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《China Geology》2021,4(1):56-66
The timing of the initial Indo-Asian collision is a subject of debate for a long time. Besides, the magmatic trace of the collisional process is also unclear. In the present study, the authors report Early Eocene leucocratic sill/dike swarms in the northern edge of the Nymo intrusive complex of the Gangdese belt, southern Tibet. The Nymo intrusive complex was emplaced at ca. 50 –47 Ma and surrounded by the metamorphosed Jurassic-aged Bima Formation volcano-sedimentary sequence along its northern side. At outcrops, the leucocratic sills/dikes intruded along or truncated the deformed foliations of the host Bima Formation, which has been subject to high-temperature amphibolite-facies metamorphism at ca. 50 –47 Ma. Detailed cathodoluminescence image analyses reveal that the zircon grains of the leucocratic sills/dikes have core-mantle textures. The cores yield the Jurassic ages comparable to the protolith ages of the Bima Formation. In contrast, the mantles of zircon grains yield weighted mean ages of ca. 49–47 Ma, representing the crystallization timing of these leucocratic sills/dikes. The coeval ages for the Nymo intrusive complex, the high-temperature metamorphism, and the leucocratic sills/dikes indicate that a close relationship exists among them. The authors tentatively suggest that these leucocratic sills/dikes were generated from partial melting of the Jurassic-aged Bima Formation volcanic rocks, triggered by the high heat from the magma chamber of the Nymo intrusive complex. This Early Eocene tectono-thermal event of coeval magmatism, metamorphism and partial melting was most likely formed during the Indo-Asian collisional setting.©2021 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   

Chromitites, associated with upper mantle spinel peridotites from the Voidolakkos and Xerolivado districts, located in the Vourinos ophiolite complex, northwestern continental Greece, were re‐investigated with respect to their structural and textural mode of occurrence, as well as their compositional signatures. They include variably deformed banded and podiform chromitite bodies made up of massive, semi‐massive, nodular, anti‐nodular, schlieren and disseminated chromian spinel. Chromitites have suffered intense shearing that was more severe in all but disseminated textured ore. Deformation has partly produced elongation of chromian spinel nodules and widespread protocataclastic zones within chromitites. The examined deposits are composed of magnesiochromite that shows a quite restricted range of Cr# [Cr/(Cr + Al)] values varying between 0.76 and 0.83, whereas Mg# [Mg/(Mg + Fe2+)] ranges from 0.55 to 0.67 accompanied by relatively low content in TiO2 (<0.15 wt.% on average). Compositional data indicate that these high‐Cr chromitite bodies crystallized from melts of boninitic affinities that have been compositionally modified after reaction with depleted harzburgite, followed by interaction with relatively undifferentiated low SiO2 melts within an intertwined system of dunite channels in the mantle wedge below the fore‐arc region of a supra‐subduction zone (SSZ). Magnesiochromite displays limited textural modification, being scarcely transformed to an opaque spinel phase along grain boundaries and fracture walls. The opaque spinel phase is characterized by elevated Cr# (0.76–0.97), relatively low Mg# (0.33–0.63) and low Fe3+# (≤0.14) and corresponds to ferrian chromite. Microscopic studies revealed that ferrian chromite is paragenetically associated with clinochlore even in unaltered chromitite specimens and the degree of serpentinization does not correlate with the frequency and abundance of alteration effects on magnesiochromite. Therefore, it is supported that regional metamorphism prior to serpentinization was responsible for the formation of the ferrian chromite–clinochlore association. In addition, magnesiochromite alteration was systematically recorded only in variably sheared chromitites displaying protocataclastic brecciation, thus it can be claimed that metamorphism was mainly governed by deformation mechanisms, which took place during the transition from ductile to semi‐brittle conditions. Ferrian chromite can be locally erratically enriched in MnO and ZnO, which is attributed to a Mn‐ and Zn‐bearing, slightly acid post‐magmatic fluid that invaded the chromitites across weakness zones. Overall, the data suggest that after magnesiochromite equilibration with the intergranular olivine, both phases were partly replaced by ferrian chromite and clinochlore, respectively, during a brief, fluid assisted episode of retrogade metamorphism that took place within a temperature interval between 700 and 300 °C, before ocean‐floor alteration. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

New sandstone petrology and petrostratigraphy provide insights on Palaeogene (Middle Eocene to Oligocene) clastics of the Thrace Basin in Greece, which developed synchronously with post‐Cretaceous collision and subsequent Tertiary extension. Sandstone petrofacies are used as a tool to unravel complex geodynamic changes that occurred at the southern continental margin of the European plate, identifying detrital signals of the accretionary processes of the Rhodope orogen, as well as subsequent partitioning related to extension of the Rhodope area, followed by Oligocene to present Aegean extension and wide magmatic activity starting during the Early Oligocene. Sandstone detrital modes include three distinctive petrofacies: quartzolithic, quartzofeldspathic and feldspatholithic. Major contributions are from metamorphic basement units, represented mostly by low to medium‐grade lithic fragments for the quartzolithic petrofacies and high‐grade metamorphic rock fragments for the quartzofeldspathic petrofacies. Volcaniclastic sandstones were derived from different volcanic areas, with a composition varying from dominantly silicic to subordinate intermediate products (mainly rhyolitic glass, spherulites and felsitic lithics). Evolution of detrital modes documents contributions from three key source areas corresponding to the two main crystalline tectonic units: (i) the Variegated Complex (ultramafic complex), in the initial stage of accretion (quartzolithic petrofacies); (ii) the Gneiss–Migmatite Complex (quartzofeldspathic petrofacies); and (iii) the Circum‐Rhodope Belt. The volcaniclastic petrofacies is interbedded with quartzofeldspathic petrofacies, reflecting superposition of active volcanic activity on regional erosion. The three key petrofacies reflect complex provenance from different tectonic settings, from collisional orogenic terranes to local basement uplift and volcanic activity. The composition and stratigraphic relations of sandstones derived from erosion of the Rhodope orogenic belt and superposed magmatism after the extensional phase in northern Greece provide constraints for palaeogeographic and palaeotectonic models of the Eocene to Oligocene western portions of the Thrace Basin. Clastic detritus in the following sedimentary assemblages was derived mainly from provenance terranes of the Palaeozoic section within the strongly deformed Rhodope Massif of northern Greece and south‐east Bulgaria, from the epimetamorphic units of the Circum‐Rhodope Belt and from superposed Late Eocene to Early Oligocene magmatism related to orogenic collapse of the Rhodope orogen. The sedimentary provenance of the Rhodope Palaeogene sandstones documents the changing nature of this orogenic belt through time, and may contribute to a general understanding of similar geodynamic settings.  相似文献   

The Attic–Cycladic Crystalline Belt in the central Aegean region represents a major tectono‐stratigraphic unit of the Hellenides. The essential geological, magmatic and tectono‐metamorphic features are well documented. Unresolved questions concern the time of sediment accumulation and litho‐ and/or tectono‐stratigraphic relationships across the study area. In order to address this issue we have studied siliciclastic metasedimentary rocks from Andros Island, northern Cyclades. The sampling strategy aimed at covering the complete age range recorded by the Andros metamorphic succession. Detrital zircon U–Pb dating of nine samples indicates maximum depositional ages of c. 260 Ma for the topmost part of the metamorphic succession and of c. 160–140 Ma for rock sequences below a prominent serpentinite belt that is interpreted to outline a major tectonic contact. These age constraints are in accordance with interpretations suggesting that the metamorphic rocks of Andros represent different tectonic subunits (Makrotantalon Unit and Lower Unit) that are separated by a thrust fault. Modification of the internal structure of the Lower Unit by tectonic stacking can currently not be ascertained. The new data for the Lower Unit corroborate the importance of Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous sediment accumulation for the larger study area. In contrast to some of the neighbouring islands, no evidence for transfer of Late Cretaceous (c. 80 Ma) material into the Andros sedimentary environment was found. The most striking feature of the zircon populations of the Lower Unit is a remarkable age cluster at 250–200 Ma that documents the importance of Triassic igneous sediment sources. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A new occurrence of kyanite eclogite in the Pirin Mountains of southwestern Bulgaria within the rocks belonging to the Obidim Unit of the Rhodope Metamorphic Complex is presented. This eclogite provides important information about the peak–pressure conditions despite strong thermal overprint at low pressure. Textural relationships, phase equilibrium modelling and conventional geothermobarometry were used to constrain the metamorphic evolution. Garnet porphyroblasts with inclusions of omphacite (up to 43 mol.% Jd), phengite (up to 3.5 Si p.f.u.), kyanite, polycrystalline quartz, pargasitic amphibole, zoisite and rutile in the Mg‐rich cores (XMg = 0.44–0.46) record a prograde increase in P–T conditions from ~2.5 GPa and 650 °C to ~3 GPa and 700–750 °C. Maximum pressure values fall within the stability field of coesite. During exhumation, the peak–pressure assemblage garnet + omphacite + phengite + kyanite was variably overprinted by a lower pressure one forming symplectitic textures, such as diopside + plagioclase after omphacite and biotite + plagioclase after phengite. The development of spinel (XMg = 0.4–0.45) + corundum + anorthite assemblage in the kyanite‐bearing domains at ~1.1 GPa and 800–850 °C suggests a thermal overprint in the high‐pressure granulite facies stability field. This thermal event was followed by cooling at ~0.8 GPa under amphibolite facies conditions; retrograde kelyphite texture involving plagioclase and amphibole was developed around garnet. Our results add to the already existing evidence for ultra high pressure (UHP) metamorphism in the Upper Allochthon of the Rhodope Metamorphic Complex as in the Kimi Unit and show that it is more widespread than previously known. Published age data and field structural relations suggest that the Obidim Unit represents Variscan continental crust involved into the Alpine nappe edifice of the Rhodopes and that eclogite facies metamorphism was Palaeozoic, in contrast to the Kimi Unit where age determinations suggest a Jurassic or Cretaceous age for UHP metamorphism. This implies that UHP metamorphism in the Upper Allochthon of the Rhodopes may have occurred twice, during Alpine and pre‐Alpine orogenic events, and that two independent HP/UHP provinces of different age overlap in this area.  相似文献   

The early Palaeozoic South Qilian–North Qaidam orogenic belt in northwestern China records a nearly complete history of early‐stage long‐lived oceanic subduction–accretion followed by late‐stage continental collision. Most previous studies have focused on low dT/dP metamorphism (HP–UHP) in this belt whereas the paired high dT/dP belt in the hinterland has received little attention. In this contribution, phase equilibrium modelling is combined with zircon petrochronology to determine the P–T–t evolution of granulites in the North Wulan gneiss complex in the high dT/dP hinterland of the South Qilian–North Qaidam orogen. Granulites record a clockwise P–T path with near‐peak temperatures of ~800–900°C at 5.5–7 kbar. Peak metamorphism was followed by high‐T decompression. Zircon petrochronology reveals protracted zircon growth from c. 474 to 446 Ma during the high‐T portion of the P–T path. High dT/dP metamorphism in the North Wulan gneiss complex was likely the result of heat transfer from the underlying hot asthenosphere and minor coeval magmatism in an arc–back‐arc system during slab retreat and roll‐back of the South Qilian oceanic plate. Broadly contemporaneous but slightly younger HP–UHP metamorphism in the foreland of the South Qilian–North Qaidam orogenic belt indicates that the region records an early Palaeozoic paired metamorphic belt. This early Palaeozoic paired metamorphic belt provides a detailed example of dual thermal regimes in a modern‐style orogenic system that can be applied to understanding the time‐scales and P–T conditions of high dT/dP metamorphism that accompany subduction in Phanerozoic and Precambrian orogenic belts.  相似文献   

Geothermobarometric and geochronological work indicates a complete Eocene/early Oligocene blueschist/greenschist facies metamorphic cycle of the Cycladic Blueschist Unit on Naxos Island in the Aegean Sea region. Using the average pressure–temperature (P–T) method of thermocalc coupled with detailed textural work, we separate an early blueschist facies event at 576 ± 16 to 619 ± 32°C and 15.5 ± 0.5 to 16.3 ± 0.9 kbar from a subsequent greenschist facies overprint at 384 ± 30°C and 3.8 ± 1.1 kbar. Multi‐mineral Rb–Sr isochron dating yields crystallization ages for near peak‐pressure blueschist facies assemblages between 40.5 ± 1.0 and 38.3 ± 0.5 Ma. The greenschist facies overprint commonly did not result in complete resetting of age signatures. Maximum ages for the end of greenschist facies reworking, obtained from disequilibrium patterns, cluster near c. 32 Ma, with one sample showing rejuvenation at c. 27 Ma. We conclude that the high‐P rocks from south Naxos were exhumed to upper mid‐crustal levels in the late Eocene and early Oligocene at rates of 7.4 ± 4.6 km/Ma, completing a full blueschist‐/greenschist facies metamorphic cycle soon after subduction within c. 8 Ma. The greenschist facies overprint of the blueschist facies rocks from south Naxos resulted from rapid exhumation and associated deformation/fluid‐controlled metamorphic re‐equilibration, and is unrelated to the strong high‐T metamorphism associated with the Miocene formation of the Naxos migmatite dome. It follows that the Miocene thermal overprint had no impact on rock textures or Sr isotopic signatures, and that the rocks of south Naxos underwent three metamorphic events, one more than hitherto envisaged.  相似文献   

Seafloor images of coarse‐grained submarine channel–levée systems commonly reveal complex braid‐plain patterns of low‐amplitude bedforms and zones of apparent bypass; however, mechanisms of channel evolution and the resultant channel‐fill architecture are poorly understood. At Playa Esqueleto the lateral relationships between various elements of a deep‐marine slope channel system are well‐exposed. Specifically, the transition from gravel‐dominated axial thalwegs to laterally persistent marginal sandstones and isolated gravel‐filled scours is revealed. Marginal sandstones pass into a monotonous thin‐bedded succession which built to form relatively low‐relief levées bounding the channel belt; in turn, the levées onlap the canyon walls. Three orders of confinement were important during the evolution of the channel system: (i) first‐order confinement was provided by the erosional canyon which confined the entire system; (ii) confined levées built of turbidite sandstones and mudstones formed the second‐order confinement, and it is demonstrated that these built from overspill at thalweg margins; and (iii) third‐order confinement describes the erosional confinement of coarse‐grained thalwegs and scours. Finer‐grained sediment was transported in suspension and largely was unaffected by topography at the scale of individual thalwegs. Facies and clast analyses of conglomerate overlying channel‐marginal scours reveal that they were deposited by composite gravity flows, which were non‐cohesive, grain‐dominant debris flows with more fluidal cores. These flows were capable of basal erosion but were strongly depositional; frictional freezing at flow margins built gravel levées, while the core maintained a more fluidal transport regime. The resultant architecture consists of matrix‐rich, poorly sorted levées bounding better‐sorted, traction‐dominated cores. The planform geometry is interpreted to have consisted of a low‐sinuosity gravel braid‐plain built by accretion around mid‐channel and bank‐attached bars. This part of the system may be analogous to fluvial systems; however, the finer‐grained sediment load formed thick suspension clouds, probably several orders of magnitude thicker than the relief of braid‐plain topography and therefore controlled by the levées and canyon wall confinement.  相似文献   

Fluvial channel geometry classification schemes are commonly restricted in relation to the scale at which the study took place, often due to outcrop limitations or the need to conduct small‐scale detailed studies. A number of classification schemes are present in the literature; however, there is often limited consistency between them, making application difficult. The aim of this study is to address this key problem by describing channel body geometries across a depositional basin to ensure that a wide range of architectures are documented. This was achieved by studying 28 locations over 4000 m of vertical succession in Palaeocene‐aged and Early Eocene‐aged deposits within the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, USA. Five different channel body geometries have been defined based on the external geometric form, and internal arrangement and nature of storey contacts. These include the massive channel body geometry, semi‐amalgamated channel body geometry, internally amalgamated channel body geometry and offset stacked channel body geometry, which are considered to be subdivisions of the sheet geometry of many other classifications. An isolated channel body geometry has also been recognized alongside splay channel and sheet sandstone geometries in the floodplain facies associations. Field evidence, including the stacking style of storey surfaces, suggests that the different geometries form a continuum. The nature and degree of amalgamation at the storey scale are important in producing the different geometries and are related to the degree of channel migration. It is speculated that this is the result of differences in sediment supply and available accommodation. In contrast to previous schemes, the classification scheme presented here recognizes the importance of transitional geometries. This geometrical range has been recognized because of the basin‐scale nature of the study.  相似文献   

Basin‐scale models are required to interpret ancient continental sedimentary successions, and reduce uncertainty in assessing geological resources in basins. Recently, modern studies show distributive fluvial systems to comprise a substantial proportion of modern sedimentary basins, but their role in ancient basin fills has yet to be quantitatively documented at the basin scale. This study analysed key fluvial characteristics to construct a detailed basin‐wide model of the Palaeogene Fort Union and Willwood formations (Bighorn Basin, Wyoming), using observations from modern studies, and ancient system scale studies of distributive fluvial systems, to guide interpretations. Mapping showed these formations to be highly heterogeneous with channel‐body proportion (from 12 to 81%) and geometry types (large amalgamated bodies to isolated channels), grain size (silt to conglomerate), average channel‐body thickness (4 to 20 m) and average storey thickness (3 to 10 m) varying significantly across the basin. Distributive fluvial systems in the form of alluvial and fluvial fans in transverse configurations were recognized as well as a wide axial system, with heterogeneity in the formations being closely aligned to these interpretations. Furthermore, numerous individual depositional systems were identified within the formations (Beartooth Absaroka, Washakie, Owl Creek and axial). Predicted downstream distributive fluvial system trends (i.e. downstream decrease in channel proportion, size and grain size) were identified in the Beartooth, Absaroka and Owl Creek systems. However, predicted trends were not identified in the Washakie system where intrabasinal thrusting disturbed the sequence. Importantly, a wide axial fluvial system was identified, where reverse downstream distributive fluvial system trends were present, interpreted to be the result of the input of transverse systems of variable size. This study provides a new level of detail in the application of basin‐scale models, demonstrating their usefulness in trying to understand and predict alluvial architecture distribution and heterogeneity, with important implications for economic resources and palaeogeographic reconstructions.  相似文献   

The early Cretaceous (Albian–Aptian) Sung Valley ultramafic–alkaline–carbonatite complex is one of several alkaline intrusions that occur in the Shillong Plateau, India. This complex comprises calcite carbonatite and closely associated ultramafic (serpentinized peridotite, pyroxenite and melilitolite) and alkaline rocks (ijolite and nepheline syenite). Field relationship and geochemical characteristics of these rocks do not support a genetic link between carbonatite and associated silicate rocks. There is geochemical evidence that pyroxenite, melilitolite and ijolite of the complex are genetically related. Stable (C and O) and radiogenic (Nd and Sr) isotope data clearly indicate a mantle origin for the carbonatite samples. The carbonatite Nd (+0.7 to +1.8) and Sr (+4.7 to +7.0) compositions overlap the field for Kerguelen ocean island basalts. One sample of ijolite has Nd and Sr isotopic compositions that also plot within the field for Kerguelen ocean island basalts, whereas the other silicate–carbonatite samples indicate involvement with an enriched component. These geochemical and isotopic data indicate that the rocks of the Sung Valley complex were derived from and interacted with an isotopically heterogeneous subcontinental mantle and is consistent with interaction of a mantle plume (e.g. Kerguelen plume) with lithosphere. A U–Pb perovskite age of 115.1±5.1 Ma obtained for a sample of Sung Valley ijolite also supports a temporal link to the Kerguelen plume. The observed geochemical characteristics of the carbonatite rocks indicate derivation by low-degree partial melting (0.1%) of carbonated mantle peridotite. This melt, containing a substantial amount of alkali elements, interacted with peridotite to form metasomatic clinopyroxene and olivine. This process could progressively metasomatize lherzolite to form alkaline wehrlite.  相似文献   

The chrome ores of the abandoned Eretria mine of the East Othris ophiolite occur within a pervasively serpentinized and sheared harzburgite body. They consist of massive chromitites with mylonitic fabric in imbricate shaped pods. Modal analyses of these ores average at about 90–95% chromian spinel (Cr-spinel) and 5–10% secondary silicates. Chromian spinel compositions vary in Cr# [Cr/(Cr + Al) × 100] and Mg# [Mg/(Mg + Fe2+) × 100] from 44 to 62 and from 59 to 81, respectively. Trace element (Ti, Ni, V, Mn, Zn, Sc, Co and Ga) contents in Cr-spinel do not show significant variations from grain cores to grain boundaries. However, Cr-spinel compositions show depletions in Ti, Zn and Sc when compared to the composition of accessory Cr-spinel from typical mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB). Mineral inclusions hosted in Cr-spinel comprise a range of (hydrous and anhydrous) silicate and base metal (BM) minerals occasionally intergrown with phosphate minerals and rare intermetallic compounds. A number of these inclusions have Cr-spinel rims with higher Cr# (63–68) than those of the enclosing Cr-spinel grains.The absence of dunite sheaths around chromitites is interpreted as an artifact of dunite structural obliteration during prolonged ductile shearing within harzburgite. The microtextural characteristics of a number of inclusions in Cr-spinel imply that they were initially fully molten. Furthermore, primary hydrosilicate (amphibole, phlogopite) inclusions in Cr-spinel indicate that chromitites crystallized from a water-bearing melt. Chromian spinel rims around silicate inclusions probably represent early crystals generated from a primitive magma produced by melting of a depleted mantle source.Geochemical calculations demonstrate that the parental melts of chromitites had intermediate affinity between MORB and arc-related magmas. Our preferred hypothesis for the genesis of the Eretria chromitites is that they were formed from a melt originated within the hydrated mantle wedge beneath a nascent forearc basin during subduction initiation.  相似文献   

High‐P (HP) eclogite and associated garnet–omphacite granulite have recently been discovered in the Mulantou area, northeastern Hainan Island, South China. These rocks consist mainly of garnet, omphacite, hornblende, quartz and rutile/ilmenite, with or without zoisite and plagioclase. Textural relationships, mineral compositions and thermobarometric calculations demonstrate that the eclogite and garnet–omphacite granulite share the same three‐stage metamorphic evolution, with prograde, peak and retrograde P?T conditions of 620–680°C and 8.7–11.1 kbar, 820–860°C and 17.0–18.2 kbar, and 700–730°C and 7.1–8.5 kbar respectively. Sensitive high‐resolution ion microprobe U–Pb zircon dating, coupled with the identification of mineral inclusions in zircon, reveals the formation of mafic protoliths before 355 Ma, prograde metamorphism at c. 340–330 Ma, peak to retrograde metamorphism at c. 310–300 Ma, and subsequent pegmatite intrusion at 295 Ma. Trace element geochemistry shows that most of the rocks have a MORB affinity, with initial εNd values of +2.4 to +6.7. As with similar transitional eclogite–HP granulite facies rocks in the thickened root in the European Variscan orogen, the occurrence of relatively high P?T metamorphic rocks of oceanic origin in northeastern Hainan Island suggests Carboniferous oceanic subduction leading to collision of the Hainan continental block, or at least part of it, with the South China Block in the eastern Palaeo‐Tethyan tectonic domain.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated long‐term changes in effective moisture in sub‐Saharan Africa. Here, we reconstruct Holocene environments using a ~7 m lake‐sediment sequence recovered from the northeastern Nigerian Sahel and attempt to distinguish basin‐specific changes from regional climatic variations. The sequence was analysed for sedimentological properties, mineral magnetism and pollen, and dated by 137Cs, 210Pb excess and 14C. Extremely arid conditions of the terminal Pleistocene ended ca. 11 500 cal. BP (calendar years) when climate ameliorated and a lake developed until the occurrence of an arid event leading to lake desiccation at ~11 200 cal. BP. Following this, climate ameliorated and a water body re‐emerged. Very wet conditions predominated 11 200–5600 cal. BP, followed by drought between 5600 and 5500 cal. BP and a return to moderate humidity from 5500 to 4000 cal. BP. After 4000 cal. BP, a marked deterioration occurred, culminating in lake desiccation at ca. 800 cal. BP. After this time the climate remained generally dry and the re‐emerging lake was shallow. Comparison of these results with other well‐dated sequences in the region demonstrates the importance of basin‐specific influences on the palaeolimnological records in addition to regional climatic controls. Disentangling these different controls, as well as the reconstruction of Holocene climate, therefore requires a multiple‐basin approach. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A fluid inclusion investigation of the polymetallic mineralization at Yinshan from the Le–De metallogenic belt in Jiangxi Province of China has been carried out using petrographic and microthermometric techniques. The data obtained here indicate that three major types of fluids were involved during the formation of the deposit. They are type I vapor-rich, type II liquid-rich and type III halite-bearing inclusions within the H2O–NaCl system. The high salinity fluids represented by type III inclusions, being unusual to the distal part of an intrusion-centered ore-forming system such as Yinshan, have been interpreted as the product of direct exsolution of a crystallizing magma, rather than a result of fluid immiscibility from a low salinity fluid. Evidence used to support such an interpretation includes the mode of homogenization of type III inclusions exclusively via halite dissolution, spatial separation of type I and type III inclusions on microscopic scale, the consistent phase ratios within the inclusions concerned, and considerable deviation in homogenization temperature for both type I and type III inclusions. Trapping conditions for type I inclusions were estimated to be around 440 °C and 260 bars, while type III inclusions were constrained to be trapped at least above 900 bars and > 500 °C. The formation temperatures for type II inclusions range from 270 to 390 °C if a lithostatic pressure of 260 bars is assumed. Pressure fluctuation determined by this fluid inclusion study coupled with decreases in salinity and temperature as result of the potential fluid mixing are supposed to have played an important role in triggering the precipitation of ore minerals from the hydrothermal solution.  相似文献   

A new high‐resolution Last Interglacial pollen record from the Tenaghi Philippon peatland, northeast Greece, documents variability in forest composition and cover, which we attribute to changes in temperature and moisture availability. The declining stage of the interglacial was marked by a stepwise decrease in temperate tree populations and culminated in the complete collapse of forest at the onset of the ensuing stadial. The coincidence of the onset of the stepwise declining trend with the increased prominence of North Atlantic ice‐rafting events suggests that ecological thresholds in southern Europe were only crossed once ice rafting events intensified, and implies that changes in North Atlantic ocean circulation were an important contributing factor to the declining temperate forest cover in southern Europe. Our results provide evidence for intra‐interglacial variability in the low mid latitudes and suggest a coupling between the high northern latitudes and the northeast Mediterranean during this interval. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Taolaituo porphyry‐type molybdenum deposit is located in the eastern Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in China. The mineralization occurs mainly as veins, lenses and layers within the host porphyry. To better understand the link between the mineralization and the host igneous rocks, we studied samples from the underground workings and report new SHRIMP II zircon U–Pb and Re–Os molybdenite ages, and geochemical data from both the molybdenites and the porphyry granites. Five molybdenite samples yield a Re–Os isochron weighted mean age of 133.0 ± 0.82 Ma, whereas the porphyry granitoids samples yield crystallization ages of 133 ± 1 Ma and 130.4 ± 1.3 Ma. The U–Pb and Re–Os ages are similar, suggesting that the mineralization is genetically related to the Early Cretaceous porphyry emplacement. Re contents of the molybdenites range from 21.74 to 42.45 ppm, with an average of 32.69 ppm, whereas δ34S values vary between 3.7‰ and 4.2‰, which is typical of mantle sulphur. The 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/ 204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb vary in the ranges of 18.276–18.385, 15.566–15.580 and 38.321–38.382, respectively. The Taolaituo Early Cretaceous granitoids are A‐type granites. These observations indicate that the molybdenites and the porphyry granites were derived from a mixed source involving young accretionary materials and enriched subcontinental lithospheric mantle. A synthesis of geochronological and geological data reveals that porphyry emplacement and Mo mineralization in the Taolaituo deposit occurred contemporaneously with the Early Cretaceous tectonothermal events associated with lithospheric thinning, which was caused by delamination and subsequent upwelling of the asthenosphere associated with intra‐continental extension in northeast China. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Permian greenstones in the Jurassic Mino–Tamba accretionary complex, southwest Japan, are divided into three distinct series on the basis of their geological occurrence, mineralogy, and geochemistry. A low-Ti series (LTS) is associated with Lower Permian chert and limestone, and is the most voluminous of the three series. The LTS shows slightly more enriched geochemical and isotopic characteristics than MORB. A transition series (TS) is mainly associated with Lower Permian chert, and has more enriched geochemical signatures than MORB. Its isotopic characteristics are divided into enriched and depleted types. A high-Ti series (HTS) occurs as sills and hyaloclastites within Middle Permian chert and as dikes intruding the TS. Some HTS rocks have high MgO contents. The HTS is characterized by enrichment in incompatible trace elements and an isotopic composition comparable to HIMU-type basalt. The geochemistry of the voluminous LTS is similar to that of the oceanic basalt series of the Kerguelen plateau, suggesting production by partial melting of a shallow mantle plume head below thick oceanic lithosphere in Early Permian time. We infer that the TS formed simultaneously at the margins of the mantle plume head. In contrast, the HTS may have resulted from partial melting of a deep mantle plume tail in Middle Permian time. Permian greenstones in the Mino–Tamba belt may have thus formed by superplume activity in an intra-oceanic setting. Given the presence of two known contemporary continental flood basalt provinces (Siberia and Emeishan) and some accreted oceanic plateau basalts, the vast magmatism of the Mino–Tamba oceanic plateau suggests a large-scale superplume pulse in Permian time. Accretion of oceanic plateaux may have played an important role in the growth of continental margins and island arcs in Japan and elsewhere in the circum-Pacific region.  相似文献   

We present results from three geophysical campaigns using high‐resolution sub‐bottom profiling to image sediments deposited in Loch Ness, Scotland. Sonar profiles show distinct packages of sediment, providing insight into the loch's deglacial history. A recessional moraine complex in the north of the loch indicates initial punctuated retreat. Subsequent retreat was rapid before stabilisation at Foyers Rise formed a large stillstand moraine. Here, the calving margin produced significant volumes of laminated sediments in a proglacial fjord‐like environment. Subsequent to this, ice retreated rapidly to the southern end of the loch, where it again deposited a sequence of proglacial laminated sediments. Sediment sequences were then disturbed by the deposition of a thick gravel layer and a large turbidite deposit as a result of a jökulhlaup from the Spean/Roy ice‐dammed lake. These sediments are overlain by a Holocene sheet drape. Data indicate: (i) a former tributary of the Moray Firth Ice Stream migrated back into Loch Ness as a major outlet glacier with a calving margin in a fjord‐like setting; (ii) there was significant sediment supply to the terminus of this outlet glacier in Loch Ness; and (iii) that jökulhlaups are important for sediment supply into proglacial fjord/lake environments and may compose >20% of proglacial sedimentary sequences. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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