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基于RFID技术的铁路电子客票可行性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
RFID是射频识别的英文(Radio Frequency Identification)的缩写。射频识别技术是20世纪90年代开始兴起的一种非接触式自动识别技术,它通过射频信号自动识别目标对象并获取相关数据,识别工作无须人工干预。RFID技术具有使用寿命长、读取距离大、读取速度快、标签上数据可以加密、存储容量大、存储信息更改自如等优点,在各个行业有着广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

<正>"通过物联网技术的应用,推动交通运输产业升级和提高现代化水平。一是加快研究完善基于射频识别技术的高速公路多路径识别和电子不停车收费技术,在示范工程基础上加快推广应用。二是推进物联网技术在城市交通运输中应用,加快智能城市交通运输系统建设。三是利用物联网改造现有基础设施,建设智能基础设施。四是加快基于射频识别技术的汽车电子牌照和全国性数字化交通运输管理体系研究,提高交通运输管理信息化和现代化水平,引领行业通过技术创新实现跨越式发展。"  相似文献   

交通运输部目前发布《关于推动公路水路交通运输行业IC卡和RFID技术应用的指导意见》(简称《指导意见》),要求通过不断提高IC卡和RFID(射频识别)技术应用水平,为交通运输电子政务、智能交通和现代物流发展提供有效支撑。  相似文献   

针对现阶段的道路运输远程监控体系中无法识别半挂车的身份与特征信息的问题,通过对甩挂运输企业、站(场)、整车生产企业进行广泛调研,文中提出了基于RFID无线射频技术的甩挂运输半挂车身份电子标识技术要求,分析了电子标识具体技术参数的限值范围,为规范甩挂运输半挂车身份电子标识的发展提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   

目前RFID在中国的发展不温不火,在过去几年中,对RFID技术最主要的推动力来自政府以及大型企业.2007年3月1 5日,上海先达与美国Reva签约共同开拓中国RFID市场;此外,国家863计划也将"射频识别(RFID)技术与应用"作为先进制造业技术领域的重大项目进行关注.  相似文献   

基于射频识别(RFID)技术的配送中心管理系统应用已是较广泛,表现了巨大的潜力.本文在简要介绍RFID技术后提出了一种基于RFID技术的配送中心管理模型。该模型采用了模块设计思想,详细介绍了叉车定位/调度模块的几个重要算法,并以此为基础,以全新的工作理念给出了收货、入库,拣货,出库等四个模块的具体工作流程。  相似文献   

汽车电子标识作为汽车的"身份证",是无源射频识别技术在交通物联网领域的应用。《机动车电子标识安全技术要求》等六项国家推荐性标准的正式实施以及国内外广泛的应用试点,使得该技术在我国全面推广、应用变得愈发现实。本文阐述了汽车电子标识的系统构架、工作原理、应用现状,通过技术路线、技术对比两个层面的分析阐述了汽车电子标识的技术优势,并基于此对于汽车电子标识的应用前景进行展望。在感知层,汽车电子标识将与视频检测技术有机结合,构建"射频+视频"等具备更高稳定性、可靠性的信息采集体系。而在应用层,汽车电子标识将提升涉车应用的实现水平,为假、套牌等顽固问题提供了解决方案,为诸多潜在应用的实现提供可能性。  相似文献   

权利要求 1.一种基于RFID射频识别的电能表箱组垛系统,其特征在于:包括自动化立体库、全自动化检定流水线、射频门、组垛装置和服务器;所述的自动化立体库与全自动化检定流水线始端自动驳接,射频门横跨设置于全自动化检定流水线线体上,全自动化检定流水线末端连接组垛装置,射频门的信号输送端连接服务器.  相似文献   

为了帮助管道运维单位选取合适的检测方法对管道上的盗孔进行识别,分析了外检测技术、漏磁内检测技术和弱磁扰动内检测技术的技术原理,并分别对3种检测技术对盗孔的识别效果进行了分析。外检测技术识别盗孔方便快捷,适合对管道局部进行排查,但不能识别经过防腐绝缘处理的盗孔;漏磁内检测技术能够准确识别管道上的盗孔,但检测成本较高;弱磁扰动内检测技术能够识别管道内表面的开孔特征,但还需根据管道维修资料对检测结果进行筛查。  相似文献   

文章综述了基于深度学习的交通标志识别技术,厘清了传统交通标志识别与基于深度学习的交通标志识别的关系,着重介绍了卷积神经网络交通标志识别算法,并分析近年来该算法取得的突破性进展,旨在为进一步的研究提供参考和指导。  相似文献   

Perishable foods are frequently exposed to temperature abuse during transportation and distribution. The use of traditional data loggers do not permit the instantaneous data transmission that radio frequency technology offers. Temperature has a major impact on food quality and safety, particularly when long transit times are imposed. Consequently, using radio frequency identification (RFID) to track and monitor temperature in perishable shipments will bring significant benefits to the cold chain. The goal of this study was to determine the optimal RF antenna placement to achieve full RFID tag readability inside a sea container. Testing was made at two different frequencies (915 and 433 MHz) while the refrigeration unit was running at −25 °C and the container was fully loaded with frozen bread. The sea container was instrumented with eight RFID antennas, three of which were tuned for 433 MHz and five for 915 MHz. All antenna wires exited the container via the forward drain holes. The RFID readers were outside the container and connected to their respective antennas, one at a time. Thirty eight RFID tags were evenly distributed onto the pallets of frozen bread. All RFID tags were active tags capable of reading and recording temperature. Results at 915 MHz showed readability levels between 47% and 79%, with an average of 68.4%, whereas 433 MHz demonstrated 100% readability at all antenna positions. In conclusion, the 433 MHz RFID system appears suitable for real time temperature monitoring of frozen bread inside a sea container. This technology could be applied to other food items similar to frozen bread.  相似文献   

管道超声导波检测技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了管道超声导渡检测技术的理论基础,指出了这一检测方法的技术关键;同时对现有已用于工程应用的导波检测设备与导渡检测实验系统作了描述和对比;总结了目前成熟的缺陷识别定位方法,在此基础上,对管道超声导波检测技术的广泛应用提出几点展望。  相似文献   

溢油指纹数字化鉴别方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数字化鉴别法借助于计算机技术具有处理效率高、易于存储等特点,近年来,运用该方法对溢油指纹进行鉴别分析受到越来越多的关注。介绍了聚类分析、主成分分析、判别分析、t检验法、相关分析、重复性限法等数字化鉴别方法的基本概念以及这些方法应用于溢油指纹鉴别的原理、步骤等,对这些数字化鉴别分析方法的适用条件、优缺点等进行分析比较,以期为更好地将数字化鉴别方法应用于油指纹鉴别分析奠定基础。  相似文献   

结合省道石兖线水沟大桥加固实践,介绍了石拱桥套拱肋加锚喷施工工艺及质量控制措施,经过检测鉴定,取得了良好的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

文章针对当前通行费拆分方法存在的问题,提出了基于超高频无源RFID技术的高速公路通行费拆分方法,阐述了该方法的应用模式及流程,并从技术和政策角度论证了该方法应用的可行性。  相似文献   

Traffic delay caused by incidents is closely related to three variables: incident frequency, incident duration, and the number of lanes blocked by an incident that is directly related to the bottleneck capacity. Relatively, incident duration has been more extensively studied than incident frequency and the number of lanes blocked in an incident. In this study, we provide an investigation of the influencing factors for all of these three variables based on an incident data set that was collected in New York City (NYC). The information about the incidents derived from the identification can be used by incident management agencies in NYC for strategic policy decision making and daily incident management and traffic operation. In identifying the influencing factors for incident frequency, a set of models, including Poisson and Negative Binomial regression models and their zero‐inflated models, were considered. An appropriate model was determined based on a model decision‐making tree. The influencing factors for incident duration were identified based on hazard‐based models where Exponential, Weibull, Log‐logistic, and Log‐normal distributions were considered for incident duration. For the number of lanes blocked in an incident, the identification of the influencing factors was based on an Ordered Probit model which can better capture the order inherent in the number of lanes blocked in an incident. As identified in this study, rain is the only factor that significantly influenced incident frequency. For incident duration and the number of lanes blocked in an incident, various factors had significant impact. As concluded in this study, there is a strong need to identify the influencing factors in terms of different types of incidents and the roadways where the incidents occured.  相似文献   

为了解国内外节能技术应用的现状,更好地采用节能技术以不断降低管道能耗,对比了近年来国内外油气长输管道在输送工艺、运行设备及新能源3个方面的各种节能技术。结果表明:油品输送减阻剂技术、含蜡原油降凝剂技术、天然气管道减阻剂技术、输油泵变频调速技术、超声波防/除垢技术以及太阳能阀室供电等技术在油气长输管道上的应用有着明显的节能效果。因此,开发并利用新的节能技术,特别是新能源技术,将是油气长输管道节能降耗发展的方向。  相似文献   

In response to increasing demand, airlines may increase capacity by increasing the frequency of flights or they may choose to increase aircraft size. This may yield operating cost economies. If the airports they operate from are capacity constrained, they will be limited in the extent that they can change frequency which will limit their ability to compete with the number of frequencies offered. This article focuses on this trade-off and pays particular attention to the practices of a specific airline. Conclusions are offered on the impact of inter alia competition, changes in aircraft technology, 9/11 and the impact of slot constraints. It appears that changes in size are more important than frequency, which is consistent with the presence of slot constraints and there is a significant impact of competition. As the concentration of carriers increases, so aircraft size falls. 9/11 also has a significant impact on traffic whereas the introduction of the Boeing 777, as an illustration of a change in technology, does not.  相似文献   

文章介绍了山区公路危险路段(点)的鉴别方法,提出了山区公路长大下坡路段安全隐患整治的方法和措施,并结合云南省某高速公路进行了安全隐患整治实例验证。结果表明,该整治技术有效可行,能够改善山区公路长大下坡危险路段(点)车辆运行速度的协调性和降低车辆出现制动失效的可能性。  相似文献   

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