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The residual circulation pattern of Winyah Bay, the fourth largest estuary on the eastern coast of the US, is examined using stationary and shipborne current measurements during periods of low freshwater discharge. The estuary has a complex morphology with a single channel and narrow banks at the river entrance and the bay mouth, and a bifurcated channel system (main and western channels, respectively) in the middle part that appears to affect the residual circulation.Overall, the upper (single channel morphology) and middle (dual-channel morphology) parts of the estuary exhibit a baroclinic residual circulation. The presence of bifurcated channels in the middle part of the estuary modifies the typical gravitational circulation. The near-bed landward-directed residual flow is stronger in the deeper main channel than the shallower western channel. This is the result of the fact that the magnitude of residual flow scales with the water depth of the channel and it is also influenced by the opposing patterns of channel alignment in the northern and southern junctions. Analytical modeling confirms that the observed residual currents in the upper and middle estuary are density-induced. In the lower estuary, residual flow is directed seaward throughout the water column of the channel while in the adjacent shoals the residual flow is directed landward, suggesting that in contrast to the upper and middle estuary, the residual flow near the mouth is barotropic, controlled by the tides and the channel-bank morphology.  相似文献   

The speculation that climate change may impact on sustainable fish production suggests a need to understand how these effects influence fish catch on a broad scale. With a gross annual value of A$ 2.2 billion, the fishing industry is a significant primary industry in Australia. Many commercially important fish species use estuarine habitats such as mangroves, tidal flats and seagrass beds as nurseries or breeding grounds and have lifecycles correlated to rainfall and temperature patterns. Correlation of catches of mullet (e.g. Mugil cephalus) and barramundi (Lates calcarifer) with rainfall suggests that fisheries may be sensitive to effects of climate change. This work reviews key commercial fish and crustacean species and their link to estuaries and climate parameters. A conceptual model demonstrates ecological and biophysical links of estuarine habitats that influences capture fisheries production. The difficulty involved in explaining the effect of climate change on fisheries arising from the lack of ecological knowledge may be overcome by relating climate parameters with long-term fish catch data. Catch per unit effort (CPUE), rainfall, the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) and catch time series for specific combinations of climate seasons and regions have been explored and surplus production models applied to Queensland's commercial fish catch data with the program CLIMPROD. Results indicate that up to 30% of Queensland's total fish catch and up to 80% of the barramundi catch variation for specific regions can be explained by rainfall often with a lagged response to rainfall events. Our approach allows an evaluation of the economic consequences of climate parameters on estuarine fisheries, thus highlighting the need to develop forecast models and manage estuaries for future climate change impact by adjusting the quota for climate change sensitive species. Different modelling approaches are discussed with respect to their forecast ability.  相似文献   

This paper describes the age structure, growth, diet and aspects of gonadal development in the cobbler, Cnidoglanis macrocephalus (Valenciennes), in the large Swan estuary in south-western Australia between August 1982 and June 1984. Analysis of otolith annuli showed that while the 0+ to 3+ age classes were regularly represented in monthly samples, the 4+ and more particularly the 5+ and 6+ were much less abundant. The weighted means for the back calculated lengths at the end of the first to fourth years of life were 181 mm (≡ 26 g), 314 mm (≡ 156 g), 418 mm (≡ 410 g) and 518 mm (≡ 833 g) respectively. The mean length at the end of the second year of life was similar to the minimum legal size for capture by commercial fishermen (320 mm). The von Bertlanffy growth curve calculated from the back calculated lengths was Lt = 917 [1 − e−0·20(t + 0·11)]. The relative weight of mulluscs, crustaceans and polychaetes in the intestine varied markedly between small and large fish, apparently reflecting differences in the size of these prey. The large mean diameter of mature eggs ( ) was correlated with a low mean absolute fecundity (2078). Trends shown by egg size, gonadosomatic index and time of appearance of spent females indicate that spawning takes place between October and December. The attainment of sexual maturity is both age- and size-dependent. Although sexually maturing and occasionally spent fish were found in the lower estuary, meristic values, commercial catch statistics and other data indicate that the cobbler found in the Swan estuary are part of a population which typically spawns at sea.  相似文献   

Observations of the residual fluxes of water, salt and suspended sediment are presented for seven stations along the Tamar Estuary. The data include measurements over single spring and neap tidal cycles, and are generally applicable to medium or high run-off conditions.Surface to bed differences in salinity are typically of the order of several parts per thousand. Gravitational circulation is an important component of residual flow in the deep, lower reaches of the estuary. Here, Stokes drift is insignificant. In the shallow upper reaches, the major residual currents are generated by Stokes drift and freshwater inputs. Data are compared with predictions from Hansen and Rattray's (1966) model of estuarine circulation.Salt fluxes due to tidal pumping and vertical shear are directed up-estuary at spring tides, tidal pumping being dominant. Tidal pumping of salt is also directed up-estuary at neap tides, although it is insignificant in the lower reaches, where vertical shear dominates.Tidal pumping of suspended sediment is directed up-estuary near the head at spring tides, and probably contributes to the formation of the turbidity maximum. The existence of the turbidity maximum is predicted using a simplified model of the transport of water and sediment. The model shows that an additional mechanism for the existence of the turbidity maximum is an up-estuary maximum in the tidal current speeds (and thus resuspension). In the lower reaches, transport of suspended sediment is directed down-estuary at both spring and neap tides, and sediment is essentially flushed to sea with the fresh water.  相似文献   

An experimental survey of the estuary of Milford Haven has been carried out in which velocity, temperature and salinity have been measured over the full extent of the estuary during a complete spring and a complete neap- tidal cycle. The measurements were taken from three survey vessels, each of which was used to service six or seven survey points so that the measurements comprised a total of about 40 vertical profiles distributed over a grid of 20 survey points for each tide. Tide level measurements at two points were made simultaneously. The experimental measurements of tidal level have been used to calibrate a two-dimensional mathematical model based upon a new numerical representation of the shallow water equations. The predictions of velocity for the model have been compared with vertically integrated velocities calculated from experiments, and good agreement has been found over the full extent of the estuary.The effect of a strong south-westerly wind in the estuary has been examined in numerical simulation.  相似文献   

Runoff from abundant rainfall on the watersheds along the east coast of Nicaragua results in a well-defined nearshore current, extending 20–40 km out from the coast. Important terms in the controlling dynamical balance are the Coriolis forces, and eddy frictional forces. Calculations of the diabathic surface slope 0(10?5) show a smooth setup of 4–5 cm from the outer edge of the current to the shoreline. A longshore surface slope of 0(10?8) appears to be set up by the longshore wind stress, and further computations allow an estimate of ~ 6 gr cm?1 s?1 for the dynamic eddy viscosity. An analytical expression including diabathic surface slope and density gradient, parabathic surface slope, wind stress, and quadratic bottom friction reproduces the salient observed features of the nearshore current. These include the pronounced maximum in the parabathic (along-shelf) current about 10 km off the coast, a complex diabathic velocity structure, and a shelf countercurrent just seaward of the outer edge. Further calculations suggest that the dominant driving arises from the freshwater-induced density gradients, accounting for upward of 80% of the flow velocity. As suggested by Royer (1982), the prevailing trade wind exerts an onshore wind stress that serves the important role of maintaining the integrity of the density gradients via the convergence of a surface Ekman layer toward the coast.  相似文献   

Observations of the velocity and salinity structure of the Tees estuary were made at eight stations along the estuary axis between Victoria Bridge and the sea during the summer of 1975. The measurements were made on ten separate tidal periods covering neap and spring tides.The data were collected over a period of relatively low freshwater flows and the residual current was found to have a strong dependence on the Stokes drift. At the upstream stations, the residuals were more than an order of magnitude greater than the currents anticipated from the freshwater discharge. Although the mean stratification decreased as the tidal range increased, the vertical circulation was stronger on spring tides than on neaps. Vertical variations in the amplitude and phase of the tidal current results in a current which strengthens the vertical circulation. However, this effect only made a relatively small contribution to the observed vertical circulation.The relative contribution of the individual salt flux terms to the net upstream transport of salt varies along the estuary. As the estuary narrows, the contribution by the oscillatory terms dominates that from the shear in the steady state flow. Of these oscillatory terms, the correlation of velocity and salinity fluctuations plays a key rôle in the salt transport. The depth mean values make a greater contribution than deviations from the depth mean and the flux due to phase variations over depth is smaller than either of these. Since the Stokes drift is compensated by a down-stream steady state flow, it does not contribute to the tidal mean transport of salt.At the seaward end of the estuary, the salt fluxes due to the steady state vertical shear and the convariance of the tidal fluctuations act in a complementary way to counter the seaward transport of salt by the freshwater flow. With the possible exceptions of the wide or narrow reaches of the Tees, the longitudinal fluxes of salt due to transverse variations in velocity, salinity and depth and turbulent fluctuations are of secondary importance as contributors to the estuary salt budget.On both neap and spring tides, the computed total salt transports at the Newport and Victoria bridges did not match the values required for a salt balance with the corresponding freshwater flows. These fluxes were probably the cause of the observed downstream displacement of the tidal mean salinity distribution between neap and spring tides.  相似文献   

The role of submerged macrophytes as refugia from fish predation and as possible food sources for the estuarine isopod Exosphaeroma hylocoetes ( Barnard, K.H., 1940) was investigated. Laboratory experiments tested the effectiveness of artificial vegetation, replicating submerged vegetation, in enabling isopods to elude selected fish predators Rhabdosargus holubi, Glossogobius callidus, Monodactylus falciformis and Clinus cottoides. Isopods preferentially hid in the vegetation (>90%), even in absence of fish. The predatory fish had varying success in finding isopods within the vegetation. Isopod mortality ranged from 2% (R. holubi) to a maximum of 87% (C. cottoides) within vegetation, depending on the fish predator present. Stable isotope and fatty acid analyses ruled out the submerged macrophyte Ruppia maritima and inundated fringing grasses as direct food sources, but highlighted the epiphytic biota (mainly diatoms) found on the submerged vegetation and sediments as more likely food sources. These findings are consistent with gut content analyses. The results suggest that the close association of E. hylocoetes with R. maritima is the result of the vegetation providing the isopod with a refuge against fish predation as well as areas of increased food availability.  相似文献   

渤海夏季环流的高分辨率海浪-潮汐-环流耦合模式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Bohai Sea is a shallow semi-enclosed inner sea with an average depth of 18 m and is located at the west of the northern Yellow Sea. The climatological circulation pattern in summer of the Bohai Sea is studied by using a wave-tide-circulation coupled model. The simulated temperature and the circulation agree with the observation well. The result shows that the circulation pattern of the Bohai Sea is jointly influenced by the tidal residual current, wind and baroclinic current. There exists an obvious density current along the temperature front from the west part of the Liaodong Bay to the offshore area of the Huanghe Estuary. In the Liaodong Bay there exists a clockwise gyre in the area north to the 40°N. While in the area south to the 40°N the circulation shows a two-gyre structure, the flow from the offshore area of the Huanghe Estuary to the Liaodong Bay splits into two branches in the area between 39°N and 40°N. The west branch turns into north-west and forms an anti-clockwise gyre with the south-westward density current off the west of the Liaodong Bay. The east branch turns to the east and forms a clockwise gyre with the flow along the east coast of the Liaodong Bay. The forming mechanism of the circulation is also discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

The Ría de Ribadeo, a small embayment in NW Spain, was observed for the first time using three months of ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler) current meter records and three CTD (Conductivity Temperature Depth) surveys. A wave driven circulation pattern arises from the observations, instead of the shelf wind driven circulation of other Galician Rias. Based on ADCP records, a unidirectional flow in the horizontal velocity field coexists with the classic two-layer circulation (bidirectional flow). The proposed horizontal circulation pattern can then be explained as a wave driven inflow. This flow enters the ria through the west side, describes an anticlockwise gyre inside of it, and flows out through the east side. Numerical simulations run with the HAMSOM (Hamburg Shelf Ocean Model) agreed with observations, confirming the proposed pattern.  相似文献   

The effects of natural flow variation on juvenile brown trout population dynamics were investigated by biannual sampling over 5.5 years in the Rainy River, a tributary of the Motueka River. A large flood in late March (50-year return period) substantially reduced the density (by 66%) and biomass (by 73%) of 0+ trout over autumn–spring, but the cohort responded with compensatory survival to achieve similar density and biomass by spring as in other years. A low-flow event in February–April (return period >8.4 years), when 7-day low flows fell to 56% of the 7-day mean annual low flow (MALF) and were less than the MALF for 46 days, had no adverse affect on the population. We found no evidence for density-dependent growth. However, there was strong evidence for a two-phase self-thinning response in density, with no self-thinning occurring over summer (i.e. the 0+ population remained below carrying capacity) until a threshold mass of 22.08 g (length=123.7 mm) was attained in autumn after which severe self-thinning took place over autumn to spring. The results indicate that over spring–autumn the population is insensitive to flow reduction and that over autumn–spring the effects of high (and probably low) flow events on local abundance and biomass are offset by compensatory (density-dependent) survival. However, effects on the contribution of migrants to the downstream population remain unknown. The study identified ecological redundancy, which could be exploited for flow allocation. Significantly, it has shown that minimum flows equivalent to the MALF (often advocated by New Zealand conservation and fisheries management organisations) are not always necessary for sustaining juvenile trout populations.  相似文献   

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