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A case is presented in which an acrophobic mentally retarded young adult was successfully treated by systematically sequencing and combining the behavior therapy techniques of imaginal systematic desensitization with visual supports, in vivo desensitization, and behavior shaping.  相似文献   

The role of prior perceptual experience in retention of haptic information was studied, comparing blind and sighted individuals in a matching task that systematically varied task memory demand. The results indicated that whereas greater memory demand reduced retention for both groups of Ss, the blind showed better retention under such memory demand than did the sighted. The outcome was interpreted in light of the effects of prior experience in gathering information by hand, on the way the stimulus is explored, and the way it is coded.  相似文献   

Mice 14 or 60 days of age were injected intraperitoneally with [3H]leucine and were decapitated 10, 20, 40, and 80 days later. A crude fraction of brain myelin was isolated on a discontinuous sucrose gradient. Myelin was separated from the associated myelin-like material by osmotic shock and the two fractions were purified by differential centrifugation and isolated on a continuous CsCl gradient. Proteins of each subcellular fraction were separated by discontinuous gel electrophoresis in buffers containing sodium dodecyl sulfate and the specific activity of individual proteins determined. Myelin contained (in order of increasing molecular weight) two basic proteins, a protein doublet, proteolipid protein and a group of high molecular weight proteins. When animals were labeled at 14 days of age the radioactivity incorporated into the basic and proteolipid proteins of myelin was very stable metabolically (half-life much greater than 100 days), while the high molecular weight myelin proteins turned over with a half-life of about 70 days. The proteins of myelin labeled at 60 days of age turned over more rapidly, the half-life of basic and proteolipid proteins being about 95 days and that of the high molecular weight proteins about 40 days.The myelin-like material consisted primarily of high molecular weight proteins, although small amounts of basic and proteolipid protein also appeared to be intrinsic components. All the proteins of myelin-like materials turned over with a half-life of about 20 days, regardless of whether label was incorporated at 14 or 60 days of age. Thus, whereas the myelin basic and proteolipid proteins of both young and mature animals turn over very slowly as compared to the high molecular weight protein, all proteins in the myelin-like material turn over at the same, much faster rate in both young and mature animals.  相似文献   

The axonal transport of labeled macromolecules in retinal ganglion cells of rats was investigated from 1 to 20 days following intraocular injection of [3H]fucose and [35S]sulfate. Maximal incorporation of [3H]fucose into acid insoluble material in the retina was at 8 h, followed by a biphasic decline. Transported [3H]fucose (98% as glycoprotein) was in the optic nerve at 1 h, the optic tract and lateral geniculate body by 2 h, and the superior colliculus by 3 h after injection, indicating a rate of transport of approximately 200 mm/day. Radioactivity continued to accumulate in the superior colliculus for at least 8 h and began to decline rapidly by 24 h. Between 3 and 6 days levels rose again in both optic tract and superior colliculus before starting a gradual decline, indicating that a wave of rapidly transported material was delayed in leaving the retina. When proteins in the superior colliculus were fractionated by gel electrophoresis, the composition of the two fucosylated protein transport phases could be partially resolved. Radioactivity in individual gel peaks represented primarily in the first phase decayed with an average half-life of one day, althouth that in one prominent protein of molecular weight 280,000 turned over with a half-life of the order of 12 h. Radioactive peaks primarily in the second phase decayed with an average half-life of more than a week. Incorporation of [35S]sulfate into acid insoluble material in the retina was maximal at 1-2 h, after which there was a rapid loss of label. The appearance of [35S]sulfate in the optic tract, lateral geniculate body and superior colliculus preceded by a short time that of the [3H]fucose; indicating a shorter retinal processing time for this label. The total transported [35S]sulfate in the superior colliculus peaked by 4-8 h and had fallen by 65% at one day; no prominent second wave of transport was observed as was the case for [3H]fucose. Acid insoluble [35S]sulfate in the superior colliculus was equally divided between glycopeptides and glycosaminoglycans at all times examined, indicating that these macromolecules are transported at the same rate. [35S]Sulfate incorporated into various proteins fractionated by gel electrophoresis had heterogeneous turnover rates, the average being around 12 h. Radioactivity in one group of proteins, of molecular weight around 90,000, decayed with a half-life of only a few hours.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to examine the role of substrate availability in the regulation of the release and synthesis of serotonin by brain slices. Electrical field depolarization of the brain slices stimulated the synthesis and release of serotonin in the absence of changes in intracellular tryptophan concentration, in the absence of tryptophan in the incubation bath, and in the absence of changes in total tryptophan uptake. Furthermore, electrical stimulation decreased the apparent Km for tryptophan required for synthesis of serotonin by the slices. Several conclusions were drawn. (1) Rates of serotonin release and synthesis in brain slices may increase independently of the tissue tryptophan concentration or tryptophan uptake. (2) There is little difference in the synthetic rate of serotonin in tissues exposed to pargyline or not at all. (3) Blockade of monoamine oxidase by pargyline appears to give estimates of the synthetic rates of serotonin which are comparable to estimates derived from [3H]-tryptophan incorporation. (4) Newly synthesized serotinin is preferentially released. (5) Only in tissue pretreated with pargyline do increasing concentrations of tryptophan increase the releasable pool of 5-HT. (6) Electrical depolarization may allosterically activate tryptophan hydroxylase; an effect which may be mimicked by homogenization of the tissue.  相似文献   

The effect of various ionic manipulations and cationic ionophores on the rates of release and synthesis of serotonin were investigated in brain slices prepared from adult male rats. Two depolarizing, univalent cationic ionophores, gramacidin (10 μg/ml) and valinomycin (10 μ/ml), and the non-depolarizing, calcium-specific ionophore, A23187 (190 μM), stimulated both the release and synthesis of serotonin in this tissue preparation. Electrical field depolarization of the brain slices also stimulated both the release and synthesis of serotonin, effects which were completely blocked by a calcium-free media and 1 mM EGTA or by 10 mM Mg2+. Lithium partially blocked the release of serotonin by the stimulated brain slices, but markedly augmented the rates of serotonin biosynthesis. Although electrical stimulation significantly increased the rate of [3H]tryptophan uptake by the slices, the increased rates of release and synthesis of serotonin following treatment of the tissues with the ionophores and lithium were not associated with increased rates of tryptophan uptake. Furthermore, despite the inhibition of the release and synthesis of serotonin by stimulated slices incubated in the presence of magnesium or in the absence of calcium, rates of tryptophan uptake by the stimulated brain slice remained increased. These results taken together with the results of other studies suggest that release and synthesis of serotonin by the serotonergic neuron is tightly coupled to the ionic events attending depolarization and further argue than transcellular calcium fluxes may be of special importance in this regulation. These results do not support the postulate that regulation of serotonin release and synthesis is dependent upon substrate availability as a major variable.  相似文献   

Newborn Long-Evans rats were undernourished by maternal deprivation so that by 20 days of age their body and brain weights were about 45 and 80%, respectively, of the values obtained for control (well-nourished) values. Proteins from myelin of undernourished and control rats were separated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in buffers containing sodium dodecyl sulfate. At 15 and 20 days of age the proportion of basic and proteolipid protein was reduced in the starved animals relative to controls, indicative of a delay in maturation. However, by 30 days of age the composition of myelin from starved and control animals appeared similar. At all ages the yield of myelin from brains of starved rats was less than 25% of that obtained from control animals. A series of isotope labeling experiments, using a double label design, was carried out to compare relative rates of incorporation of radioactive amino acids into individual proteins of various brain subcellular fractions. In 20-day-old rats the incorporation of [3H] OR [14C] leucine or glycine into myelin proteins, relative to incorporation into proteins of other subcellular fractions, is preferentially depressed (about 60%) in starved animals. Synthesis of all the myelin proteins was depressed, supporting the hypothesis that the high molecular weight proteins isolated with myelin are true myelin constituents. Similar experiments were conducted using [3H]-and [14C] acetate, choline, or glycerol as precursors of lipids. Incorporation of isotope into lipids of myelin, relative to lipids of other subcellular fractions, was also depressed by about 60% in starved animals. In several experiments we studied synthesis during rehabilitation (ad libitum feeding) following 20 days of postnatal starvation. After 6 days of rehabilitation, incorporation of radioactive precursors into myelin, relative to other subcellular fractions, was still depressed. This result was true for both proteins and lipids, and was interpreted as evicence against the initiation of a process leading to a net recovery of myelin (i.e., an irreversible deficit of myelin synthesis is induced by this regime of nutritional deprivation).  相似文献   

Recent research on overcorrection has examined several treatment parameters including topographical similarity to misbehavior and immediacy and duration of application. However, no studies have appeared evaluating the schedule of application. The present study provides an initial investigation of continuous and intermittent schedule effects of overcorrection with a self-injurious autistic child. Using an alternating treatments design, one of three conditions was programmed daily: baseline (no treatment), overcorrection contingent on every self-injurious response, and overcorrection contingent on every third self-injurious response. Results indicated intermittent overcorrection reduced self-injury from baseline levels but the continuous schedule of overcorrection produced greater response reduction. When the continuous schedule was programmed exclusively, self-injury stabilized at near-zero levels with effects maintained two and six months later. Factors influencing the use of continuous and intermittent overcorrection are discussed.  相似文献   

The incidence and variety of social dysfunction in one hemophilia clinic patient population were identified through questionnaires completed by professionals; comparison with other hemophilia populations, as cited in the literature, revealed only slight differences. All population studies show a high incidence of social dysfunction, with little change through the years. Several apparent reasons for these findings in our patient populations are: (a) the full effects of home treatment have not yet been felt or tabulated because questionnaires were completed during transition years when the rate of home treatment went from 13% to 48%, (b) the complications of treatment are high, and (c) supportive educational and psychiatric services are scarce. A reassessment of social functioning of our patient population would be appropriate in six months to a year from now, to assess the impact of increased home treatment. Inhibitor patients in our clinic worked as frequently as other hemophiliacs and showed a slightly lower incidence of disability pay. Figures on social problems of inhibitor patients have not been found elsewhere in the literature.  相似文献   

In the present study, a 12-yr-old rubella child exhibiting high rates of aggression was treated through a combination of differential reinforcement and time-out procedures in a residential school program. Following a baseline phase in which differential reinforcement for non-aggression was in effect, the reinforcement method was combined sequentially with three types of response-contingent time-out which varied in the degree of social isolation provided. While acts of aggression decreased from an average of 7 occurrences per day during baseline to 3 per day under the first two treatment conditions, the behavior was rapidly eliminated following application of isolation time-out with effects maintained 7 months post-treatment.  相似文献   

Mild self-injurious behavior in the form of finger picking and nail biting was initially viewed as a “nervous habit” requiring medical treatment, but observation indicated that this approach was unproductive. Relatively little investment of staff time and minor environmental alterations resulted in dramatic increases in reinforced independent toy play and concomitant decreases in target behaviors. However, the strategy resulted in no measurable effect on other topographies of stereotypy.  相似文献   

Most electrically induced seizures involve forebrain structures, such as the amygdala or frontal cortex, but the following studies characterized a specific anatomic site in the inferior colliculus which generated seizure-like behavior after a single, low current electrical stimulation. When a bipolar electrode was implanted into the dorsomedial aspect of the inferior colliculus, low stimulation currents (120 to 200 microA, 30 Hz) produced wild running behavior which outlasted the stimulation by 4 to 10 s. This wild running behavior was directly correlated with local afterdischarge in the inferior colliculus, while no changes were found in the EEG activity in the cortex or hippocampus. Though the threshold current necessary to invoke the wild running seizures remained stable for long periods of time, the presentation of two stimulations a day for 2 weeks caused a progressive increase in the duration of poststimulus wild running. In the last days of the chronic stimulations, some forelimb tonus or myoclonic jerks followed the wild running seizures. These latter behaviors were correlated with local afterdischarges at the electrode tips in the inferior colliculus and spiking EEG activity in the frontal cortex. Pharmacologically, haloperidol, phenobarbital, carbamazepine, and ethosuximide proved ineffective in attenuating the seizures, whereas phenytoin, sodium valproate, and chlordiazepoxide attenuated the seizures. These findings are discussed in relation to the genesis of epilepsy in humans.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effects of a behavioral treatment package and anti-convulsant medication for reducing self-stimulation and seizure activity, and for improving attention in a 7-yr-old white male. During baseline (A), no direct contingencies for the target behaviors were applied. In the B phase, hand overcorrection for self-stimulation and differential reinforcement of attentional responses and behaviors incompatible with self-stimulation were arranged. Carbamazepine (tegretol) was added to the behavioral program in the BC phase. Medication was later withdrawn while behavioral strategies remained in effect. The results showed rapid and significant improvements in all target symptoms during all phases of behavioral treatment, while introduction and withdrawal of medication did not result in any significant changes. Effects were maintained at 8 months' follow-up.  相似文献   

A 20-year-old male reported a history of fire-setting behavior associated with masturbation as his sole means of obtaining sexual gratification. Physiological and subjective measures indicated sexual arousal to photographic slides of fire and lesser arousal to slides of nude females. Treatment included a new version of orgasmic reconditioning to increase heterosexual arousal and covert sensitization to decrease deviant arousal. At the end of treatment, sexual arousal was greater for heterosexual than for fire stimuli. Masturbatory fantasies were reported to be exclusively heterosexual and no further fire-setting incidents were reported. These changes were maintained at both 4 and 9 month follow-ups.  相似文献   

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