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本文分析了ASTER GDEM和SRTM DEM的获取方式,通过对两者在中国及周边区域高程的对比分析,得出两者高程间存在系统误差,前者高程比后者平均低4.9m。ASTER GDEM在许多区域特别是水域及高山区常存在明显粗差;SRTM DEM在特别是高山区域会出现空白区域,但其有效区域层次清晰、细节分明,无明显粗差,可靠性高。经过填补及高差约束限制修复,生成了无空白区域的SRTM DEM和可靠性更高的ASTER GDEM。  相似文献   

Any errors in digital elevation models (DEMs) will introduce errors directly in gravity anomalies and geoid models when used in interpolating Bouguer gravity anomalies. Errors are also propagated into the geoid model by the topographic and downward continuation (DWC) corrections in the application of Stokes’s formula. The effects of these errors are assessed by the evaluation of the absolute accuracy of nine independent DEMs for the Iran region. It is shown that the improvement in using the high-resolution Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data versus previously available DEMs in gridding of gravity anomalies, terrain corrections and DWC effects for the geoid model are significant. Based on the Iranian GPS/levelling network data, we estimate the absolute vertical accuracy of the SRTM in Iran to be 6.5 m, which is much better than the estimated global accuracy of the SRTM (say 16 m). Hence, this DEM has a comparable accuracy to a current photogrammetric high-resolution DEM of Iran under development. We also found very large differences between the GLOBE and SRTM models on the range of −750 to 550 m. This difference causes an error in the range of −160 to 140 mGal in interpolating surface gravity anomalies and −60 to 60 mGal in simple Bouguer anomaly correction terms. In the view of geoid heights, we found large differences between the use of GLOBE and SRTM DEMs, in the range of −1.1 to 1 m for the study area. The terrain correction of the geoid model at selected GPS/levelling points only differs by 3 cm for these two DEMs.  相似文献   

作为我国首颗民用立体测绘卫星数据产品,ZY-3 DSM对于我国地学分析具有极其重要的作用。本文在顾及地貌情况前提下,选取云南省高海拔山区为试验区,辅以1∶10 000野外实测地形图DEM为参考值,将分辨率为15 m的ZY-3 DSM与90 m的SRTM DEM从高程精度和地形精度进行较为全面的数据质量比较。结果表明:ZY-3 DSM在高程精度和地形精度均有更好的表现。总体看来,ZY-3 DSM数据质量更高,具有更广泛的利用价值。  相似文献   

Digital elevation models (DEMs) are essential to various applications in topography, geomorphology, hydrology, and ecology. The Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) DEM data set is one of the most complete and most widely used DEM data sets; it provides accurate information on elevations over bare land areas. However, the accuracy of SRTM data over vegetated mountain areas is relatively low as a result of the high relief and the penetration limitation of the C-band used for obtaining global DEM products. The objective of this study is to assess the performance of SRTM DEMs and correct them over vegetated mountain areas with small-footprint airborne Light Detection and Ranging (Lidar) data, which can develop elevation products and vegetation products [e.g., vegetation height, Leaf Area Index (LAI)] of high accuracy. The assessing results show that SRTM elevations are systematically higher than those of the actual land surfaces over vegetated mountain areas. The mean difference between SRTM DEM and Lidar DEM increases with vegetation height, whereas the standard deviation of the difference increases with slope. To improve the accuracy of SRTM DEM over vegetated mountain areas, a regression model between the SRTM elevation bias and vegetation height, LAI, and slope was developed based on one control site. Without changing any coefficients, this model was proved to be applicable in all the nine study sites, which have various topography and vegetation conditions. The mean bias of the corrected SRTM DEM at the nine study sites using this model (absolute value) is 89% smaller than that of the original SRTM DEM, and the standard deviation of the corrected SRTM elevation bias is 11% smaller.  相似文献   

ASTER GDEM与SRTM3高程差异影响因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作为最新发布的全球地形数据,ASTER GDEM比目前常用的SRTM3数据有着更高的分辨率和更广的覆盖范围,对于相关地学分析具有重要意义。本文以华中地区为研究区域,对ASTER GDEM与SRTM3数据进行了比较,重点分析了坡度、坡向、地形起伏度、土地利用类型、植被覆盖度、生成ASTER GDEM栅格点高程数据所用的ASTER DEM影像数等因素对2种DEM数据高程差异的影响。结果表明,在研究区域内,ASTER GDEM高程比SRTM3高程平均低5.42 m,两种DEM数据高程差异的RMS值为16.90 m;ASTER GDEM与SRTM3之间的高程差异随着坡度、地形起伏度、植被覆盖度的增大而增大,而ASTER DEM影像数越大,高程差异越小;坡向、土地利用类型对高程差异也有影响。  相似文献   

为了评价国产资源三号测绘卫星DSM数据质量,选取地貌类型丰富的云南省高海拔山区为试验样区,以1∶10 000实测地形图DEM为假定真值,以30m分辨率ASTER GDEM为评价参照,从高程精度和地形描述精度两方面着手,对国产资源三号测绘卫星DSM数据精确性进行分析。结果表明:国产资源三号测绘卫星DSM数据精度整体高于ASTER GDEM。  相似文献   

王晞 《江苏测绘》2013,(5):21-23,29
本文分析了DEM数据产品的误差源、内插算法的误差模型,简要介绍了目前DEM数据产品精度评定的指标与方法途径.通过介绍DEM引出了数字高程模型内插方法,比较了各种DEM内插方法,并且分析了模型精度.  相似文献   

High-resolution digital elevation models (DEMs) generated by airborne remote sensing are frequently used to analyze landform structures (monotemporal) and geomorphological processes (multitemporal) in remote areas or areas of extreme terrain. In order to assess and quantify such structures and processes it is necessary to know the absolute accuracy of the available DEMs. This study assesses the absolute vertical accuracy of DEMs generated by the High Resolution Stereo Camera-Airborne (HRSC-A), the Leica Airborne Digital Sensors 40/80 (ADS40 and ADS80) and the analogue camera system RC30. The study area is located in the Turtmann valley, Valais, Switzerland, a glacially and periglacially formed hanging valley stretching from 2400 m to 3300 m a.s.l. The photogrammetrically derived DEMs are evaluated against geodetic field measurements and an airborne laser scan (ALS). Traditional and robust global and local accuracy measurements are used to describe the vertical quality of the DEMs, which show a non Gaussian distribution of errors. The results show that all four sensor systems produce DEMs with similar accuracy despite their different setups and generations. The ADS40 and ADS80 (both with a ground sampling distance of 0.50 m) generate the most accurate DEMs in complex high mountain areas with a RMSE of 0.8 m and NMAD of 0.6 m They also show the highest accuracy relating to flying height (0.14‰). The pushbroom scanning system HRSC-A produces a RMSE of 1.03 m and a NMAD of 0.83 m (0.21‰ accuracy of the flying height and 10 times the ground sampling distance). The analogue camera system RC30 produces DEMs with a vertical accuracy of 1.30 m RMSE and 0.83 m NMAD (0.17‰ accuracy of the flying height and two times the ground sampling distance). It is also shown that the performance of the DEMs strongly depends on the inclination of the terrain. The RMSE of areas up to an inclination <40° is better than 1 m. In more inclined areas the error and outlier occurrence increase for all DEMs. This study shows the level of detail to which airborne stereoscopically derived DEMs can reliably be used in high mountain environments. All four sensor systems perform similarly in flat terrain.  相似文献   

A variety of DEM products are available to the public at no cost, though all are characterized by trade-offs in spatial coverage, data resolution, and quality. The absence of a high-resolution, high-quality, well-described and vetted, free, global consensus product was the impetus for the creation of a new DEM product described here, ‘EarthEnv-DEM90’. This new DEM is a compilation dataset constructed via rigorous techniques by which ASTER GDEM2 and CGIAR-CSI v4.1 products were fused into a quality-enhanced, consistent grid of elevation estimates that spans ∼91% of the globe. EarthEnv-DEM90 was assembled using methods for seamlessly merging input datasets, thoroughly filling voids, and smoothing data irregularities (e.g. those caused by DEM noise) from the approximated surface. The result is a DEM product in which elevational artifacts are strongly mitigated from the input data fusion zone, substantial voids are filled in the northern-most regions of the globe, and the entire DEM exhibits reduced terrain noise. As important as the final product is a well defined methodology, along with new processing techniques and careful attention to final outputs, that extends the value and usability of the work beyond just this single product. Finally, we outline EarthEnv-DEM90 acquisition instructions and metadata availability, so that researchers can obtain this high-resolution, high-quality, nearly-global new DEM product for the study of wide-ranging global phenomena.  相似文献   

针对ASTER GDEM高程精度还未得到充分验证,以江西省莲花县为试验区,使用ICESat-2数据系统分析了ASTER GDEM在坡度、地形起伏度和土地利用类型中的误差分布.结果表明,ASTER GDEM受坡度、地形起伏度影响严重,随坡度、地形起伏度增加,GDEM误差呈上升趋势;对于不同土地利用类型,GDEM误差存在较...  相似文献   

在生产或生活中应用数字高程模型内插时,最关键的问题就是怎样选取恰当的内插方法来满足高程数据建模的需求。不同的DEM内插方法随地貌地区和采样点方式的不同存在不同的误差。本文使用V isual Basic语言将数字高程模型内插方法编写成一套能够快捷方便的获取内插点高程的内插软件系统,可以使应用人员直接捕捉地面点高程,并获得地形的可视化信息,由此可以直观地观察到在同一地区相同采样点方式的条件下采用不同的内插方法引起的内插精度等质量方面的优劣区别,从而获取最优的内插方法,有效地满足DEM的生产、质量控制、精度评定和分析应用等各个环节。  相似文献   

基于DEM的遥感数据复原方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了一种基于数字高程模型(DEM)的遥感数据复原新方法。此方法将地形因子作为最主要的作用因子,不考虑卫星传感过程中的随机影响。首先,根据基础地理数据,按其等高线层生成DEM; 然后,利用DEM,通过实测样点、DEM和经过纠正的遥感数据的信息融合,进行遥感数据中像元样点的坡度、坡向分析,建立DEM与遥感信息的相关关系模型,以数学统计方法描述地形因子对遥感数据的作用机理; 最后,进行逐像元的遥感信息复原(归一化)。结果表明,该方法具有较好的信息复原效果,可消除或减少地形对遥感数据的影响,增强遥感技术在山区复杂地形下的实用性。  相似文献   

为了评价国产资源三号测绘卫星DSM数据精度,在顾及地貌类型的情况下,以涵盖平原、台地、丘陵等地貌的高海拔山区为研究案例,并以1∶1万实测地形图DEM为假定真值,以90m分辨率SRTM DEM为评价参照,从高程精度和地形描述精度两个方面,对15m分辨率ZY-3DSM进行精度评价分析。研究结果表明:ZY-3DSM高程精度优于SRTM DEM,前者高程中误差仅为后者的1/6;就地形描述精度来讲,ZY-3DSM与SRTM DEM相比,其地形描述精度更接近理论值,前者RMS Et实际值仅为理论值0.99倍,而后者的实际值却是理论值5.13倍。由此看来,ZY-3DSM数据精度整体上高于SRTM DEM。  相似文献   

For areas of the world that do not have access to lidar, fine-scale digital elevation models (DEMs) can be photogrammetrically created using globally available high-spatial resolution stereo satellite imagery. The resultant DEM is best termed a digital surface model (DSM) because it includes heights of surface features. In densely vegetated conditions, this inclusion can limit its usefulness in applications requiring a bare-earth DEM. This study explores the use of techniques designed for filtering lidar point clouds to mitigate the elevation artifacts caused by above ground features, within the context of a case study of Prince William Forest Park, Virginia, USA. The influences of land cover and leaf-on vs. leaf-off conditions are investigated, and the accuracy of the raw photogrammetric DSM extracted from leaf-on imagery was between that of a lidar bare-earth DEM and the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission DEM. Although the filtered leaf-on photogrammetric DEM retains some artifacts of the vegetation canopy and may not be useful for some applications, filtering procedures significantly improved the accuracy of the modeled terrain. The accuracy of the DSM extracted in leaf-off conditions was comparable in most areas to the lidar bare-earth DEM and filtering procedures resulted in accuracy comparable of that to the lidar DEM.  相似文献   

格网DEM坡度计算模型的相似性研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
晋蓓  刘学军  王彦芳 《测绘科学》2009,34(6):131-134,64
当DEM的精度和分辨率确定后,坡度坡向计算结果取决于计算模型。本文设计了逐栅格单元的相对差等级评价方法,并结合基于整体的频率图和XY散点图评价指标,定量揭示了坡度计算模型之间的异同。主要结论为:①坡度计算模型有离散和连续之分,连续型模型能给出更加符合实际的坡度坡向计算结果;②坡度计算结果与计算点数有关,点数越多,计算结果越稳定;③算法间的差异随DEM分辨率的增大而增大。最后本文给出了实际应用中的坡度计算模型。  相似文献   

A case study of using external DEM in InSAR DEM generation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Synthetic aperture radar interferometry (InSAR) has been used as an innovative technique for digital elevation model (DEM) and topographic map generation. In this paper, external DEMs are used for InSAR DEM generation to reduce the errors in data processing. The DEMs generated from repeat-pass InSAR are compared. For steep slopes and severe changes in topography, phase unwrapping quality can be improved by subtracting the phase calculated from an external DEM. It is affirmative that the absolute height accuracy of the InSAR DEM is improved by using external DEM. The data processing was undertaken without the use of ground control points and other manual operation.  相似文献   

通过构建ASTER GDEM(advanced spaceborne thermal emission and reflection radiometer global digital elevation model)高程误差与影响因子间的关系模型,可对其高程精度进行有效校正。选取陕北黄土高原境内长武、宜君、甘泉、延川4个不同地貌类型的样区,以1∶5万DEM (digital elevation model)作为参考数据,经过数据预处理后,计算各点位高程误差值及相关地形因子和地表覆盖指数; 提取一定数量的采样点和检验点,引入随机森林回归算法,建立高程误差预测模型,以对高程精度进行校正,并与多元回归模型进行比较分析。实验结果表明,ASTER GDEM的高程误差特征与地形条件有较强的相关性; 随机森林回归预测模型整体上优于多元回归模型,具有较好的适用性与误差校正效果,可分别将长武、宜君、甘泉、延川的高程误差均值减小3.08 m、3.00 m、3.61 m和6.95 m。  相似文献   

Remotely sensed Digital Elevation Models (DEM) can be used to augment a standalone Global Positioning System (GPS) by adding an extra range observation which measures the distance to the Earth centre. This method so called height aiding can reduce the number of GPS satellites required to get a 3D position fix from four to three and hence improve the performance of the GPS navigation algorithm in terms of accuracy, reliability and availability. Up until now, the accuracy of height aided GPS navigation using higher resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR)-derived elevation data has not been fully evaluated in a broad spectrum of navigation scenarios. This article provides a robust and accurate analysis on how much range error is introduced by height aiding using 5 m spacing SAR and 1 m spacing LiDAR-derived DEMs under in-car and personal navigation situations. Based on the experimental results obtained from both dynamic and static tests, suggestions have been made on what level of vertical and positional accuracy can be achieved as well as the related DEM quality issues for navigation purposes.  相似文献   

This study provides an assessment of changes in the terrain topography due to opencast coal mining in the Patratu region of Jharkhand state during the period of 1962–2007. It demonstrated the potential of digital elevation model (DEM) differencing technique using Cartosat-I satellite (2007) derived DEM with reference to DEM derived from contours obtained from Survey of India topographical map (1962). The topographical changes through DEM differencing revealed positive relief changes (up to 49 m) due to coal-mining overburden dumps. The dumping of overburden near the banks of perennial Damodar River also caused positive topographic changes (up to 20 m) indicating adverse effects on its hydrological regime. Negative relief changes are represents by deep depressions (up to 66 m) created within coal mines due to the extraction of coal. These depression areas within the abundant mines generally become the zones of water accumulation causing wastage of surface and ground water resources.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the accuracy of vertical deflection measurements carried out with the Digital Zenith Camera System TZK2-D, an astrogeodetic state-of-the-art instrumentation developed at the University of Hannover. During 107 nights over a period of 3.5 years, the system was used for repeated vertical deflection observations at a selected station in Hannover. The acquired data set consists of about 27,300 single measurements and covers 276 h of observation time, respectively. For the data collected at an earlier stage of development (2003 to 2004), the accuracy of the nightly mean values has been found to be about 0′′.10−0′′.12. Due to applying a refined observation strategy since 2005, the accuracy of the vertical deflection measurements was enhanced into the unprecedented range of 0′′.05 − 0′′.08. Accessing the accuracy level of 0′′.05 requires usually 1 h of observational data, while the 0′′.08 accuracy level is attained after 20 min measurement time. In comparison to the analogue era of geodetic astronomy, the accuracy of vertical deflection observations is significantly improved by about one order of magnitude.  相似文献   

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