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武警新入伍战士心理健康状况调查   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
李淑琴  李霞  张小刚  李玉梅 《武警医学》2008,19(11):997-999
 目的 探讨新入伍战士的心理健康状况,便于部队科学地开展心理卫生工作.方法 采用 SCL-90 临床症状自评量表对武警战士进行团体施测,并与军队常模、地方常模进行比较.结果 与军队常模相比,武警战士的各项因子分除精神病性和敌对性外均显著高于军队常模(P<0.001);与地方常模相比,战士的各因子分均显著高于地方常模(P<0.001).结论 武警战士的心理健康问题相对突出,需要给予健康的心理疏导.  相似文献   

目的:调查入伍新兵体质状况,分析新兵体质水平,为科学组织军事训练、提升新兵训练效果、降低军事训练伤发生率提供参考。方法:采用常规方法对武警某部2019年入伍新兵10项体质指标进行测试;将测试结果与福建省国民体质监测20~24岁男性常模组体质水平进行比较,评估新兵体质状况。结果:新兵组体质总体水平显著优于常模组(P<0.05),综合评级为良好和合格者共计占比83.7%;肺活量、纵跳、闭眼单脚站立、坐位体前屈和选择反应时等指标显著或非常显著优于常模组(P<0.05,P<0.01);BMI、台阶指数、俯卧撑指标,两组比较差异不显著(P>0.05)。新兵组握力总体水平非常显著低于常模组(P<0.01)。从新兵各项体质指标等级评价看,肺活量和纵跳水平相对较好,中等水平以上者占比80%以上;其余体质指标均有约30%的新兵处于低水平状态。结论:通过调查分析武警某部入伍新兵体质状况,可以针对新兵体质水平弱项,提出科学、精准的新兵科学训练的参考依据。  相似文献   

战士消化系统疾病中消化性溃疡是一种常见病、多发病,治愈率高,经内科正规治疗大多数在2周后行胃镜复查了解消化系统疾病临床治愈(溃疡愈合)。但是复发率也相当高,而且溃疡的癌变问题至今仍是亟待解决的临床难题。国外统计60%患者有过5次复发,20%有10次复发以上,80%十二指肠球部溃疡和50%胃溃疡在1年内复发。  相似文献   

黄蒂  兰雅维  李洁  范珊珊 《武警医学》2011,22(2):123-125,128
 目的 了解驻京武警某部战士干眼症患病情况,探讨其发病危险因素.方法 自2008-05至2010-06抽检武警某部共680例执勤战士作为研究对象,在获得知情同意后进行干眼症问卷调查及角膜荧光素染色、泪膜破裂时间(break up time,BUT)试验、睑板腺功能检查、基础泪液分泌试验4项干眼症的客观检查,并分析其发病危险因素.结果 680例调查对象(年龄19~25岁,平均22.9岁)干眼症的患病率为9.85%,共67例.眼部不适症状中最多见的是干涩感50例(74.62%),其次为异物感36例(53.73%)及一过性视物模糊27例(40.29%),最少见的症状为眼痛3例(4.47%).多因素条件Logistic回归分析显示以下因素是与执勤战士干眼症相关的危险因素:睑板腺功能障碍[P<0.001,B= 3.414,Exp(B)=30.375],LASIK手术史[P<0.001,B=2.624,Exp(B)=13.793],长期使用滴眼液[P<0.001,B=2.619,Exp(B)=13.717],使用视频终端[P<0.001,B=2.234,Exp(B)=9.340],是否有结(角)膜炎病史与干眼症发病无相关性.结论 睑板腺功能障碍、近视眼激光手术及长期使用滴眼液,是引起执勤战士干眼症发病的主要原因.  相似文献   

目的 探讨武警某部新兵军事训练伤的特点,为训练伤防控提供科学指导.方法 随机抽取武警某部2020年6个新训点4150名新兵,进行军事训练伤的发生情况问卷调查,并分析新训阶段训练伤的发生率、伤病类别等.另非随机性地选择了680名新兵进行了骨密度测定(中指骨),其中已发生训练伤340例,未发生训练伤340例.本次调查均获得...  相似文献   

陈利宏  王强  徐珩  高秀霞 《武警医学》2016,27(2):167-169
 目的 探讨武警某部入伍新兵中慢性肾疾病(chronic kidney disease,CKD)的患病率及相关危险因素。方法 采用随机整群抽样的方法抽取2200例入伍新兵,进行CKD及相关危险因素的检测和问卷调查。结果 在2200例的受调查者中,尿微量白蛋白异常者62例,检出率为2.82%;白蛋白尿13例,检出率为0.59%;血尿阳性者为8例,检出率为0.36%;肾功能检测均正常。入伍新兵中,CKD相关的危险因素主要为高血压、高血脂和超重、肥胖。结论 武警某部2014年入伍男性新兵CKD的检出率为3.77%,低于所在地普通人群水平(10.4%)。  相似文献   

古巧平  孔欣 《武警医学》2012,23(1):17-18,21
目的 了解武警某部新兵对生殖健康知识的知晓度,提供有针对性、目的 性的生殖健康服务.方法 采用自行设计的问卷,分层抽样2000名新兵进行生殖健康相关知识的问卷调查.结果 新兵性行为、性观念比较开放,性安全意识不强,生殖健康、节育、预防艾滋病及性传播性疾病有关知识相对缺乏.结论 新兵入伍前生殖健康知识知晓率比较低,只有为新兵提供有效的生殖健康服务,才能提高部队生殖健康水平.  相似文献   

周菊峰  王磊  李卉 《武警医学》2019,30(6):503-505
 目的 探讨武警某部战士膳食与体成分的关系,为进一步提供科学的膳食结构和强化战士体能水平打下理论基础。方法 整群选择武警某部137名战士作为调查对象,采用三日称重法对其食堂伙食供应情况连续调查,计算其能量及三大营养素摄入情况;采用人体成分分析仪测定体成分,包括身体总水分、肌肉量、体脂百分比、内脏脂肪面积和腰臀比,采用多元回归分析食物能量及三大营养素与体成分之间的关联。结果 调研的战士每日膳食能量摄入量为3591.5 kcal,蛋白质、脂肪和碳水化合物的摄入量分别为(98.6±18.2)g、(138.9±24.1)g和(484.8±78.2)g;调查对象的身体总水分为(38.5±7.2)kg,肌肉量为(43.7±10.7)kg,体脂百分比为(17.6±5.3)%,内脏脂肪面积为(58.6±14.2)cm2,腰臀比为(81.0±15.2)%。饮食蛋白质摄入量与身体总水分和肌肉量呈正相关,脂肪摄入量与体脂百分比、内脏脂肪面积呈正相关(P<0.05),碳水化合物摄入量与体脂百分比和腰臀比呈负相关(P<0.05)。结论 饮食结构与战士体成分关系密切,应适当调整基层部队的膳食结构,对于降低体脂百分比、提高运动能力、保障军人身体健康具有重要意义。  相似文献   

目的 了解新兵的应对方式现状以及家庭环境与应对方式的关系,为武警部队的人才培养、新兵的心理健康维护,以及特殊岗位人才选拔提供指导.方法 采用家庭环境量表(FES-CV)和应对方式问卷,对250名新兵进行调查分析.结果 新兵应对方式的使用依次是解决问题、求助、幻想、自责、退避和合理化.亲密度、知识性和组织性是解决问题、求助成熟应对方式的预测变量;知识性、矛盾性、道德性、娱乐性和组织性是自责、幻想和退避不成熟应对方式的预测变量.结论 2013年入伍新兵的应对方式良好,家庭环境对应对方式有重要的影响作用.  相似文献   

 目的 探讨脑瘫患儿骨密度与疾病严重程度的相关性。方法 选取在南方医科大学第三附属医院就诊随访的1~4岁脑瘫患儿142例,按体格发育情况分为脑瘫发育迟缓组(82例)和脑瘫发育正常组(60例);按粗大运动功能分类系统(GMFCS)分为运动功能轻度障碍组40例(GMFCS 1~2级)、中度障碍组72例(GMFCS 3~4级)、重度障碍组30例(GMFCS5级),同时选取正常发育儿童57例作为对照组。探讨椎体和股骨近端骨密度、血清钙水平及胰岛素样生长因子-1(IGF-1)在各组之间的差异性,以及骨密度与GMFCS 分级的相关性。结果 脑瘫患儿的椎体和股骨近端的BMD水平明显低于健康对照组[腰椎(0.46±0.11) g/cm2 vs (0.56±0.13) g/cm2,P<0.001;股骨近端(0.43±0.06)g/cm2 vs (0.53±0.12)g/cm2,P<0.001]。脑瘫患儿椎体和股骨近端水平BMD与GMFCS分级之间呈显著负相关性(腰椎r=-0.363,P<0.001;股骨近端r=-0.491,P<0.001)。脑瘫患儿的血清钙及IGF-1水平明显低于健康对照组,GMFCS分级越高,血清钙及IGF-1水平就越低。结论 脑瘫患儿骨密度与疾病严重程度呈负相关性,表明脑瘫患儿骨代谢水平异常。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Prolonged immobilization in stroke is known to result in hypercalciuria, hypercalcemia, accelerated bone resorption, and osteoporosis. Furthermore, bone mineral loss accelerated with increasing duration of hemiplegia. Although stroke is a common disease that causes sudden immobilization, relatively few investigations of bone metabolism in stroke have been reported. The aim of this study was to investigate the changes in bone mineral density of the forearms and legs related to duration of hemiplegia-induced immobilization after stroke. METHODS: Forty-one hemiplegic patients with stroke were evaluated. The patients' age, gender and duration of hemiplegia-induced immobilization were recorded. The measurements of bone mineral density (BMD) in all patients were evaluated with DEXA using the Norland apparatus. The BMD values (g/cm2) were determined by measurements made in the lumbar vertebrae, both forearm and legs (femoral neck and trochanter). RESULTS: We found that bone mineral density was decreased in the affected extremities relative to the intact contralateral side on measurements by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry in bones such as forearm, femoral neck and trochanter. There was a significant difference between bone mineral density of paretic and nonparetic forearms and legs. Bone mineral density of the upper limbs was lower than that of the lower limbs. There was a negative correlation between duration of hemiplegia and BMD values. CONCLUSIONS: Bone mineral loss may be related to the duration of hemiplegia-induced immobilization. Bone mineral loss is accelerated when the duration of hemiplegia is prolonged.  相似文献   

Fifty-six men aged 42–73 years (50.2±10.0 years), who were competitive distance runners 20–25 years previously, were examined for bone mineral density (BMD) to determine the relationship between sustained distance running and BMD. Subjects were classified as being highly trained (HT, n =17), moderately trained (MT, n =29) or untrained (UT, n =10) according to their training in recent years. Subjects in each group were of similar age (HT 46.5±2.01, MT 53.0±1.51, UT 46.7±2.44 years) and lean body mass. Total body weight (kg) and percentage fat, however, were significantly greater ( P <0.05) in the UT group than in either the MT or HT groups (UT 80.6±2.44 kg, 22.0±1.16%; MT 74.9±1.51 kg, 17.5±0.61%; HT 70.5±1.71 kg, 13.5±0.59%). Lumbar vertebrae and hip region BMD (g·cm−2) was determined via dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). No differences in BMD were found among the three groups in either the lumbar (HT 1.00±0.02, MT 1.02±0.03, UT 1.07±0.04 g·cm−2) or the hip regions (HT 0.99±0.03, MT 0.98±0.02, UT 1.06±0.04 g·cm−2). Furthermore, none of the groups had BMD that was significantly different from age-matched normative values taken from a reference database. A moderate correlation was found between body weight and BMD when combining all subjects ( r =0.38 for lumbar and r =0.41 for hip). These results indicate that middle-aged to older males who have sustained exercise training in the form of running do not have significantly different lumbar vertebrae or hip region BMD compared to individuals who run less or not at all.  相似文献   

 目的 探讨肾移植术后患者与正常体检人群骨密度(bone mineral density, BMD)水平,以及骨量丢失(骨量减少和骨质疏松)发病率的差异。方法 选择在武警总医院随访的肾移植患者177例(男104例,女73例),根据女性是否绝经和男性年龄将入选者分为<50岁男性、≥50岁男性、绝经前女性和绝经后女性移植组。选择同期在我院体检的正常人群250例(男131例、女119例)作为对照组。采用双能X线骨密度仪测定所有人的腰椎、右股骨颈和右全髋BMD,比较各移植组与对照组BMD以及骨量丢失发病率的差异。结果 各肾移植组患者股骨颈和全髋骨密度均低于对照组(P<0.01);<50岁男性肾移植患者腰椎骨密度低于对照组(P<0.01)。男性和绝经后女性移植患者骨量丢失(包括骨量减少和骨质疏松)发病率显著高于对照组(P<0.01)。结论 肾移植患者骨密度水平明显低于正常体检人群,且骨量丢失的发病率高于正常人群。建议肾移植患者术后在维生素D和钙剂的基础上,选用双膦酸盐防治骨质疏松和骨折。  相似文献   

骨密度测定技术的研究现状及进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
骨矿物密度(bone mineral density,BMD)测量作为一种无创伤、生理性测定手段,有助于定量分析骨矿物含量(bone mineral contant,BMC),从而对骨质疏松症进行早期诊断、预防和疗效评价,并能预测骨折危险性。目前,已有多种技术进行骨密度测量,本文对骨密度测量的各种方法及应用进展进行阐述。  相似文献   



The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation between pixel intensity (PI) in digital radiographs of the lower jaw and bone mineral density (BMD) in the heels of post-menopausal women (as measured with DXL, a combination of dual energy X-ray absorptiometry and lasers).


Two intraoral periapical digital radiographs were taken in the right and left mandible premolar region, and the digital images were analysed by a computer program (Dimaxis) regarding PI. As the radiographs were taken, the BMD of the patient''s left heel was measured via a portable Calscan device. The patient answered a questionnaire concerning risk factors. The correlation between variables was analysed using statistical tests.


A significant correlation was found between the PI in the left (P = 0.001) and right (P = 0.004) mandible and the BMD of the left heel for the whole group. A pronounced correlation was found to exist for women > 70 years old. Based on a cut-off value of the PI, to differentiate between healthy individuals and those who required further analysis for osteoporosis, the following values were obtained: sensitivity 0.74, specificity 0.50, positive predictive value 0.77 and negative predictive value 0.46.


A positive correlation was found between PI in digital radiographs of the mandible and the BMD of the heel. The low predictive value does not allow any definite conclusions to be drawn from the present study. A reasonable recommendation could be for future studies to employ a larger study population to explore the effect on this value.  相似文献   

Dual-photon absorptiometry and triple-energy X-ray absorptiometry were used to investigate the total bone mineral content and density as well as the trabecular bone mineral density in the third lumbar vertebral body. Both anteroposterior (AP) and lateral (LAT) measurements were performed. By combining the two projections it was found that the mean trabecular bone mineral density for all 202 subjects included in the study was 52% (SD±20%) of the total bone mineral density in the third lumbar vertebral body. The mean trabecular bone mineral density as a fraction of the total vertebral body bone mineral density decreased as a function of age. The relative annual change in this fraction differed between males and females. It was also found that neither trabecular nor total bone mineral density differed significantly between male and female subjects aged 25–35 years, and bone mineral density (BMD), expressed in g/cm3, showed no correlation to subject height, body weight or body mass index (BMI). Male and female individuals showed different rates of change of trabecular bone mineral density with age.  相似文献   

左莹  雷震 《西南国防医药》2012,22(6):621-623
目的通过测定老年男性慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)患者的骨密度、骨代谢生化指标,探讨COPD与老年骨质疏松症的关系。方法测定35例老年男性COPD患者及35例健康老年男性的骨密度(BMD)、骨矿含量(BMC)以及血清钙(Ca)、磷(P)及血清碱性磷酸酶(ALP),对两组检测结果进行比较。结果 COPD组BMD和BMC测定结果明显低于对照组,两组血清Ca、P及ALP相比无明显差异。结论老年COPD患者BMD低于健康老年男性,发生骨质疏松的风险增高。  相似文献   

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