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High strength reinforced concrete drilling shaft linings have been adopted to solve the difficult problem of supporting coal drilling shafts penetrating through thick top soils. Through model experiments the stress and strength of such shaft linings are studied. The test results indicate that the load beating capacity of the shaft lining is very high and that the main factors affecting the load bearing capacity are the concrete strength, the ratio of lining thickness to inner radius and the reinforcement ratio. Based on the limit equilibrium conditions and the strength theory of concrete under multi-axial compressive stressed state, a formula for calculating the load-beating capacity of a high strength reinforced concrete shaft lining was obtained. Because the concrete in a shaft lining is in a multi-axial compressive stress state the compressive strength increases to a great extent compared to uni-axial loading. Based on experiment a formula for the gain factor in compressive strength was obtained: it can be used in the structural design of the shaft lining. These results have provided a basis for sound engineering practice when designing this kind of shaft lining structure.  相似文献   

A whole of 110 specimens divided into 22 groups were tested with varying the volume fraction of steel fibers and the matrix strength of these specimens. The stress-strain behaviors of four types of steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) under uniaxial tension were studied experimentally. When the matrix strength and the fiber content increase, the tensile stress and tensile strain vary differently according to the fiber type. The mechanisms of reinforcing effect for different types of fiber were analyzed and the stress-strain curves of the specimens were plotted. Some experimental factors for stress or strain of SFRC were given. A tensile toughness modulus Re0.5 was introduced to evaluate the toughness characters of SFRC under uniaxial tension. Moreover, the formula of the tensile stress-strain curve of SFRC was regressed. The theoretical curve and the experimental ones fit well, which can be used for references in construction.  相似文献   

Fe-Cr-Mn(W, V) austenite steels used as low radioactive structural materials in fusion reactor have been investigated. The resuits show that the high temperature strength and the creep fracture life of Fe-Cr-Mn(W, V) steels can be effectively improved through (C N) complex-strengthening, so can be the high temperature ductility. The strength and ductility of the steels are superior to that of SUS316 steels and JPCAS below 673 K. The relationship between strength, ductility and the formation temperature is related to the evolution of deformation microstructure. The fracture and microstructure observation above 673 K indicates that the main way to further improve ductility at high temperature is the control of carbide coarsening at the grain boundaries.  相似文献   

The feasibility of flue gas desulphurization (FGD) as concrete admixture was studied. A combined concrete admixture of the thermally-treated FGD gypsum and slag powder was explored. The FGD gypsum was roasted at 200℃ for 60 min and then mixed with the slag powder to form FGD gypsum-slag powder combined admixture in which the SO3 content was 3.5wt%. Cement was partially and equivalently replaced by slag powder alone or FGD gypsum-slag powder, at concentration of 25wt%, 40wt%, and 50wt%, respectively. The setting times, hydration products, total porosity and pore size distributions of the paste were determined. The compressive strength and drying shrinkage of cement mortar and concrete were also tested. The experimental results show that, in the presence of FGD gypsum, the setting times are much slower than those of pastes in the absence of FGD gypsum. The combination of FGD gypsum and slag powder provides synergistic benefits above that of slag powder alone. The addition of FGD gypsum provides benefit by promoting ettringite formation and forms a compact microstructure, increasing the compressive strength and reduces the drying shrinkage of cement mortar and concrete.  相似文献   

Spinel solid solutions of CuFe2O4 and Cu1-xZnxGa0.1Fe1.9O4 with (0.0≤x≤0.5) are synthesized. Crystallographic phase transformation from tetragonal-to-cubic occurred at x=0.2. The derived structural parameters manifest that Zn occupies the tetrahedral A-site while Cu and Ga occupy the octahedral B-site and Fe distributes among A- and B-sites. Electrical conductivity measurements of these materials as a function of temperature and frequency revealed semiconducting behavior except CuFe2O4 sample, which has a metallic behavior at low frequency and at high frequency, metallic -to- semiconductor transition occurred as temperature increases. The metallic behavior in this sample is attributed to cation-cation interactions at B-site while, the semiconductor behavior in Cu1-xZnxGa0.1Fe1.9O4 compounds is due to the cation- anion -cation interactions at the same site in the spinel lattice. All compositions exhibit transition with change in the slope of conductivity versus temperature curve. This transition temperature (Tc) decreases linearly with increasing Zn content x. The relation of the universal exponent s with temperature gives evidence that over large polaron OLP and correlated barrier hopping CBH conduction mechanisms are presented in CuFe2O4 and Cu1-xZnxGa0.1Fe1.9O4 compounds respectively.  相似文献   

双掺、三掺方式可以保证混凝土在大掺量矿物掺合料条件下仍具有良好的工作性、较高的强度 ,同时还可以显著提高硬化混凝土密实性 ,有效改善水泥石 集料界面区结构 ,从而减少了硬化混凝土中未水化水泥数量 ,抑制了外界水分的渗入 ,最终消除了未水化水泥日后的水化对混凝土的危害  相似文献   

高强混凝土强度的人工神经网络预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了在多因素作用下更为准确地预测高强混凝土的抗压强度,采用了人工神经网络中的BP网络模型及其学习算法,基于MATLAB神经网络工具箱对文献中高强混凝土的实测数据进行分析预测,并与回归分析方法计算的结果进行了对比,结果表明,人工神经网络在高强混凝土抗压强度的预测方面具有较高的精度,且明显优于回归模型.因此,神经网络方法是一种可以定量分析、简便易行、计算精度高、预测能力强的分析方法,用于高强混凝土抗压强度的预测是可行的.  相似文献   

外加剂对水泥净浆水化热的影响   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
采用直接测定法测试了矿物、化学外加剂对水泥净浆的水化热的影响,并对外加剂降低或提高水化物的原理作了一些探讨。结果表明,粉煤灰和矿渣等矿物外加剂能明显在降低水泥净浆的水化热和温升。FDN-5型减水剂、糖密缓凝剂等化学外加剂能不同程度地降低水泥净浆的水化热和温升,推迟热峰出现时间。Na2SO4早强剂会提高水化热和温升,且使热峰出现时间提前。松香引气剂对水化热和温升影响不明显。  相似文献   

文章基于屋面陶粒混凝土的设计要求,按照轻骨料混凝土的配制技术,采用松散体积法,研制出满足工程要求的LC20陶粒轻骨料混凝土配合比,成功应用于合肥某枢纽工程配套广场的首层及负1层屋面。  相似文献   

为研究高性能混凝土的声波传播特性及实现其强度的快速、准确、无损检测,基于超声波检测方法,应用嫩江、多宝山附近的沙石料,对高性能混凝土对声波的扩散性及其抗压性能与声参量之间的模型关系进行了研究.建立了高性能混凝土抗压强度与声速之间的多种数学模型.通过实测检测数据进行验证,满足精度要求.高性能混凝土的非均质性降低,其抗压强度与声速相关性较好,用超声的方法完全可以实现强度的快速推定.同时,也为将来高性能混凝土地区强度推定曲线的建立奠定了研究基础.  相似文献   

The influence of mineral admixtures on bending strength of mortar on the premise of equal compressive strength was investigated. Three mineral admixtures (fly ash, ground granulated blast-furnace slag and steel slag) were used. The adding amount of mineral admixture in this study ranges from 22.5% to 60%, and the water-to-binder ratio ranges from 0.34 to 0.50. With equal compressive strength, different mortars can be arranged in such a descending order with their bending strength: cement-fly ash mortar, cement mortar, cement-GGBS mortar, and cement-steel slag mortar. With the same compressive strength, the higher the steel slag content and water-to-binder ratio, the lower the bending strength of mortars. However, the effect of mineral mixture content and water-to-binder ratio on the bending strength of cement-fly ash mortar and cement-GGBS mortar is far inconspicuous.  相似文献   

Based on heat transfer theory,a two-dimensional complex exponential function was used to compute heat of concrete hydration.A concrete box girder consisting of a single box with two cells used on Harbin Songpu Bridge was measured on site.The two coefficients in the complex exponential function were determined to best fit the field measured data.ABAQUS program was used to simulate the heat transfer and determine the temperature distribution in the concrete box girders during concrete setting.The calculated temperature distribution in the box girders were compared with the field measured data and good agreement was observed.The temperature distribution and gradient in the entire box section,webs and bottom slab were analyzed using the measured and calculated results during the course of concrete hydration.  相似文献   

引入膨胀剂的高强混凝土的收缩补偿研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将膨胀剂引入高强混凝土 ,意在补偿其自缩、冷缩和干缩 ,使高强混凝土真正成为高性能混凝土。研究了以硅粉、膨胀剂和普通水泥为胶凝材料配制的水泥净浆及其混凝土的收缩补偿过程。得到掺膨胀剂的高强混凝土强度在早期略有降低 ,但在后期有所提高 ;在90~ 1 80d龄期其膨胀率 (水中 )达到 40 0× 1 0 - 6~ 60 0× 1 0 - 6,同时其干缩率没有出现负值 ,仍有 65× 1 0 - 6~ 1 3 5× 1 0 - 6的膨胀。  相似文献   

对6个混凝土强度等级为C80~C120的配筋超高强混凝土柱进行了徐变试验,比较了不同强度混凝土的徐变特性。根据混凝土变形计算公式以及混凝土与钢筋之间的力平衡条件与变形协调条件,推导出钢筋对混凝土徐变系数的影响系数计算公式。对常用的4种徐变模型进行了比较分析,基于ACI 209R(1992)模型进行了配筋和强度的修正,得到修正徐变系数预测模型。  相似文献   

以煤矸石矿渣+粉煤灰矿渣为主料,引入TiO2+ZnO+白云石复合矿化剂,通过调整组分配比,优化控制工艺过程、工艺参数,探索支撑剂制备工艺条件及其影响规律,于1 330℃~1 370℃制备出体积密度为1.54g/cm3,破损率为3%~5%的低密高强压裂支撑剂.借助于XRD、SEM等手段对其物相组成和表面形貌进行表征.  相似文献   

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