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塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地部分垄间地表发育了一种由众多沙粒胶结而成的大颗粒物质,称为沙粒胶结体(sand cemented bodies,缩写为SCB),其直径达到粗沙级、极粗沙级和砾石级。为了研究其对地表风沙活动的影响,本研究以野外采集的砾石级沙粒胶结体(gravel-size sand cemented bodies,缩写为GSSCB)为实验材料,在净风和挟沙风条件下进行了GSSCB覆盖沙面的抗风蚀模拟实验。结果表明:床面的蚀积状态与来流条件、GSSCB覆盖度和风速均有关,净风时所有覆盖度床面均呈风蚀状态,挟沙风时随覆盖度和风速而变化,床面可呈3种状态-风蚀、蚀积平衡、风积;在风蚀状态时,床面风蚀率随覆盖度增大以指数形式降低,随风速增大而以多种函数形式增加,抗风蚀效率随覆盖度增大而逐渐增加,但不同覆盖度范围增加率不同;挟沙风条件下呈蚀积平衡状态时的床面覆盖度临界Cb值与风速大小有关,随风速增加呈幂函数形式增加;在挟沙风条件下,覆盖度大于Cb值时床面呈风积状态,积沙率与风速的关系较为复杂,80%覆盖度床面积沙率随风速增大呈对数形式增加,但40%覆盖度床面积沙率则随风速增加呈指数形式降低。可见,由于与砾石的物理性质相近,GSSCB覆盖确实具有与砾石相类似的抗风蚀效益,并且在一定覆盖度条件下还能捕获风沙流挟沙颗粒。因此,塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地丘间地天然发育的GSSCB对于地表蚀积过程具有重要影响。GSSCB可作为一种新型固沙技术进行开发。  相似文献   

对塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地沙粒胶结体进行溶蚀分散获取组成沙粒,采用激光粒度仪分析粒度成分,并与区域内沙丘沙、垄间平地沙和风沙流输沙的粒度特征进行对比,分析沙粒胶结体的粒度特征。结果表明:(1)沙粒胶结体中沙粒粒径呈多峰态分布,垄间平地沙呈双峰态分布,而沙丘沙和风沙流输沙呈单峰态分布;(2)沙粒胶结体内沙粒分选性较差,偏度属正偏,平均粒径(3.17 Φ)介于沙丘沙(3.10 Φ)和垄间地沙(3.28 Φ)、风沙流输沙(3.67 Φ)之间;(3)沙粒胶结体中沙物质主要组分为细沙和极细沙,与沙丘沙、垄间平沙地沙一致,而与风沙流输沙(极细沙和粉沙)不一致。与沙丘沙、垄间平地沙以及风沙流输沙相比,沙粒胶结体中粉沙、黏土和中沙相对富集,是现代地表物质的混合物;(4)与沙丘沙、垄间平地沙和风沙流输沙相比,沙粒胶结体内沙粒的蠕移-跃移、跃移-悬移截点粒径均偏细,蠕移组分所占比重很高。从组成颗粒的粒度组成来看,沙粒胶结体的形成受局地沙源和风动力的共同影响,是特殊环境条件下现代地表过程的产物。  相似文献   

在塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地的部分垄间平沙地中,天然分布有一种特殊物质——沙粒胶结体,其与地表的粗沙和极粗沙呈复区分布,共同构成了覆盖沙面的大颗粒层。实地调查和取样分析表明:沙粒胶结体直径不一,能达到粗沙级、极粗沙级和砾石级(细粒和中砾),最大可达23.5 mm;颗粒形状不规则,质地较硬,手捏不碎;密度为2.51 g·cm-3,略小于砾石和当地沙丘沙;可溶物的pH值呈中性,电导率2.56 mS·cm-1,主要成分为CaSO4。砾石尺度的沙粒胶结体在地表的分布密度可达807粒·m-2,覆盖度2%~3%,由于其尺度和密度与砾石接近,它也应具有与砾石类似的风沙效应。沙粒胶结体也是一种天然固沙材料,研究其形成机制有助于开发新型固沙技术和固沙产品;沙粒胶结体可以抑制沙面风蚀、调节风沙流输沙强度、影响沙丘形态演变,探讨其风沙效应有助于深入认识塔克拉玛干沙漠垄间地的沙面稳定机制。沙粒胶结体的形成应与特殊的地质历史环境背景有关,可以作为沙漠地区历史时期气候变化的一个证据。因此,沙粒胶结体在防沙治沙技术开发、沙漠地区特殊下垫面风沙运动过程、沙漠环境形成演变等方面具有重要的研究价值,值得今后进行深入研究。  相似文献   

土壤含水率对风沙流结构及风蚀量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对科尔沁沙地典型生境(流动沙丘、沙质草地和农田)的土壤进行风洞试验,分析了不同含水率下3类土壤的风沙流结构、输沙率及总输沙量的变化趋势.结果表明:(1)不同含水率下,3类土壤的输沙率随高度的增加均呈现减小趋势,且有良好的指数函数关系.(2)随含水率的增加,流动沙丘和沙质草地土壤风沙流沙粒的平均跃移高度增加、0-12...  相似文献   

蒙古国是中蒙俄经济走廊的重要区段,但面临严重的荒漠化问题,区域经济社会发展受到严重威胁,而蒙古国中部草原地区是主要的荒漠化新扩展区,正经历强烈的草原风蚀沙漠化过程。以戈壁苏木贝尔省首府乔伊尔市为研究区,利用自建自动气象观测站(2019年5月—2020年7月)、集沙仪观测站(2019年8月—2020年8月)及当地气象站(1990—2018年)数据,对当地风蚀沙漠化的风动力条件、风沙流输沙及其他影响因素等基本特征进行了研究。结果表明:(1) 乔伊尔市具有强劲的风动力条件,年输沙势可达735.96 VU,合成输沙势为428.76 VU,合成输沙方向为SSW(195.06°),风向变率指数为0.58,属高风能环境、中等变率双峰风况。(2) 临界起沙风速因受土壤水分和植被盖度的共同影响而随季节变化,夏季最高,冬季最低,春季与秋季居中,且相差较小。(3) 地表具有强烈的风沙活动,年风沙流输沙通量可达2.135 t·m-1·a-1,Owen最大输沙量模型适于该区风沙流模拟。研究结果对于蒙古国中部草原区防沙治沙和生态恢复具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

黄河内蒙古段土壤风蚀特征模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采集黄河内蒙古段风沙土、灰漠土、棕钙土和灌淤土,在室内进行土壤理化性质测定和风洞模拟试验。对比分析了4种土壤的理化性质和不同风速及含水量条件下的风蚀特征,并量化了不同土壤的风蚀强度与土壤理化性质间关系。结果表明:(1)相对于棕钙土和灌淤土,风沙土和灰漠土易蚀性颗粒含量较大,团聚体、有机质和碳酸钙含量较低,但相同风速和含水量条件下平均风蚀强度风沙土>棕钙土>灰漠土>灌淤土。(2)不同土壤风蚀强度与风速均呈较好的幂函数关系(R2≥0.85,P<0.05),尤其是风沙土和棕钙土,幂函数关系明显优于指数函数。(3)除灰漠土,土壤风蚀强度与土壤含水量均呈较好指数函数关系(R2>0.90,P<0.05),风沙土和灰漠土的风蚀强度突降的含水量临界点在4.5%左右,灌淤土和棕钙土无明显临界点。(4)不同土壤输沙率均随距地表高度的增加而急剧减少。在距地表10 cm范围内,不同土壤输沙率占总输沙率比例风沙土(82.67%)>灰漠土(80.77%)>灌淤土(74.07%)>棕钙土(73.77%),当距地表大于30 cm后,集沙仪中基本收集不到风沙土和灰漠土风蚀颗粒。当轴心风速为16 m·s-1时,不同土壤风沙流结构均表现为单峰曲线。(5)不同土壤风蚀强度与风速、含水量、团聚体、易蚀性颗粒和黏粒含量均呈较强的非线性相关关系(R2=0.76,P<0.05)。易蚀性颗粒含量是影响风蚀强度最主要的土壤属性,其次是干团聚体和黏粒含量。  相似文献   

为掌握临哈铁路沿线风沙防护措施的防护效果,优化布设方案,选择临哈铁路K217、K585、K745及其支线天策线K16典型防沙工程区,采用样带同步观测法和测钎法,测定了每个区域的阻风效率和积沙量特征.结果表明:由铁路外侧向内侧,防沙工程对风的抑制效应逐渐增强.1.5 m高沙障积沙带、2.5 m深路堑、10 m和16 m高...  相似文献   

A performance test was conducted in a wind tunnel by changing the principal configuration parameters of a sampler such as the diameter of the container, inlet width and cone height. The results show that the average sand collection rate is from 80% to 90% when any one of the configuration parameter levels is changed. However, the variation of a parameter level results in different ef-fects on the sand collection rate for each soil sample within a certain size range of sand grains. The results show that for various sand grain sized soil sample at each wind speed, the sand collection rate decreases when the diameter of the container changes from 50 mm to 40 mm, the sand collection rate increases by about 2%-3% when the inlet width changes from 10 mm to 8 mm, and the sand collection rate increases by about 3%-4% when cone height is altered from 100 mm to 125 mm. The average sand collection rate is enhanced by 2%-4% for the soil sample of different sized sand grains when the diameter of the container is 50 mm, the inlet width is 8 mm, and cone height is 125 mm.  相似文献   

风力侵蚀对无定河流域产沙作用定量分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
师长兴 《地理研究》2006,25(2):285-293
本文利用无定河的水文泥沙观测日值资料和该流域内及周围气象站气象观测月值资料,通过流域的水沙关系与各年风蚀气候因子,估计了风力作用对无定河流域产沙的贡献量。结果揭示出:在风沙区,由于水力的搬运作用仍然决定了流域输沙量的大小,所以风力作用产生的输沙模数很小,在总输沙量中只占约1/4;风力作用增加输沙量比例最大的地区是穿过风沙区和丘陵沟壑区交界区,既有活跃的风沙活动又有强烈的黄土水蚀,风力和水力形成强耦合侵蚀搬运作用的干流上游,占输沙量的1/3以上;位于靠近风沙区并有片沙分布的黄土丘陵沟壑区的流域,风蚀产沙占流域输沙量的比例约为1/10;在黄土丘陵沟壑区,相对强烈的水力侵蚀,风力作用对产沙影响较小。整个无定河流域风力作用产生的输沙量包括入河风沙、降尘以及风力与水力的耦合侵蚀搬运作用可能增加的泥沙,接近流域总输沙量的1/6。  相似文献   

Soil moisture is a critical state affecting a variety of land surface and subsurface processes. We report investigation results of the factors controlling vertical variation of soil moisture and sand transport rate of three types of dunes on the southeastern margin of the Mu Us Sandy Land. Samples were taken from holes drilled to a depth of 4 m at different topographic sites on the dunes, and were analyzed for soil moisture, grain-size distribution and surface sediment discharge. The results show that: (1) The average soil moisture varies in different types of dunes, with the following sequences ordered from highest to lowest: in the shrubs-covered dunes and the trees-covered dunes the sequence is from inter-dunes lowland to windward slope to leeward slope. The average moisture in the bare-migratory sand dunes is sequenced from inter-dunes lowland to leeward slope to windward slope. (2) Vegetation form and surface coverage affect the range of soil moisture of different types of dunes in the same topographic position. The coefficient of variation of soil moisture for shrubs-covered dunes is higher than that of other types of dune. (3) The effect of shrubs on dune soil moisture is explained in terms of the greater ability of shrubs to trap fine-grained atmospheric dust and hold moisture. (4) The estimated sand transport rates over sand dunes with sparse shrubs are less than those over bare-migratory dunes or sand dunes with sparse trees, indicating that shrubs are more effective in inhibiting wind erosion in the sandy land area.  相似文献   

Samples from the Horqin sandy land were exposed to a series of wind velocities,and sink particles were collected at the end of the diffusion section of a wind tunnel.Grain sizes of collected samples show great variation because of the granularity difference of the surface samples.The original samples show lower average content of SiO2 and higher average content of Al 2O3,Fe2O3,MgO,CaO,Na2O,and K2O than collected samples.Compared with other dust source areas in China,the Horqin sandy land had higher content of Zr,Ba,SiO2,Al2O3 and K2O.Compared with the average upper continental crust(UCC)composition,surface samples were rich in the content of Y,Zr,Nb,Ba,La,Nd.Geochemistry characteristics of fine grain components of the Horqin sandy land differ from those from other dust source regions,because fine-grained particles in the Horqin sandy land were mostly derived from various local deposits formed in its unique depositional environments influenced by several tectonic activities.  相似文献   

A discounted cash flow model was employed to assess the viability of four wind barrier systems. The systems were utilized for wind erosion control and sand dune stabilization in the Al-Ain region of the United Arab Emirates. These systems consisted of four densities of date-frond mat fences erected in the form of checker board grids between rows of two local tree species:Prosopis spicigeraandAcacia tortilis. Analysis of cost estimated was based on the annual equivalent value of costs for each system. The economic life of the systems varied as a function of the time needed for the different trees in the different systems to reach the self-support stage. Results indicated that the systems’ ranking according to the minimal costs varied among the different tree types and the number of fences; but there was a general decrease in cost with increased fence density using the same tree, and this was due mainly to the effect of the fence on reducing the cost of tree development and maintenance as a result of reducing accumulated eroded sand. The minimal cost was recorded in D-10 treatment (seven fences) usingProsopis spicigera.  相似文献   

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