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An improved moving chart recording of intensity/time of tasteresponse has been achieved using a potentiometer ‘dialbox’ linked by a cable to a Telsec recorder. The deviceallows rates of taste response to be determined and is describedas a Sensory Measuring Unit for Recording Flux (SMURF) on theassumption that the flux of stimuli at the taste receptor isresponsible for the time course of response. Fourteen trained and sixteen untrained panellists evaluatedone standard and four unknown sucrose solutions using the SMURFand determined their intensity and persistence time of responsefor each of these same solutions by conventional interval scalingand use of a stop-clock. The SMURF gave results which were higher(but not significantly so) than the conventional method. Trainedpanellists tended to prefer the SMURF and found it quicker andeasier to use than the conventional method. Untrained panelliststended to prefer the conventional method but these results weregenerally not significant. The SMURF is therefore an extremelyuseful device in reducing time and effort whilst still maintainingaccuracy in the measurement of intensity and time of taste response. The SMURF was also used to obtain intensity/time data for threeother sugars so that a comparison between the sugars could bemade.  相似文献   

Hymenopterous parasitoids of grass flies of the family Chloropidae from the Palaearctic and Nearctic regions are reviewed. These parasitoids belong to four superfamilies and 16 families of Hymenoptera and were reared from 39 species of Chloropidae in the Palaearctic (less than 6% of the fauna) and only from 10 species in the Nearctic Region. The majority of parasitoids are oligo-or polyphagous species. To a certain degree, the parasitoids are specialized on one of the three host groups: (1) species developing in shoots of cereal and meadow grasses; (2) forest species developing in cones of coniferous trees; and (3) species associated with the common reed, Phragmites australis. In the Palaearctic Region, the majority of parasitoids (91 species) were reared from Oscinella frit L. s. 1.; a significantly smaller number of these parasites is known from this host in the Nearctic Region, nearly half of the parasitoids being common for both regions. The next large group of parasitoids is associated with gall-inducing species of the genus Lipara Meigen (59 species) developing in the common reed. By contrast with two other groups of parasitoids, this one includes many species of the family Ichneumonidae. It should be noted that taxonomic diversity at the third trophic level is markedly greater than at the second level.  相似文献   

The efficiency and practicality of two trapping methods for adult Phlebotomine sand flies in two areas of the Emilia-Romagna region (Italy) were evaluated. Suction traps (CO2) and sticky traps (ST) were used to collect sand flies every two weeks, from June to September, 1999, from 16:00 to 07:00. Two CO2 traps were activated at the same time for each area (one with light and one without light), whereas 38 (four with light and 34 without lights) and 48 (four with light and 44 without) sticky traps were activated in Borghi and Longiano, respectively. An Index of Apparent Abundance (IAA) was calculated for each trap type and area. A total of 2,253 sand flies was trapped over the four-month period, with 1,765 collected from Borghi and 488 from Longiano. Phlebotomus perfiliewi was the most abundant species collected, comprising 99.6% and 84.6% of the total flies trapped in Borghi and Longiano, respectively. Other species were also collected within the two areas (Phlebotomus perniciosus and Phlebotomus mascittii) but were not considered for further analyses due to low catches. Significantly more specimens were caught using CO2 than sticky traps and the addition of a light source also improved the catches, however, a significantly greater number of female specimens were collected by a CO2 trap without a light source. Phlebotomus perfiliewi thus appears to show a photophobic reaction in the case of females when trapped using CO2/light attractants.  相似文献   

A generalized analysis of data on a flea fauna, range of their hosts in various natural zones, and features of parasite-host relationships between fleas and small mammals obtained in the Omsk province during long term researches in 1963-1997 is given. 35 flea species are recorded. The most mass species both on animals and in their nest is Ctenophthalmus assimilis; the numerous species are Amalareus penicilliger, Megabothros rectangulatus, M. walkeri, Peromyscopsylla silvatica, Ctenophthalmus unciatus, Palaropsylla sorecis, Doratopsilla birulai, Neopsylla pleskei, Hystrichopsylla talpae; the usual species--Ceratopsyllus garei, M. calcarifer, M. turbidus, Frontopsylla elata, Amphipsylla sibirica, A. kuznetzowi, Peromyscopsylla dasycnema, Radinopsylla integella, Catalagia dacenkoi. Other species are less numerous or infrequent. The general infection rate of the flea populations on rodents and insectivores makes 30.4%. For certain species it reaches 65.1% (on red-backed vole Cletrionomys rutilus), for regular groups--86.9% (on shrews of the genus Sorex). The greatest variety of the flea populations is observed on Microtus arvalis, the least one--on Sorex caecutiens and S. daphaenodon. In the nests of small mammals the variety of fleas is significantly lower. Based on the index of flea species relative "loyalty" to small mammals and their nest we have recognized 6 groups of fleas.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Cuticular proteins show specificity for stage, age,and anatomical region. Analysis of the cuticular proteins ofsecond pupae created by application of juvenile hormone demonstratesthat the hormone prevents the onset of new sequences of synthesesand favors repetition of the region-specific, temporal patternof syntheses used in the previous stage. The argument made isthat juvenile hormone might exert this "status quo" action bypreventing alterations in chromatin configuration. Evidencefrom a wide variety of systems shows that polyamines might beinvolved in reprogramming chromatin. Ecdysterone induces ornithinedecarboxylase, the rate limiting enzyme in animal polyaminesynthesis. I suggest that juvenile hormone might be exertingits status quo action by inhibiting this induction. Preliminarystudies of ornithine decarboxylase induction support this specifichypothesis; experiments with an inhibitor of this enzyme, -difluoromethylornithine, however, do not show the expected juvenile hormonemimicry. Further studies are needed to define the control ofpolyamine biosynthesis in insects and to discover whether juvenilehormone plays a role in this control.  相似文献   

In 20 runners the intra-arterial blood pressure changes determined by a long-distance run and by a maximal bicycle ergometric test were recorded by means of the portable Oxford system. A peculiar pattern of the phasic waves was observed throughout the run: continuous rhythmic pulse pressure oscillations ranging in frequency between 4 and 28/min and unrelated to respiration were detected. The shape of these oscillations prompted us to investigate whether they were due to a "beat" phenomenon, that is, to the combined effect of two waves with a nearly equal frequency. To test this hypothesis, during the run 10 athletes carried a fluid-filled container around the chest. The pressure waves recorded in the container were added by computer to those recorded intra-arterially during bicycle ergometry. The resultant harmonic showed a pattern similar to that recorded in the athlete's radial artery during running. Conversely, by subtracting the pressure waves recorded in the container from those simultaneously recorded at the radial artery during running, nearly flat tracings were obtained. The source of the beat phenomenon has therefore been identified in the wave, which generates inside the aorta and the great vessels at each foot-strike shock.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic analysis of selected oestroid taxa based on 66 morphological traits and sequences from three nuclear protein‐coding genes (CAD, MAC, MCS) resolved the composition and phylogenetic position of the former subfamily Polleniinae of the Calliphoridae – here resurrected at family rank as Polleniidae Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1889 stat. rev. Six species are transferred from the family Rhinophoridae to the Polleniidae: the Palaearctic genus Alvamaja Rognes, along with its single species Alvamaja chlorometallica Rognes, and five Afrotropical species comprising the carinata‐group formerly in the genus Phyto Robineau‐Desvoidy but here assigned to genus Morinia Robineau‐Desvoidy, i.e. M. carinata (Pape, 1987) comb.n. , M. lactineala (Pape, 1997) comb.n. , M. longirostris (Crosskey, 1977) comb.n. , M. royi (Pape, 1997) comb.n. and M. stuckenbergi (Crosskey, 1977) comb.n. The Polleniidae are monophyletic and, in agreement with most recent phylogenetic reconstructions, sister to the Tachinidae. The female of A. chlorometallica and a new species of Morinia of the carinata‐group (Morinia tsitsikamma sp.n. from South Africa) are described. This published work has been registered in ZooBank, http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:25B0C220‐DEE4‐4B0C‐88EA‐35FDE298EBC5 .  相似文献   

Together with Calcinus verrilli from Bermuda, the Mediterraneanhermit crab C. tubularis is unique in that it exhibits a sharpsexual dimorphism in resource use in which one sex, the male,occupies loose shells and the other, the female, occupies attachedtubes. Field surveys and laboratory experiments addressed twoissues that help understand male-female resource partitioningin this species. First, the value of shells as shelters differsbetween sexes. Shells furnish mobility to their inhabitants,but also greater opportunities to grow because they can providelarger size than can the tubes, whereas both mobility and largedimensions are crucial selective factors for the reproductiveoutcomes of males only. In fact, egg production seemed not tobe affected by females' sedentary life and the number of eggswas not related to the female size. Second, previous shelterexperience plays a role in reducing male-female competition.I found that individual crabs, once presented simultaneouslywith a shell and a tube, more likely selected the type of shelterthat they were collected in. Then, in male-female competitionexperiments, pairs composed of one crab found in a shell andone crab found in a tube and offered a shell and a tube in conjunctionoccupied the housing in accordance to the shelter previouslyoccupied without any influence of their sex or size. The questionremains as to how, why, and when such a sexual dimorphism inthe distribution of C. tubularis between microhabitats did occurduring a hermit crab's life.  相似文献   

It has been postulated that increased energy expenditure results in shortened survival. To test this "rate-of-living theory" we examined the effect of raising energy expenditure by means of cold exposure on the longevity of rats. Male 6-mo-old SPF Long-Evans rats were gradually accustomed to immersion in cool water (23 degrees C). After 3 mo they were standing in the cool water for 4 h/day, 5 days/wk. They were maintained on this program until age 32 mo. The cold exposure resulted in a 44% increase in food intake (P less than 0.001). Despite their greater food intake, the cold-exposed rats' body weights were significantly lower than those of control animals from age 11 to 32 mo. The average age at death of the cold-exposed rats was 968 +/- 141 days compared with 923 +/- 159 days for the controls. The cold exposure appeared to protect against neoplasia, particularly sarcomas; only 24% of the necropsied cold-exposed rats had malignancies compared with 57% for the controls. The results of this study provide no support for the concept that increased energy expenditure decreases longevity.  相似文献   

Bees, hoverflies and butterflies are taxa frequently studied as pollinators in agricultural and conservation contexts. Although there are many records of non-syrphid Diptera visiting flowers, they are generally not regarded as important pollinators. We use data from 30 pollen-transport networks and 71 pollinator-visitation networks to compare the importance of various flower-visiting taxa as pollen-vectors. We specifically compare non-syrphid Diptera and Syrphidae to determine whether neglect of the former in the literature is justified. We found no significant difference in pollen-loads between the syrphid and non-syrphid Diptera. Moreover, there was no significant difference in the level of specialization between the two groups in the pollen-transport networks, though the Syrphidae had significantly greater visitation evenness. Flower visitation data from 33 farms showed that non-syrphid Diptera made up the majority of the flower-visiting Diptera in the agricultural studies (on average 82% abundance and 73% species richness), and we estimate that non-syrphid Diptera carry 84% of total pollen carried by farmland Diptera. As important pollinators, such as bees, have suffered serious declines, it would be prudent to improve our understanding of the role of non-syrphid Diptera as pollinators.  相似文献   

Using synchronized cells of Chlorella pyrenoidosa, the incorporationpatterns of 14C into various metabolites with and without nitrogensources were studied under steady-state and non steady-stateconditions. From the patterns it was found that the smallestcells which are divided in the dark utilize nitrate and nitritevery little, if at all. The importance of ammonia for regulation of secondary flow forChlorella is discussed and the suggested regulatory points aredescribed. 1This work was sponsored, in part, by the U.S. Atomic EnergyCommission (Received January 26, 1970; )  相似文献   

Review of the Australian kelp flies Diptera: Coelopidae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. The morphology of the Coelopidae is considered, particularly in relation to taxonomic characters, terminology, and sexual di morphism. Taxonomic relationships and family limits are discussed; the Coelopidae appear to be most closely related to the families Helcomyzidae and Dryomyzidae of the superfamily Sciomyzoidea. The following genera are excluded from the Coelopidae: Listriomastax and Apetaenus (Tethinidae), Orygma (Sepsidae), Heterocheila (or Oedoparea, position doubtful). The position of the genera Malacomyia, Baeopterus and Icaridion in the Coelopidae is confirmed. The Coe lopidae are divided into two subfamilies, Lopinae subfam.n. and Coe-lopinae. The Coelopinae include four tribes: Glumini trib.n., Coelopini, Coelopellini trib.n., Ammini trib.n. The following genera and species are described as new: Lopa, Gluma, Rhis, This, Amma, Lopa convexa, Gluma keyzeri, G.nitida, G.musgravei, Rhis whitleyi, This canus, Coe-lopella popeae, Amma blancheae. The subgenera Fucomyia and Neo-coelopa of the genus Coelopa are rejected as invalid. Chaetocoelopa huttoni Harrison (1959) is a new synonym of Chaetocoelopa littoralis (Hutton, 1881). Coelopa palauensis Hardy (1957) is a new synonym of C.alluaudi Seguy (1941), which is recorded from Australia for the first time. Coelopa africana Malloch (1933a) is a new synonym of C.ursina (Wiedemann, 1824) from southern Africa. Keys are provided to supra-generic groupings of Coelopidae, to the Australasian genera, and to the species of Chaetocoelopa, Coelopella, Gluma and Icaridion. Information on the biology and ecology of Coelopidae is summarized, and additional data on Australian species are recorded. Coelopids are among the most significant organisms recycling stranded kelp, because of their often enormous biomass. Their activities can be detrimental to sea-side recreation. Parasitism by Stigmatomyces sp. (Ascomycetes: Laboulbeniales) is recorded for several coelopid species. The distribution patterns of coelopid taxa are discussed.  相似文献   

The mechanisms that control sink capacity are poorly understood.in radish, a major sink is the "storage root", which beginsto thicken early in development, mainly as a result of thickeningof the hypocotyl. We investigated changes in the accumulationof dry matter, sink activity (increase in dry weight of thehypocotyl per unit of dry weight present per unit of time),carbohydrate content, levels of metabolites, activities of enzymesrelated to the breakdown of sucrose, and the profile of solubleproteins, as well as changes in anatomy, using hypocotyls ofa cultivar with a high ratio of "storage root" to shoot. Wefound that sink activity was strongly related to the level andactivity of sucrose synthase but not to the activity of invertase.We also found a significant correlation between sucrose contentand the level and activity of sucrose synthase. Our resultssuggest that sucrose synthase, but not invertase, might be criticalfor the development of the sink activity of the radish hypocotyland that the level of sucrose might regulate the expressionof sucrose synthase. A discussion of sink capacity is presentedthat includes consideration of structural changes in the hypocotyl. (Received December 14, 1998; Accepted January 27, 1999)  相似文献   

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