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介绍了HIMA H51q-HRS紧急停车系统的工作原理。针对H51q-HRS紧急停车系统在Bayer(上海)聚氨酯有限公司MMDI(苯基甲烷二异氰酸酯)装置中的应用,详细说明了H51q-HRS与DeltaV系统的通讯结构、配置、以及联锁系统操作界面设计。以PMA(丙二醇甲醚醋酸酯)蒸馏装置为例说明联锁逻辑具体实现过程,对H51q-HRS与DeltaV系统的联合设计过程有清晰的理解。  相似文献   

以山东中联化学有限公司氯碱搬迁改造项目一期工程为例,讲述了H51q系统在离子膜电解紧急联锁中的应用。介绍了H51q系统的软硬件组成、逻辑组态和使用操作等内容,讨论其如何与DCS系统进行对接,实现系统集成。实践证明H51q系统能很好完成氯碱装置紧急联锁功能,保证安全运行。  相似文献   

介绍HIMA公司H51q紧急停车系统在SECOO石化聚丙烯装置中的应用。与目前主流可编程安全系统相比,H51q是第三代经TUV认证的PES系统,采用四重化冗余自诊断结构,具有双CPU单元,4个同时工作的微处理器,与DeltaV系统采用Modbus协议进行串行通信,系统之间则利用工业级交换机Hirschmann构成安全以太网进行数据传输,从而确保安全系统长时间、高效率运行。详细说明了聚丙烯装置H51q与Deltav的系统结构配置和联锁系统操作界面设计,并以烷基铝配置和卸料装置为例说明联锁逻辑具体实现过程。读者可对H51q与DeifaV系统的联合设计和FAT测试过程有清晰的理解。  相似文献   

针对茂名石化加氢裂化装置原来的ESD系统存在的问题,应用TRICON系统对其进行了改造,本文重点介绍TRICON系统的硬件组态、逻辑编程、人机界面组态和系统调试等各方面的技术实现。实际应用表明,TRICON系统全面克服了旧系统中存在的各种缺点,确保了装置的安全运行。  相似文献   

介绍了PLC热备系统在苯乙烯紧急停车联锁系统中对由于PLC系统所引起的故障(处理器及I/O模块故障)进行无扰动切换的实际应用和特点,阐述了PLC热备系统的工作原理和系统配置。  相似文献   

介绍紧急停车系统应用时容易被忽视的细节,可能产生的安全隐患。指出问题的所在,推荐解决问题的方案。  相似文献   

SORALCHIN炼油厂ESD系统——TS3000完成装置和机组工艺参数的监控、联锁保护和机组的防喘振控制,该系统为三重冗余容错系统(TMR).这种三取二表决系统为催化装置和机组运行提供完善的控制和联锁保护。同时针对系统出现的问题.如系统死机、24VDC电源、主风低流量信号切除等问题提出了规避措施和改进方案。  相似文献   

0 引言 通常的过程控制任务一般可通过:DCS来完成,虽然DCS也具有逻辑运算功能,可以处理一定的安全联锁保护任务,但对于较大规模的紧急停车系统应按照独立原则与DCS分开设置。  相似文献   

加氢裂化装置紧急停车联锁逻辑设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加氢裂化装置是炼油装置中爆炸和火灾危险性最高的甲类装置,因此,该装置仅有过程控制系统是不够的.为了保障生产设备和操作人员的安全,设计了一套紧急停车联锁逻辑保护系统.根据加氢裂化装置的工艺流程和安全联锁相关设置原则,采用该系统对紧急泄压系统和装置中的主要设备(如新氢压缩机、循环氢压缩机、反应加热炉等)进行联锁逻辑设计.该设计具有一定的工程实践意义.  相似文献   

Regent紧急停车系统的组态和编程TheConfigurationandProgrammingofRegentEmergenceShutdownSystem●罗永峰LuoYongfeng1概述由ICS公司推出的Regent紧急停车系统采用了美国宇航...  相似文献   

Natural gas, one of the cleanest, most efficient and useful of all energy sources, is a vital component of the world’s supply of energy. To make natural gas more convenient for storage and transportation, it is refined and condensed into a liquid called liquefied natural gas (LNG). In a LNG site, safety is a long-team and critical issue. The emergency shutdown (ESD) system in the LNG receiving terminal is used to automatically stop the pumps and isolate the leakage section. Fault-tree analysis (FTA) has been widely used for providing logical functional relationships among subsystems and components of a system and identifying the root causes of the undesired failures in a system. In the conventional FTA for the ESD system, we usually assume that exact failure probabilities of events are collected. However, in most real applications, first, the FTA for the ESD system needs to be made at a early design or manufacturing stage, certain new components normally used without failure data; secondly, sometimes the environmental change in the system during the operation periods. This makes more difficult to gather past exact failures data for the FTA. To complete the FTA of the ESD system under these uncertain situations, we apply the intuitionistic fuzzy sets (IFS) theory to the FTA. We generate the intuitionistic fuzzy fault-tree interval, and the intuitionistic fuzzy reliability interval for the ESD system. We also present an algorithm to find the critical components in the system based on IFS–FTA and determine weak paths in the ESD system, where the key improvement must be made.  相似文献   

根据某型号动力系统试验要求,为了保证试验产品和试验台的安全,选取代表发动机工作状态的典型参数作为自动紧急关机判断依据,通过合理设置紧急关机判别准则,基于现有Pacific 6000数据采集装置建立了改进型红线报警系统进行在线实时检测。通过对系统硬件和软件的剖析、测试,得出该系统时间响应综合滞后偏差为0~0.25s。利用信号发生器模拟发动机真实工作参数值对传感器异常检测、发动机关机故障判定、数据存贮和事后查询功能进行了综合验证,系统无漏关机和误关机现象发生,为产品及试验台的安全提供了保证。可为其它故障检测系统建立和响应时间分析提供参考。  相似文献   

A simple method is presented whereby an unmodified display type LEED system can be used for the detection of ions released from a surface during electron bombardment. Possible measurements include determination of the cross-sections Q and Q+, the ion kinetic energy, and the threshold for desorption. In favorable cases it is possible to image (and record) the angular distribution of emitted ions. Since LEED systems are already capable of many surface sensitive techniques such as LEED, AES, flash desorption, and measurement of work function changes, the procedure allows the direct comparison of ESD results to data from a larger number of techniques than previously possible.  相似文献   

The safety of oil and gas production platforms, petrochemical and general process plants demands an automatic and reliable shutdown system to protect equipment, processes, the environment and personnel. A shutdown system responds to sensors detecting excessive variations in the operating parameters of the plant. The system takes into account multiple input combinations and initiates the appropriate outputs in the form of predetermined shutdown sequences. A fully programmable triplicated microprocessor system has been developed which incoprporates self checking, high reliability, programmability and other features, not easily attained using conventional techniques.  相似文献   

催化裂化主风机组于2004年大修期间将常规仪表控制改造成为ESD系统控制,将原有的控制系统存在的问题和逻辑控制方案进行了修改,主要应用了逻辑块编程方法,使得联锁逻辑的设计和运用简化可靠.完善了联锁逻辑、安全运行程序,防喘振程序.新系统独立的三重冗余功能保证了主风机组控制系统的高可靠性,上位监控画面便于操作人员进行操作记录和过程监控,同时增加的报警记录和实时、历史趋势便于故障的分析和判断.  相似文献   

介绍了双加压法硝酸装置的工艺流程,针对其安全联锁保护采用传统DCS控制的缺陷,提出了采用基于PLC的紧急停车系统(ESD)进行安全连锁保护的方案,并介绍了基于西门子PLC的ESD的系统配置、联锁逻辑的研究及WinCC与PLC的以太网通信。  相似文献   

Freedom of expression is a foundational stone for democracy and embraces a number of other rights, including – freedom to seek, receive, and impart information using any medium. Around 16 million Ethiopians, comprising 15.4% of the total population, use the Internet. The Ethiopian Internet shutdown saga has been marked by competing narratives. On one hand, the government has been using two governing narratives, i.e. national security narrative and ‘economic growth’ narrative to justify shutdowns of the Internet. But, the individuals’ self-expressions on social media find itself as competing narrative. Since 2016, the Internet has been closed more than six times under the cloak of national security, quelling rising protests, controlling strikes, and exam cheating. As such, freedom of expression of millions has been muzzled. The article argues blanket Internet shutdowns do not meet the caveats of human rights law.  相似文献   

本文主要论述了在900六辊可逆冷轧机计算机控制系统中,设计减速曲线控制可逆冷轧机的自动精确停车,介绍了此方法的硬件配置和基本控制原理,可供同类型生产线借鉴参考。  相似文献   

介绍了 ESD系统在催化裂化中硬件组成及软件的设计,从系统安全性出发,对装置中重要信号采用了`三重化'和`双重化'设计,一般非关键信号采用单重化多路 I/O矩阵模块,从而保证了系统安全、可靠、实用.  相似文献   

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