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本文基于菲涅尔反射公式,结合现有的偏振反射模型对单叶与植被多角度偏振测量结果与理论结合进行分析;通过研究发现,偏振反射在前向散射方向可以通过菲涅尔反射公式进行解释,但是,在后向散射方向则需要考虑其他物理机理。此外,传感器获取的植被偏振信息既可以作为一种"噪声"来剔除,剔除后在可见光波段将相对误差从原来的30%降低到20%以内,又可以作为额外有效的信息源表征植被的结构特征:通过模型参数的大小判断冠层形态的平整程度。本文可以作为植被偏振探测的系统化方法,并且给出植被固有的偏振反射效应规律,即植被越平展光滑,产生的偏振信息越多;同时也将偏振光遥感在植被监测中的有效性凸显出来,即偏振信息的剥离有助于提升双向反射模型的计算精度。  相似文献   

江海英  柴琳娜  贾坤  刘进  杨世琪  郑杰 《遥感学报》2021,25(4):1025-1036
植被冠层含水量CWC(Canopy Water Content)和植被地上部分含水量VWC(Vegetation Water Content)对于植被健康状况和土壤干旱监测具有重要意义.本文联合PROSAIL辐射传输模型和植被水分指数NDWI(Normalized Difference Water Index),发展了...  相似文献   

In recent years, special attention has been given to the long-term effects of biochar on the performance of agro-ecosystems owing to its potential for improving soil fertility, harvested crop yields, and aboveground biomass production. The present experiment was set up to identify the effects on soil-plant systems of biochar produced more than 150 years ago in charcoal mound kiln sites in Wallonia (Belgium). Although the impacts of biochar on soil-plant systems are being increasingly discussed, a detailed monitoring of the crop dynamics throughout the growing season has not yet been well addressed. At present there is considerable interest in applying remote sensing for crop growth monitoring in order to improve sustainable agricultural practices. However, studies using high-resolution remote sensing data to focus on century-old biochar effects are not yet available. For the first time, the impacts of century-old biochar on crop growth were investigated at canopy level using high-resolution airborne remote sensing data over a cultivated field. High-resolution RGB, multispectral and thermal sensors mounted on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) were used to generate high frequency remote sensing information on the crop dynamics. UAVs were flown over 11 century-old charcoal-enriched soil patches and the adjacent reference soils of a chicory field. We retrieved crucial crop parameters such as canopy cover, vegetation indices and crop water stress from the UAV imageries. In addition, our study also provides in-situ measurements of soil properties and crop traits. Both UAV-based RGB imagery and in-situ measurements demonstrated that the presence of century-old biochar significantly improved chicory canopy cover, with greater leaf lengths in biochar patches. Weighted difference vegetation index imagery showed a negative influence of biochar presence on plant greenness at the end of the growing season. Chicory crop stress was significantly increased by biochar presence, whereas the harvested crop yield was not affected. The main significant variations observed between reference and century-old biochar patches using in situ measurements of crop traits concerned leaf length. Hence, the output from the present study will be of great interest to help developing climate-smart agriculture practices allowing for adaptation and mitigation to climate.  相似文献   

利用MODIS数据计算陆地植被指数VIUPD   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍了利用MODIS卫星数据计算VIUPD的步骤,将计算结果与NDVI和EVI进行了比较,验证了本文方法的正确性。  相似文献   

The fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (fAPAR) is an important plant physiological index that is used to assess the ability of vegetation to absorb PAR, which is utilized to sequester carbon in the atmosphere. This index is also important for monitoring plant health and productivity, which has been widely used to monitor low stature crops and is a crucial metric for food security assessment. The fAPAR has been commonly correlated with a greenness index derived from spaceborne optical imagery, but the relatively coarse spatial or temporal resolution may prohibit its application on complex land surfaces. In addition, the relationships between fAPAR and remotely sensed greenness data may be influenced by the heterogeneity of canopies. Multispectral and hyperspectral unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) imaging systems, conversely, can provide several spectral bands at sub-meter resolutions, permitting precise estimation of fAPAR using chemometrics. However, the data pre-processing procedures are cumbersome, which makes large-scale mapping challenging. In this study, we applied a set of well-verified image processing protocols and a chemometric model to a lightweight, frame-based and narrow-band (10 nm) UAV imaging system to estimate the fAPAR over a relatively large cultivated land area with a variety of low stature vegetation of tropical crops along with native and non-native grasses. A principal component regression was applied to 12 bands of spectral reflectance data to minimize the collinearity issue and compress the data variation. Stepwise regression was employed to reduce the data dimensionality, and the first, third and fifth components were selected to estimate the fAPAR. Our results indicate that 77% of the fAPAR variation was explained by the model. All bands that are sensitive to foliar pigment concentrations, canopy structure and/or leaf water content may contribute to the estimation, especially those located close to (720 nm) or within (750 nm and 780 nm) the near-infrared spectral region. This study demonstrates that this narrow-band frame-based UAV system would be useful for vegetation monitoring. With proper pre-flight planning and hardware improvement, the mapping of a narrow-band multispectral UAV system could be comparable to that of a manned aircraft system.  相似文献   

高分六号宽幅多光谱数据人工林类型分类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高分六号(GF-6)卫星于2018年成功发射,2019-03正式投入使用。由于GF-6宽幅相机的WFV(Wide Field of View)影像较GF-1的同类影像新增2个红边波段,将会提高对农业、林业、草原等资源监测能力。为了分析GF-6的WFV影像在人工林分类方面的能力,促进高分数据在林业领域的应用,本文选取广西高峰林场为研究区,以最新的GF-6 WFV影像为数据源,结合地面实测类型数据,进行广西南宁高峰林场的桉树,杉木等人工林类型提取。主要运用随机森林(random forests)的分层分类法:首先计算6种植被指数,并利用随机森林法进行植被指数的特征优选,然后确定4种波段组合数据集的分类方案,4种数据集分别为(1)无红边的前4个波段,(2)有红边的8个波段,(3) 8个波段加上未优化的植被指数特征组合,(4) 8个波段加上优化的植被指数特征组合。再进行WFV影像4种数据集的随机森林分类,随机森林采用分类回归树(CART)算法来生成分类树,结合了bagging和随机选择特征变量的优点,是一种有效的分类方法。最后比较4个方案的分类结果并进行精度验证。结果表明:方案2比方案1精度提高了4.99%,Kappa系数提高了0.058。说明包含红边的8波段数据比4个波段数据精度有大幅提升。方案4的8波段加上优化植被指数特征组合的分类精度最高,达到了85.38%,比方案2包含红边波段组和方案1无红边波段组的精度分别提高了3.98%,8.97%,Kappa系数分别提高了0.046,0.104。说明WFV影像加入红边波段比无红边波段精度明显增高。由结果可知,红边指数的引入,增强了植被信息,能够较准确地反映人工林类型特征差异,明显提升了人工林的分类精度。本研究方法可以有效改善广西人工林类型信息提取效果,为GF-6影像质量的评价及其在林业应用潜力提供科学参考依据。  相似文献   

基于蓝噪声理论的遥感图像森林植被纹理测量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
遥感图像分割中森林植被是重要的一类目标,有效确定森林植被的纹理尺度是纹理分割的重要问题。提出一种用蓝噪声理论描述遥感图像森林植被纹理特征的方法,是一种新的植被纹理刻画和纹理尺度计算方法。研究尺度与植被纹理形态的对应关系,对于选定的探测区域,迭代寻找蓝噪声特征。迭代过程包含通过几何变换缩小区域的尺寸,用快速傅里叶变换获取区域的频谱响应,从频谱响应中提取蓝噪声特征。对于具有蓝噪声特征的区域,计算森林植被纹理的灰度分布,根据当前区域尺寸计算纹理的尺寸。实验表明,森林植被纹理单元的尺度和灰度分布测量结果准确,为进一步纹理分割提供了可靠的基础。  相似文献   

针对传统植被覆盖度估算方法只能估算高密度覆盖的绿色光合植被的问题,该文提出了一种可进行绿色光合植被、非绿色光合植被和裸地覆盖度估算的方法,选取博尔塔拉蒙古自治州2010年和2016年的LandsatTM/OLI影像,通过构建NDVI-DFI特征空间提取端元特征值,运用像元三分模型估算,并与像元二分模型估算结果和实地采样估算结果对比。结果表明:像元三分模型估算与实际情况相符,且精度较好。2016年博州地区植被覆盖度较2010年增长显著,生态环境得到明显改善。像元三分模型能够较好地估算光合/非光合植被覆盖度,提高遥感获取植被信息的能力,为科学评估生态环境质量提供参考。  相似文献   

We used geographic datasets and field measurements to examine the mechanisms that affect soil carbon (SC) storage for 65 grazed and non-grazed pastures in southern interior grasslands of British Columbia, Canada. Stepwise linear regression (SR) modeling was compared with random forest (RF) modeling. Models produced with SR performed better than those produced using RF models (r2 = 0.56–0.77 AIC = 0.16–0.30 for SR models; r2 = 0.38–0.53 and AIC = 0.18–0.30 for RF models). The factors most significant when predicting SC were elevation, precipitation, and the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI). NDVI was evaluated at two scales using: (1) the MOD 13Q1 (250 m/16-day resolution) NDVI data product from the moderate resolution imaging spectro-radiometer (MODIS) (NDVIMODIS), and (2) a handheld multispectral radiometer (MSR, 1 m resolution) (NDVIMSR) in order to understand the potential for increasing model accuracy by increasing the spatial resolution of the gridded geographic datasets. When NDVIMSR data were used to predict SC, the percentage of the variance explained by the model was greater than for models that relied on NDVIMODIS data (r2 = 0.68 for SC for non-grazed systems, modeled with SR based on NDVIMODIS data; r2 = 0.77 for SC for non-grazed systems, modeled with SR based on NDVIMSR data). The outcomes of this study provide the groundwork for effective monitoring of SC using geographic datasets to enable a carbon offset program for the ranching industry.  相似文献   

基于SPOT-4/VEGETATION数据的中国植被覆盖动态变化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植被动态变化对全球能量循环和物质循环具有重要的影响,对植被覆盖变化的研究在全球变化研究中具有重要的意义。为了阐明近8年来中国植被覆盖的整体状况,利用SPOT4-VEGETATION/NDVI时间序列数据,以各个像元的线形回归的相关系数及其显著性水平为植被覆盖活动的指标,对我国1998~2005年8年间的植被覆盖状况及其年际变化进行研究分析。  相似文献   


This study mainly focuses on revealing an ancient water landscape at the Longcheng site in the northern Chaohu Lake Basin using very high-resolution (VHR) GeoEye-1 imagery. First, prior to classification, the GeoEye-1 image was processed following atmospheric and geometric correction. The supervised classification was carried out in order to show the land-cover situation in the Longcheng area. The overall classification accuracy was 89.98%, with a kappa coefficient of 0.87. The moat system around the city walls was discovered by using rule-based object-oriented segmentation of the postclassified image, and the other walls of ancient Longcheng were manually identified from the pansharpened VHR GeoEye-1 image. Finally, a map of the ancient water landscape containing the ancient city, wall and moat at the Longcheng site was produced. This paper demonstrates that VHR remote sensing has the ability to uncover an ancient water landscape and provide new insights for archaeological and paleoenvironmental studies.  相似文献   

兰州市南北两山植被覆盖度动态变化遥感监测   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李娟  龚纯伟 《测绘科学》2011,36(2):175-177
本文基于植被指数(NDVI)和植被覆盖度像元分解模型,建立了兰州市南北两山植被覆盖度遥感定量模型,在此基础上研究了兰州市南北两山1991年和2006年两个时期的植被覆盖度动态变化,结果表明:1991-2006年兰州市南北两山绿化工程区植被覆盖度总体呈上升趋势,低植被覆盖度面积减小,中高和高植被覆盖度面积增加,其中七里河工程区植被覆盖度变化最为明显,绿化效果较好,安宁工程区绿化效果相对较差,结果可为兰州市南北两山绿化工程提供科学依据。  相似文献   

二向反射分布函数包含地表反射的方向性特征信息。研究二向反射分布函数BRDF(Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function)形状对植被结构参数的敏感性,有助于理解植被的二向性反射规律,进而反演植被参数。本文耦合双冠层反射率模型和核驱动的罗斯厚核-李氏稀疏互易核模型,利用EFAST全局敏感性分析方法,以各向异性平整指数为BRDF形状变化的衡量指标,研究了不同天空光比例(SKYL)下,各向异性平整指数AFX对植被参数敏感度的变化,以及SKYL=0.1时AFX的敏感性。结果表明:(1)在红波段,上、下层叶面积指数、上层叶绿素含量,以及上层叶倾角分布是AFX的敏感参数,在近红外波段,上、下层叶面积指数LAI是AFX的敏感参数。(2)冠层尺度上的参数敏感度总体大于叶片尺度。(3)晴天时(SKYL=0.1),红波段主敏感度较大的参数分别是上层LAI、上层叶倾角分布和下层叶片结构参数,近红外波段主敏感度较大的参数主要是上、下层LAI。  相似文献   

Predicting land surface energy budgets requires precise information of land surface emissivity (LSE) and land surface temperature (LST). LST is one of the essential climate variables as well as an important parameter in the physics of land surface processes at local and global scales, while LSE is an indicator of the material composition. Despite the fact that there are numerous publications on methods and algorithms for computing LST and LSE using remotely sensed data, accurate prediction of these variables is still a challenging task. Among the existing approaches for calculating LSE and LST, particular attention has been paid to the normalised difference vegetation index threshold method (NDVITHM), especially for agriculture and forest ecosystems. To apply NDVITHM, knowledge of the proportion of vegetation cover (PV) is essential. The objective of this study is to investigate the effect of the prediction accuracy of the PV on the estimation of LSE and LST when using NDVITHM. In August 2015, a field campaign was carried out in mixed temperate forest of the Bavarian Forest National Park, in southeastern Germany, coinciding with a Landsat-8 overpass. The PV was measured in the field for 37 plots. Four different vegetation indices, as well as artificial neural network approaches, were used to estimate PV and to compute LSE and LST. The results showed that the prediction accuracy of PV improved using an artificial neural network (R2CV = 0.64, RMSECV = 0.05) over classic vegetation indices (R2CV = 0.42, RMSECV = 0.06). The results of this study also revealed that variation in the accuracy of the estimated PV affected calculation results of the LSE. In addition, our findings revealed that, though LST depends on LSE, other parameters should also be taken into account when predicting LST, as more accurate LSE results did not increase the prediction accuracy of LST.  相似文献   

基于遥感的植被年际变化及其与气候关系研究进展   总被引:72,自引:0,他引:72  
马明国  王建  王雪梅 《遥感学报》2006,10(3):421-431
植被具有明显的年际变化和季节变化特点,对植被的动态监测可以从一定程度上反映气候变化的趋势,因此监测植被动态变化以及分析这种变化与气候的关系已经成为全球变化研究的一个重要领域.随着遥感卫星获得长时间系列逐日观测数据,许多国际组织和机构制定了全球卫星数据接收、处理和生成数据集计划,所产生的标准数据集则极大地促进了该项研究.大量研究在全球尺度、洲际尺度(北美洲和欧亚大陆)以及区域尺度上广泛开展.在阅读国内外大量文献的基础上,比较分析了常用于植被监测的卫星传感器和主要数据集,汇总了植被年际变化及其与气候关系研究的主要研究方法和研究结果.结果表明近20年来全球植被活动明显增强,表现为北半球普遍存在增加的趋势,南半球干旱半干旱区出现降低的植被光合作用,但这些变化因空间位置不同和研究尺度不一样体现出不同的动态变化特征.气温和降水是影响植被变化的最主要的因素.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to identify an appropriate spatial resolution for discriminating forest vegetation at subspecies level. WorldView-2 imagery was progressively resampled to coarser spatial resolutions. At a compartment level, 30 × 30-m subsets were generated across forest compartments to represent the five forest subspecies investigated in this study. From the centre of each subset, the spatial resolution of the original WorldView-2 image was resampled from 6 to 34-m, with increments of 4-m. The variance was then calculated at every resampled spatial resolution using each of the eight WorldView-2 bands. Based on the sampling theorem, the 3-m spatial resolution provided an appropriate resolution for all subspecies investigated. The WorldView-2 image was subsequently classified using the partial least squares linear discriminant analysis algorithm and the appropriate spatial resolution. An overall classification accuracy of 90% was established with an allocation disagreement of 9 and a quantity disagreement of 1.  相似文献   

Remote sensing of vegetation gross primary production (GPP) is an important step to analyze terrestrial carbon (C) cycles in response to changing climate. The availability of global networks of C flux measurements provides a valuable opportunity to develop remote sensing based GPP algorithms and test their performances across diverse regions and plant functional types (PFTs). Using 70 global C flux measurements including 24 non-forest (NF), 17 deciduous forest (DF) and 29 evergreen forest (EF), we present the evaluation of an upscaled remote sensing based greenness and radiation (GR) model for GPP estimation. This model is developed using enhanced vegetation index (EVI) and land surface temperature (LST) from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and global course resolution radiation data from the National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP). Model calibration was achieved using statistical parameters of both EVI and LST fitted for different PFTs. Our results indicate that compared to the standard MODIS GPP product, the calibrated GR model improved the GPP accuracy by reducing the root mean square errors (RMSE) by 16%, 30% and 11% for the NF, DF and EF sites, respectively. The standard MODIS and GR model intercomparisons at individual sites for GPP estimation also showed that GR model performs better in terms of model accuracy and stability. This evaluation demonstrates the potential use of the GR model in capturing short-term GPP variations in areas lacking ground measurements for most of vegetated ecosystems globally.  相似文献   

To study the anisotropy of vegetation indices (VIs) and explore its influence on the retrieval accuracy of canopy soil-plant analyzer development (SPAD) value, the bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) models of soybean and maize are calculated from the multi-angle hyperspectral images acquired by UAV, respectively. According to the reflectance extracted from the BRDF model, the dependences of 16 commonly-used VIs on observation angles are analyzed, and the SPAD values of maize and soybean canopy are predicted by using the 16 VI values at different observation angles and their combinations as input parameters. The results show that the 16 VIs have different sensitivity to angle in the principal plane: green ratio vegetation index (GRVI), ratio vegetation index (RVI), red edge chlorophyll index (CIRE), and modified chlorophyll absorption in reflectance index/optimized soil-adjusted vegetation index (MCARI/OSAVI) are very sensitive to angles, among which MCARI/OSAVI of maize fluctuated the most (138.83 %); in contrast, the green optimal soil adjusted vegetation index (GOSAVI), normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), and green normalized difference vegetation index (GNDVI) hardly change with the observation angles. In terms of SPAD prediction, the accuracy of different VI is different, the mean absolute error (MAE) showed that MCARI1 provided the highest accuracy of retrieval for soybean (MAE=1.617), while for maize it was MCARI/OSAVI (MAE=2.422). However, when using the same VI, there was no significant difference in the accuracy of the predicted results, whether the VI from different angles was used or the combination of multi-angles was used. The present results provide guiding significance and practical value for the retrieval of SPAD value in vegetation canopies and in-depth applications of multi-angular remote sensing.  相似文献   

地表蒸散发是地表水分循环和能量平衡的重要组成成分,其准确估算对农业灌溉与干旱监测、水资源管理、气候变化预估等研究至关重要.基于地表温度—植被指数三角/梯形特征空间开展地表蒸散发遥感反演及土壤蒸发/植被蒸腾分离是地表蒸散发定量遥感研究的国际热点与前沿课题之一.本文全面、系统、深入地综述了地表温度—植被指数三角/梯形空间反...  相似文献   

This study integrates the RUSLE, remote sensing and GIS to assess soil loss and identify sensitive areas to soil erosion in the Nilufer creek watershed in Bursa province, Turkey. The annual average soil loss was generated separately for years 1984 and 2011, in order to expose possible soil loss differences occurred in 27 years. In addition, sediment accumulation and sediment yield of the studied watershed was also predicted and discussed. The results indicated that very severe erosion risk areas in 1984 was 13.4% of the area, but it was increased to 15.3% by the year 2011, which needs immediate attention from soil conservation point of view. Furthermore, the estimated annual sediment yield of the Nilufer creek watershed was increased from 903 to 979 Mg km?2 y?1 in 27 years period. The study also provides useful information for decision-makers and planners to take appropriate land management practices in the area.  相似文献   

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