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This paper addresses the problem of resource allocation to interdependent tasks in mobile ad hoc computational Grids. Dependencies between tasks imply that there can be heavy communication induced by data transfers between tasks executed on separate nodes. The communication in mobile ad hoc Grids is always expensive and unreliable, and therefore plays a critical role in application performance. There are several factors that contribute to communication cost. Unreliable and short-term connectivity can increase communication cost due to frequent failure and activation of links, and ineffective resource allocation can increase communication cost due to multi hop communication between dependent tasks. To reduce communication cost, an effective and robust resource allocation scheme is required. However, the design of such a scheme for mobile ad hoc computational Grids exhibits numerous difficulties due to the constrained communication environment, node mobility, and lack of pre-existing network infrastructure.  相似文献   

移动自组网的动态编址问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张治  戴冠中  陈旿  赵玉亭 《计算机应用》2005,25(7):1502-1505
作为实现移动自组网自动配置的一个关键问题,综述了节点地址的自动配置的最新进展,描述了设计移动自组网动态地址配置协议所面临的问题,对该问题研究开展以来所提出的各种主要方法和协议进行了详细对比、分析和分类阐述,为进一步的研究提出了新的建议。  相似文献   

为了提高车载自组网的性能和频谱利用率,多接口动态频谱分配技术成为车载自组网的研究热点。介绍了车载自组网动态频谱分配算法的关键设计基础,对多接口多信道网络技术的发展现状进行了分类阐述,对车载自组网动态频谱分配技术的研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

In mobile ad hoc network (MANET), the issues such as limited bandwidth availability, dynamic connectivity and so on cause the process of intrusion detection to be more complex. The nodes that monitor the malicious nodes should have necessary residual bandwidth and energy and should be trustable. In order to overcome these drawbacks, in this paper, we propose a swarm-based efficient distributed intrusion detection system for MANET. In this technique, swarm agents are utilised to select the nodes with highest trust value, residual bandwidth and residual energy as active nodes. Each active node monitors its neighbour nodes within its transmission range and collects the trust value from all monitored nodes. The active nodes adaptively change as per the trust thresholds. Upon collaborative exchange of the trust values of the monitored nodes among the active nodes, if the active node finds any node below a minimum trust threshold, then the node is marked as malicious. When the source receives alert message about the malicious node, a defence technique is deployed to filter the corresponding malicious node from the network. By simulation results, we show that the proposed approach is efficient intrusion detection mechanism for MANET.  相似文献   

讨论了层状移动AdHoc网络的一个信息传播路由算法和基于半马尔可夫过程的节点移动跟踪模型,通过该路由算法可以有效地解决层状子网络间的通信和信息交换。通过路由算法得到的中继节点的移动跟踪模型和计算机仿真,分析了层状移动AdHoc网络的传播性能和路由开销,并得出:当 0≤ρ≤ 1时,层状AdHoc网络的传播性能显著地受到移动呼叫率ρ的影响,当ρ>1时,层状AdHoc网络的传播性能主要取决于移动网络的节点总数、节点移动速度和加速度的结论。  相似文献   

蔡红军  麻晓园 《微机发展》2004,14(2):104-107
移动ad hoc网络是一种新型的无线移动网络,因其特有的路由多跳性、无中心的控制分布性以及拓扑动态性,使得现有网络中的安全机制不能完全应用于移动ad hoc网络。文中探讨了移动ad hoc网络特有的各种安全漏洞以及相应的对策中存在的各种不足,并与现有网络中的安全对策进行了较深入的比较,从而总结出该领域研究的发展趋势,并指出了几个值得重视的研究方向。  相似文献   

This paper presents a scheme that employs TCP-aware network coding with opportunistic scheduling to enhance TCP throughput in wireless mobile ad hoc networks. Specifically, it considers a TCP parameter, congestion window size, and wireless channel conditions simultaneously to improve TCP throughput performance. Evaluation of this scheme is carried out by using ns2 simulations in different scenarios. The results show that the proposed scheme gives approximately 35% throughput improvement in a high mobility environment and about 33% throughput increase in no or low mobility environment as compared to traditional network coding with opportunistic scheduling. This paper also proposes a new adaptive-W (i.e., adaptive Waiting time) scheme whose objective is to adaptively control waiting time of overheard packets that are stored in a buffer to achieve tradeoff between throughput and overhead.  相似文献   

移动ad hoc网络AODV协议的分析与改进   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
由于移动ad hoc网络的AODV(Ad hoc on-Demand Distant Vector)协议仅维护1条到目的节点的路由记录,即使路由未失效,在超时后也会被删除,因此提出改进的AODV协议---HI-AODV协议.改进内容为:(1)借鉴DSR协议的特点,使其路由表维护多条路由记录;(2)在路由发现和路由维护中有效利用路由缓存信息和多路径路由,使得路由发现更加迅速.仿真结果表明HI-AODV协议可以提高数据吞吐量,减小平均延时.但由于移动ad hoc网络节点的移动性,采用HI-AODV协议容易导致路由信息失效,对路由协议产生负面影响.  相似文献   

A fundamental problem of distributed systems, leader election, is presented in the context of mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs). In many distributed systems, the presence of a leader is necessary in order to monitor underlying computations, guarantee quality functioning, take checkpoints, generate the lost token, detect quiescence conditions, etc. Hence, several leader election algorithms have been proposed in the literature. Although, most of the algorithms focus on reducing the control message (messages that have the highest priority to deliver) count, there have been almost no attention on ensuring high availability of a leader despite various types of failures, especially, in the scenarios like rescue and warfare, where the absence of the leader, even for a short duration, may lead to havoc. We focus on this issue, particularly, for large MANETs, where a large number of applications fails to perform in the absence of a leader. We present a leader election algorithm for large MANETs. The algorithm is inspired by the concept of prevailing parliamentary democracy and elects three best-nodes – in terms of performance parameters like battery life, computing power, memory, hop distance, and mobility – as the president, leader, and vice leader. The president node works as the leader of the network, in case, the leader and the vice leader both become unavailable simultaneously. On the other hand, the leader node serves all the requests. Further, we create a house of elite nodes, which ensures the presence of an executive, i.e. a leader during re-election to restrict the message overhead as well as the election latency while executing coordination related activities.  相似文献   

A mobile ad hoc network is a wireless communication network which does not rely on a pre-existing infrastructure or any centralized management. Securing the exchanges in such network is compulsory to guarantee a widespread development of services for this kind of networks. The deployment of any security policy requires the definition of a trust model that defines who trusts who and how. There is a host of research efforts in trust models framework to securing mobile ad hoc networks. The majority of well-known approaches is based on public-key certificates, and gave birth to miscellaneous trust models ranging from centralized models to web-of-trust and distributed certificate authorities. In this paper, we survey and classify the existing trust models that are based on public-key certificates proposed for mobile ad hoc networks, and then we discuss and compare them with respect to some relevant criteria. Also, we have developed analysis and comparison among trust models using stochastic Petri nets in order to measure the performance of each one with what relates to the certification service availability.  相似文献   

移动网格发展研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
论述了移动网格的基本概念和研究背景,综述了移动网格的体系结构、资源管理、任务调度、中间件、安全与容错等关键技术,尤其是资源的巨大数量和间歇连接特性为移动网格的实现带来最大挑战.详细地介绍了移动网格的国内外研究现状,对各种关键技术的研究成果进行了深入分析.最后对移动网格的发展进行了归纳,提出移动网格研究对象的扩展,即通过有线方式连接的普通节点如PC机也应容纳到移动网格中,并基于覆盖网的思想提出分布式体系结构.  相似文献   

Compared with traditional networks, ad hoc networks possess many unique characteristics. For example, ad hoc networks can drop a packet due to network events other than buffer overflow. Unfortunately, the current layered network architecture makes it impossible to pass the information specific to one layer to other layers. As a result, if a packet is lost due to reasons other than buffer overflow, TCP adversely invokes its congestion control procedure. Similarly, the routing algorithm may misinterpret that a path is broken and adversely invoke the route recovery procedure.This study addresses the limitations of the current layered network architecture by adopting a cross-layer protocol design for TCP and routing algorithms in ad hoc networks. The objective of this approach is to enable the lower-layered ad hoc network to detect and differentiate all possible network events, including disconnections, channel errors, buffer overflow, and link-layer contention, that may cause packet loss. Using the information exploited by lower layers, the upper layer-3 routing algorithm, and the layer-4 TCP can take various actions according to the types of network events. Simulation results demonstrate that the combination of the cross-layer optimized TCP and routing algorithms can effectively improve the performance of TCP and DSR, regardless of whether it is in a stationary or a mobile ad hoc network.  相似文献   

以移动网格为背景,研究关联任务在动态资源环境下的调度问题,既考虑任务之间的依赖关系,还考虑资源动态加入、离开、性能变化等行为。提出子集调度加重调度的动态调度策略。动态子集划分考虑了任务之间的依赖关系,并有利于减少重调度次数。阐述了子集调度目标和约束条件,提出了融合模拟退火思想的粒子群调度算法。重调度进一步提高调度策略对资源动态行为的适应性,阐述了重调度触发条件。给出了移动网格关联任务调度策略的完整流程,并对提出的算法进行了复杂性分析和实验分析。实验结果表明了调度策略和算法的有效性。  相似文献   

林志伟  许力 《计算机应用》2005,25(3):515-517
移动自组网多跳、动态拓扑的特性,使得路由信息易老化,源节点在路由失败后不能及时启动路由发现,造成TCP有效吞吐率随移动速度增加而下降。在DSR路由协议的基础上,提出一种新的基于接收方参与启动路由发现的新路由协议RP DSR,它通过接收方的ACK确认包启动路由发现,主动为发送方提供最新的路由信息,从而提高了自组网的TCP的性能。仿真结果表明,在节点快速移动环境中,RP DSR协议的TCP性能明显优于DSR协议。  相似文献   

移动自组网中,作为对基于密码体系的安全手段的重要补充,信任模型在解决内部攻击,识别恶意节点、自私节点,提高系统安全性、可靠性和公平性等方面有着显著优势。提出一种基于模糊集合的分层信任模型,模型采用模糊集合对信任关系进行建模,引入向量贴近度为推荐信任分配权重,并充分考虑分层(分簇)结构移动自组网的特点,强调了系统的可扩展性、动态适应性、鲁棒性和资源开销最小。  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of self-diagnosis of wireless and mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) using the comparison approach. In this approach, a network (MANET) consists of a collection of n   independent heterogeneous mobile or stationary hosts interconnected via wireless links, and it is assumed that at most σσ of these hosts are faulty. In order to diagnose the state of the MANET, tasks are assigned to pairs of hosts and the outcomes of these tasks are compared. The agreements and disagreements between the hosts are the basis for identifying the faulty ones. The comparison approach is believed to be one of the most practical fault identification approaches for diagnosing hard and soft faults. We develop a new distributed self-diagnosis protocol, called Dynamic-DSDP, for MANETs that identifies both hard and soft faults in a finite amount of time. The protocol is constructed on top of a reliable multi-hop architecture. Correctness and complexity proofs are provided and they show that our Dynamic-DSDP performs better, from a communication complexity viewpoint, than the existing protocols. We have also developed a simulator, that is scalable to a large number of nodes. Using the simulator, we carried out a simulation study to analyze the effectiveness of the self-diagnosis protocol and its performance with regards to the number of faulty hosts. The simulation results show that the proposed approach is an attractive and viable alternative or addition to present fault diagnosis techniques in MANET environments.  相似文献   

When simulating a mobile ad hoc network (MANET), it is important to use a realistic mobility model to reflect the actual performance of a mobile system. The spatial distribution of node locations in a mobile model plays a key role when investigating the characteristics of a MANET. However, most existing mobility models with random and simple straight line movement lead to unrealistic scenarios and non-uniform distributions, and can not describe the actual movement of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) connected via a MANET. To address this issue, a novel mobility model based on semi-random circular movement (SRCM) is presented. The approximate node distribution function in SRCM is derived within a 2D disk region. The relationship between application performance and node distribution is investigated for a UAV MANET, with focus on scan coverage and network connectivity. A simulation using the NS2 tool is conducted. It is shown that the presented model with a uniform distribution performs better than the popular Random Waypoint mobility model. The SRCM model with the NS2 simulator provides a realistic way for simulation and performance evaluation of UAV MANETs.  相似文献   

In heterogeneous mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), different types of mobile devices with diverse capabilities may coexist in the same network. The heterogeneity of MANETs makes end-to-end support for quality of service (QoS) guarantees more difficult than in other types of networks, not to mention the limited bandwidth and frequent topology changes of these networks. Since QoS routing is the first step toward achieving end-to-end QoS guarantees in heterogeneous MANETs, we propose a QoS routing protocol for heterogeneous MANETs. The proposed protocol, called virtual grid architecture protocol (VGAP), uses a cross-layer approach in order to provide end-to-end statistical QoS guarantees. VGAP operates on a fixed virtual rectilinear architecture (virtual grid), which is obtained using location information obtained from global positioning system (GPS). The virtual grid consists of a few, but possibly more powerful, mobile nodes known as ClusterHeads (CHs) that are elected periodically. CHs discover multiple QoS routes on the virtual grid using an extended version of the open shortest path first (OSPF) routing protocol and an extended version of WFQ scheduling policy that takes into account the wireless channel state. Moreover, VGAP utilizes a simple power control algorithm at the physical layer that provides efficient energy savings in this heterogeneous setting. Simulation experiments show that VGAP has a good performance in terms of packet delivery ratio, end-to-end packet delay, call blocking probability, and network scalability.  相似文献   

一种结合路径跳数和转发组成员数的优化组播路由协议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在深入分析ODMRP组播协议的基础上,本文提出了将传输节点分成不同类型的策略,并在此基础上提出了一种结合路径跳数和转发组成员数的组播路由协议HF-ODMRP(OptimalMulticastProtocolwithHopsandFGsbasedonODMRP).在HF-ODMRP协议中,节点根据网络已有的转发信息将自身标记为普通节点、FG(ForwardingGroup)节点的邻居或FG节点,并赋予不同的权值.在建立路由的过程中,每个节点首先计算路径上节点的累计权值和路径的总跳数,并优先选择具有两者比值最大的路径上的节点构成FG,从而使得发送者和接收者之间既可以共用更多FG节点,降低了转发组中冗余FG节点个数,又可以提高了组播协议的有效性.模拟结果验证HF-ODMRP不仅对动态拓扑具有良好的适应性,而且大大提高了组播协议的数据转发有效性和能源消耗有效性.  相似文献   

Value-added applications in vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) come with the emergence of electronic trading. The restricted connectivity scenario in VANET, where the vehicle cannot communicate directly with the bank for authentication due to the lack of internet access, opens up new security challenges. Hence a secure payment protocol, which meets the additional requirements associated with VANET, is a must. In this paper, we propose an efficient and secure payment protocol that aims at the restricted connectivity scenario in VANET. The protocol applies self-certified key agreement to establish symmetric keys, which can be integrated with the payment phase. Thus both the computational cost and communication cost can be reduced. Moreover, the protocol can achieve fair exchange, user anonymity and payment security.  相似文献   

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