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Summary The circadian clock in the unicellular algaGonyaulax polyedra is accelerated by a substance in extracts from the cells themselves. The extracts have been fractionated using the circadian rhythm of bioluminescence as bioassay. The active substance, termed gonyauline, has been isolated and characterized as a novel low molecular weight cyclopropanecarboxylic acid (S-methyl-cis-2-(methylthio) cyclopropanecarboxylic acid). Synthetic gonyauline has a similar shortening effect on the period of the circadian clock.  相似文献   

Summary The host-selective phytotoxin victorin, produced by the fungusCochliobolus victoriae, was found to be at least partially peptidic in nature, and did not contain victoxinine. The exact mass of the M-H ion was measured by FABMS as 795.1877. Derivatives of three major acid hydrolysis products were isolated. The structures of the corresponding amino acids were assigned as 2S,3R-3-hydroxyleucine, 5,5-dichloroleucine, and 3-hydroxylysine. A into victorin by the fungus in vivo.  相似文献   

The opisthobranch molluscHypselodoris webbi is able to select, among its potential preys, sponges chemically rich in furanosesquiterpenoids. The sequestered secondary metabolites act as defensive allomones against predators and are accumulated in some dorsal glands (MDFs). This transfer from sponges to MDFs has been proven by maintainingH. webbi together with some selected sponges in an aquarium for a prolonged period.  相似文献   

Summary The metabolism of the trichothecene 4-monoacetoxyscirpenol by intact gut tissue was determined in the fungus-feeding Nitidulid,Carpophilus hemipterus (L.) and the non-fungus-feeding caterpillars, the fall armyworm,Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) and the corn earworm,Heliothis zea (Boddie). The primary metabolite was the hydrolysis product scirpentriol. The amount of metabolism by theC. hemipterus larvae was ca 10 times that of the caterpillars on a per mg protein basis, suggesting metabolic adaptation for feeding on fungi that may contain mycotoxins.Acknowledgment. The authors wish to thank S. Taylor for technical assistance.The mention of firm names or trade products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the U.S. Department of Agriculture over other firms or similar products not mentioned.  相似文献   

By means of gas chromatographic and mass spectroscopic methods, and combined GC-electroantennogram and electrosensillogram techniques, (E)-11-hexadecenal and (10E, 12E)-10,12-hexadecadienal [(E,E)-bombykal is also the main constituent of the pheromone of the silver-striped hawk-mothHippotion celerio. The biological activity of the substances was demonstrated with electroantennogram and single cell recording, and the physiological efficacy of the different hexadecadienal isomers compared.Pheromones, 79; as Pheromones, 78 is taken: Wu, Cai-Hong, and Bestmann, H. J., Chinese Science Bulletin34 (1989) 1475; pheromones, 77: Attygalle, A. B., Steghaus0Kovac, S., Ahmed, V. U., Maschwitz, U., Vostrowsky, Ol, and Bestmann, H. J., Naturwissen-schaften78 (1991) 90.  相似文献   

The components of individual Dufours glands excised fromAnoplolepis custodiens workers were analysed by GC-MS. In addition to then-alkanes andn-alkenes previously reported2 in these glands, primary alcohols (C19-C22), secondary alcohols (C20-C23), 2-ketones (C20-C23) and possibly carboxylate ethyl esters (C19 and C21) were identified as components of these glands. It seems possible that these high-boiling compounds are used by the workers in laying trails on the hot sandy surfaces of their characteristic habitat and in lining of the inner walls of nests, but no standard compounds have been available to us for any behavioral studies.  相似文献   

Summary L-Canavanine, 2-amino-4-(guanidinooxy)butyric acid, and L-arginine incorporation into de novo synthesized proteins was compared in six organisms. Utilizing L-[guanidinooxy14C]canavanine and L-[guanidino14C]arginine at substrate saturation, the canavanine to arginine incorporation ratio was determined in de, novo synthesized proteins.Caryedes brasiliensis andSternechus tuberculatus, canavanine utilizing insects;Canavalia ensiformis, a canavanine storing plant; and to a lesser extentHeliothis virescens, a canavanine resistant insect, failed to accumulate significant canavanyl proteins. By contrast,Manduca sexta, a canavanine-sensitive insect, andGlycine max, a canavanine free plant, readily incorporated canavanine into newly synthesized proteins. This study supports the contention that the incorporation of canavanine into proteins in place of arginine contributes significantly to canavanine's antimetabolic properties.  相似文献   

A part of the gene coding for a halophilic serine protease from a halophilic archaeumHaloferax mediterranei R4 was amplified by PCR and its 672 nucleotide sequence was determined. Tentative translation to the amino acid sequence suggested that the enzyme was quite similar to halolysin produced by another halophilic archaeum strain 172P1. Nucleotide sequences of 16S rRNA encoding genes from 9 halophilic archaea were determined. Alignment of 19 sequences known so far showed that there are more than 20 positions carrying bases or deletions specific for each halobacterial genus:Halobacterium, Haloarcula, Haloferax, andHalococcus.  相似文献   

Summary Dry and presoaked seeds ofNigella damascena were treated with aqueous extracts of the mushroomPaxillus involutus. At the first mitosis after the onset of germination, metaphase chromosomes showed damage independent of the origin of the mushrooms. The damaging substance(s) is (are) thermostable. Except a few achromatic gaps, all the lesions observed are of the chromosome type, i.e. are induced at the pre-synthetic G1 stage.  相似文献   

Defensive secretions (allomones) from first-instar nymphs of stink bugs in the subfamily Pentatominae contain (E)-4-oxo-2-decenal as a major constituent, whereas this compound is absent from later instars. In contrast, first instars ofEdessa meditabunda (Edessinae) produce allomones like those of later instars. The C6 and C8 (E)-4-oxo-2-alkenals are common, characteristic exocrine compounds of nymphal and adult Heteroptera, but (E)-4-oxo-2-decenal is previously unknown as a major natural product for which a biological role has yet to be established.  相似文献   

Summary A complex of protease inhibitor activities has been detected in the hemolymph of the 6th instarAnticarsia gemmatalis larvae that are resistant to infection by the fungusNomuraea rileyi. A site-specific serine protease inhibitor extracted fromA. gemmatalis hemolymph inhibits both the germination ofN. rileyi conidia and subsequent germ tube development.  相似文献   

The proton-dependent synthesis of ATP was demonstrated in representative members of the generaHalobacterium, Haloarcula, andHaloferax. In all cases, synthesis was not inhibited by nitrate or N-ethylmaleimide, inhibitors of the vacuolar-like ATPase found in Archaea, but was affected by azide, an inhibitor of F0F1-ATP syntheses. These observations extend the earlier observations withHalobacterium saccharovorum and suggest that ATP synthesis in these organisms is brought about by an F0F1-APT synthase.  相似文献   

Summary Traps containing a mixture of attractants forIps typographus also caught other species of bark beetles. The numbers ofPityogenes chalcographus, Pityogenes conjunctus, andTrypodendron lineatum were too high to be interpreted as accidental captures. The males of the polygamousP. chalcographus were specifically attracted, indicating that theI. typographus pheromone or one of its components acts as a kairomone and primary attractant for the pioneering males ofP. chalcographus.  相似文献   

The metabolic relationship between the marine molluscHypselodoris orsini and the spongeCacospongia mollior has been reinvestigated. The predator-prey association has been confirmed even though the metabolic patterns of the two invertebrates are substantially different. Most probably the nudibranch converts the main sponge metabolite, the sesterterpenoid scalaradial (1), into a less oxygenated related metabolite, deoxoscalarin (4), followed by a second chemical transformation leading to a new sesterterpenoid, 6-keto-deoxoscalarin (5) which is selectively compartmentalized into some dorsal glands, mantle dermal formations (MDFs), strategically distributed near the gills. 6-keto-deoxoscalarin (5) has been characterized by 1D and 2D NMR methods. Finally, the unusual association of some Chromodorididae molluscs with sponges containing sesterterpenoids suggests a further analysis of their taxonomical collocation is required.  相似文献   

Summary The 3,3,4,4-tetrahydroxy-2,2-bipyridyl-N-oxide has been synthesized by dealkylation of the corresponding tetramethyl derivative. The chemical properties of this compound are identical to those reported for the minor fungal toxin ofCortinarius orellanus, orellinine.This work is part of the Tesi di Laurea of Miss Cinzia Pierucci.  相似文献   

Summary Ova production inNippostrongylus brasiliensis infected rats was significantly greater than in rats singly infected with the helminth whenEimeria separata infections were introduced 4, 6 and 11 days postinoculation withN. brasiliensis. Patent periods were unaltered during concurrent infections. These results suggest that the presence ofE. separata affects helminth fecundity but does not increaseN. brasiliensis longevity as has been shown withE. nieschulzi.This study was supported by NIH MB RS Grant RRO8012-8.  相似文献   

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