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Business intelligence (BI) technologies have received much attention from both academics and practitioners, and the emerging field of business analytics (BA) is beginning to generate academic research. However, the impact of BI and the relative importance of BA on corporate performance management (CPM) have not yet been investigated. To address this gap, we modeled a CPM framework based on the Integrative model of IT business value and on information processing theory. Data were collected from a global survey of senior managers in 337 companies. Findings suggest that the more effective the BI implementation, the more effective the CPM-related planning and analytic practices. BI effectiveness is strongly related to BA, planning and to measurement. In contrast, BA effectiveness is strongly related to planning but less so to measurement. The study suggests that although both BI and BA contribute to corporate management practices, the information needs are different based on the level of uncertainty versus ambiguity characteristic of the management practice.  相似文献   

随着竞争的日益加剧,国内有越来越多的企业开始建设自己的数据仓库系统,希望能对历史数据进行具体而又有针对性的分析与挖掘,以期从中发现新客户和客户新的需求。数据仓库的建设过程是复杂的,面对众多的工具与方案,企业不能盲目地跟潮流,而要根据自己行业和企业的业务特点,业务范围和业务数据来制定方案。该文简单介绍了全球领先的9家数据仓库工具及解决方案供应商及其产品,并对它们的特点和优缺点进行比较评价。  相似文献   

本文分析了商业智能和业务流程管理进行集成的重要性和主要方式,阐明了利用商业智能来管理和优化业务流程可以帮助决策者在考虑企业的整体状况下更快、更科学地决策,避免孤立地管理流程;而决策者置身于流程之中并以一致的方式来处理事务又可以帮助商业智能的用户更加关注于应优先处理的事情。  相似文献   

目前的网络体系结构由于缺乏一些灵活性,已经不能适应新时代网络技术的发展。主动网络则提供了一个可动态定制、可编程的网络体系结构。随着网络体系结构的复杂,网络管理的难度也随之增加,文章在分析了目前几种主动网络的网管模式后,针对所存在的缺陷提出了一种全新的概念—利用mobile agent进行主动网络的主动性管理模式的体系结构。  相似文献   

The increasing demand for software project managers in industry requires strategies for the development of the management-related knowledge and skills of the current and future software workforce. Although several approaches help teach the required skills in a university setting, few empirical studies are currently available to characterize and compare their effects. This paper presents results of an externally replicated controlled experiment that evaluates the learning effectiveness of using a process simulation model for educating computer science students in software project management. While the experimental group applies a system dynamics (SD) simulation model, the control group uses the well-known COCOMO model as a predictive tool for project planning. The results of the empirical study indicate that students using the simulation model gain a better understanding about typical behavior patterns of software development projects. The combination of the results from the initial experiment and the replication corroborates this finding. Additional analysis shows that the observed effect can mainly be attributed to the use of the simulation model in combination with a web-based role-play scenario. This finding is strongly supported by information gathered from the debriefing questionnaires of subjects in the experimental group. They consistently rated the simulation-based role-play scenario as a very useful approach for learning about issues in software project management.  相似文献   

探讨预付费智能卡式冷水水表及其控管网络系统设计中的关键技术,从存储信息载体的信息安全性和执行机构的动作可靠性这两个技术难点着手,通过对TM卡信息保密机制的研究和具有独特性能的陶瓷电动控制阀门的研究试验,并应用I^2C、1-wire总线技术进行控制器软硬件设计,应用表面贴装、器件绑定、最小功耗设计与电池长效供电等多项技术进行整合,设计微机电一体化系统,研究表明,合理优化存储信息载体的信息安全机制、检测和执行机构的动作可靠性,对提高微机电系统在计量控制精度、低功耗特性、数据保密性、动作可靠性等方面的性能具有重要作用。  相似文献   

近几年,电子媒体日益兴盛,传统纸书行业受到了很大冲击,越来越多的读者选择在移动设备上读书看报。图书馆乘着电子媒体盛行的潮流,运用RFID技术在图书和读者之间架起智能化的沟通桥梁。但是,RFID技术昂贵的成本使不少图书馆心有余而力不足。基于此,探讨了一种使用NFC技术的替代方案,优点是成本低廉、系统开发迅速、易学易用。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to investigate leadership effectiveness in IT-centered organizations giving attention to gender and levels of management. A seven-point scale instrument that measures leadership effectiveness (leading organization, leading people, leading self) was used to collect data. The participants (N = 197) were top, middle, and lower-level managers that used IT for organizations’ strategic, tactical, and operational activities. Collected data were analyzed using MANOVA. Results indicated no overall significant group differences for the levels of management with respect to the three leadership effectiveness groups. However, there were overall significant group differences for gender and the interaction of gender and levels of management. In all three leadership effectiveness groups (leading organization, leading people, leading self), women leaders scored significantly higher than men leaders did. Women also significantly scored higher on all levels of management than men did with respect to the three leadership effectiveness groups. These findings are interpreted, and implications are discussed.  相似文献   

电子业务是银行中间业务的一个重要组成部分,直接关系到银行的信誉.本文根据银行业务部的短信理财系统的需求,结合现在移动梦网业务的发展,开发了短信理财系统,实现了短信理财的目标,并就系统的分析、设计和实现进行了详细的阐述.  相似文献   

信息技术的发展使企业对速录员的需求越来越大。而职高学生五笔的学习困难重重,我们迫切需要改变学生学习五笔的不良现状。该文在学生主体性教学理念指引下,积极探索提高职高学生"五笔字型"学习有效性的方法:即展示社会需求,使学生"想学"五笔;强化基础,使学生"敢学"五笔;展现成功前景,使学生"恒学"五笔;传授学习技巧,使学生"善学"五笔。以此,提高"五笔字型"学习的有效性,加快学生汉字录入的速度。  相似文献   

水晶报表是一个非常好用的组件,在程序中可以用来处理诸多的事件。本文通过一个实例,详细介绍了水晶报表的两种应用模式,拉模式和推模式。相对来说,拉模式应用比较简单,但不够灵活。推模式使用起来比较复杂,但灵活多变。在不同的情况下两种应用模式都能实现特定的功能。  相似文献   

Insufficient knowledge of how the working environment (WE) impacts company performance leads to a poor basis for managerial decision making. The objective of this study was to survey and evaluate available tools relating WE to business results. Nine tools were identified and qualitatively evaluated using 11 criteria. The tools were clustered into three categories, ranging from analysis of WE risks as well as calculation of their economic impact to solely investment analysis. Shortcomings in the tools include insufficient attention to quality and productivity issues and insufficient guidance for users. Although further methodological development is indicated, researchers should also attend to the factors affecting tool uptake and application as well as the potential to integrate such analysis into companies' regular accounting systems. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

基于ASP技术的教师业务管理系统,采用B/S模式,能够方便教师查询,减轻管理工作者的工作强度,具有较强的实用价值。  相似文献   

This article aims to offer an alternative method to analyse technology acceptance models, namely a segment‐wise analysis. The empirical illustration of this method involves data that were collected during a company‐wide implementation of a Sales Force Automation technology in Europe. The data comprise a variety of commonly used technology‐related, context‐related, and person‐related variables. The segmentation procedure, which involved a finite mixture partial least squares estimation, provides more insight into the different ways in which people come to accept new technologies. Unlike other segmentation studies published in IS journals, the resulting segments are based on similarities and differences in the structure of the underlying theoretical models rather than (a collection of) individual variables. Further research or a re‐analysis of existing data should help establish robust “technology acceptance model”‐based segments as well as comprehensive profiles of the individuals in each segment.  相似文献   

面向PDM的产品及其零部件的EXPRESS模型   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对产品及其零部件进行正确建模是PDM系统实现的前提和关键,文中针对现有STEP应用协议存在的局限性进行了合理的扩充,建立了产品及产品版本类、产品定义关系类等产品及其零部件的XEPRESS模型,开发了基于该模型的PDM系统,实现了产品的结构管理、配置管理、以及产品相关信息的集成管理,对所建立的EXPRESS模型进行了验证和应用。  相似文献   

Replication in distributed computing systems provides improved availability and reliability in the event of site failure and network partitioning. However, if strict mutual consistency is required, transactions can be processed in at most one partition, thereby reducing availability. We present a consistency control algorithm that relaxes strict mutual consistency criteria, and allows concurrent processing in all partitions. Inconsistency of data objects in different partitions is resolved at the time of merging the partitions when recovery occurs. The basis of our algorithm is a new merge mechanism that utilizes available semantic information about the data objects and transaction types. We present a formal proof of correctness of the algorithm. Results from a simulation model show that our algorithm performs better than a previously proposed approach that uses compensating transactions to sacrifice serializability of replicated data.  相似文献   

血液生物制品质量的关键在于如何对血浆中的病毒进行安全控制,这也是卫生和食品药品监督管理部门重点控制的问题。随着信息化技术的不断发展,信息化管理技术被越来越多的应用于质量管理当中,并成为确保血液生物制品质量和安全的有效途径。为了对加强血液制品的生产进行全面监管,保障血液制品的安全,必须建立起血液管理信息化的全面监控网络,对血液的采集、处理过程中产生数据和信息实时在线监控。本文首先介绍了信息化管理对于提高血液生物制品质量安全的意义,然后分析了对血液管理实施信息化的可行性,最后提出了多级信息化网络的构架,对于实施血液生物制品信息化管理提供了参考。  相似文献   

针对应用软件项目在企业中难于推进的情况,分析了借势推动软件项目的内部协调和组织的用途、方法和注意事项。提出借势可以用于明确目标和范围,争取主动、防患于未然;在企业中形成对项目非常重视的气氛,以提高项目工作的优先级,保证项目进度;推动需求确认、功能设计确认、系统上线、验收等关键点。而借势的方法则包括与领导建立互信,甚至朋友关系;建立定期汇报制度,以书面形式公开汇报工作;递交方案,陈明利害,提请决策等。借势需要择人、择事,并切忌狐假虎威。  相似文献   

Most work related to quality of service (QoS) is concerned with individual system components, such as the operating system or the network. However, to support distributed multimedia applications, the entire distributed system must participate in providing the guaranteed performance levels. In recognition of this, a number of QoS architectures have been proposed to provide QoS guarantees. The mechanisms and schemes proposed by those architectures are used in a rather static manner since the involved entities, e.g., the network, sender and receiver, are known before the connection (call) set-up phase. In contrast to these architectures, we propose a general QoS management framework which supports the dynamic choice of a configuration of system components to support the QoS requirements for the user of a specific application. We consider different possible system configurations and select the most appropriate one depending on the desired QoS and the available resources. In this paper we present an overview of this general framework; especially, we concentrate on QoS negotiation and adaptation mechanisms. To show the feasibility of this approach, we designed and implemented a QoS manager for distributed multimedia presentational applications, such as news-on-demand. The negotiation and adaptation mechanisms which are supported by the QoS manager are specializations of the general framework. The proposed framework allows to improve the utilization of system resources, and thus to increase the system availability; it also allows to recover automatically, if this is possible, from QoS degradations. Furthermore, it provides the flexibility to incorporate different resource reservation schemes and scheduling policies, and to accommodate new system component technologies.  相似文献   

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