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Throughout the 1990s, Software Defined Radio (SDR) technology was viewed almost exclusively as a solution for interoperability problems between various military standards, waveforms and devices. In the meantime, Cognitive Radio (CR) – a novel communication paradigm which embodies SDR with intelligence and self-reconfigurability properties – has emerged. Intelligence and on-the-fly self-reconfiguration abilities of CRs constitute an important next step in the Communications Electronic Warfare, as they may enable the jamming entities with the capabilities of devising and deploying advanced jamming tactics. Similarly, they may also aid the development of the advanced intelligent self-reconfigurable systems for jamming mitigation. This work outlines the development and implementation of the Spectrum Intelligence algorithm for Radio Frequency (RF) interference mitigation. The developed system is built upon the ideas of obtaining relevant spectrum-related data by using wideband energy detectors, performing narrowband waveform identification, extracting the waveforms’ parameters and properly classifying the waveforms. All relevant spectrum activities are continuously monitored and stored. Coupled with the self-reconfigurability of various transmission-related parameters, Spectrum Intelligence is the facilitator for the advanced interference mitigation strategies. The implementation is done on the Cognitive Radio test bed architecture which consists of two military Software Defined Radio terminals, each interconnected with the computationally powerful System-on-Module.  相似文献   

Development of a Wireless Sensor Glove for Surgical Skills Assessment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Laparoscopic surgery is a challenging task in minimally invasive surgery, which involves complex instrument control, extensive manual dexterity, and hand-eye coordination. This requires a greater attention to training and skills evaluation. In order to provide a more objective skills assessment method, this paper presents a wireless sensor platform for the capture of laparoscopic hand gesture data and a hidden-Markov-model-based analysis framework for optimal sensor selection and placement. Detailed experimental validation is provided to illustrate how the proposed method can be used to assess surgical performance improvement over repeated training.  相似文献   

分析了噪声门在扩声和录音声场中噪声抑制的工作原理及其广泛应用,并从实践的角度提出了噪声门的调控技巧.并指出了噪声门的局限性。  相似文献   

一种工程应用的雷达网任务区分决策   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
雷达网任务区分的决策目标就是优化雷达开关机方案。文中提出了一种雷达网任务区分决策,它将专家经验和基于探测概率的决策模型相综合,根据一定的条件选取专家经验的开机决策方案和基于探测概率的开机决策方案的交集,作为最后的任务区分决策。实际应用表明了该决策方法的有效性和实用性。  相似文献   

王磊 《现代雷达》2019,41(4):1-6
舰艇编队协同探测系统能够显著提升舰艇编队态势感知能力,是编队协同作战指挥和编队协同火力打击的重要支撑。文中从航迹级协同、点迹级协同和信号级协同三个层面阐述了编队协同探测的内涵,介绍了典型编队协同探测系统。分析了点迹协同技术、资源管控技术、建模仿真技术、试验评估技术等舰艇编队协同探测关键技术。最后从协同探测装备频段和体制多元化、协同空间广域化、协同层次深入到信号级、协同处理智能化等几个方面提出了舰艇编队协同探测发展趋势。  相似文献   

A new solid-state device has been developed for the measurement of ion activities in electrochemical and biological environments. One can recognize in the device the properties of both a glass electrode and a field-effect transistor. This justifies the name ion-sensitive field-effect transistor. The device makes it possible to measure ion activities without using a reference electrode. For its application, a special electronic circuit is described. Results of measured Na+ and H+ ion activities are given in detail. As an example for electrophysiological application, results are shown of recorded extracellular ion pulses measured with a guinea pig taenia coli.  相似文献   

在简要说明我国通信技术标准战略的指导思想和原则的基础上,提出了到2010年我国信息通信标准战略发展的总目标;比较具体地论述了我国通信技术标准发展战略任务;将在NGN/NGI、移动通信、宽带接入、光通信、业务应用、网络与信息安全、电磁辐射与电磁信息安全技术、家庭网络、汽车移动平台、射频识别(RFID)技术和传感器网络共10个技术领域建立完善的通信标准体系。同时在NGN、移动通信、网络安全和新型宽带无线接入等五大领域拥有一批具有我国自主知识产权核心技术的国际标准,从而提升通信技术标准的整体水平,实现国际标准局部突破.使我国成为亚太地区乃至国际标准化活动的重要力量。  相似文献   

各位来宾、各位代表、同志们: 2003年中国国际广播电视信息网络展览会(CCBN)明天就要开幕了,我代表国家广播电影电视总局,对参加展览会和今天主题报告会的各位代表。各位来宾表示热烈的欢迎!第十届全国人大、全国政协会议刚刚闭幕,全国各族人民正按照党的十六大精神和“两会”的要求,以发展为第一要务,全面推进建设小康社会的各项任务。广电总局将今年定为网络发展年和广播发展年,并在全国广播影视工作会议上进行了部署。网络发展的重点就是要开展付费电视等新业务,全面推进广播影视数字化、网络化,这是加快我国广播影视发展的重大举措。下面我谈四个问题:一是中国广播影视发展面临着难得的机遇和严峻的挑战;二是从实际出发,全面推进数字化、网络化进程,加速中国广播影视的发展;三是开展有线数字广播影视业务的基本考虑,四是需要强调的几点要求。  相似文献   

并行工程下的集成产品开发团队   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐述了并行工程的理念及并行工程下的集成产品开发团队的概念、组成、管理及信息技术支持 ,并对我国制造业企业新产品开发组织结构的现状及发展方向进行了分析  相似文献   

对同一新研产品多厂家同时供应的情况进行了简要的介绍,肯定了这种情况所带来的好处,列举了存在的问题,分析了产生这些问题的原因,并对如何更好地充分发挥这种情况的作用提出了看法和建议。  相似文献   

Wireless Personal Communications - Most of the existing searchable encryption scheme allows the user to search for the encrypted data with the support of Boolean search and this scheme are not so...  相似文献   

面向SoC任务分配的应用程序存储需求量分析方法   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
赵鹏  王大伟  李思昆 《电子学报》2010,38(3):541-545
通过分析应用程序的存储需求量,辅助片上系统(System-on-Chip, SoC)任务分配进行数据存储与传输优化,是改善SoC性能的途径之一.目前,存储需求量分析方法的分析粒度单一、速度缓慢,不利于进行多粒度任务分配空间的高效探索.本文面向SoC任务分配,提出一种多粒度、快速存储需求量分析方法.该方法可进行多粒度的存储需求量分析,并针对多媒体程序,引入数组数据域划分技巧,大幅度减少了存储需求量的分析时间.  相似文献   

This paper presents a study of models for audiovisual (AV) fusion in a noisy-vowel recognition task. We progressively elaborate audiovisual models in order to respect the major principle demonstrated by human subjects in speech perception experiments (the synergy principle): audiovisual identification should always be more efficient than auditory-alone or visual-alone identification. We first recall that the efficiency of audiovisual speech recognition systems depends on the level at which they fuse sound and image: four AV architectures are presented, and two are selected for the following of the study. Secondly, we show the importance of providing a contextual input linked to the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) in the fusion process. Then we propose an original approach using an efficient nonlinear dimension reduction algorithm (curvilinear components analysis) in order to increase the performances of the two AV architectures. Furthermore, we show that this approach allows an easy and efficient estimation of the reliability of the audio sensor in relation to SNR, that this estimation can be used to control the AV fusion process, and that it significantly improves the AV performances. Hence, altogether, nonlinear dimension reduction, context estimation and control of the fusion process enable us to respect the synergy criterion for the two most used architectures.  相似文献   

作为新一代长寿命高可靠卫星有效载荷系统的关键单机,本文设计了一款星用S波段微波放大器,通过突破单机高可靠架构设计技术,大动态输入过载保护、电源及射频通道安全性等保护电路设计技术,微波电路防自激及腔体效应、EMC等稳定性设计技术,单机高效散热技术等关键技术;使得单机实测带内增益起伏≤0.081dB、驻波≤1.27、通道间幅度一致性≤±0.075dB,在激励过载20dB、电压拉偏90~110V、驻波拉偏3∶1下仍能正常工作,供电单元具有输入过流保护、输出过流保护、输出过压保护等功能,12年末期可靠度优于0.998;从而实现了放大器单机的高性能、长寿命和高可靠,本单机初、正样阶段零归零、指标零超差、星载环境试验零故障;目前在轨工作正常、稳定。  相似文献   

许烁  王阳  孙成恺 《电子学报》2016,44(1):101-109
对模块化可重构服务机器人群在医院中应用所产生的任务规划问题进行了分析和建模,提炼出一个多目标、多约束的多维组合优化问题.设计了改进二进制蜜蜂算法(IBBA)进行组合方案寻优.作为一种启发式群智能优化算法,其特点在于:(1)全局搜索和局部搜索的功能划分明确且并行实施;(2)在基本算法框架中融入了组合方案的表示与进化方法、多目标处理方法、约束处理方法等要素;(3)在算法原型的基础上改进了局部搜索策略.针对一个实际算例进行了优化计算,算法在可行性、稳定性、计算结果质量、计算效率、单目标优化等方面取得了较好表现,并从算法机制中得到了合理解释.扩展了模块化可重构机器人的研究范畴,为多目标、多约束的多维组合优化问题提出了通用的建模方法和优化算法.  相似文献   

Java定时任务及其在工作流系统中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以基于J2EE平台的工作流软件系统为背景,以在系统中自动定时的通过查询数据库来发送工作到期提醒邮件为目的,在Java的定时器类和监听器类基础上,创新性的采用将两者相结合的方法,实现了能够定时执行任务的监听类,并将此类放入工程的配置文件中,当Web容器启动时自动加载来运行指定的任务。从系统应用的实际效果来看,能将所有提醒邮件按时准确的发送到每一个工作流的参与者手中,所以此方案能够方便有效的解决该类需求,同时对于基于J2EE的其他类型软件系统也有很好的参考价值。  相似文献   

从结构设计和工艺制造两个方面提出了提高方舱屏蔽效能的方法。为保证导电的连续性,分析了有、无金属衬垫情况下的屏蔽方法,并给出了方舱接缝、门窗孔口屏蔽处理的细节。  相似文献   

分布式系统任务调度的实现及算法与发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分布式系统中的任务调度一直是一个十分活跃的课题 ,本文对任务调度作了总体的介绍 ,对经典算法的优劣进行了评价 ,并对近年提出的新算法予以介绍 ,最后 ,总结了任务调度算法的发展方向。  相似文献   

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