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目的:探讨腹腔镜胆囊切除术(laparoscopic cholecystectomy,LC)治疗急性化脓性胆囊炎合并糖尿病患者的手术时机、可行性及安全性。方法:回顾分析2012年2月至2015年4月为96例合并糖尿病的急性化脓性胆囊炎患者行LC的临床资料。结果:88例于72 h内成功施行LC,1例因合并严重哮喘,经控制血糖、保守治疗1周后行LC;2例行B超引导下经皮、经肝胆囊穿刺引流72 h后行LC;2例行胆囊大部切除术;3例因胆囊包裹、粘连致密、解剖不清,其中1例合并肝脓肿而中转开腹。手术时间平均(80±25)min,术中出血量平均(90±20)ml。术后切口感染1例,经保守治疗痊愈;肝脓肿形成1例,经皮肝穿刺引流后治愈。平均住院(9±4)d。结论:积极控制血糖、掌握合适的手术时机后行LC,治疗合并糖尿病的急性化脓性胆囊炎是安全、可行的。  相似文献   

目的:探讨腹腔镜胆囊切除术( laparoscopic cholecystectomy, LC)治疗急性化脓性胆囊炎的处理方法及并发症的预防措施。方法2003年10月~2013年6月我院采用四孔法LC治疗急性化脓性胆囊炎452例,因胆囊三角水肿和(或)粘连严重而无法分离,采用逆行腹腔镜胆囊部分切除术( laparoscopic partial cholecystectomy,LPC),胆囊管不能常规夹闭,采用缝扎或胆囊管开口处直接放置引流管引流,术后均常规放置腹腔引流管引流。结果3例因解剖困难中转开腹手术,382例成功完成LC,67例行LPC。 LC手术时间(55±20) min,术中出血量(80±10) ml;LPC手术时间(61±15) min,术中出血量(75±15) ml。术后胆漏21例,其中19例保守治疗成功,2例开腹治疗成功;切口感染致延期愈合18例。术后住院3~15 d,平均6.5 d。成功实施腹腔镜手术的449例,术后随访6~24个月(平均14个月),21例因其他疾病死亡,余428例无并发症发生。结论 LC治疗急性化脓性胆囊炎是一种安全可靠的方法,但及时中转开腹手术仍是手术医师最明智的选择。  相似文献   

目的探讨腹腔镜胆囊切除术治疗胆囊颈部结石嵌顿并急性化脓性胆囊炎的可行性、安全性和手术时机。方法回顾性分析我院528例施行腹腔镜胆囊切除术治疗胆囊颈部结石嵌顿并急性化脓性胆囊炎的病历资料。结果524例手术顺利完成,4例因出血或胆道损伤而中转开腹。发病72小时以内手术396例,72小时以上手术132例,后者发生胆道损伤2例,中转修补胆道后治愈,发生胆汁渗漏2例,经引流后治愈。术后第1天因急性心肌梗塞死亡1例,其余患者均痊愈出院。结论只要掌握必要的手术技巧,LC治疗胆囊颈部结石嵌顿并急性化脓性胆囊炎是安全、可行的,把握好手术时机非常关键,发病72小时以内手术效果较好。  相似文献   

腹腔镜胆囊切除治疗急性胆囊炎279例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的总结腹腔镜胆囊切除术(laparoscopic cholecystectomy,LC)治疗急性胆囊炎的经验。方法2000年1月~2007年9月,对急性胆囊炎279例采用常规四孔法和冲吸钝性解剖法行LC。结果254例成功完成LC;25例中转开腹,其中病程≤3d的9例、病程>3d的16例,中转开腹原因:13例胆囊三角粘连致密,4例术中创面出血较多,4例术中发现胆总管结石,2例胆囊十二指肠瘘,1例胆囊结肠瘘,1例Mirizzi综合征。术中无胆管损伤,术后未发生腹腔出血、胆漏及肝下积液等并发症。279例术后随访5~24个月,平均12个月,无腹痛、黄疸等不适。结论腹腔镜手术治疗急性胆囊炎应严格掌握好手术时机和适应证,采用充分暴露胆囊三角区和精细化冲吸钝性解剖法有效避免术中出血及胆管损伤,并把握好中转开腹手术的时机。  相似文献   

腹腔镜胆囊切除术(laparoscopic cholecystectomy,LC)以其创伤小、恢复快、患者痛苦小,目前已成为治疗胆囊良性疾病的金标准[1].在LC开展早期阶段,因医生个人技术原因,适应症较少,影响了手术的开展,急性胆囊炎、结石嵌顿等是LC的绝对或相对禁忌证.随着设备器械不断完善更新、以及术者经验积累和技术不断提高,其手术适应症逐步扩大,急性胆囊炎由于组织水肿粘连重,解剖结构不清,若处理不当,会造成严重后果.本文回顾性分析本院2004年3月至2009年3月106例急性胆囊炎行LC治疗,疗效较好,现报道如下.  相似文献   

腹腔镜胆囊切除治疗急性胆囊炎312例   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
目的总结腹腔镜胆囊切除术治疗急性胆囊炎的经验。方法 2001年1月至2009年3月,对急性胆囊炎312例采用常规四孔法行腹腔镜胆囊切除术治疗。结果 306例成功完成腹腔镜胆囊切除术;6例中转开腹,其中1例胆囊三角粘连致密,2例术中大出血,1例术中发现胆总管结石,1例胆囊十二指肠瘘,1例Mirizzi综合征。术中无胆管损伤,术后未发生腹腔出血、胆漏及膈下脓肿等并发症。312例术后随访3~24个月,平均12个月,无腹痛、黄疸等不适。结论腹腔镜手术治疗急性胆囊炎是安全可行的,关键是术者必须充分了解腹腔镜胆囊切除术操作要点和熟练掌握操作技术,并把握好中转开腹手术的指征。  相似文献   

目的探讨腹腔镜胆囊切除术(LC)治疗高龄急性化脓性胆囊炎患者的效果。方法选取2016-01—2018-03间在长垣县人民医院接受胆囊切除的71例高龄急性化脓性胆囊炎患者,按不同术式分为2组。开腹组35例行传统开腹手术,腹腔镜组36例行LC手术。结果腹腔镜组手术时间、术中出血量及术后VAS评分、胃肠功能恢复时间、住院时间和并发症发生率均优于开腹组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论 LC治疗高龄急性化脓性胆囊炎患者,手术时间短、术中出血量少、术后疼痛轻、并发症少,有利于患者康复。  相似文献   

腹腔镜胆囊切除治疗急性胆囊炎   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨腹腔镜手术治疗急性胆囊炎的可行性及安全性。方法回顾性分析2007年5月—2011年5月应用腹腔镜手术治疗急性胆囊炎259例的临床资料。结果 232例顺利完成腹腔镜胆囊切除术(LC),27例(10.43%)中转开腹手术。LC手术时间40~230min,平均118.5min,术中出血15~250mL,平均110.6mL,术后24~36h下床活动,腹腔引流管术后2~4d拔除。住院时间4~10d,平均6.2d。251例随访3~36个月,平均14个月,无腹痛、黄疸等并发症发生。结论腹腔镜手术治疗急性胆囊炎是一种可行、安全、有效的治疗方法。  相似文献   

目的 探讨腹腔镜胆囊切除术治疗急性胆囊炎的效果。方法 选择2010年2月至2012年2月我院收治的200例急性胆囊炎患者,根据随机原则分为开腹组和腹腔镜组,每组100例。开腹组施行常规开腹胆囊切除术,腹腔镜组在腹腔镜下施行胆囊切除术,观察两组的手术时间、术中引流量、住院时间以及并发症,并进行分析。结果 腹腔镜组的手术时间、术后肠蠕动恢复时间和住院时间均显著短于对照组,术中引流量及术后引流放置率也明显少于开腹组(P<0.05)。腹腔镜组的不良反应发生率为5%,开腹组的不良反应发生率为10%,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。术后腹腔组的CRP水平显著低于开腹组,PA水平明显高于开腹组(P<0.05)。结论 腹腔镜胆囊切除术治疗急性胆囊炎手术时间短、术中引流量少,且患者住院时间短、创伤小、痛苦小、恢复快,值得推广。  相似文献   

腹腔镜胆囊大部切除术治疗急性化脓性胆囊炎   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的探讨急性化脓性胆囊炎行腹腔镜胆囊大部切除术的可行性及疗效。方法回顾性总结37例急性化脓性胆囊炎患者行腹腔镜胆囊大部切除术的临床资料。结果本组37例均成功行腹腔镜胆囊大部切除术,无中转开腹。术后因肝肾功能衰竭死亡2例,腹膜炎中毒性休克死亡1例;发生胆汁漏4例,均在1周之内经保守治疗痊愈。结论特殊情况下行腹腔镜胆囊大部切除术治疗急性化脓性胆囊疾病是安全可行的,有一定的临床价值。  相似文献   

Early laparoscopic cholecystectomy for acute cholecystitis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Background: The timing of laparoscopic cholecystectomy for acute cholecystitis remains controversial. Methods: One hundred ninety-four patients with acute cholecystitis were reviewed. The conversion rates for the various number of days of symptoms before surgery were analyzed. The conversion rate dramatically increased from 3.6% for those patients with 4 days of symptoms to 26% for those patients with 5 days of symptoms. The mean number of days of symptoms prior to surgery in those patients who underwent successful laparoscopic cholecystectomy was 4.1 as compared to 8.0 in those patients who required open cholecystectomy (p < 0.0001). Based on this data the patients were divided into two groups. Group 1 consisted of 109 patients who underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy within 4 days of onset of symptoms and group 2 consisted of 85 patients who underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy after more than 4 days following onset of symptoms. Results: The conversion rate from laparoscopic to open cholecystectomy was 15%. The conversion rate for group 1 was 1.8% as compared to 31.7% for group 2 (p < 0.0001). Indications for conversion were inability to identify the anatomy secondary to inflammatory adhesions (68%), cholecystoduodenal fistula (18%), and bleeding (14%). The major complication rate for group 1 was 2.7% as compared to 13% for group 2 (p= 0.007). The mortality rate for all patients with attempted laparoscopic cholecystectomy for acute cholecystitis was 1.5%. The average procedure time for group 1 was 100 ± 37 min vs 120 ± 55 min in group 2. The average number of postoperative hospital days in group 1 was 5.5 ± 2.7 days as compared to 10.8 ± 2.7 days in group 2. Conclusions: We advocate early laparoscopic cholecystectomy within 4 days of onset of symptoms to decrease major complications and conversion rates. This decreased conversion rate results in decreased length of procedure and hospital stay. Received: 28 March 1996/Accepted: 12 September 1996  相似文献   

目的探讨急诊腹腔镜胆囊切除手术(LC)治疗急性胆囊炎(AC)的效果及并发症的预防。方法回顾性分析2004年7月—2009年7月1 278例急性胆囊炎行LC的临床资料。其中急性单纯性胆囊炎471例,急性化脓性胆囊炎720例,坏疽性胆囊炎87例。合并胆囊颈部结石嵌顿823例,胆囊管结石嵌顿157例。发病至手术时间48 h内96例,48~72 h 799例,72 h 383例。结果手术时间20~90 min,平均40 min;术中出血20~300 mL,平均80 mL。术后早期出现发热(38.0~39.5℃)375例;一过性黄疸108例;胆瘘17例。无中转手术、胆管损伤和手术死亡者。结论急性胆囊炎行LC手术难度大,出现并发症的几率高,但熟练的操作技术、丰富的手术经验完全可避免严重并发症的发生。急性胆囊炎不是LC的禁忌证。  相似文献   

Early laparoscopic cholecystectomy for acute gangrenous cholecystitis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Treatment of severe acute cholecystitis by laparoscopic cholecystectomy remains controversial because of technical difficulties and high rates of complications and conversion to open cholecystectomy. We investigated whether early laparoscopic cholecystectomy is appropriate for acute gangrenous cholecystitis. Pathologic diagnoses and outcomes were analyzed in patients who underwent laparoscopic or open cholecystectomy at our hospital, January 2002 to September 2005. Of 30 patients with acute gangrenous cholecystitis, 16 underwent early laparoscopic cholecystectomy, 10 underwent open cholecystectomy, and 4 were converted to open cholecystectomy (conversion rate, 20.0%). There was no significant difference in operation time or intraoperative bleeding. The requirement for postoperative analgesics was significantly lower (6.4+/-7.3 vs. 1.5+/-1.2 doses, P<0.05) and hospital stay significantly shorter (8.6+/-2.1 vs. 15.6+/-6.3 d, P<0.01) after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. There were no postoperative complications in either group. Thus, early laparoscopic cholecystectomy seems appropriate for acute gangrenous cholecystitis. Conversion to open cholecystectomy may be required in difficult cases with complications.  相似文献   

急性结石性胆囊炎腹腔镜胆囊切除术的体会   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:总结急性结石性胆囊炎患者行腹腔镜胆囊切除术的临床应用价值。方法:回顾性分析2005年3月至2008年11月我院收治的122例急性结石性胆囊炎患者行腹腔镜胆囊切除术的临床资料。结果:122例患者均用腹腔镜完成了手术,未发生严重并发症。结论:急性结石性胆囊炎患者行腹腔镜胆囊切除术安全可行。  相似文献   

急性胆囊炎经腹腔镜胆囊切除的临床评价   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
目的:探讨急性胆囊炎经腹腔镜胆囊切除(LC)的可行性及相关处理。方法:分析急性胆囊炎经LC手术106例患者的临床资料。结果:106例患者中除6例中转开腹手术,其余均手术成功,全组无手术并发症发生。结论:急性胆囊炎采用LC手术治疗是可行的。关键是手术者的经验及手术的技巧。  相似文献   

Timing of early laparoscopic cholecystectomy for acute cholecystitis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OBJECTIVE: Although many surgeons advocate early laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) in acute cholecystitis, debate still exists regarding its optimal timing. This study compares the outcome of LC performed within and after 72 hours of admission in patients with acute cholecystitis. METHODS: Between January 2001 and December 2006, LC was performed in 196 consecutive patients with acute cholecystitis. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy was performed within 72 hours of admission in 82 patients (group 1) and after 72 hours in 114 patients (group 2). Data were collected prospectively. RESULTS: Both groups were matched in terms of age, sex, body mass index, fever, white blood cell count, and ultrasound findings. The overall conversion rate was 5%. No significant difference existed in conversion rates between group 1 (2.4%) and group 2 (7%) (P=0.3). The operation time (105 versus 126 minutes, P=0.008), complications (0% versus 6%, P=0.02), and total hospital stay (5 versus 12 days, P<0.001) were significantly reduced in group 1. No deaths occurred in this study. CONCLUSION: Early LC can be performed safely in most patients with acute cholecystitis, but we recommend intervention within 72 hours of admission to minimize the complication rate and shorten the operation time and total hospital stay.  相似文献   

The aim of the study is to evaluate the results of early laparoscopic cholecystectomy for acute cholecystitis and to analyse the problems related to patients' selection and surgical timing. The authors report their personal experience of 45 laparoscopic cholecystectomies for acute cholecystitis. The diagnosis was based on clinical, blood test and US scan analyse findings. Technical surgical details were decompression of the gallbladder, use of endobag and abdominal dranage. We didn't perform and intraoperative cholangiography in absence of predictive factor for common bile duct stones. The mean time required for surgery was 120 minutes, conversion rate was 15% in early operations and 23.8% in operations delaied more than 72 h. Dissection difficulty is the main cause of conversion. Four patients underwent postoperative complications: one subphrenic abscess, one bile leakage (both recovered with nonsurgical therapy and two wound infections). In conclusion laparoscopic cholecystectomy is safe and effective as early treatment of acute cholecystitis in the first 72 hours due to easier dissection of the inflammed and oedematous tissue. This approach allows a reduction of the operative risk and the conversion rate with medical and economic advantages. Presence of bile duct stones is still now indication to conversion in open surgery.  相似文献   

目的:探讨"三点法"经脐单孔腹腔镜胆囊切除术(single-incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy,SILC)治疗急性胆囊炎的可行性。方法:回顾分析2016年3月至2017年3月因急性胆囊炎行腹腔镜胆囊切除术(laparoscopic cholecystectomy,LC)(LC组,n=46)与SILC(SILC组,n=38)患者的临床资料,比较两组手术时间、术中出血量、术中置管率及留置时间、术后6 h疼痛指数、术后体温变化、术后切口感染及脂肪液化率、肠蠕动恢复时间、术后住院时间、手术相关并发症等指标。结果:SILC组中32例成功完成手术,LC组中44例成功完成手术,术后两组均发生1例胆漏。两组术后留置腹腔引流管率及置管时间、术后体温大于37.5℃的患者例数差异无统计学意义。LC组手术时间优于SILC组(P0.05),SILC组术后疼痛评分、肠道蠕动恢复时间、术后切口感染及脂肪液化率、术后住院时间优于LC组(P0.05)。结论:急性胆囊炎发作时间小于72 h者可作为SILC的手术适应证。与LC相比,SILC具有创伤小、美容效果好、术后康复快及住院时间短等优点。  相似文献   

In our prospective study we wanted to prove whether the safety of laparoscopic treatment of acute cholecystitis could be improved by intraoperative cholangiography. From July 1993 to June 1998 210 patients with acute cholecystitis underwent a laparoscopic cholecystectomy. In 23 cases (10.9%) a conversion was necessary. 189 patients underwent a laparoscopic cholangiography. In 2 cases (1.1%) an incision of the common bile duct was detected which had been mistaken for the cystic duct. So the cutting of the common bile duct could be prevented. In 12 patients (6.3%) unknown common bile duct stones were found. The complication rate was 9.5% without any mortality or major injury of the common bile duct.  相似文献   

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