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To define the molecular mechanism(s) of carvedilol inhibition of lipid peroxidation we have utilized model systems that allow us to study the different reactions involved in this complex process.

Carvedilol inhibits the peroxidation of sonicated phosphatidylcholine liposomes triggered by FeCl2 addition whereas atenolol, pindolol and labetalol are ineffective. The inhibition proved not to be ascribable (a) to an effect on Fe2+ autoxidation and thus on the generation of oxygen derived radical initiators; (b) to the scavenging of the inorganic initiators O·-2 and ·OH; (c) to an effect on the reductive cleavage of organic hydroperoxides by FeCl2; (d) to the scavenging of organic initiators. The observations that (a) carvedilol effectiveness is inversely proportional to the concentration of FeCl2 and lipid hydroperoxides in the assay; (b) the drug prevents the onset of lipid peroxidation stimulated by FeCl3 addition and; (c) it can form a complex with Fe3+, suggest a molecular mechanism for carvedilol action. It may inhibit lipid peroxidation by binding the Fe3+ generated during the oxidation of Fe2+ by lipid hydroperoxides in the substrate. The lag time that carvedilol introduces in the peroxidative process would correspond to the time taken for carvedilol to be titrated by Fe3+; when the drug is consumed the Fe3+ accumulates to reach the critical parameter that stimulates peroxidation. According to this molecular mechanism the antioxidant potency of carvedilol can be ascribed to its ability to bind a species, Fe3+, that is a catalyst of the process and to its lipophilic nature that concentrates it in the membranes where Fe3+ is generated by a site specific mechanism.  相似文献   

A new radical-sensitive caging technique releases a caged molecule under lipid peroxidation conditions. In a competitive oxidation study with a model lipid, methyl linoleate, the oxidatively releasable xanthenyl caging groups is found to be 1.93 ± 0.55 times more reactive than the lipid model compound.  相似文献   

In the presence of Fe3+ and complexing anions, the peroxidation of unsaturated liver microsomal lipid in both intact microsomes and in a model system containing extracted microsomal lipid can be promoted by either NADPH and NADPH : cytochrome c reductase or by xanthine and xanthine oxidase. Erythrocuprein effectively inhibits the activity promoted by xanthine and xanthine oxidase but produces much less inhibition of NADPH-dependent peroxidation. The singlet-oxygen trapping agent, 1,3-diphenylisobenzofuran, had no effect on NADPH-dependent peroxidation but strongly inhibited the peroxidation promoted by xanthine and xanthine oxidase. NADPH-dependent lipid peroxidation was also shown to be unaffected by hydroxyl radical scavengers.. The addition of catalase had no effect on NADPH-dependent lipid peroxidation, but it significantly increased the rate of malondialdehyde formation in the reaction promoted by xanthine and xanthine oxidase. These results demonstrate that NADPH-dependent lipid peroxidation is promoted by a reaction mechanism which does not involve either superoxide, singlet oxygen, HOOH, or the hydroxyl radical. It is concluded that NADPH-dependent lipid peroxidation is initiated by the reduction of Fe3+ followed by the decomposition of hydroperoxides to generate alkoxyl radicals. The initiation reaction may involve some form of the perferryl ion or other metal ion species generated during oxidation of Fe2+ by oxygen.  相似文献   

Incubation of guinea pig adrenal microsomes with 10?6 M ferrous (Fe2+) ion and adrenal cytosol initiated high levels of lipid peroxidation as measured by the production of malonaldehyde. Cytosol or Fe2+ alone had little effect on microsomal malonaldehyde formation. When microsomes were incubated in the presence of Fe2+ and cytosol, malonaldehyde levels continued to increase for at least 60 min. Accompanying the lipid peroxidation was a decline in adrenal microsomal monooxygenase activities. The rates of metabolism of xenobiotics (benzphetamine demethylase, benzo[α]pyrene hydroxylase) as well as steroids (21-hydroxylation) decreased as malonaldehyde levels increased. In addition, cytochrome P-450 levels, NADPH- and NADH-cytochrome c reductase activities, and substrate interactions with cytochrome(s) P-450 decreased as lipid peroxidation progressed. Inhibition of lipid peroxidation by increasing microsomal protein concentrations during the incubation period prevented the changes in microsomal metabolism. Malonaldehyde had no direct effects on adrenal microsomal enzyme activities. The results indicate that lipid peroxidation may have significant effects on adrenocortical function, diminishing the capacity for both xenobiotic and steroid metabolism.  相似文献   

The mechanisms by which ferrous ion promoters induce malondialdehyde generation by human spermatozoa have been investigated in order to provide a rational basis for the quantification and interpretation of lipid peroxidation assays. Incubation of human spermatozoa with a ferrous ion promoter in the presence of thiobarbituric acid (TBA) led to the generation of the bone fide malondialdehyde-TBA adduct. The importance of iron in the stimulation of lipid peroxidation was emphasized by the ability of Desferal* and EDTA to suppress malondialdehyde generation. Paradoxically, when the concentration of EDTA relative to iron was equimolar or greater, the suppression of malondialdehyde formation was accompanied by the generation of hydroxyl radicals. These results suggested that the addition of promoter did not effect the first-chain initiation of lipid peroxidation but favored an alternative mechanism involving the catalytic decomposition of pre-existing lipid peroxides. This conclusion was reinforced by the inability of reagents that would limit the formation (superoxide dismutase and/or catalase) or availability (mannitol, formate) of hydroxyl radicals, to influence malondialdehyde generation. While hydroxyl radicals were not directly involved in Fe2+-promoted malondialdehyde generation, the existence of significant correlations between reactive oxygen species production and the outcome of the TBA assay, suggested that Fenton chemistry might be important in the initiation of peroxidative damage. It is proposed that the impeded propagation of peroxidation initiated by Fenton or Haber Weiss reactions would lead to the accumulation of lipid peroxides in the spermatozoa and it is these peroxides that are induced to decompose during the Fe2+-promoted TBA assay, stimulating a lipoperoxidative chain reaction and malondialdehyde formation. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Microsomal NADPH-dependent lipid peroxidation catalyzed by ADP-Fe3+ was inhibited by the addition of caeruloplasmin. The antioxidant effect of caeruloplasmin was independent of the superoxide anion (O?2 scavenging activity. Since caeruloplasmin enhanced the function of ADP-Fe3+ acting as electron acceptor for microsomal electron transport system, the antioxidant effect of caeruloplasmin is considered to depend on the ferroxidase activity.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate Ca2+ ATPase activity and the lipid peroxidation in muscles from rats experimentally infected by Trypanosoma evansi and its roles in the muscle pathogenesis in trypanosomosis. Thirty-six rats were divided in two groups. Group A was infected with an isolate from T. evansi and group B was used as a negative control. Group A was divided into three subgroups (A1, A2 and A3), three animals each group, as well as group B (B1, B2 and B3). The collection of samples were performed at days 5 (A1 and B1), 15 (A2 and B2) and 30 (A3 and B3) post-infection (PI) with the purpose of comparison between healthy and infected rats in the course of the disease. The Ca2+ ATPase enzyme activity was determined in skeletal muscle samples. Muscle tissue lipid peroxidation was determined by TBARS levels, and histopathologically it was investigated a possible damage to the muscle tissue of rats infected with T. evansi. It was observed a significant decrease of Ca2+ ATPase activity in infected rats compared to not-infected. This enzymatic inhibition was observed at days 5, 15 and 30 PI. A significant increase was observed for TBARS levels in the muscles of infected rats at days 5, 15 and 30 PI. It was not identified any histological alterations for gastrocnemius in rats infected by T. evansi at days 5 and 15 PI. Nevertheless, at day 30 PI it was verified inflammatory infiltrate with mononuclear cells between muscle fibers in three infected rats (50%). T. evansi infections in rats showed a negative correlation between Ca2+ ATPase and TBARS levels. Based on these results we suggest that the leg weakness and muscle injuries common in infected animals with T. evansi may be related to a reduced activity of Ca2+ ATPase and oxidative stress.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(10):1098-1124

Oxidative stress and resulting lipid peroxidation is involved in various and numerous pathological states including inflammation, atherosclerosis, neurodegenerative diseases and cancer. This review is focused on recent advances concerning the formation, metabolism and reactivity towards macromolecules of lipid peroxidation breakdown products, some of which being considered as ‘second messengers’ of oxidative stress. This review relates also new advances regarding apoptosis induction, survival/proliferation processes and autophagy regulated by 4-hydroxynonenal, a major product of omega-6 fatty acid peroxidation, in relationship with detoxication mechanisms. The use of these lipid peroxidation products as oxidative stress/lipid peroxidation biomarkers is also addressed.  相似文献   

Treatment of isolated hepatocytes with 1,2-dibromoethane (DBE) caused a concentration dependent depletion of cellular glutathione (GSH) content and a parallel increase in the covalent binding of reactive intermediates to cell proteins, as a consequence of the haloalkane activation. The reduction of the hepatocyte GSH content, induced by DBE, stimulated the onset of lipid peroxidation, as measured by malondialdehyde (MDA) accumulation. N-Acetylcysteine (1 mM) was found to partially prevent GSH loss and to inhibit MDA formation, whereas equal concentrations of cysteine and methionine were ineffective on these respects. The stimulation of the peroxidative reactions appeared to be also associated with an increase in the leakage of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) from the cells, indicative of a severe hepatocyte injury. Antioxidants such as -tocopherol, N,N′-phenyl-phenylenediamine (DPPD) and promethazine, as well as N-acetylcysteine reduced MDA formation to various extents and also protect against LDH release, yet without interfering with the covalent binding of DBE reactive intermediates to hepatocyte proteins. These results suggest the involvement of lipid peroxidation, consequent to GSH depletion, in the pathogenesis of liver cell necrosis due to DBE.  相似文献   

The technique based on monitoring oxygen consumption was applied to study 12 alkyl- and methoxy-substituted p-hydroquinones (QH(2)) as a chain-breaking antioxidant during the oxidation of styrene and methyl linoleate (ML) in bulk as well as ML oxidation in micellar solution of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) at 37 degrees C. The antioxidant activities of QH(2) were characterized by two parameters: the rate constant k(1) for reaction of QH(2) with the peroxy radical LO(2)*: QH(2)+LO(2)*-->QH*+LOOH and the stoichiometric factor of inhibition, f, which shows how many kinetic chains may be terminated by one molecule of QH(2). In the case of styrene and ML oxidation in bulk, f values never exceed two; for the majority of QH(2), f was found to be significantly less than two due to the interaction of QH* with molecular oxygen. In the absence of superoxide dismutase (SOD), all the studied QH(2) displayed a very moderate if any antioxidant capability during ML oxidation in SDS micelles. When 20U/ml SOD was added, the majority of QH(2) showed a pronounced ability to inhibit ML oxidation, f parameter being ca. one. The features of QH(2) as an antioxidant in aqueous environment are suggested to associate with the reactivity of semiquinone (Q*(-)). Q*(-) reacts readily with molecular oxygen with formation of superoxide (O(2)*(-)); further reactions of O(2)*(-) result in fast depleting QH(2) and chain propagation. The addition of SOD results in purging a reaction mixture from O(2)*(-) and, as a corollary, in depressing undesirable reactions with the participation of O(2)*(-). With all the oxidation models, QH(2) were found to be very reactive to LO(2)*. The rate constants k(1) decreased progressively when going from the oxidation of styrene to ML oxidation in bulk and further to ML oxidation in SDS micelles.  相似文献   

Chromaffin granules, the catecholaminergic storage granules from adrenal chromaffin cells, lysed in 10(-9)-10(-7) M Fe2+. Lysis was accompanied by the production of malondialdehyde which results from lipid peroxidation. Both chromaffin granule lysis and malondialdehyde production were inhibited by the free radical trapping agent butylated hydroxytoluene but not by catalase and/or superoxide dismutase. The results suggest that lysis resulted from a direct transfer of electrons from Fe2+ to a component of the chromaffin granule membrane without the participation of either superoxide or hydrogen peroxide and may have resulted from lipid peroxidation. In some experiments, ascorbate alone induced chromaffin granule lysis which was inhibited by EDTA, EGTA, or deferoxamine. The lysis was probably caused by trace amounts of reducible polyvalent cation. Lysis sometimes occurred when Ca2+ was added with EGTA (10 microM free Ca2+ concentration) and was consistently observed together with malondialdehyde production in the presence of Ca2+, EGTA, and 10 microM Fe2+ (total concentration). The apparent Ca2+ dependency for chromaffin granule lysis and malondialdehyde production was probably caused by a trace reducible polyvalent ion displaced by Ca2+ from EGTA and not by a Ca2+-dependent reaction involving the chromaffin granule.  相似文献   

The occurrence of malondialdehyde (MDA), a secondary end product of the oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids, is considered a useful index of general lipid peroxidation. A common method for measuring MDA, referred to as the thiobarbituric acid-reactive-substances (TBARS) assay, is to react it with thiobarbituric acid (TBA) and record the absorbance at 532 nm. However, many plants contain interfering compounds that also absorb at 532 nm, leading to overestimation of MDA values. Extracts of plant tissues including purple eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) fruit, carrot (Daucuscarota L.) roots, and spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) leaves were assessed for the presence of MDA and other non-MDA compounds absorbing at 532 nm. A method described herein corrects for these interferences by subtracting the absorbance at 532 nm of a solution containing plant extract incubated without TBA from an identical solution containing TBA. The reliability and efficiency of this spectrophotometric method was assessed by altering the relative ratios of exogenous MDA additions and/or extracts of red cabbage (Brassica oleracea L.) leaves containing interfering compounds and then measuring MDA recovery. Reliability was also validated through high-performance liquid chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry techniques. Results indicated that over 90% of exogenously added MDA could be recovered through the improved protocol. If there were no corrections for interfering compounds, MDA equivalents were overestimated by up to 96.5%. Interfering compounds were not detected in vegetables such as lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) and spinach which had low or negligible concentrations of anthocyanidin derivatives. Comparisons between the TBARS method presented here and two currently accepted protocols indicated that the new modified method exhibits greater accuracy for quantifying TBA-MDA levels in tissues containing anthocyanins and/or other interfering compounds. This modified protocol represents a facile and rapid method for assessment of lipid peroxidation in virtually all plant species that contain interfering compounds. Received: 28 August 1998 / Accepted: 29 September 1998  相似文献   

Aluminum (Al) has been proposed as one of the critical environmental factors responsible for several neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease. However, the suggested mechanism involving the contribution of reactive oxygen species still remains controversial. We have first attempted to identify Al compounds either in its ionic or complexed forms that cause oxidative stress in biological systems. For this purpose, we examined the effect of inorganic Fe(2+)- and organic radical initiator (2,2'-azobis (2-amidinopopane) hydrochloride; AAPH)-induced lipid peroxidation by using aluminum (Al(3+)) nitrate and tris(maltolato)aluminum(III) complex (ALM) with respect to molecular oxygen (O(2)) consumption and membrane fluidity change in liposomes as biological membrane models. The following important results were obtained: (1) ALM enhanced the lipid peroxidation induced by Fe(2+) and AAPH in phosphatidylcholine liposomes; this corresponded well with the promotion of O(2) uptake in the same liposomes, (2) Al(3+) increased both lipid peroxidation and O(2) consumption in phosphatidylserine liposomes in the presence of Fe(2+), and (3) both Al(3+) and ALM affected the membrane fluidity on the inner side. It has been concluded that ALM induces higher lipid peroxidation in liposomes than Al(3+); this finding will be useful to gain an insight into the role of Al in cellular damage in relation to oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Methods for determination of lipid peroxidation in biological samples   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Interest in the pathological consequences of lipid peroxidation has led to the development of a number of analytical approaches to the quantitation of products. However, the various analytical methodologies employed often do not measure the same chemical classes of products, and apparent discrepencies have been observed, particularly in studies of lipid peroxidation in biological systems. This review provides a brief discussion of some of the strengths and weakness of methods currently used for the determination of lipid peroxidation in biological tissues.  相似文献   

Isoprostanes, are a novel group of prostaglandin-like compounds that are biosynthesised from esterified polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) through a non-enzymatic free radical-catalysed reaction. Several of these compounds possess potent biological activity, as evidenced mainly through their pulmonary and renal vasoconstrictive effects, and have short half-lives. It has been shown that isoprostanes act as full or partial agonists through thromboxane receptors. Both human and experimental studies have indicated associations of isoprostanes and severe inflammatory conditions, ischemia-reperfusion, diabetes and atherosclerosis. Reports have shown that F2-isoprostanes are authentic biomarkers of lipid peroxidation and can be used as potential in vivo indicators of oxidant stress in various clinical conditions, as well as in evaluations of antioxidants or drugs for their free radical-scavenging properties.

Higher levels of F2-isoprostanes have been found in the normal human pregnancy compared to non-pregnancy, but their physiological role has not been well studied so far. Since bioactive F2-isoprostanes are continuously formed in various tissues and large amounts of these potent compounds are found unmetabolised in their free acid form in the urine in normal basal conditions with a wide inter-individual variation, their role in the regulation of normal physiological functions could be of further biological interest, but has yet to be disclosed. Their potent biological activity has attracted great attention among scientists, since these compounds are found in humans and animals in both physiological and pathological conditions and can be used as reliable biomarkers of lipid peroxidation.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) production is critical for the initiation of wound repair; however, persistently high levels of ROS can lead to lipid peroxidation in cells and thus affect wound healing. Iron is a transition metal that is an essential component of almost all living cells and organisms. When present in excess in cells and tissues, iron disrupts redox homeostasis and catalyzes the generation of ROS, leading to increased lipid peroxidation. In this study, we found that after treating interfollicular epidermal (IFE) cells with different concentrations of holotransferrin (0 µg/ml, 1 µg/ml, 10 µg/ml, 100 µg/ml, and 1 mg/ml), the intracellular iron content increased, and cell viability and function did not differ significantly among the treatment groups of cells. In addition, the level of lipid peroxidation in IFE cells did not increase following holotransferrin treatment. We speculated that there is a protective mechanism within IFE cells that reduces the occurrence of intracellular lipid peroxidation. We also found that the elevated intracellular iron content of IFE cells was accompanied by elevated ALDH3B1 expression. We investigated the effect of ALDH3B1 on the level of lipid peroxidation in IFE cells and found that elevated ALDH3B1 expression decreased the damage to IFE cells induced by lipid peroxidation. In addition, the NRF2 pathway was found to affect the expression of ALDH3B1, which in turn affected lipid peroxidation in IFE cells. These findings suggest that in IFE cells, activation of the NRF2 pathway can increase the expression of ALDH3B1 and thus reduce the production of intracellular ROS and the occurrence of intracellular lipid peroxidation. Therefore, ALDH3B1 may be a potential target for the treatment of chronic wounds.  相似文献   

The authors have developed a kinetic method that allows one to obtain relative reactivity constants for lipophilic antioxidants in free radical systems. Two experimental model systems were developed: (a) a methanolic solution using AMVN as the free radical initiator and linoleic acid as the substrate, and (b) a multilamellar vesicle system composed of dilinoleoylphosphatidylcholine and AAPH as the substrate and the initiator, respectively. The use of these two systems allows researchers not only to determine the intrinsic reactivity of a potential antioxidant, but also to evaluate its potency in a membranous system where the contribution of the physical properties of the antioxidant to the inhibition of lipid peroxidation is important. These results show that all antioxidants tested acted in these systems as free radical scavengers, and they validate the synergism between intrinsic scavenging ability and membrane affinity and/or membrane-modifying physical properties in the inhibition of lipid peroxidation.  相似文献   

Siu FK  Lo SC  Leung MC 《Life sciences》2004,75(11):1323-1332
Free radicals induced by cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury can trigger lipid peroxidation, leading to the production of malondialdehyde (MDA) and 4-hydroxy-2(E)-nonenal (4-HNE). Post-ischemia electroacupuncture (EA) therapy was able to reduce extent of lipid peroxidation. However, the effect of pre-ischemic EA therapy has not been reported. In this study, we aim to investigate the effectiveness of pre-ischemic EA therapy on lipid peroxidation in the rat ischemic injury model. Four groups of Sprague-Dawley rats were designed: Placebo group (without EA therapy), NA group (EA therapy on non-acupoint), GB20 group (EA therapy on Fengchi), and ST36 group (EA therapy on Zusanli). Half of each group (n = 6) received 30-minute EA therapy for 3 times and the other half group for 18 times before the occlusion of right middle cerebral artery. Right brains were taken for determination of concentration of MDA and the total of MDA plus 4-HNE. We found that multiple pre-ischemia EA therapy at either GB20 or ST36 can effectively reduce the amount of MDA produced after MCA occlusion. However, this reduction was not observed in the total amount of MDA and 4-HNE. In conclusion, pre-ischemia EA can partly regulate the lipid peroxidation in cerebral ischemia, where both GB20 and ST36 have a similar beneficial effectiveness.  相似文献   

膜脂过氧化产物在光敏诱发细胞突变中的作用   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
本文选用CHO细胞,通过竹红菌甲素(HA)光敏诱变及oua选择性培养液的筛选,证实甲素光敏反应对细胞Na^+/K^+ ATP酶基因具有诱变致突作用。对其突变效应与脂质过氧化反应及DNA加成物形成关系的分析表明,TBA反应产物随着光照时间的增加而增加,同时DNA加成物生成迅速增加,突变频率也随之增高。维生素E可抑制脂质过氧化反应,并减少DNA加成物生成,阻止细胞突变率的增加。提示光敏诱发细胞脂质过氧  相似文献   

Isolated rat hepatocytes exposed to CCl4 showed a stimulated formation of malonaldehyde after only 30–60 min incubation. Conversely, the onset of hepatocyte death was a relatively late event, being significant only after 2–3 h of treatment. A cause–effect relationship between the two phenomena has been demonstrated by using hepatocytes isolated from rats pretreated with alpha-tocopherol. Comparable results were obtained in vivo where supplementation with alpha-tocopherol 15 h before CCl4 dosing induced a partial or complete protection against the drug's necrogenic effect, depending on the concentration of the haloalkane used. Moreover, the vitamin supplementation prevented the CCl4-induced increase of liver total calcium content, probably by blocking alterations in the liver cell plasma membranes due to lipid peroxidation.  相似文献   

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