗效进行临床及影像学评定。结果两组患者术后切口均Ⅰ期愈合,置换组6例、非置换组8例出现下肢深静脉血栓形成。患者均获12个月随访。置换组术后3、6、12个月时膝前疼痛发生率均低于非置换组(P<0.05)。两组术后各时间点KSS临床评分比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);除术后6周及3个月,其余各时间点置换组关节功能评分明显高于非置换组(P<0.05)。两组髌骨评分除术后12个月外,其余各时间点组间比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。X线片复查示,两组均无髌骨骨折、髌骨脱位、髌骨不稳、假体松动及断裂发生;术后12个月两组股胫角、髌韧带比值、髌骨倾斜角比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论人工全膝关节置换术中行髌骨置换可以一定程度改善膝关节功能评分、髌骨评分及降低术后膝前疼痛的发生率。  相似文献   

全膝关节置换术中是否置换髌骨的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在人工膝关节置换术中,是否置换髌骨仍是一个有争议的问题。虽然多数学者认为对炎性关节炎应进行髌骨置换,但对骨性关节炎髌骨是否置换仍有争议。我们对2001年1月至2004年12月在我院行全膝关节置换术的62例(82膝)骨性关节炎患者进行回顾性研究,比较了置换与未置换髌骨患者的疗效。  相似文献   

膝关节置换术中髌骨置换与非髌骨置换比较的Meta分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]系统评价全膝关节置换术中髌骨置换与否对术后疗效的影响,为临床治疗提供参考。[方法]全面搜索国内外关于膝关节置换术中髌骨置换和非髌骨置换的随机对照研究资料,按照既定的纳入、排除标准,核定检出符合评价标准的文献,提取所需研究数据,采用RevMan 4.2软件进行Meta分析。[结果]纳入随机对照研究16篇,共计1 922例膝关节置换术。Meta分析结果显示,髌骨置换组术后5年内发生膝前痛的风险降低,加权后RR=0.53,95%CI(0.30,0.94),但5年后二者无明显统计学差异。髌骨置换组术后5年以上发生再手术的风险低,加权后RR=0.35,95%CI(0.18,0.66),但5年内二者无明显统计学差异。膝关节KSS评分不论是亚组分析还是总体分析,均无统计学差异。总体分析结果,KSS评分加权均数差值为0.44,95%CI(-1.22,2.09)。[结论]全膝关节置换术中髌骨置换与非髌骨置换相比,术后5年内膝前痛发生率低,术后5年以上再手术的风险低,关节评分无明显差别。髌骨置换与非髌骨置换的优劣仍需大规模多中心的RCT来进一步研究。  相似文献   

髌骨置换与否对全膝关节置换效果的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的评价髌骨置换与否对全膝关节表面置换的影响。方法对2000年1月至2001年6月间行膝关节表面置换的165例病人随机分为髌骨置换组和不置换组。置换组均采用同一种膝关节假体系统,由同组医生完成,术前和随访时评价HSS评分、髌骨评分和髌骨适合角、髌骨高度等影像学结果。所有评价均采用双盲的方式。结果在HSS评分和髌骨评分方面,两组无统计学差异。影像学评价两组无统计学差异。髌骨置换组的手术时间明显长于非置换组。结论对于骨关节炎病人,不置换和置换髌骨临床效果相当,影像学表现无明显区别。但置换组的手术时间更长。不论置换与否,手术时应注意对下肢力线的矫正。  相似文献   

全膝关节置换术髌骨相关问题的探讨   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
髌骨是人体最大的籽骨,它是伸膝装置的重要组成部分,在20世纪的早、中期,髌骨的重要性并不为人们所重视。自1971年Kaufer报告髌骨的机械力学功能以来,髌骨的重要性也越来越为人们所认识,众多研究证实,髌骨对全膝关节置换(totalkneearthroplasty,TKA)术后的功能恢复有着重要的影响。一、髌骨的解剖及功能髌骨厚度为2~3cm,其中关节软骨最厚处可达5mm。髌骨后表面的上3/为关节面,共七个,由纵向的中央嵴及内侧嵴分为外侧关节面、内侧关节面和奇面,内、外侧关节面又被两条横嵴分为上、中、下三部分。髌骨后表面的下1/位于关节外,…  相似文献   

[目的]探讨不置换髌骨的全膝关节置换术后髌骨的X线变化。[方法]对1999年~2004年间所进行的51例64个膝关节假体进行随访,常规不置换髌骨。平均年龄68.5岁(57~78岁),平均随访4.8年(2.5~8年)。在X线正侧位片和髌骨轴位片观察病人髌骨的退变、髌骨外移和倾斜程度的变化。[结果]手术后髌骨倾斜和外移均明显改善。随时间延长,大多数髌骨轨迹居中,没有明显退变。最常见的X线改变有髌骨上下极和外侧面增生,部分髌骨轨迹出现恶化。髌股关节的症状与髌骨的退变无明确相关。[结论]不置换髌骨的膝关节置换术后,髌骨的轨迹可得到明显改善,髌骨不会出现明显退变。  相似文献   

目的 :对髌骨切除病人的全膝关节置换术的效果进行评估。方法 :将 9例髌骨切除术后病人的TKA手术效果和正常病人的TKA手术效果对比。结果 :髌骨切除组的 7例病人疼痛完全缓解 ,另 2例病人仍有持续性疼痛。对照组病人的疼痛全部缓解。髌骨切除组病人的平均术前活动度是 78° ,术后为 90°。其中的 2例病人分别因为无菌性胫骨部件松动和感染而接受翻修术。对照组病人的平均术前活动度为 82° ,术后为 83°。对照组没有一个病人出现并发症。结论 :尽管髌骨切除术后的TKA病人有多种并发症 ,但是这一手术的结果还是可以接受的。  相似文献   

From 1991 to 1996, 953 cases of porous-coated anatomic modular knee prostheses with all-polyethylene patellar components were implanted. Among them, 4 cases had breakage of the patellar component at the peg-button interfaces. One had loosening of the patellar component by cutting out the patellar bony bed. Heavy body weight, weakness of the pegs of the all-polyethylene patellar component, and osteonecrosis of the patella were conceived as the causes of failure.  相似文献   

Periarticular fractures that occur in a previously osteoarthritic knee, especially in an elderly patient, will be associated with other comorbidities and is a treatment challenge. Early mobilization is a key treatment principle in the geriatric population. We present a case report of an elderly diabetic patient with osteoarthritis of the knee joint who sustained a patellar fracture and was treated with single-stage primary total knee arthroplasty and fixation of the patellar fracture.  相似文献   



Restoration of proper joint line (JL) position and patellar height in revision total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is essential in the recovery of knee function and kinematics. We determined whether the JL position and patellar height could be restored in patients undergoing septic and aseptic revision TKA.

Materials and Methods:

We retrospectively reviewed 70 patients (74 knees) who had revision TKA between September 2004 and December 2010. Forty seven knees had a two stage revision for infected TKA and 27 knees for aseptic failure. The JL position, patellar height and patellar tendon (PT) length were measured and compared between primary TKA and post revision. The clinical scores including a hospital for special surgery (HSS), Knee Society Score (KSS), Western Ontario and McMaster Universities (WOMAC) and range of motion (ROM) were compared.


The overall JL increased from 17.51 mm to 18.37 mm post revision, the Insall-Salvati (IS) ratio declined from 0.98 to 0.92, and the PT length declined from 42.92 mm to 39.45 mm. 9 of the 21 patellar baja knees improved to normal patellar height. After revision, the JL in the septic group (17.02 mm) was significantly lower than the aseptic group (20.74 mm). The changes of the JL position and IS ratio in the septic group were significantly larger than the aseptic groups (P < 0.05). JL position had a positive correlation to the IS ratio and PT length post revision. The knee function scores including HSS, KSS, WOMAC scores, and ROM all improved post revision compared to pre revision (P < 0.05), and the septic group had a lower knee function compared to the aseptic group. JL position and IS ratio post revision had no correlation to the HSS, KSS, WOMAC scores, and ROM.


JL position can be sufficiently restored with appropriate distal femoral augment reconstruction after revision TKA, but the patellar height cannot be well improved, especially in the septic revision with obvious PT contracture. No correlation was found between the JL position and patellar height to the knee function post revision TKA.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine the relationship between the thickness of the residual patellar bone and the composite patella-patellar component, and the clinical outcome in patients who had undergone revision total knee arthroplasty (TKA) with a biconvex patellar component. Clinical outcome after at least a 2-year follow-up was determined using the Knee Society pain and functional scores, and radiographically, with the thicknesses of the patellar bone and composite measured in 23 knees (22 patients). The thickness of the patellar bone after preparation for a biconvex patellar component was significantly less for revised patellae (average, 5.0 mm) than the primary patellae (average, 7.9 mm; P < 0.01). Differences in thickness between preoperative patellae, primary composites, and revision composites did not significantly affect postoperative results. There were no patellar fractures, despite the relatively thin bone remnant in the revision patients. Radiolucency was observed in 8% of the revisions. A patella with a thickness of residual bone of as little as 5 mm can provide favorable clinical results in revision TKA with restoration of the composite thickness of the patella achieved using a thick but small-diameter biconvex patellar component. Received for publication on Feb. 4, 1998; accepted on Aug. 20, 1998  相似文献   

《Seminars in Arthroplasty》2015,26(4):232-235
Routine patella resurfacing in total knee arthroplasty has been debated for decades. The early total knee designs and surgical techniques lead to a high complication rate following patellar resurfacing. This lead to many surgeons abandoning this practice and either leaving the patella unresurfaced routinely or selectively resurfacing. Modern day randomized control trials and meta-analyses of these trials reveal a higher incidience of anterior knee pain and a resultant higher reoperation rate in nonresurfaced patellae. We argue that with modern day designs and surgical techniques, there is a low complication rate to resurfacing and little downside to resurfacing.  相似文献   

Patellar clunk syndrome after posterior stabilized total knee arthroplasty   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two hundred thirty-six posterior stabilized total knee arthroplasties (TKAs) were performed consecutively. Twenty-seven patellar clunk syndromes were identified in 25 patients. Insall-Salvati ratio, position of joint line, postoperative patellar height, and anterior-posterior position of tibial tray were measured. It was found that postoperative low-lying patella (P<.001) and anterior placement of tibial tray (P=.011) was associated with patellar clunk syndrome. Thirteen patients had bilateral TKAs of the same prosthesis (5 bilateral AMK knees and 8 bilateral Insall Burstein knees) but unilateral patellar clunk syndrome. The nonclunk sides were used as control for comparison with the clunk sides. The congruency and tilting of the patellar button in the skyline view were documented. It was observed that the congruency of the patellar button was less satisfactory in the clunk side (P=.019).  相似文献   

To evaluate the functional outcome of a partial lateral facetectomy in patellar-retaining total knee arthroplasty (TKA), we retrospectively analyzed 63 knees of 59 patients who underwent TKA for primary knee osteoarthritis with (32 knees of 30 patients, group 1) or without (31 knees of 29 patients, group 2) patellar facetectomy from September 2005 to July 2007. All cases were followed up for a minimum of 36 months. Although there was no significant differences between the 2 groups in preoperative patellar score, Western Ontario and McMaster Universities score, knee and function scores, postoperatively, group 1 showed more significant improvements in the scores and fewer lateral patellar osteophytes in radiographs than group 2. A partial lateral facetectomy is an effective way to improve the function of patellar-retaining TKA in patients with primary osteoarthritis.  相似文献   

全膝关节表面置换术治疗膝骨性关节炎   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的分析人工全膝表面置换治疗膝骨性关节炎的临床效果。方法对21例29膝的膝骨性关节炎病例行人工膝关节置换术,单膝关节置换13例,双膝关节置换8例,全部采用后方稳定性假体。结果随访6~47个月,平均22.6个月,采用HSS评分系统进行分析,优15例,良5例,可1例。患者术后在疼痛、功能方面都有明显改善。结论全膝关节表面置换术对治疗严重膝骨性关节炎效果满意。术中精确的截骨操作、正确的软组织松解及术后指导康复是手术治疗成功的关键。  相似文献   

目的探讨人工全膝关节置换术治疗类风湿性关节炎的临床效果。方法对35例类风湿性关节炎患者(64膝)进行全膝关节置换。根据软组织平衡情况采用后稳定型膝关节非限制性假体(58膝)或者限制性假体(6膝)。根据HSS评分系统对患者手术前后的膝关节功能进行评分。结果 35例均获随访,时间6个月~7年。关节功能明显改善,尤其是在畸形矫正方面效果显著。HSS评分:优27例,良4例,可4例,优良率达88.5%。无感染发生及深静脉血栓形成。结论类风湿性关节炎病理改变复杂,手术难度大,需要很好的软组织平衡技术,韧带损伤严重者需要采用限制性假体才能取得满意的疗效。  相似文献   

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