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Cytochrome c oxidase in detergent dispersion has been cross-linked with two reversible cross-linking agents, dithiobissuccinimidylpropionate (DSP) and dimethyl-3,3'-dithiobispropionimidate (DTBP), and the cross-linked products formed have been analyzed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Under mild reaction conditions, several subunit pairs were seen including II and V, V and VII, IV and VI. With higher levels of DSP, larger aggregates were seen until a cross-linked product with an apparent molecular weight of 140 000 was the predominant band on gels. This is the smallest molecular weight aggregate to contain all seven subunits of the enzyme and most likely represents the "unit" or two heme and two copper containing complex of cytochrome c oxidase.  相似文献   

An ensemble of structural models of the adduct between cytochrome c and cytochrome c oxidase from Paracoccus denitrificans has been calculated based on the experimental data from site-directed mutagenesis and NMR experiments that have accumulated over the last years of research on this system. The residues from each protein that are at the protein–protein interface have been identified by the above experimental work, and this information has been converted in a series of restraints explicitly used in calculations. It is found that a single static structural model cannot satisfy all experimental data simultaneously. Therefore, it is proposed that the adduct exists as a dynamic ensemble of different orientations in equilibrium, and may be represented by a combination or average of the various limiting conformations calculated here. The equilibrium involves both conformations that are competent for electron transfer and conformations that are not. Long-range recognition of the partners is driven by non-specific electrostatic interactions, while at shorter distances hydrophobic contacts tune the reciprocal orientation. Electron transfer from cytochrome bc 1 to cytochrome c oxidase is mediated through cytochrome c experiencing multiple encounters with both of its partners, only part of which are productive. The number of encounters, and thus the electron transfer rate, may be increased by the formation of a cytochrome bc 1–cytochrome c oxidase supercomplex and/or (in human) by increasing the concentration of the two enzymes in the membrane space. Protein Data Bank Accession numbers The coordinates of the five best structural models for each of the four clusters have been deposited in the Protein Data Bank (PDB ID 1ZYY).  相似文献   

As the primary and preferred energy source of normal colonic epithelial cells, fatty acids may play a unique role in the differentiation and physiology of these cells. We have shown that expression levels of COXIII, a mitochondrial gene encoding one of the 13 subunits of cytochrome c oxidase, are abnormally low in colon tumors and colonic tissue at genetic risk for developing tumors but increase following in vitro treatment of HT29 human colonic adenocarcinoma cells with the fatty acid butyrate. The present studies investigate the specificity of fatty acids in effecting cytochrome c oxidase subunit expression and enzymatic activity in HT29 cells. The data demonstrate that, depending upon their chain length, metabolizable unbranched fatty acids increase expression of two subunits encoded by mitochondrial genes (I and III) and enhance cytochrome c oxidase activity. However, none of the fatty acids had an effect on expression of two subunits encoded by nuclear genes (IV and Va). These findings suggest that the low levels of COXIII expression exhibited in colonic tumors may represent a limiting factor in the assembly of functional cytochrome c oxidase and contribute to the depressed enzyme activity reported in these tumors. By elevating expression of subunits I and III and enzymatic activity, fatty acids may enhance the potential for cellular respiration. The more differentiated phenotype which is reported in colorectal carcinoma cell lines treated with fatty acids in vitro may be, therefore, associated with correction of metabolic abnormalities in transformed cells.  相似文献   

Subunits located near the cardiolipin binding sites of bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) were identified by photolabeling with arylazido-cardiolipin analogues and detecting labeled subunits by reversed-phase HPLC and HPLC-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Two arylazido-containing cardiolipin analogues were synthesized: (1) 2-SAND-gly-CL with a nitrophenylazido group attached to the polar headgroup of cardiolipin (CL) via a linker containing a cleavable disulfide; (2) 2',2'-bis-(AzC12)-CL with two of the four fatty acid tails of cardiolipin replaced by 12-(N-4-azido-2-nitrophenyl) aminododecanoic acid. Both arylazido-CL derivatives were used to map the cardiolipin binding sites within two types of detergent-solubilized CcO: (1) intact 13-subunit CL-containing CcO (three to four molecules of endogenous CL remain bound per CcO monomer); (2) 11-subunit CL-free CcO (subunits VIa and VIb are missing because they dissociate during CL removal). Upon the basis of these photolabeling studies, we conclude that (1) subunits VIIa, VIIc, and possibly VIII are located near the two high-affinity cardiolipin binding sites, which are present in either form of CcO, and (2) subunit VIa is located adjacent to the lower affinity cardiolipin binding site, which is only present in the 13-subunit form of CcO. These data are consistent with the recent CcO crystal structure in which one cardiolipin is located near subunit VIIa and a second is located near subunit VIa (PDB ID code referenced in Tomitake, T. et al. (2003) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 100, 15304-15309). However, we propose that a third cardiolipin is bound between subunits VIIa and VIIc near the entrance to the D-channel. Cardiolipin bound at this location could potentially function as a proton antenna to facilitate proton entry into the D-channel. If true, it would explain the CcO requirement of bound cardiolipin for full electron transport activity.  相似文献   

Cytochrome c oxidase was isolated from pig, bovine, rat and human tissues including liver, heart, diaphragm and kidney. The native and the sodium-dodecyl-sulfate (SDS)-dissociated enzymes were labelled under optimal conditions with N-ethyl-[2,3-14C]maleimide before and after reduction with dithiothreitol, separated into 13 subunits by SDS gel electrophoresis and the radioactive bands were visualized by fluorography. In some cases the radioactive bands were cut out and counted. All isozymes were labelled in subunits I, III, Va and VIIb, and in subunit II after reduction. Labelling of subunit Vb was equivocal, and in no case were subunits IV and VIc labelled. All other subunits were labelled tissue-specifically and/or species-specifically. No differences were found between labelling of the native and SDS-dissociated enzyme. By relating the molar amount of bound N-ethylmaleimide to the known amount of cysteines in subunits of bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase, the percentage of -SH group reactivity was calculated. Only the cysteine of subunit Va was found to be 100% reactive. The distinct and different reactivity of subunit VIIb as compared to subunits VIIa and VIIc clearly establishes this polypeptide as an independent subunit of mammalian cytochrome c oxidase.  相似文献   

Cytochrome c oxidase is a multisubunit membrane-bound enzyme, which catalyzes oxidation of four molecules of cytochrome c2+ and reduction of molecular oxygen to water. The electrons are taken from one side of the membrane while the protons are taken from the other side. This topographical arrangement results in a charge separation that is equivalent to moving one positive charge across the membrane for each electron transferred to O2. In this reaction part of the free energy available from O2 reduction is conserved in the form of an electrochemical proton gradient. In addition, part of the free energy is used to pump on average one proton across the membrane per electron transferred to O2. Our understanding of the molecular design of the machinery that couples O2 reduction to proton pumping in oxidases has greatly benefited from studies of so called “uncoupled” structural variants of the oxidases. In these uncoupled oxidases the catalytic O2-reduction reaction may display the same rates as in the wild-type CytcO, yet the electron/proton transfer to O2 is not linked to proton pumping. One striking feature of all uncoupled variants studied to date is that the (apparent) pKa of a Glu residue, located deeply within a proton pathway, is either increased or decreased (from 9.4 in the wild-type oxidase). The altered pKa presumably reflects changes in the local structural environment of the residue and because the Glu residue is found near the catalytic site as well as near a putative exit pathway for pumped protons these changes are presumably important for controlling the rates and trajectories of the proton transfer. In this paper we summarize data obtained from studies of uncoupled structural oxidase variants and present a hypothesis that in quantitative terms offers a link between structural changes, modulation of the apparent pKa and uncoupling of proton pumping from O2 reduction.  相似文献   

The cytochrome c oxidase enzyme complex of eukaryotes is made up of three mitochondrial-coded subunits and a variable number of nuclear-coded subunits. Some nuclear-coded subunits are present in multiple forms and probably perform a tissue- or development-specific function. A detailed evolutionary analysis of the cytochrome c oxidase subunits that have been sequenced to date is reported here. We have found that gene duplication events from which the liver and heart isoforms of rat subunits VIa and subunit VIII originated can both be dated at about 240 +/- 90 million years ago, long before the radiation of mammalian lineages. Sequence divergence between the processed-type pseudogenes for the subunits IV, VIc and VIII have been estimated. Our results indicate that they arose fairly recently, thus suggesting that retroposition is a continuing process. We show that the rate of silent substitution in mitochondrial-coded subunits is 5-10 times higher than in nuclear-coded subunits; on the other hand replacement rates, although differing from gene to gene, are roughly of the same order of magnitude in both nuclear and mitochondrial genes. In the case of most of the nuclear-coded proteins we observed a slightly greater similarity between rats and cow, which agrees with the data obtained for mitochondrial-coded subunits.  相似文献   

The hydrophobic domain of the membrane-bound enzyme yeast cytochrome c oxidase was labelled with photoactivable phosphatidylcholines.Subunits I, II and III were labelled; a minor labelling was also found on subunits V and VII.The labelling of subunit V was located in a small terminal polypeptide sequence.  相似文献   

A new mechanism on regulation of mitochondrial energy metabolism is proposed on the basis of reversible control of respiration by the intramitochondrial ATP/ADP ratio and slip of proton pumping (decreased H+/e- stoichiometry) in cytochrome c oxidase (COX) at high proton motive force delta p. cAMP-dependent phosphorylation of COX switches on and Ca2+-dependent dephosphorylation switches off the allosteric ATP-inhibition of COX (nucleotides bind to subunit IV). Control of respiration via phosphorylated COX by the ATP/ADP ratio keeps delta p (mainly delta psi(m)) low. Hormone induced Ca2+-dependent dephosphorylation results in loss of ATP-inhibition, increase of respiration and delta p with consequent slip in proton pumping. Slip in COX increases the free energy of reaction, resulting in increased rates of respiration, thermogenesis and ATP-synthesis. Increased delta psi(m) stimulates production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), mutations of mitochondrial DNA and accelerates aging. Slip of proton pumping without dephosphorylation and increase of delta p is found permanently in the liver-type isozyme of COX (subunit VIaL) and at high intramitochondrial ATP/ADP ratios in the heart-type isozyme (subunit VIaH). High substrate pressure (sigmoidal v/s kinetics), palmitate and 3,5-diiodothyronine (binding to subunit Va) increase also delta p, ROS production and slip but without dephosphorylation of COX.  相似文献   

The orientation of rat liver cytochrome c oxidase subunits in the inner mitochondrial membrane was investigated with monospecific antisera against subunit II and nine nuclear-coded subunits. Mitoplasts were incubated with the antisera and the amount of bound antibodies was determined either directly with fluorescein-conjugated protein A or indirectly by back-titration of unbound antibodies with a nitrocellulose immunoassay. All subunits were found oriented to the cytosolic side, except subunits VIb and VIIc which did not react with their corresponding antisera. Antisera against subunits I, III and Vb were not available.  相似文献   

Alkaline-induced conformational changes at pH 12.0 in the oxidized as well as the reduced state of cytochrome c oxidase have been systematically studied with time-resolved optical absorption and resonance Raman spectroscopies. In the reduced state, the heme a(3) first converts from the native five-coordinate configuration to a six-coordinate bis-histidine intermediate as a result of the coordination of one of the Cu(B) ligands, H290 or H291, to the heme iron. The coordination state change in the heme a(3) causes the alteration in the microenvironment of the formyl group of the heme a(3) and the disruption of the H-bond between R38 and the formyl group of the heme a. This structural transition, which occurs within 1min following the initiation of the pH jump, is followed by a slower reaction, in which Schiff base linkages are formed between the formyl groups of the two hemes and their nearby amino acid residues, presumably R38 and R302 for the heme a and a(3), respectively. In the oxidized enzyme, a similar Schiff base modification on heme a and a(3) was observed but it is triggered by the coordination of the H290 or H291 to heme a(3) followed by the breakage of the native proximal H378-iron and H376-iron bonds in heme a and a(3), respectively. In both oxidation states, the synchronous formation of the Schiff base linkages in heme a and a(3) relies on the structural communication between the two hemes via the H-bonding network involving R438 and R439 and the propionate groups of the two hemes as well as the helix X housing the two proximal ligands, H378 and H376, of the hemes. The heme-heme communication mechanism revealed in this work may be important in controlling the coupling of the oxygen and redox chemistry in the heme sites to proton pumping during the enzymatic turnover of CcO.  相似文献   

A DNA polymorphism of the nuclear-encoded subunit Va of the human cytochrome c oxidase (COX), a mitochondrial respiratory enzyme, is reported. No polymorphism was detected in genes for the subunits IV and Vb of the same enzyme.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The pyridoxal phosphate (PLP) modification of the lysine amino groups in cytochrome c causes decrease in the reaction rate with cytochrome c oxidase.
  • 2.2. The rate constants for (PLP);-cyt. c, PLP(Lys 86)-cyt. c, PLP(Lys 79)-cyt. c and native cytochrome c (at pH 7.4, 1=0.02) are 3.6 × 10−3'sec-', 5.5 × 10−3, 5.2 × 10−3-'sec−1 and 9.8 × 10−3sec−1, respectively.
  • 3.3. In spite of the same positive charge of singly PLP-cytochromes c the reaction between PLP(Lys 86)-cyt. c and cyt. c oxidase exhibits the ionic strength dependence that differs from those of the PLP(Lys 79)-cyt. c.
  • 4.4. The rate constants at zero and infinite ionic strength for PLP(Lys 86)-cyt. c is 2-fold less than that for PLP(Lys 79)-cyt. c.
  • 5.5. The positively charged cytochrome c lysines 86 and 79 form two from four or five predicted complementary charge interactions with carboxyl groups on cytochrome c oxidase.

Pulsed cytochrome c oxidase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The identification of two functionally distinct states, called pulsed and resting, has led to a number of investigations on the conformational variants of the enzyme. However, the catalytic properties of cytochrome oxidase may depend on a number of experimental conditions related to the solvent as well as to the protocol followed to determine the turnover number of the enzyme. This paper reports results which illustrate that the steady-state differences between pulsed and resting oxidase may, or may not, be detected depending on experimental conditions.  相似文献   

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