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球状风化物在自然界非常常见,分布广泛,对其成因仍存在很多争议。在国内,主流认识认为岩石在地表接受风化时,棱角处受三个方向的风化,棱边处受两个方向的风化,而面上只受一个方向的风化,由于风化速度的不同,最终形成球形。国外主要认识有Liesegang现象、卸载、体积膨胀、微裂缝、恒定体积变化、应力作用和后期风化作用等观点。通过总结国内外相关研究,认为,用一种单一的模式试图解决所有球状风化物的成因并不现实,应该通过辨证分类,系统分析的方法找出不同类型球状风化物的成因才是一种可行的途径。  相似文献   

邹艳  刘刚 《矿产与地质》2023,(5):978-986
剪裂角是表征岩石共轭节理裂缝形态特征的重要参数,是岩石破裂程度及形态特征的重要体现,论文基于南川地区龙马溪组页岩的发育特征,利用野外观察、实验测试等手段梳理了研究区页岩节理剪裂角的发育情况,并探究了其发育规律。结果表明:研究区节理剪裂角发育具有一定的方向性,构造特征是影响节理剪裂角发育情况的重要因素,构造演化影响剪裂角发育方向,构造条件越复杂,节理剪裂角越发育;页岩成分通过影响页岩脆性系数,影响着节理剪裂角大小的发育情况,两者分布呈负相关关系;岩石力学性质是影响节理剪裂角发育的内在因素,岩石内摩擦角越大,节理剪裂角越小。  相似文献   

节理粗糙度系数-节理抗压强度(JRC-JCS)模型为岩体节理面抗剪强度估算提供了很好的思路,但对于吻合度较差的节理岩体,该模型往往过高地估算其抗剪强度。节理粗糙度系数-节理吻合系数(JRC-JMC)模型进一步考虑节理吻合度对抗剪强度的影响,为吻合程度较差的节理面的抗剪强度估算提供了很好的思路,但目前节理吻合度的量化分析还存在困难。在以往研究基础上,采用重复剪切试验的方法制备了不同吻合度的节理岩体试样,综合节理面形貌特征和节理面抗剪性能变化规律分析,提出了节理吻合度的量化计算方法。研究结果表明:(1)在重复剪切作用下,岩体节理面的抗剪强度和节理面形貌参数呈现先陡后缓的降低趋势,节理面上下盘的吻合程度逐渐降低;(2)根据剪切前后节理面形貌特征的对比分析,确定了剪切过程节理面的有效接触区域,提出了节理吻合系数JMC的量化计算方法;(3)对比分析表明,与单独考虑JRC相比,将JRC和JMC综合在一起可以更好地反映节理形貌特征对其剪切性能的影响。相关研究方法和分析结果可为岩体节理面抗剪性能分析提供较好的参考。  相似文献   

A mathematical model is developed to explain the geometrical patterns of spheroidal weathering. The model is then analyzed, and results of computer simulations for the weathering of spherical and ellipsoidal surfaces are presented. Ellipsoids weather initially into ellipsoids of greater or lesser eccentricity, depending on boundary conditions, and finally into spheres. This is in qualitative agreement with the geometry of observed weathering patterns. Some of these features would be difficult to explain by a diffusion model. The weathering of rectangles also is simulated, and they weather into ellipses or circles. These are also in qualitative agreement with observed weathering patterns.  相似文献   

What determines the geometry of spheroidal weathering patterns? Spheroidal weathering rings appear to arise from the leaching of fresh rock, rather than from reprecipitation of dissolved minerals diffusing out of weathered rock. In previous work the authors developed a mathematical model to explain the geometry of spheroidal weathering structures, and showed how some of the features of weathering patterns, otherwise difficult to explain, were natural consequences of the model. In describing the geometrical aspect of these shapes, we hope to understand how natural forces acted upon the unweathered rock and why and under what conditions spheroidal weathering structures were formed. In this paper we review the main features of our model and examine and discuss twinning of spheroidal weathering structures, concluding that the structures were formed during a distinct period in the past. Twinning is an apparent anomaly in that its natural occurrence, as part of the weathering process, cannot be explained by our model without additional ad hoc assumptions. Careful examination of twins reveals an explanation which does not require revision of the model.  相似文献   

余斐  江晓益  谭磊 《地质论评》2019,65(Z1):30-32
正岩体风化带的划分是水利工程勘察重要的研究内容,提高岩基垂向上的精细识别对建基面的开挖、坝基防渗设计、坝基的稳定性和变形控制等方面具有重要意义(王旺盛等,2009;韩刚等,2011)。传统岩体风化程度的划分主要依据钻探过程中的人为感觉、现场岩样的直观判断以及室内的岩石物理力学试验等,在总结大量工程实践的前提下,可以说采用定性或半定量的判别手段在岩体划分中  相似文献   

Secondary cleavages developed at late stages in ductile shear zones show several features that are inconsistent with progressive simple shear in the zone. These are: the orientation of a single secondary cleavage oblique to the shear zone boundaries; conjugate sets with opposite senses of shear, and multiple sets with the same sense of shear. These features can be explained if the bulk flow is partitioned into slip along discrete failure planes parallel to the primary foliation (S), coaxial stretching along the foliation, and spin.  相似文献   

The foliation formed in a ductile shear zone can become folded by continuing shear in the zone without the foliation having to enter the shortening sector of the flow field. If the foliation lies parallel to the shear plane, infinitesimal variations in the rate of shear strain cause compensating rotations that may amplify into folds. Small increases in the rate cause backward rotations (counter to the sense of shear): these do not amplify. Small decreases cause forward rotations that do amplify.  相似文献   

The geometry of ductile shear zones can be used to solve problems of regional tectonics if the deformation path of material in the zones is sufficiently understood. Flow in many shear zones may have deviated from simple shear and consequently data on the final deformation state such as finite strain and volume change are insufficient for reconstruction of the deformation path, even if flow parameters were constant during progressive deformation. Additional information on the flow vorticity number is also needed and can be obtained from fabric elements such as sets of folded-boudinaged veins, rotated porphyroblasts and blocked rigid objects. Mohr circle constructions are presented as a tool to calculate deformation parameters from fabric data, to represent the deformation path graphically and to reconstruct flow parameters from the shape of this path. If the vorticity number or the volume change rate changed during progressive deformation, the deformation path can be partly reconstructed using sets of fabric elements which register mean and final values of these parameters.
Zusammenfassung Die Geometrie duktiler Scherzonen kann dazu verwendet werden, regionaltektonische Probleme zu lösen, sofern der im Material abgebildete Deformationsweg dieser Zonen genügend verstanden wird. Der Flow in vielen Scherzonen mag sich aus einfacher Scherung ableiten lassen, daher genügen Daten über den letzten Deformationszustand wie z. B. der finite Strain und die Volumenänderung nicht für die Rekonstruktion des Deformationsweges, auch nicht bei konstanten Fließparametern während der fortschreitenden Deformation. Zusätzliche Daten über die Verwirbelungszahl (Rotationszahl) sind nötig. Sie lassen sich ableiten aus verschiedenartigen Gefügeelementen wie Gruppen gefaltetboundinierter Gänge, rotierten Porphyroblasten und »verklemmten«, starren Objekten. Vorgestellt werden anhand von Gefügedaten Konstruktionen am Mohr'schen Spannungskreis zur Bestimmung der Deformationsparameter, um damit den Deformationsweg graphisch darzustellen und daraus die Fließparameter abzuleiten. Änderungen in der Rotationszahl (Vorticity) oder der Geschwindigkeit in der Volumenänderung während progressiver Deformation erlauben den Deformationsweg zumindest teilweise zu rekonstruieren. Verwendung finden hierbei diejenigen Gefügeelemente, die sowohl die durchschnittliche Deformation als auch die letzten Deformationsereignisse registriert haben.

Résumé La géométrie des shear zones ductiles peut être utilisée pour résoudre des problèmes de tectonique régionale, pour autant que l'histoire de la déformation des matériaux de ces zones soit suffisamment bien comprise. Il peut arriver, dans beaucoup de shear zones, que le processus ductile se soit écarté du modèle du glissement simple et qu'en conséquence, les caractères finals de la déformation, tels que l'ellipsoïde de la déformation finie, ou le changement de volume, s'avèrent insuffisants pour pouvoir reconstruire l'histoire de la déformation et ce, même si les paramètres de fluage sont restés constants au cours du processus. Il est alors nécessaire de disposer d'informations supplémentaires quant à la vorticité; ces informations peuvent être fournies par certains éléments structuraux tels que des groupes de veines plissées-boudinées, des porphyroblastes qui ont toruné et des objets rigides bloqués. Au moyen de constructions appliquées au cercle de Mohr, il est possible de calculer les paramètres de la déformation à partir des données structurales, de représenter graphiquement l'histoire de la déformation et de retrouver les paramètres de fluage à partir de la forme de cette représentation. Si, au cours de la déformation progressive, la vorticité ou le taux de variation de volume se modifient, l'histoire de la déformation peut être reconstituée partiellement par l'utilisation de groupes d'éléments structuraux qui enregistrent les valeurs moyenne et finale de ces paramètres.

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The distribution of major and trace elements was explored in the metamorphised weathering zones of the northern (Purpol Formation) and western (Anai and Angin formations) Baikal region. The alumina-rich schists of the Purpol and Anai formations intercalated with quartzites have a model age of 2.8–3.0 Ga and are redeposited products of the weathering of granitized basement inliers of the Siberian craton. Their trace element characteristics with high contents of Th, U, Nb, and REE and low Ta and Sr reflect the composition of predominant rocks in the Archean basement. Undisturbed weathering zones over the alkaline and calc-alkaline island-arc basalts of the Angin Formation are, in general, similar to modern laterites and redeposited residues with respect to the enrichment in hydrolyzate elements but are assigned to iron-rich laterites and distinguished by high contents of Fe, Ti, Nb, Ta, Zr, and Hf, which were inherited from their parent rocks. Their occurrence suggests subaerial eruptions of alkali basalts in the proximal part of the Angin-Talanchan island arc.  相似文献   

We use numerical simulations to investigate the evolution of sheath folds around slip surfaces in simple‐shear‐dominated monoclinic shear zones. A variety of sheath fold shapes develops under general shear, including tubular folds with low aspect ratio eye patterns and tongue‐like structures showing bivergent flanking structures in sections normal to the sheath elongation, which may potentially lead to confusing shear sense interpretations. Not all investigated monoclinic flow end‐members lead to the development of sheath folds sensu stricto (folds with apical angle <90°). The aspect ratio of the eye patterns, Ryz, correlates with the ratio between the principal strain in the Y‐direction and the smaller of the principal strains in the X–Z plane, and thus it could be used in strain analysis.  相似文献   

Fluid-rock interaction in some shear zones from the Pyrenees   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Abstract Mylonites from shear zones cutting Hercynian gneisses in the central Pyrenees have been studied in thin section and using the electron microprobe. The shear zones contain retrogressive greenschist facies assemblages implying introduction of an aqueous fluid during deformation in the zones. Textural evidence suggests that fluid-rock interaction occurred throughout the active life of the shear zones.
Whole-rock chemical changes during deformation are documented in a variety of mylonitic lithologies and retrogressed country rocks. The overall effect was to reduce chemical differences between lithologies. Activity diagrams show that this would be expected if a hydrous fluid was circulating between different lithologies during deformation. In most cases fluid/rock ratios were relatively small resulting in gradual chemical changes and repeated recrystallization. 'Open-system'behaviour with reduction in the number of phases is seen in some granite mylonites, suggesting focusing of fluid movement in parts of the shear zones. Continual fluid-rock interaction may have led to reaction-enhanced ductility in the shear zones over a long period of time. The source of fluid is uncertain, but may be related to underthrusting of material beneath the area investigated.  相似文献   

A method of kinematic analysis of structures, microstructuresand mineral preferred orientations, initially devised in the study of peridotites, has been applied to crustal rocks bearing evidence of large strains produced in metamorphic environments. Three tectonic lineaments (Angers-Lanvaux, Montagne Noire and Maydan) were selected. They illustrate a general situation arising in continental crusts when they are deformed by ductile transcurrent fault systems.The Angers-Lanvaux structure is bilaterally symmetric; its dominant feature is the horizontal stretching lineation which is parallel to the fold axes. The foliation and slaty cleavage in the most surficial formations wrap around the axis of the whole structure. The folds in the slates away from the axis also exhibit axes parallel to the general trend, but no stretching lineations. These folds are attributed to crustal shortening in a direction normal to the ductile fault. In the Montagne Noire recumbent folds are thrusted away from the axis of the structure over at least 25 km. The metamorphism is also centered on the structure and symmetrically reduced away from it. The core of the structure is occupied by a strongly lineated orthogneiss, cut by a late intrusive granite. The Maydan axial zone displays clear evidence of partial melting at various scales within the deformed gneisses: (1) in gashes perpendicular to the stretching lineation which in these anatectic formations tends to plunge at more than 45°; (2) in bands of deformed pegmatites; and (3) possibly in granites which on the one hand intrude the surrounding formations and on the other converge with increasing deformation on the fault zone. The quartz preferred orientations and microstructures in quartzite layers from Angers indicate that the plastic flow plane and direction lie, respectively, close to the foliation and lineation, the slight departure is ascribed to a flow with a rotational shear component.All this suggests a general model for the origin of such ductile zones. The horizontal relative displacement of crustal blocks along a ductile band is responsible for its overall steeply dipping foliation and horizontal lineations. Viscous heating progressively tends to concentrate the plastic flow along its axis. It is also responsible for the development of metamorphism and of anatexis at depth; the partially melted rocks tend to rise, building at shallower depth the arched structure in the axis of the ductile zone, with a continuing flowage parallel to this axis probably now in the solid state; they can also intrude the surrounding terrain as undeformed batholiths. The folds parallel to the stretching lineation in the axial zone are explained by the fact that, due to the escape of anatectic melts, the formations at depth flow in a narrowing channel. The upwelling of the axial structure induces a compression with folding in the surrounding sedimentary formations and gravity nappe sliding away from the axis.  相似文献   

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