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We consider spacetime to be a connected real 4‐manifold equipped with a Lorentzian metric and an affine connection. The 10 independent components of the (symmetric) metric tensor and the 64 connection coefficients are the unknowns of our theory. We introduce an action which is (purely) quadratic in curvature and study the resulting system of Euler–Lagrange equations. In the first part of the paper we look for Riemannian solutions, i.e. solutions whose connection is Levi‐Civita. We find two classes of Riemannian solutions: 1) Einstein spaces, and 2) spacetimes with pp‐wave metric of parallel Ricci curvature. We prove that for a generic quadratic action these are the only Riemannian solutions. In the second part of the paper we look for non‐Riemannian solutions. We define the notion of a “Weyl pseudoinstanton” (metric compatible spacetime whose curvature is purely of Weyl type) and prove that a Weyl pseudoinstanton is a solution of our field equations. Using the pseudoinstanton approach we construct explicitly a non‐Riemannian solution which is a wave of torsion in a spacetime with Minkowski metric. We discuss the possibility of using this non‐Riemannian solution as a mathematical model for the neutrino.  相似文献   

The exact solutions of Einstein–Yang–Mills equations in a class of spherically symmetric cosmological models are found with several coordinate conditions both with the account and without the account cosmological constant.  相似文献   

We show that keeping only the topologically trivial contribution to the average of a class function on U(N) amounts to integrating over its algebra. The goal is reached first by decompactifying an expansion over the instanton basis and then directly, by means of a geometrical procedure.  相似文献   

We argue that the structure general relativity (GR) as a theory of affine defects is deeper than the standard interpretation as a metric theory of gravitation. Einstein–Cartan theory (EC), with its inhomogeneous affine symmetry, should be the standard-bearer for GR-like theories. A discrete affine interpretation of EC (and gauge theory) yields topological definitions of momentum and spin (and Yang–Mills current), and their conservation laws become discrete topological identities. Considerations from quantum theory provide evidence that discrete affine defects are the physical foundation for gravitation.  相似文献   

Cohomological Yang–Mills theory is formulated on a noncommutative differentiable four manifold through the -deformation of its corresponding BRST algebra. The resulting noncommutative field theory is a natural setting to define the -deformation of Donaldson invariants and they are interpreted as a mapping between the Chevalley–Eilenberg homology of noncommutative spacetime and the Chevalley–Eilenberg cohomology of noncommutative moduli of instantons. In the process we find that in the weak coupling limit the quantum theory is localized at the moduli space of noncommutative instantons.  相似文献   

The total space of the spinor bundle on the four-dimensional sphere S4 is a quaternionic line bundle that admits a metric of Spin(7) holonomy. We consider octonionic Yang–Mills instanton on this eight-dimensional gravitational instanton. This is a higher dimensional generalization of (anti-) self-dual instanton on the Eguchi-Hanson space. We propose an ansatz for Spin(7) Yang–Mills field and derive a system of non-linear ordinary differential equations. The solutions are classified according to the asymptotic behavior at infinity. We give a complete solution when the gauge group is reduced to a product of SU(2) subalgebras in Spin(7). The existence of more general Spin(7) valued solutions can be seen by making an asymptotic expansion.  相似文献   

The Yang–Mills system of field equations which includes coupling to an SU(2) scalar matter doublet is developed. It is shown that an SU(2) current for a scalar matter doublet can be developed. The basic structure which fits the Yang–Mills system is somewhat different from the case of the scalar triplet. Using this form for the scalar current, it is possible to write down the Yang–Mills system which couples to the scalar matter doublet. It is shown that several sets of solutions to this system of equations can be obtained.  相似文献   

By replacing the ordinary product with the so-called -product, one can construct an analog of the anti-self-dual Yang–Mills (ASDYM) equations on the noncommutative . Many properties of the ordinary ASDYM equations turn out to be inherited by the -product ASDYM equation. In particular, the twistorial interpretation of the ordinary ASDYM equations can be extended to the noncommutative , from which one can also derive the fundamental structures for integrability such as a zero-curvature representation, an associated linear system, the Riemann–Hilbert problem, etc. These properties are further preserved under dimensional reduction to the principal chiral field model and Hitchin’s Higgs pair equations. However, some structures relying on finite dimensional linear algebra break down in the -product analogs.  相似文献   

It is shown that the connection form (gauge field) related to the generalization of the Berry phase to mixed states proposed by Uhlmann satisfies the source-free Yang–Mills equation * D * D = 0, where the Hodge operator is taken with respect to the Bures metric on the space of finite-dimensional nondegenerate density matrices.  相似文献   

Super-matrix KdV and super-generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equations are shown to arise from a symmetry reduction of ordinary self-dual Yang–Mills equations with supergauge groups.  相似文献   

For a general gauge-theoretical formulation of gravitational interactions, we analyze the first algebraic steps towards a quantization via BRST ghost operators, replacing the Lagrange multipliers of the classical Hamiltonian constraints. From the nilpotency of the BRST charge, we deduce new restrictions on torsion and curvature of Yang-Mills type metric-affine models.  相似文献   

We introduce a notion of Q-algebra that can be considered as a generalization of the notion of Q-manifold (a supermanifold equipped with an odd vector field obeying {Q,Q} =0). We develop the theory of connections on modules over Q-algebras and prove a general duality theorem for gauge theories on such modules. This theorem contains as a simplest case SO(d,d, Z)-duality of gauge theories on noncommutative tori.  相似文献   

The infrared structure of MHV gluon amplitudes in planar limit for super Yang–Mills theory is considered in the next-to-leading order of PT. Explicit cancellation of the infrared divergencies in properly defined cross-sections is demonstrated. The remaining finite parts for some inclusive differential cross-sections in planar limit are calculated analytically. In general, contrary to the virtual corrections, they do not reveal any simple structure.  相似文献   

Perhaps one of the main features of Einstein's General Theory of Relativity is that spacetime is not flat itself but curved. Nowadays, however, many of the unifying theories like superstrings on even alternative gravity theories such as teleparalell geometric theories assume flat spacetime for their calculations. This article, an extended account of an earlier author's contribution, it is assumed a curved group manifold as a geometrical background from which a Lagrangian for a supersymmetric N=2, d=5 Yang–Mills – SYM, N=2, d=5 – is built up. The spacetime is a hypersurface embedded in this geometrical scenario, and the geometrical action here obtained can be readily coupled to the five-dimensional supergravity action. The essential idea that underlies this work has its roots in the Einstein–Cartan formulation of gravity and in the group manifold approach to gravity and supergravity theories. The group SYM, N=2, d=5, turns out to be the direct product of supergravity and a general gauge group .  相似文献   

It is argued that N=6 supergravity on Ad S5, with the gauge group SU(3)× U(1) corresponds, at the classical level, to a subsector of the chiral primary operators of N=4 Yang–Mills theories. This projection involves a duality transformation of N=4 Yang–Mills theory and therefore can be valid if the coupling is at a self-dual point, or for those amplitudes that do not depend on the coupling constant.  相似文献   

A rigorous algebraic proof of the full finiteness in all orders of perturbation theory is given for the Yang–Mills–Chern–Simons theory in a general three-dimensional Riemannian manifold. We show the validity of a trace identity, playing the role of a local form of the Callan–Symanzik equation, in all loop orders, which yields the vanishing of the -functions associated to the topological mass and gauge coupling constant as well as the anomalous dimensions of the fields.  相似文献   

Some unexpected properties of the cubic algebra generated by the covariant derivatives of a generic Yang–Mills connection over the (s+1)-dimensional pseudo Euclidean space are pointed out. This algebra is Koszul of global dimension 3 and Gorenstein but except for s=1 (i.e. in the two-dimensional case) where it is the universal enveloping algebra of the Heisenberg Lie algebra and is a cubic Artin–Schelter regular algebra, it fails to be regular in that it has exponential growth. We give an explicit formula for the Poincaré series of this algebra and for the dimension in degree n of the graded Lie algebra of which is the universal enveloping algebra. In the four-dimensional (i.e. s=3) Euclidean case, a quotient of this algebra is the quadratic algebra generated by the covariant derivatives of a generic (anti) self-dual connection. This latter algebra is Koszul of global dimension 2 but is not Gorenstein and has exponential growth. It is the universal enveloping algebra of the graded Lie algebra which is the semi-direct product of the free Lie algebra with three generators of degree one by a derivation of degree one.  相似文献   

The (constrained) canonical reduction of four-dimensional self-dual SU(2) and SU(3) Yang–Mills theory to two-dimensional nonlinear Schrödinger (NS) and Korteweg–de Vries (KdV) equations are considered. The Bäcklund transformations (BTs) are implemented to obtain new classes of exact solutions for the reduced two-dimensional NS and KdV models.  相似文献   

We measure, in two distinct ways, the extent to which the boundary region of moduli space contributes to the “simple type” condition of Donaldson theory. Using the natural geometric representative of μ(pt) defined in [L. Sadun, Commun. Math. Phys. 178 (1996) 107–113], the boundary region of moduli space contributes of the homology required for simple type, regardless of the topology or geometry of the underlying 4-manifold. The simple type condition thus reduces to the interior of the (k+1)th ASD moduli space, intersected with two representatives of (4 times) the point class, being homologous to 58 copies of the kth moduli space. This is peculiar, since the only known embeddings of the kth moduli space into the (k+1)th involve Taubes gluing, and the images of such embeddings lie entirely in the boundary region.When using the natural de Rham representatives of μ(pt) considered by Witten [Commun. Math. Phys. 117 (1988) 353], the boundary region contributes of what is needed for simple type, again regardless of the topology or geometry of the underlying 4-manifold. The difference between this and the geometric representative answer is not contradictory, as the contribution of a fixed region to the Donaldson invariants is geometric, not topological.  相似文献   

We study degenerations of the Belavin R-matrices via the infinite dimensional operators defined by Shibukawa–Ueno. We define a two-parameter family of generalizations of the Shibukawa–Ueno R-operators. These operators have finite dimensional representations which include Belavin's R-matrices in the elliptic case, a two-parameter family of twisted affinized Cremmer–Gervais R-matrices in the trigonometric case, and a two-parameter family of twisted (affinized) generalized Jordanian R-matrices in the rational case. We find finite dimensional representations which are compatible with the elliptic to trigonometric and rational degeneration. We further show that certain members of the elliptic family of operators have no finite dimensional representations. These R-operators unify and generalize earlier constructions of Felder and Pasquier, Ding and Hodges, and the authors, and illuminate the extent to which the Cremmer–Gervais R-matrices (and their rational forms) are degenerations of Belavin's R-matrix.  相似文献   

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