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目的应用MCS+全血细胞分离机LDP和UPP程序采集单采血小板,比较两者在采集血小板时的效率、时间、舒适度等。方法于2017年7月3日—7月23日来本中心的单采献血者111名,先用LDP程序采集。15—20 d后,该111名献血者再次用UPP程序采集,2次单、双份保持一致,对比2组的血小板采后计数、采集时间、采集率等,用SPSS统计软件进行分析。结果两种程序采集血小板采前、采后血小板计数、全血处理血量、血小板采集量比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。UPP无论单份还是双份血小板采血时间均少于LDP,每小时采集量均多于LDP,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。产品红细胞混入量、白细胞混入量、血小板含量均100%符合国家标准。2种程序采集过程中献血者没有出现献血反应,UPP舒适度优于LDP。结论使用UPP程序采集血小板,产品质量100%符合相关国家标准,且单双份采集时间都减少,每小时采集量增加,舒适度增加,值得在临床中推广使用。  相似文献   

目的 探讨MCS+通用血小板采集程序(UPP)及少白血小板采集程序(LDP)单采血小板的效果。方法 2020年11月至2021年5月,该中心机采成分科招募120例男性固定无偿献血者为研究对象,随机分成UPP组和LDP组,每组各60例,LDP组采用LDP采集2个治疗量血小板,UPP组采用UPP采集2个治疗量血小板。比较两组采集参数,包括抗凝剂使用量、循环血量、采血前后血小板计数(PLT)、采血前血细胞比容(Hct);比较两组采集效果,包括血小板采集效率(CE)、血小板采集速率(CR)、每小时血小板采集量及采集时间;采血后对采集的血小板质量进行检测;比较两组采集血小板的冲红率、低压报警率、献血不良反应发生率。结果 UPP组抗凝剂使用量和循环血量高于LDP组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。LDP组采集时间长于UPP组,CE、CR、每小时血小板采集量低于UPP组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。120例献血者成功采集的每袋血小板均符合《全血及成分血质量要求:GB18469-2012》相关标准。LDP组冲红率、低压报警率和献血不良反应发生率均高于UPP组,差异有统计学意义(P&...  相似文献   

2例单采血小板失败原因分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
单采血小板因其治疗效果明显优于手工制备的血小板,已被广泛应用于临床。本站使用CS3000 plus血细胞分离机采集血小板300多人次,其中2例采集失败,现报告如下。  相似文献   

MCS+系统单采血小板的采集观察及产品分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
MCS 是Haemonetics公司在MCS-3P基础上改进的新一代多功能血细胞采集系统,软件升级为C5版本,程序中设置了“血细胞计算”(haemocaculator)功能,并增加了特殊安全装置,可以在采集过程中自动控制血小板的容量和数量,减少白细胞污染,在脂质血浆和血小板峰值太小时控制红细胞溢出。笔者使用995E耗材和少白细胞的血小  相似文献   

血细胞分离机单采血小板的实验和临床输注效果评估   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
近年来国内外对单个供血者血小板(single-donorplalelet,SDP)的需求量逐年增加。SDP不仅减少了血液传播疾病的危险和降低了同种免疫反应的机会,而且具有均一的免疫学特性,因此,特别适合移植病人的输注,能降低这类患者免疫系统的预致敏作...  相似文献   

血细胞分离机采集血小板的初步探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来由于血液成分分离技术的进步.用细胞分离机采集血小板,为临床提供了浓度高.体积小,纯度高的血小板制品,有效地满足了临床需要.现将我站使用MSC-3P血细胞分离机对收集血小板量及影响因素进行初步探讨。  相似文献   

单采血小板用于治疗血小板减少的患者有一定的疗效.我们对78例血液病患者在治疗中输注单采血小板的应用效果进行了观察分析,现报道如下.  相似文献   

正临床上有部分患者因自身造血功能障碍或在短时间内大量失血而需要输注血小板。目前血小板的保存主要是血浆悬浮,有的患者因血浆蛋白成分而发生输血过敏反应。洗涤血小板解决了这部分患者因血浆蛋白成分而发生输血过敏反应这一问题[1],同时也为需长期输注血小板的患者减少输注无效的发生提供一种方法。但因洗涤血小板的制备以前多数血站采用CS-3000型血细胞分离机对献血者进行血小板的采集,要双臂穿刺,不方便献血者活动,并且机器噪音  相似文献   

目的 了解血小板经血细胞分离机单采后膜糖蛋白的变化。方法 利用流式细胞仪及CD41a、CD41b、CD42a、CD61、CD62 p、PAC 1单克隆抗体对 2 1份机采血小板前后的膜糖蛋白表达率和平均荧光强度 (meanfluores cenceintension ,MFI)进行检测。结果 血小板经血细胞分离机单采后 ,CD41a、CD41b、CD42a的阳性表达率和MFI、CD61的阳性表达率和CD62 p、PAC 1的MFI与采集前比较无明显变化 (均为P >0 .0 5 ) ;CD6 2 p、PAC 1的阳性表达率增高 (均为P <0 .0 5 ) ,CD61的MFI降低 (P <0 .0 1)。结论 血小板经血细胞分离机单采后仍保存了膜糖蛋白的完整性 ,虽有一定比率的血小板活化 ,但MFI无明显改变  相似文献   

The prevention of transfusion reactions and transmission of infectious diseases partly relies on the systematic removal of leukocytes from blood products. Apheresis platelets and plasma collected on the Haemonetics MCS+ collection system require filtration to obtain low levels of residual leukocytes. This filtration step is automated for platelet concentrates, whereas plasma filtration requires sterile docking of a leukoreduction filter. Our experience shows residual leukocyte levels of approximately 10(5) for platelets (the French requirements are 10(6) per unit) and 10(2) for apheresis plasma (no existing standard in France). Leukocyte residuals in platelets are highly dependent on the filtration rate, which should be as slow as possible. Whereas the current method of filtration is convenient for platelets, the connection of an in-line filter for plasma causes some organizational problems and is also associated with a loss of plasma. Haemonetics' latest development, the use of a filtering core bowl, should avoid the requirement for the connection of an additional filter for plasma filtration and will ensure continuous filtration of platelets, reducing, even further, the residual leukocyte count in platelet concentrates.  相似文献   

单采新鲜血小板与冰冻血小板的输注效果分析.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]探讨单采新鲜血小板与冰冻血小板的临床输注效果。[方法]76例血小板减少或血小板功能障碍患者输注单采血小板,随机分为两组,48例输注单采新鲜血小板,28例输注冰冻血小板,观察输注前后24h外周血血小板计数及出血止血情况。[结果]输注新鲜血小板组与输注冰冻血小板组在止血效果方面无明显差异,但在提高外周血血小板计数方面,新鲜血小板组明显优于冰冻血小板组。[结论]提倡新鲜血小板输注,冰冻血小板可以用于急救由于血小板减少导致的出血性疾病。  相似文献   



There has been an increased interest in platelet-derived microparticles (PMPs) in transfusion medicine. Little is known about PMP status during the preparation of platelet concentrates for transfusion.


The aim of this study is to compare the PMP levels in platelet components prepared using the buffy coat (BC), platelet-rich plasma platelet concentrate (PRP-PC), and apheresis (AP) processes.


Platelet components were prepared using the PRP-PC and BC processes. Apheresis platelets were prepared using the Trima Accel and Amicus instruments. The samples were incubated with annexin A5-FITC, CD41-PE, and CD62P-APC. At day 1 after processing, the PMPs and activated platelets were determined using flow cytometry.


Both the percentage and number of PMPs were higher in platelet components prepared using the Amicus instrument (2.6 ± 1.8, 32802 ± 19036 particles/μL) than in platelet components prepared using the Trima Accel instrument (0.5 ± 0.4, 7568 ± 5298 particles/μL), BC (1.2 ± 0.6, 12,920 ± 6426 particles/μL), and PRP-PC (0.9 ± 0.6, 10731 ± 5514 particles/μL). Both the percentage and number of activated platelets were higher in platelet components prepared using the Amicus instrument (33.2 ± 13.9, 427553 ± 196965 cells/μL) than in platelet components prepared using the Trima Accel instrument (16.2 ± 6.1, 211209 ± 87706 cells/μL), BC (12.9 ± 3.2, 140624 ± 41003 cells/μL), and PRP-PC (21.1 ± 6.3, 265210 ± 86257 cells/μL).


The study suggests high variability of PMPs and activated platelets in platelet components prepared using different processes. This result may be important in validating the instruments involved in platelet blood collection and processing.  相似文献   

Multiple electrode (impedance) aggregometry (MEA) allows reliable monitoring of platelet function in whole blood. The aims of the present study were to implement MEA for analyzing aggregation in platelet concentrates and to correlate results with storage time and blood gas analysis (BGA). We investigated the influence of platelet counts, calcium concentrations and agonists on platelet aggregation. Samples of apheresis concentrates up to an age of 12 days were investigated by MEA and BGA. For ASPI- and TRAPtest MEA was reproducible for a platelet count of 400 per 10?9?L and a calcium concentration of 5?mmol L?1. Platelets at the age of 2–4 days yielded steady aggregation. Platelet concentrates exceeding the storage time for transfusion showed steady aggregation up to 10 days, but a significant decline on day 12. Weak correlation was found regarding pCO2 and MEA as well as regarding glucose concentration and MEA. Our results indicate that MEA is applicable for evaluation of aggregation in stored apheresis concentrates. Prolonged storage seems not to be prejudicial regarding platelet aggregation. Platelet concentrates showed acceptable BGA throughout storage time. Further studies are required to evaluate the application of MEA for quality controls in platelet concentrates.  相似文献   

不同血液分析仪测定机采血小板计数结果的比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
傅立强  桑列勇  童海明 《检验医学》2010,25(10):794-796
目的观察不同血液分析仪测定机采献血者采前与成品标本中血小板(PLT)数量的准确性。方法先对绍兴市中心血站2台仪器(三分类分析仪及五分类分析仪)计数PLT的批内、批间精密度进行测定,再对68例采前静脉血标本和52例机采后样管标本分别用绍兴市中心血站2台仪器与手工镜检法进行PLT计数,并取其中的各20例标本用其他品牌仪器进行比对,对数据进行统计分析。结果绍兴市中心血站2台仪器计数PLT均有较好的批内、批间精密度;在采前静脉血标本检测上,不同仪器间,仪器与手工镜检间比较,差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05);在采后样管检测上,三分类分析仪与五分类分析仪、手工镜检间比较,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。结论采后成品PLT数量检测应该用五分类血液分析仪进行计数,如用三分类血液分析仪计数,则需特别注意测定值低于实际值的现象,可通过每月一次与五分类仪器或手工法比对的方法 ,调整检测系数或增大稀释倍数加以克服。  相似文献   

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