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本文尝试探讨身具"儿媳—女儿"双重身份的农村已婚女性在家庭养老资源分配过程中,如何在公婆与父母之间进行权衡.通过对山东省莒南县868份问卷调查数据的分析,发现公婆与父母所获得的养老支持存在显著性差异,女性更倾向于将家庭养老资源给予自己父母而非公婆.家庭资源的多寡对女性承担公婆与父母的赡养义务均有很重要的影响作用,且家庭...  相似文献   

《Journal of homosexuality》2012,59(6):701-718
Homosexual men and women have been subjected to constant discrimination and stigma while trying to do what most heterosexual individuals take for granted, serving their country. It is somewhat paradoxical that gays and lesbians who are treated as second-class citizens by their own country and government, with limited rights, would want to risk their lives and potentially die for that same country. As the literature illustrates, many homosexual men and women have chosen such a profession in order to justify their existence and demonstrate that they are worthy of the same rights as others. Just as women and African Americans eventually earned their status as equal members of society and proved their worthiness to serve in the military, homosexuals are now trying to achieve the same.  相似文献   

高龄老人的心理状况分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
徐勤 《人口学刊》2001,(5):45-52
心理状况是老年人晚年生活质量的重要方面 ,随着高龄老人的迅速增长 ,研究高龄老人的精神生活越来越成为必要。通过对高龄老人性格特征、心理感受、认知能力及对生活满意度等的分析表明 ,高龄老人心态的变化及认知能力的衰退十分显著 ,女性老人的心理状态不及男性老人。健康状况是高龄老人最关心的问题 ,生活环境和医疗条件对生活满意度有直接影响 ,积极的生活方式和提高文化程度有助于改善他们的心理状况。高龄老人是一个非常脆弱的群体 ,需要家人和社会从卫生保健、经济、家庭氛围、文化社会等多方面给予关怀和帮助。  相似文献   

This article explores how a group of regular magazine readers interpreted representations of women's lives in women's magazines. These readers consistently evaluated magazine texts in relation to their own lives and their own conceptions of identity. They used their personal experiences and their notions of what a woman's life is really like in order to distinguish between relevant and irrelevant journalism in women's magazines. When talking about women's magazines they formulated narratives about their own identities, and they drew on various discourses that placed women's magazines in relation to their subjective experiences of ordinary everyday life. A reflexive positioning of the self was therefore crucial to their mode of interpretation. The analysis is based on qualitative in-depth interviews with subscribers to a popular Norwegian women's magazine, and the findings are discussed in the light of Anthony Giddens' theory of the reflexive self and Toril Moi's reading of Simone de Beauvoir's existentialist feminist philosophy.  相似文献   

娄飞鹏 《西北人口》2007,28(2):67-70
从成本收益的角度看,流动人口强流动性的特点决定了他们更易选择违约,但并非所有的流动人口都选择违约。这是因为其违约的原因有多种,只有条件具备时他们才选择违约。由于流动人口数量已经占到我国总人口的十分之一还要多,因此有必要关注其诚信问题,采取相应措施提高其诚信水平。  相似文献   

吴祁 《南方人口》2014,(3):51-61
近年来,自农村进城照顾孙辈的“候鸟式”老人群体已颇具规模,因其流动性大、缺乏空间集聚性及无明确群体意识等特质,群体权益尚未引起各界关注。本文在呈现该群体的“照顾孩子及料理家务”、“闲暇时间及活动”、“与子女关系”、“与老家关系”等四个次领域生活场景的基础上,呼吁政府、社区及非营利组织给予其应有的关注及相应服务。  相似文献   

外来工子女留守与流动的教育状况比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在教育公共政策转型的社会背景下,经济因素和外来工家庭凶素是影响其子女在城乡之间进行就读选择的重要原因。外来工子女进入城市上学的成本是留守在农村的两到三倍;外来工子女流入城市就读的主要因素并非是农村的教育质量问题;外来工子女流入城市比留守在农村老家更容易失学。  相似文献   

王雨磊 《南方人口》2012,27(4):39-45
农民工的身份认同问题一直是学术界关注的焦点,本研究从消费对于农民工身份认同的影响的角度,使用大规模的量化数据,证实了消费对于农民工的身份认同具有显著影响,农民工的集体消费对其工人身份认同成正比,但是私人消费水平却与农民工的工人认同成反比。研究发现:农民工的低工资、低福利是罪魁祸首。在现阶段,提高农民工工资,覆盖农民工的社会福利,是解决农民工问题的关键。  相似文献   

This study investigated the association between self processes and married partners' (N = 59 couples) perspectives of their health-related social interactions. Findings revealed that wives' self processes were associated with their social behavior from the perspective of each partner. The wives' self processes differentially predicted wives' and husbands' perspectives of their interactions, however. These findings demonstrate that wives' future expectations for the health of their husband, as well as for their role in maintaining his future health, motivate their current social behavior to promote the positive health lifestyle behaviors of their husband.  相似文献   

《Journal of women & aging》2013,25(3-4):149-164

This study investigated the association between self processes and married partners' (N = 59 couples) perspectives of their health-related social interactions. Findings revealed that wives' self processes were associated with their social behavior from the perspective of each partner. The wives' self processes differentially predicted wives' and husbands' perspectives of their interactions, however. These findings demonstrate that wives' future expectations for the health of their husband, as well as for their role in maintaining his future health, motivate their current social behavior to promote the positive health lifestyle behaviors of their husband.  相似文献   

王德福 《南方人口》2012,27(2):37-43
农村近年来重新出现早婚高潮,早婚率甚至已经逼近上世纪80年代的水平。本文基于豫东西村的实地调查,认为当前农村的早婚现象是代际关系变动的结果,即养老倒逼婚姻:父母希望早日完成人生任务以便趁年轻力壮为自己积攒养老资源,子女在接受早婚要求的同时也通过婚姻向父母索取了大量家庭财富,代际之间的理性博弈助推了早婚的出现。在未来相当长的时期内,由代际关系变动推动的早婚仍将存在并可能有所发展。  相似文献   

洪娜 《南方人口》2013,(6):35-43
目前第一代独生子女父母多处于50-64岁的健康老年阶段,关于他们养老方式的研究也多基于身体状况较好时的选择.假设他们的健康状况越来越差时,他们的意愿养老方式及影响因素又是如何?现阶段尚无此方面的相关研究.本文利用上海闸北区的调查数据,从身体状况较好和较差两种视角构建模型,分析不同健康状况下上海市第一代独生子女父母的可能养老方式及影响因素,并在文章最后探讨研究结论的政策含义.  相似文献   

北京市老年人的经济状况   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文根据 1999年 9月北京市老龄协会对北京市老年人口的抽样调查数据 ,从老年人的主要经济来源、月收入、净收入以及老年人的消费意愿等方面进行了实证研究 ,较全面地勾画了北京市老年人的经济状况。研究还提供了北京市老年人在经济状况上存在的城乡、性别以及年龄上的差异状况。  相似文献   

城市“外来蓝领”的就业与社会融合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用中国人民大学人口与发展研究中心2005年7月在广东省惠州市的调查数据,以数家企业中的"外来蓝领"(即工厂、企业中的外来务工人员)为样本,对这些在企业中工作的外来务工人员的就业状况和社会融合进行分析。结果表明,这些"外来蓝领"对务工地的选择并非是盲目的,他们外出的动机开始呈现多元化趋势;随着国家一系列关于农民工培训和保障政策的出台,接受调查的大多数"外来蓝领"与用人单位之间签订了劳动合同,并对合同的内容有一定的了解,然而他们对政府的法规依赖性高,并且由于户口的限制,他们的社会保险在实施层面还存在较大的不足;尽管"外来蓝领"在与社区融合方面表现出较强的能力,但是同城市当地人之间的交流缺乏,造成其社会融合程度低,形成了"蚁巢"现象。  相似文献   

闫萍 《西北人口》2007,28(5):21-24
本文对农村外流子女和留守子女对留守父母的经济供养状况进行了比较分析,探讨了他们在是否给父母钱,给钱的数量,给钱的方式,给物品的类型四个方面的差异,而且对女儿和儿子对留守父母的经济供养状况进行了比较,分析了子女外流所带来的子女对父母经济供养状况的变化。  相似文献   

杨华 《南方人口》2011,26(5):17-26,16
针对传统外婚制下娘家与出嫁女的关系,存在两种相互对立的分析路径,一种是宗族模式的分析路径,认为姻亲关系从属于宗亲关系,出嫁女与娘家没有关系或存在弱关系;另一种是实践主义的分析路径,认为出嫁女与娘家的关系并不是如宗族模式说的那样僵化,而是具有建构性特点,出嫁女与娘家的关系分割了宗亲关系。本文从出嫁女归属的角度,认为在传统外婚制下,娘家与出嫁女的关系具有积极性和主动性的层面。而且具有极强的目的性和针对性。娘家是出嫁女归属于夫姓家庭、家族和村落的坚强后盾,娘家针对女儿及其婆家的一系列行为,诸如督促和支持女儿归属于婆家,敦促婆家接纳女儿,无疑都是为了女儿更好地在婆家立足,更好地归属于夫姓家族和村落。从出嫁女归属的角度,去探讨出嫁女与娘家的关系、姻亲关系,以及妇女与娘家、夫姓家族和夫姓村落的关系状态,是一个全新的视角。  相似文献   

Social scientists have under-examined neighborhood stores and other “resources” and their relationships to community welfare and personal happiness. Because the presence of neighborhood conveniences may signify that a neighborhood caters to residents’ needs and smoothes out the hassles of their daily lives, it could be hypothesized that commercial amenities and services enhance individuals’ satisfaction with their neighborhoods, with their health, and even with their lives as a whole. This study used a national probability sample from Taiwan, a densely populated society in East Asia, to test if service-oriented commercial and religious enterprises in neighborhoods are associated with positive estimations of well-being by those who occupy these spaces. We empirically examine whether proximity to main roads, night markets and temples or proximity to smoky food stands and other shops that produce pungent products affects well-being. Our findings from multivariate analyses suggest that if nearby conveniences are conceived as annoyances, they tend to lower satisfaction with neighborhood, but they do not lower life satisfaction in general. In contrast, air quality, along with “peace and quietness” is reported by respondents to be key in enhancing general well-being. We discuss the policy implications in the concluding session.  相似文献   

文章阐述了流动老人社会融合概念的内涵与外延,并建构该概念的测量指标体系。流动老人兼具老年和流动的双重特征,使得老年社会学和流动人口两种研究视角交织在一条轨道上来理解流动老人社会融合的内涵。流动老人社会融合是指流动老人在流入地通过自我应对,尤其是社会支持等途径,消减遭受社会排斥的风险,建立起与其生活空间的良好互动关系,从而满足各种老年生活基本需要,实现生活质量提高的状态。从流动老人所处生活空间的角度分析,流动老人社会融合包括心理认同、家庭融洽、社区融合、区域适应、制度包融五个维度,每个维度包含若干代表性指标。  相似文献   

Two prominent media events involving breastfeeding celebrities prompted unprecedented transnational media attention to their bodies, their breastfeeding practices, and their beliefs about the act of breastfeeding. This study critically analyzes media representations of Salma Hayek and Angelina Jolie that feature (or imply) a nursing celebrity breast to argue that discourses about celebrity breastfeeding are a semiotically potent phenomenon that destabilize boundaries of public and private, perpetuate normative beauty standards, and prescribe proper breastfeeding practices to audiences. The transnational celebrity of Jolie, Hayek, and others makes analyzing media discourses of their breastfeeding particularly necessary because they are prominent purveyors of femininity and have made activism about women's health a key aspect of their public personae.  相似文献   

新生代农民工与城市居民的社会距离分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
史斌 《南方人口》2010,25(1):47-56
本文运用2008年宁波城市新生代农民工调查数据,对新生代主体视角下与城市居民社会距离的现状及影响凶素进行了探讨。分析结果发现:以新生代农民工为主体视角的社会距离建立在融入意愿和排斥预期两个层面基础上;与上一代农民工相比.新生代农民工与城市居民的社会距离在增大。社会经济地位、社会关系网络、居住空间和社会文化会显著影响新生代农民丁的社会距离。要促进新生代农民丁的城市融人,缩短新生代农民工与城市居民的社会距离,需要新生代农民工、城市居民、政府和社会等多方行动者的共同努力。  相似文献   

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