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为研究硫磺粉尘爆炸危险性,采用哈特曼管式爆炸测试装置与20 L球爆炸测试装置对常温常压下不同粒径的硫磺粉尘爆炸特性参数进行了测试和评估,得到了不同粒径硫磺粉尘的最小点火能、爆炸下限质量浓度和爆炸指数,根据实验结果对硫磺粉尘危险性进行了分级。结果表明,70~850 μm不同粒径的硫磺粉尘最小点火能在0.144~125 mJ,且随着粒径的减小而降低;45~375 μm不同粒径的硫磺粉尘爆炸极限质量浓度在15~20 g/m3,且随着粉尘粒径的减小而降低;45~375 μm不同粒径的硫磺粉尘最大爆炸指数在34.46~39.87 MPa·m/s,且随着粒径的减小而增大,其粉尘爆炸危险性等级为St3。  相似文献   

探讨了铝粉尘爆炸的基本特征,指出了铝粉尘爆炸火灾的特点及其危害性,研究了粒度差异对铝粉爆炸压力特性的影响.  相似文献   

陆清 《无机盐工业》2000,32(2):43-44
阐述了粉尘爆炸的原理及粉尘防爆电气设备在无机盐行业中使用的重要性。  相似文献   

为预防硫磺粉尘的燃爆危险性,测试了硫磺的自燃温度、自热特性、热稳定性、最小点火能、爆炸下限质量浓度、爆炸压力和爆炸指数,根据实验结果对硫磺粉尘危险性做了分级。结果表明,随着粒径的减小,硫磺粉尘的自燃温度、最小点火能和爆炸下限质量浓度相应降低,爆炸压力和爆炸指数则升高;70 μm以下粒径的硫磺粉尘的自燃温度(AIT)为220 ℃,最小点火能(MIE)为0.14 mJ,爆炸下限质量浓度(MEC)为17.5 g/m3,最大爆炸压力(pmax)为1.15 MPa,最大爆炸指数(Kmax)为39.87 MPa·m/s,因此燃爆危险性最高;450 μm以下粒径的硫磺粉尘爆炸危险性等级均为St3级。  相似文献   

针对某树脂镜片厂发生的粉尘爆炸事故,运用粉尘爆炸原理分析原因,归纳出此种爆炸的特点;提出了防范措施:采用湿法除尘和切削工艺可降低粉尘浓度;控制磨头等点火源,可减少粉尘爆炸的几率;对除尘设备进行泄爆和抑爆设计,可减轻粉尘爆炸的损失。案例分析对树脂镜片生产企业防范粉尘爆炸事故具有实践指导意义。  相似文献   

在对管道内粉尘爆炸的特性理论研究的基础上,设计了一套80mm×80mm、长5m的长方体可燃粉尘爆炸实验管道,其为粉尘爆炸实验装置的主体部分。粉尘爆炸实验装置的主体部分包括管道进气口、空气压缩机、实验管道主体部分(点火区,观察区,灭火区)、传感器、管道出气口、送风机,扬尘喷管、燃爆测定系统控制仪、可燃粉尘质量、速度传感器、动态数据采集分析仪和爆炸的点火装置。对粉尘爆炸实验装置的主体部分的设计有利于研究可燃粉尘在管道中的爆燃转爆轰(DDT)过程、压力变化过程等,也有利于可燃粉尘在管道中的爆炸研究。  相似文献   

聚碳硅烷是应用于航天、航空等尖端技术中的高性能新型材料之一,对于聚碳硅烷粉尘的火灾爆炸特性还未有相关研究报告。按照相应国家测试标准,采用20 L球形粉尘爆炸测试实验系统,测定得出聚碳硅烷粉尘最大爆炸压力为0.872 MPa,最大爆炸压力上升速率为120 MPa/s,最大爆炸指数为32.57 MPa·m/s。与《工贸行业重点可燃性粉尘目录》(2015版)中明确有最大爆炸压力、最大爆炸指数的44种粉尘相比,聚碳硅烷粉尘最大爆炸压力不算大,但最大爆炸指数较大,说明聚碳硅烷粉尘爆炸时爆炸压力不算太大,但爆炸时却非常猛烈。  相似文献   

在工业生产过程中,粉尘爆炸事故时有发生.给人们生命和财产造成严重的损害.本文从国内外粉尘爆炸事故案例出发,分析粉尘爆炸的形成的原因及事故预防措施,提高人们对粉尘爆炸危险性、危害性的认识.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of examinations on the reciprocal relation between the isokinetic coefficient H of sampling, the quantity of measured mass concentration and the measuring usefulness of a dust sample aspired from the stream of solgas conveyed pneumatically in the horizontal pipeline. In gravimetric measurements of two-phase flows, the conditions under which aspiration is carried out, are extremely important. Available theoretical considerations and practical experiments usually concern aspiration in the vertical channels, where the manner of making measurements is universally known and it does not express any reservations. However, it is often necessary to conduct tests in the systems of horizontal conveying of solgas, where the conditions of taking a representative sample, even for the sake of the significant effect of the gravitational force, may vary from those suggested for measurements in the systems of vertical flow. The present paper also presents results of research on the selection of the isokinetic coefficient H in the case of aspiration in the horizontal channels. By means of a comparative experiment, one has found that the isokinetic coefficient, at which the results of the determined flow parameters are representative, has the optimal value of H = 1.05-1.09. The tests were conducted at the research station. In measurements the gravimetric method was applied to taking a representative sample. Dust samples were quantitatively analyzed by means of a grain-size laser analyzer. The tested dust was shale coal.  相似文献   

In order to reduce power consumption and conveying velocity, a pneumatic conveying system where a dune model is mounted in a pipeline is proposed in this paper. The experimental study focuses on the effect of the mounted dune model in the horizontal pneumatic conveying system in terms of pressure drop, power consumption and conveying velocity. The test pipeline consisted of a horizontal smooth acrylic tube with an inside diameter of 80 mm and a length of about 5 m. Polyethylene spherical particles with a density of 952 kg/m3 and diameters of 2.3 and 3.3 mm are used as conveying materials. The mean air velocity is varied from 9 to 16 m/s, and the solid mass flow rate is from 0.25 to 0.45 kg/s. Firstly, the effect of the dune model location on pneumatic conveying is experimentally studied. It is found that in the lower air velocity range, the pressure drop of the pneumatic conveying with a mounted dune model is lower than that of a conventional pneumatic conveying system. A lower conveying velocity and energy-saving conveying can be realized by installing a dune model in the conveying pipe. Especially the case of fixing the dune model on the bottom of the pipe at the inlet of particle feed is more effective. The particle flow patterns also show that the dune model reduces the deposition of particles. Then, the effect of different surface materials of the dune model is examined. By using a surface material of the dune model with a large coefficient of restitution, the pressure drop of conveying large particles is the lowest. When conveying relatively small particles, however, the pressure drop becomes the lowest by a small coefficient of restitution. The maximum reduction rates of the minimum velocity and power consumption by the dune model are about 19% and 34%, respectively.  相似文献   

粉尘爆炸作为一种典型的事故类型,对人类的生产生活危害性极大。论述了粉尘爆炸的定义、机理及特点,影响粉尘爆炸的特性参数如环境温度、点火能量、最低爆炸限度、粒径和质量浓度等。并对目前国内粉尘爆炸的防爆措施研究现状进行概括,最后就粉尘爆炸防护措施方面存在的问题提出几点建议。  相似文献   

粉尘爆炸作为一种典型的事故类型,对人类的生产生活危害性极大。论述了粉尘爆炸的定义、机理及特点,影响粉尘爆炸的特性参数如环境温度、点火能量、最低爆炸限度、粒径和质量浓度等。并对目前国内粉尘爆炸的防爆措施研究现状进行概括,最后就粉尘爆炸防护措施方面存在的问题提出几点建议。  相似文献   

文丘里除尘器除尘性能试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实验研究文丘里各操作参数对除尘性能的影响,结果表明,影响除尘效率的主要因素是液气比、喉管速度及入口粉尘浓度.除尘效率应根据实际需要调节各个参数以降低压力损失.  相似文献   

随着粉料处理工业的日益发展,人们逐渐认识到许多粉尘是具有爆炸危险的。为保护设备及人员安全,需要在处理粉料的设备上安装泄爆装置(如防爆门或爆破片)。在选择泄爆装置时,经常碰到泄压面积大小的计算问题,因此重点介绍粉尘泄爆原理及泄压面积的计算。  相似文献   

The entry length for horizontal slurry pipeline flows has been determined experimentally using a pipeline of diameter 50 mm. Concentration and velocity distributions have been measured in the vertical direction at positions 6, 50 and 185 diameters downstream of the entrance. The measurements show that the entry length is of the order of 50 pipe diameters for sand slurries. High particle settling velocities give somewhat shorter lengths than intermediate settling velocities. With lower density polystyrene particles for which dispersive effects are important, the entry length is significantly greater than 50 diameters. The velocity distributions show that the velocity profiles develop concurrently with the concentration profiles. For sand slurries, a two-dimensional simulation gives a satisfactory representation of the developing concentration profiles.  相似文献   

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