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Two approaches are adopted in this study to identify the flow transition in a bubble column from the homogeneous regime to the heterogeneous regime at pressures up to 15.2 MPa and temperatures up to 78°C. These approaches, which yield essentially identical results, include those based on the standard deviation of the pressure fluctuation and the drift flux model. The experimental results obtained indicate that the regime transition velocity is delayed when the system pressure and temperature increase. The correlation proposed for the transition velocity by Wilkinson et al. (1992) predicts the present results to a reasonable extent, provided that the experimentally measured values for the physical properties of the fluids are used in the correlation. It is clear, however, that an improved correlation or model is needed for a quantitative account of the transition velocity for high-pressure bubble column systems with different gas distributing capability.  相似文献   

Using literature data of gas hold-up as a function of the superficial velocity from 16 different sources, a data bank of regime transition points was elaborated. It comprises 83 data related to a total of 20 systems, covering a wide range of physical properties and operating parameters, for both perforated and porous plate spargers. This data bank was employed to critically assess the quality of the predictions of the regime transition point given by available literature correlations. All correlations tested failed to provide a proper representation of the data bank, with rather high mean absolute deviations (always greater than 37%) and, in some cases, even physically inconsistent values were obtained. Thus, new empirical formulas were proposed for estimating the gas superficial velocity at the point of regime transition in bubble columns and the corresponding gas hold-up, whose mean absolute deviations were respectively equal to 17.7 and 21.1%.  相似文献   

A criterion for the transition from the homogeneous to the heterogeneous regime in a bubble column is developed based on the theory of linear stability. Hydrodynamics of bubble column is described by two-fluid model incorporating the interphase forces like drag force and added mass force. Added mass force affects the hydrodynamics of gas-liquid flows significantly and is formulated by taking into account the bubble deformation. A proper understanding of the nature of gas-liquid interface (clean or contaminated) is desired for the reliable predictions of the added mass coefficient. Data from the literature on the transition in bubble columns is critically analyzed. A good agreement has been obtained between the experimental transition gas hold-up and the predictions of the same obtained by the theory developed in this work.  相似文献   

Effects of internals on flow regimes are systematically investigated in a lab-scale bubble column (BC) through six approaches: total gas holdup, drift-flux, standard deviation, fractal analysis, chaos analysis and wavelet analysis. With increasing internals-covered cross-sectional area (CSA), these methods give various value of the first transitional superficial gas velocity, as different scales of structures are detected to characterize regime transition. While internals are found to have marginal effect on total gas holdup, significant change in gas-holdup structure is discovered, showing a decrease in large-bubbles holdup and an increase in small-bubbles holdup in transitional and churn-turbulent regimes. We propose a novel approach based on wavelet analysis to demarcate the boundaries among micro-, meso-, and macro-scales. The energy fraction of these representative scales identifies two transitional velocities, suggesting that internals advance the advent of first transition and delay the second one. The operating window of transitional regime is, therefore, remarkably extended.  相似文献   

Liquid phase mixing is a phenomenon that results mainly due to convective and turbulent flow fields, which are generated by hydrodynamic interactions between the gas and liquid phases within a continuous co‐current upflow bubble column reactor. The extent of liquid phase mixing is usually quantified through the mixing time, or the axial dispersion coefficient. In the present work, the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations for mixing and RTD in a continuous bubble column (with and without internals) are performed by using OpenFOAM 2.3.1. The superficial gas velocities were 0.014, 0.088, and 0.221 m/s and the superficial liquid velocities were 0.005 and 0.014 m/s. The simulations have been performed for three different configurations of the bubble column, that is, (a) an open bubble column, (b) a column with one vertical central rod of 36 mm diameter, (c) a column with the same central rod and four vertical additional rods of 12 mm diameter. The effects of superficial gas and liquid velocities and column internals were investigated on liquid phase mixing and the axial dispersion coefficient. Comparisons have been made between the experimental measurements and the CFD simulations.

Experiments were conducted to study the effect of the presence of the solid phase on the homogeneous-heterogeneous flow regime transition in a bubble column 0.14 m diameter. Air, distilled water and calcium alginate beads (2.1 mm, ) at concentrations c=0-30% (vol.) were the phases. The basic data were the voidage-gas flow rate dependences. The critical point, where the homogeneous regime loses stability and the transition begins, was evaluated by the drift flux model. The critical values of voidage and gas flow rate were the quantitative measures of the homogeneous regime stability. These were plotted against the solid phase concentration. It was found, that both the voidage and the critical values increased with the solid content at low solid loading, approx. c=0-3%, and decreased at higher loading, c>3%. The homogeneous regime was thus first stabilized and then destabilized. To explain this dual effect, possible physical mechanisms of the solid phase influence on the uniform bubble bed were discussed.  相似文献   

Counter current bubble columns have the feature that specific gas-liquid interfacial area and gas holdup are larger than those for standard and cocurrent bubble columns. In this study, three different flow regimes, churn-turbulent flow, bubble flow and bubble down-flow, have been observed in a counter-current bubble column and correlations of gas holdup and volumetric liquid-phase mass transfer coefficient have been proposed as functions of operating variables such as the superficial velocities of gas and liquid, the gas-liquid slip velocity and the liquid properties.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In order to improve the performance of a counter‐current bubble column, radial variations of the gas hold‐ups and mean hold‐ups were investigated in a 0.160 m i.d. bubble column using electrical resistance tomography with two axial locations (Plane 1 and Plane 2). In all experiments the liquid phase was tap water and the gas phase air. The superficial gas velocity was varied from 0.02 to 0.25 m s?1, and the liquid velocity varied from 0 to 0.01 m s?1. The effect of liquid velocity on the distribution of mean hold‐ups and radial gas hold‐ups is discussed. RESULTS: The gas hold‐up profile in a gas–liquid counter‐current bubble column was determined by electrical resistance tomography. The liquid velocity slightly influences the mean hold‐up and radial hold‐up distribution under the selected operating conditions and the liquid flow improves the transition gas velocity from a homogeneous regime to a heterogeneous regime. Meanwhile, the radial gas hold‐up profiles are steeper at the central region of the column with increasing gas velocity. Moreover, the gas hold‐up in the centre of the column becomes steeper with increasing liquid velocity. CONCLUSIONS: The value of mean gas hold‐ups slightly increases with increasing downward liquid velocity, and more than mean gas hold‐ups in batch and co‐current operation. According to the experimental results, an empirical correlation for the centreline gas hold‐up is obtained based on the effects of gas velocity, liquid velocity, and ratio of axial height to column diameter. The values calculated in this way are in close agreement with experimental data, and compare with literature data on gas hold‐ups at the centre of the column. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

This article discusses the characteristics of turbulent gas–liquid flow through tubular reactors/contactors equipped with screen‐type static mixers from a macromixing perspective. The effect of changing the reactor configuration, and the operating conditions, were investigated by using four different screen geometries of varying mesh numbers. Residence time distribution experiments were conducted in the turbulent regime (4500 < Re < 29,000). Using a deconvolution technique, the RTD function was extracted to quantify the axial/longitudinal liquid‐phase dispersion coefficient. The findings highlight that axial dispersion increases with an increasing flow rate and/or gas‐phase volume fraction. However, regardless of the number and geometry of the mixing elements, reactor configuration, and/or operating conditions, the recorded liquid‐phase axial dispersion coefficients in the presence of screens was lower than that for an empty pipe. Furthermore, the geometry of the screen was found to directly affect the axial dispersion coefficient in the reactor. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 63: 1390–1403, 2017  相似文献   

Experimental Observations on average pulse velocity and frequency in concurrent gas‐liquid (down) flow through randomly packed beds are used to extract constitutive relations for the gas‐liquid interaction and mean curvature terms that appear in a recently proposed volume‐averaged two‐fluid model for bubbly flow. The proposed closures lead to a reasonably quantitative prediction of the average pressure drop and liquid saturation under bubbly flow conditions and in the near pulse regime. In addition, the proposed closures provide realistic estimates for the location of the bubble‐to‐pulse transition in microgravity and in 1g down‐flow and predict the disappearance of the bubbly flow pattern at low liquid fluxes in 1g down‐flow. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 63: 812–822, 2017  相似文献   

To probe into the flow and aggregation behaviors of thermo‐responsive microspheres in microchannel during the phase transition, the flow characteristics of monodisperse poly(n‐isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAM) microspheres in microchannel with local heating are investigated systematically. When the fluid temperature in the microchannel increases across the lower critical solution temperature (LCST), the PNIPAM microspheres finish the phase transition within 10 s and are easily get aggregated during the phase transition. The diameter ratio of microsphere to microchannel, number of microspheres, initial distance between microspheres, and flow direction of fluid in microchannel, are key parameters affecting the flow and aggregation behaviors of the microspheres in microchannel during the phase transition. If a proper combination of these parameters is designed, the microspheres can aggregate together during the phase transition and stop automatically at a desired position in the microchannel by local heating, which is what the targeting drug delivery system expected. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2009  相似文献   

Analysis of gas holdups and pressure fluctuations are conducted in a slurry bubble column to study changes in flow regimes and comparisons are made with solid‐free bubble column. The pressure fluctuations are measured by fast response pressure transducers mounted on the column wall in the distributor and bulk regions. Air, tap water and 35 micron glass beads are used as the gas, liquid and solid phases respectively. Statistical analysis of pressure fluctuation data combined with gas holdup analysis provided information about flow regime transition and interesting insights into bubble size distributions and changes in flow structure.  相似文献   

This work aims at studying the non-linear dynamics and the flow regime transitions in bubble column reactors. For this purpose, various signal processing techniques e.g. frequency analysis, fractal analysis and deterministic chaos analysis have been applied to laser Doppler velocimetry signals. The system considered is a two-dimensional reactor allowing LDV measurements at higher void fractions than in three-dimensional systems. Each signal processing technique presents a specific capacity to describe a regime transition or a feature of the flow structure. Use of these various techniques have highlighted the occurrence of two states in the transition regime and yielded detailed information on the physical mechanisms responsible for these transitions.  相似文献   

Effective wall shear rates were investigated experimentally in an external loop circulating bubble column made from transparent acrylic resin. The riser (DR) and downcomer (DD) diameters were 0.19 m and 0.14 m, respectively. The column working volume (VR) was 170 dm3, with a scale‐up factor (AD/AR) of 0.54, and a dispersion height (HD) of 2.25 m. Polymer solutions of xanthan gum and carboxymethyl cellulose were used to simulate non‐Newtonian behavior of biological systems. Effective wall shear rates for the non‐Newtonian solutions were found by analogy with Newtonian glycerol solutions, employing downcomer liquid velocity as the measurable and comparable parameter. The experimental shear rate results were found to fit between those of the literature data. A new single correlation taking into account all the relevant data in the literature and the results of this work is proposed. The new correlation is an improvement over the other correlations because it includes two important design constants: scale‐up factor and dispersion height. Copyright © 2005 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

This paper reports on the experimental investigation carried out to evaluate fractional dispersed phase holdup for a gas‐liquid mixture in a modified multi‐stage bubble column (with contraction and expansion disks), which has been conceived, designed and fabricated as a wet scrubber for control of air pollution; in addition it has versatile use as a gas‐liquid contactor in chemical process industries. A correlation developed for predicting fractional dispersed phase holdup has been found to be encouraging and highly significant from statistical analysis.  相似文献   

Theoretical prediction of flow regime transition in bubble columns was studied based on the bubble size distribution by the population balance model (PBM). Models for bubble coalescence and breakup due to different mechanisms, including coalescence due to turbulent eddies, coalescence due to different bubble rise velocities, coalescence due to bubble wake entrainment, breakup due to eddy collision and breakup due to large bubble instability, were proposed. Simulation results showed that at relatively low superficial gas velocities, bubble coalescence and breakup were relatively weak and the bubble size was small and had a narrow distribution; with an increase in the superficial gas velocity, large bubbles began to form due to bubble coalescence, resulting in a much wider bubble size distribution. The regime transition was predicted to occur when the volume fraction of small bubbles sharply decreased. The predicted transition superficial gas velocity was about 4 cm/s for the air-water system, in accordance with the values obtained from experimental approaches.  相似文献   

Phase Doppler anemometry was used to quantify the flow characteristic of a three phases (liquid, solid, and bubbles) cylindrical bubble column driven by a point air source made of a 30‐mm diameter perforated air stone centrally mounted at the bottom. The cylindrical bubble column had an inner diameter of 152 mm and was filled with liquid up to 1 m above the point source. Acrylic beads with a nominal diameter of 3 mm were used as the solid phase. To match the density of the solid phase which was 1.05 kg/m3, the liquid density was raised to about 1.0485 kg/m3 by added salt. The bubble diameters generated were within the range of 600–2400 µm. The detailed turbulent characteristics of the liquid‐phase velocity, bubble diameter, bubble velocity, and solid velocity were measured at three different air rates, namely 0.4, 0.8, and 1.2 L/min (corresponding to average gas volume fraction of 0.0084, 0.0168, and 0.0258, respectively) for the homogeneous bubble column regime. With the addition of the solid phase, the flow field was found to be relatively steady compared to the two‐phase column referencing the probability density functions for both the liquid and bubble velocities. An analysis based on the determination of the drag forces and transversal lift forces was performed to examine the flow stability in the three‐phase bubble column. The analysis illustrated that how the added solid phase effectively stabilized the flow field to achieve a steady circulation in the bubble column and a generalized criterion for the flow stability in the three‐phase bubble column was derived. Further investigation for the transition and the heterogeneous bubble column regime with air rates at 2.0 and 4.0 L/min shown that this criterion can also be used as a general prediction of flow stability in this three‐phase bubble column. © 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 59: 2286–2307, 2013  相似文献   

The hydrodynamics of bubble columns with concentrated slurries of paraffin oil (density, ρL = 790 kg/m3; viscosity, μL = 0.0029 Pa·s; surface tension, σ = 0.028 N·m1) containing silica particles (mean particle diameter dp = 38 μm) has been studied in columns of three different diameters, 0.1, 0.19 and 0.38 m. With increasing particle concentration, the total gas hold‐up decreases significantly. This decrease is primarily caused by the destruction of the small bubble population. The hold‐up of large bubbles is practically independent of the slurry concentration. The measured gas hold‐up with the 36% v paraffin oil slurry shows remarkable agreement with the corresponding data obtained with Tellus oil (ρL = 862 kg/m3; μL = 0.075 Pa·s; σ = 0.028 N·m?1) as the liquid phase. Dynamic gas disengagement experiments confirm that the gas dispersion in Tellus oil also consists predominantly of large bubbles. The large bubble hold‐up is found to decrease significantly with increasing column diameter. A model is developed for estimation of the large bubble gas hold‐up by introduction of an wake‐acceleration factor into the Davies‐Taylor‐Collins relation (Collins, 1967), describing the influence of the column diameter on the rise velocity of an isolated spherical cap bubble.  相似文献   

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