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A computer simulation was performed to investigate the size index as a motor unit identifier in electromyography. The size index calculated from the amplitude and area of the simulated motor unit action potential (MUP) was plotted against the distance between the needle electrode and current source to show how the index changes as a function of the distance. The index of the MUP also was plotted against the number of muscle fibers belonging to a single motor unit, the size of the motor unit territory, and the diameter of the muscle fibers in order to establish the major determinants of the index. The index was relatively constant for the distance less than 2 mm between the needle electrode and closest edge of the current source. It changed logarithmically with the number of muscle fibers and with the diameter of the fibers.  相似文献   

1. A substantial increase of the initial rate of ATP hydrolysis was observed after preincubation of bovine heart submitochondrial particles with phosphoenolpyruvate and pyruvate kinase. 2. The activation was accompanied by an increase of Vmax, without change of Km for ATP. 3. The activated particles catalysed the biphasic hydrolysis of ATP in the presence of an ATP-regenerating system; the initial rapid phase was followed by a second, slower, phase in a time-dependent fashion. 4. The higher the ATP concentration used as a substrate, the higher is the rate of transition between these two phases. 5. The particles catalysed the hydrolysis of ITP with a lag phase; after preincubation with phosphoenolpyruvate and pyruvate kinase, ITP was hydrolysed at a constant rate. 6. Qualitatively the same phenomena were observed when soluble mitochondrial ATPase (F1-ATPase) prepared by the conventional method in the presence of ATP was used as nucleotide triphosphatase. 7. A kinetic scheme is proposed, in which the intermediate active enzyme-product complex (E.ADP) formed during ATP hydrolysis is in slow equilibrium with the inactive E*.ADP complex forming as a result of dislocation of ADP from the active site of ATPase to the other site, which is not in rapid equilibrium with the surrounding medium.  相似文献   

A comparison was carried out between the motor unit (MU) firing rate and the characteristics of the twitch and the fibre type composition of anconeus and triceps brachii. Fibre type composition (type I, type II) was determined in whole cross-sections of cadaver specimens. The proportion of type I fibre was 60%-67% in anconeus and 32-40% in the lateral head of triceps brachii. Reflecting these histochemical differences, the contraction time of anconeus and triceps was 92 +/- 9 ms and 68 +/- 9 ms respectively. It follows that anconeus can be classified as a slow muscle, as opposed to the lateral head of triceps. The relationship between MU firing rate and isometric force, tested at 90 degrees elbow flexion, differed between the two muscles for force values below 30% of maximal voluntary contraction. No significant increase in MU firing rate was found in anconeus at forces above 5% of maximal voluntary contraction. It is concluded that even within a single agonistic muscle group acting at a single joint there is an adaptation of MU firing rate to the contractile characteristics of each muscle.  相似文献   

The influence of metyrapone (M) on the adrenal 18-hydroxylation was studied in two groups of healthy young men. In group I, serum concentrations of 18-OH-11-deoxycorticosterone (18-OH-DOC) fell significantly after a single oral dose of 40 mg/kg of M at 8.00 h, while those of 11-deoxycorticosterone (DOC) increased by a factor of about 500 within 4 hours after drug administration. Serum concentrations of 18-OH-DOC remained suppressed up to 14,00 h and tended to increase up to 16.00 h with a concomitant increase of plasma ACTH. In group II, serum concentrations of 18-OH-DOC and corticosterone (B) were slightly lowered eight hours after oral administration of 30 mg/kg of M at midnight in comparison with measurement of the previous day. Serum concentrations of 11-deoxycortisol (S) and DOC were markedly increased after drug administration. These findings indicate an inhibitory effect of M on adrenal 18-hydroxylation in addition to 11-hydroxylation under in vivo conditions. The slight increase of 18-OH-DOC at 16.00 h in group I and the only slight decrease of this steroid 8 hrs after drug administration in group II may be explained by declining enzyme blockade and a superimposed ACTH stimulation of the adrenal cortex at this time.  相似文献   

A new spectrophotometric/fluorimetric assay for peptide deformylase (PDF) has been developed by coupling the PDF reaction with that of dipeptidyl peptidase I (DPPI) and using N-formyl-Met-Lys-AMC as substrate. Removal of the N-terminal formyl group by PDF renders the dipeptide an efficient substrate of DPPI, which subsequently removes the dipeptidyl units to release 7-amino-4-methylcoumarin as the chromophore/fluorophore. The PDF reaction is conveniently monitored on a UV-Vis spectrophotometer or a fluorimeter in a continuous fashion. The utility of the assay was demonstrated by determining the catalytic activity of PDF and the inhibition constants of PDF inhibitors. These studies revealed the slow-binding behavior of a previously reported macrocyclic PDF inhibitor. This method offers several advantages over the existing PDF assays and should be particularly useful for screening PDF inhibitors in the continuous fashion.  相似文献   

We present a simple analytical solution for a kinetic model of motor molecule function with multiple arms. This model has a rate of motion proportional to the probability that all arms in a complex are detached from the cytoskeleton and, therefore, we refer to it as obligate cooperativity. The model has the form: v = Vmax/(1 + q/S)n, where Vmax is the maximum velocity, the product nq is the effective Michaelis constant at high [ATP], and n is the number of arms. Values of n = 2 and n = 1 give good fits to the heavy meromyosin and myosin S1 sliding velocity data, respectively, consistent with the number of active sites. Despite the complexity of the eukaryotic axoneme, beat frequency data from Chlamydomonas wild-type and oda mutants are also fit by this model.  相似文献   

Oligonucleotide delivery in vivo is commonly seen as the principal hurdle to the successful development of oligonucleotide drugs. In an analysis of 26 oligonucleotide drugs recently evaluated in late-stage clinical trials we found that to date at least half have demonstrated suppression of the target mRNA and/or protein levels in the relevant cell types in man, including those present in liver, muscle, bone marrow, lung, blood and solid tumors. Overall, this strongly implies that the drugs are being delivered to the appropriate disease tissues. Strikingly we also found that the majority of the drug targets of the oligonucleotides lie outside of the drugable genome and represent new mechanisms of action not previously investigated in a clinical setting. Despite the high risk of failure of novel mechanisms of action in the clinic, a subset of the targets has been validated by the drugs. While not wishing to downplay the technical challenges of oligonucleotide delivery in vivo, here we demonstrate that target selection and validation are of equal importance for the success of this field.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to interpret changes in experimentally recorded M waves with progressive motor unit (MU) activation based on simulation of the surface electromyogram. Activation order during transcutaneous electrical stimulation was analyzed by investigating M-wave average rectified value, spectral properties, and conduction velocity (CV) during electrically elicited contractions. M-waves were detected from the biceps brachii muscle of 10 healthy male subjects by a linear adhesive array of eight electrodes. Electrical stimulation was delivered to the motor point at either constant current intensity (40, 60, 80, and 100% of the supramaximal stimulation current) or with linearly increasing current. A model of surface electromyogram generation that varied activation order based on MU size and location was used to interpret the experimental results. From the experimental and model analysis, it was found that 1) MUs tended to be activated from low to high CV and from the superficial to the deep muscle layers with increasing transcutaneous electrical stimulation of the biceps brachii muscle, and 2) characteristic spectral frequencies of the M-wave were affected by many factors other than average CV (such as the activation order by MU location or the spread of the MU innervation zones and CVs), thus decreasing with a concomitant increase in CV during progressive MU activation.  相似文献   

The immunological properties of myosins, especially their muscle-type, class and species specificity, are still controversial. It is the opinion of the authors that the lack of agreement might at least in part be due to the use of contaminated myosins as immunogens and inappropriate methods. We, therefore, purified myosins to a very high degree (approximately 99%) and induced antisera in guinea-pigs. Studies of quantitative microcomplement fixation and enzyme-inhibition by antisera yielded the following results: myosins of cross-striated muscle have an absolute class, a very pronounced muscle-type and a low species specificity. It can be shown that even a very small contamination of myosins with other proteins could seriously hamper the experiments and that the results obtained depend significantly on the immunological methods employed.  相似文献   

Nucleosome packing in chromatin as revealed by nuclease digestion.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Chromatin DNA of rat thymus nuclei was cleaved by Serratia marcescens endonculease. The fragments have been examined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under denaturing conditions. The results obtained are interpreted to mean that the internucleosomal DNA is cleaved by the endonuclease into fragments which are multiples of 10 nucleotides. The 10 nucleotide periodicity in fragmentation of internucleosomal DNA is independent of the presence of histone H1 and is likely to be determined by the interaction of this DNA stretch with the histone core of nucleosomes. Such interaction implies a close association between the nucleosomes in the chromatin thread. Quasi-limit chromatin digest (50--55% of DNA hydrolysis) contains undegraded DNA fragments with length of up to 1000 nucleotides or more. A part of this resistant DNA consists of single-stranded fragments or contains single stranded regions. These data may be accounted for by a very compact nucleosome packing in the resistant chromatin in which one of the DNA stands is more accessible to the endonuclease action.  相似文献   

The high water permeability of kidney proximal tubules is of paramount importance for isotonic reabsorption of 70% of the glomerular filtrate, and water channels have been postulated to account for the high water permeability. Target analysis following radiation inactivation was used to probe the molecular size of the water channel. Samples of brush border membranes from rat renal cortex were subjected to 3-MeV electron pulses from the Van de Graaff accelerator at a temperature of -130 degrees C. The inactivation of the renal brush border enzymes, alkaline phosphatase, and maltase was used for internal standardization of accumulated dose measurements in target analysis of the water channel. Osmotic water permeability was measured by following the change in scattered light intensity upon rapid mixing of vesicles with a hypertonic solution using stopped-flow spectrophotometry. The vesicle shrinkage response was biphasic and the rate of the fast phase decreased dose dependently by irradiation corresponding to a target size of 30 +/- 3.5 kDa. The total change in scattered light intensity was unaltered, indicating that irradiation did not destroy the lipid barrier. Our results provide strong support for the hypothesis that the high osmotic water permeability of renal proximal tubules results from a water channel-specific protein with a functional unit of 30 kDa.  相似文献   

Six men were studied to determine the interrelationships among blood supply, motor unit (MU) activity and lactate concentrations during intermittent isometric contractions of the hand grip muscles. The subjects performed repeated contractions at 20% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) for 2 s followed by 2-s rest for 4 min with either unhindered blood circulation or arterial occlusion given between the 1st and 2nd min. The simultaneously recorded intramuscular MU spikes and surface electromyogram (EMG) data indicated that mean MU spike amplitude, firing frequency and the parameters of surface EMG power spectra (mean power frequency and root mean square amplitude) remained constant during the experiment with unhindered circulation, providing no electrophysiological signs of muscle fatigue. Significant increases in mean MU spike amplitude and frequency were, however, evident during the contractions with arterial occlusion. Similar patterns of significant changes in the surface EMG spectra parameters and venous lactate concentration were also observed, while the integrated force-time curves remained constant. These data would suggest that the metabolic state of the active muscles may have played an important role in the regulation of MU recruitment and rate coding patterns during exercise.  相似文献   

New methods have been recently developed to explore selectively presynaptic inhibition of Ia afferents in humans. They have allowed us to describe a highly specialized organisation in these pathways. A differential control has been disclosed during voluntary movements among various motoneuronal pools: at the onset of a selective voluntary contraction presynaptic inhibition of Ia afferents projecting to the 'contracting' motoneurons is strongly decreased whereas presynaptic inhibition of Ia afferents to antagonistic or synergistic motoneuronal pools, not involved in the contraction, is increased. Indirect arguments suggested that these modulations are centrally patterned. A differential control has been also disclosed between upper and lower limb pathways. Using transcranial magnetic stimulation to induce a descending corticospinal volley, we have shown that a corticospinal volley inhibits preferentially 'presynaptic interneurons'at the lumbar spinal level, an effect which is strengthened by a cutaneous input whereas it preferentially activates 'presynaptic interneurons' at the cervical spinal level, an effect which is inverted by a cutaneous input.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel method to quantify spatial changes in muscle activation pattern by multi-channel surface electromyography (MCSEMG) in order to investigate motor unit recruitment variation. The method is based on non-uniform distributions of motor units that cause spatial inhomogeneous muscle activation. To evaluate the method, 15 subjects performed three isometric elbow flexion contractions consisting of slow sinusoidal changes in force ranging from 0% to 80% of the maximal voluntary contraction. MCSEMG electrodes were placed in a 10 x 13 grid over the biceps brachii muscle. From all channels, root mean square (RMS) values of bipolar leadings were computed over 0.5 s epochs over the whole recording. Thereafter, correlation coefficients were calculated between the RMS values at one epoch, with the RMS values at another epoch. Results showed consistent spatial changes in the distribution of RMS at different contraction levels up to 80% of maximal voluntary contraction and when comparing increasing and decreasing contractions at the same force level. These findings are reproducible within and between subjects, and in agreement with physiological phenomena and therefore indicate that the spatial inhomogeneities of motor unit properties in the biceps brachii muscle can be used to study changes in motor unit recruitment.  相似文献   

Young adult albino rats of Wistar strain were used for the present study. 0.5 to 15 microliters of 20-50% of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) were injected into each individual muscle of mastication to label neurons in the trigeminal motor nucleus (TMON) for light microscopic study. The results reveal that: (1) Many HRP-labeled, multipolar neurons are observed in the motor nucleus in each jaw-closing muscle (JCM) with less in each the jaw-opening muscle (JOM). (2) The motor neurons innervating each masticatory muscle in the motor nucleus show a somatotopic arrangement: (a) those innervating the temporalis muscle are located in the medial and dorsomedial parts; (b) those innervating the masseter muscle are located in the intermediate and lateral; (c) those innervating the medial and lateral pterygoid muscles are located in the lateral, ventrolateral and ventromedial parts, respectively; and (d) those innervating the mylohyoid and the anterior belly of the digastric muscles are located in the most ventromedial part of the caudal one-third of the nucleus. Axons of most masticatory motor neurons run ventrolaterally in between the motor and the chief sensory nuclei of the trigeminal nerve. However, those of the mylohyoid and anterior belly of the digastric muscles ascend dorsally to the dorsal aspect of the caudal nucleus and then turn ventrolaterally to join the motor root of the trigeminal nerve. Furthermore, the dendrites of the motor neuron of JCM converge dorsocaudally to the supratrigeminal region. The diameters of neurons of each JCM display a bimodal distribution. However, an unimodal distribution is present in the motor neurons from each JCM. It is suggested that the motor nucleus innervating the JCM is comprised of comprised of alpha- and gamma-motor neurons. It, thus, may provide a neural basis for the regulation of the muscle tone and biting force.  相似文献   

A specially designed needle electrode was used to record motor unit action potentials for the complete time duration of constant force isometric contractions varying in discrete steps from minimum to maximum force levels. A total of 70 motor unit action potential trains were recorded and analyzed.Several properties of the motor unit action potentials were observed. The inter-pulse intervals between adjacent motor unit action potentials of a particular motor unit action potential train were measured and subsequently analyzed as a real continuous random variable. The distribution of the values of the inter-pulse intervals was described by the Weibull probability distribution function with time and force dependent parameters. Furthermore the Survivor function and the Hazard function of the Weibull probability distribution function described certain characteristics of the motor unit firing intervals. Most important of all, it became possible to derive an equation that would generate a real continuous random variable whose properties would be identical to those of the inter-pulse intervals.  相似文献   

In prokaryotes, the RuvA, B, and C proteins play major roles at the late stage of DNA homologous recombination, where RuvB complexed with RuvA acts as an ATP-dependent motor for branch migration. The oligomeric structures of negatively stained and frozen hydrated RuvB from Thermus thermophilus HB8 were investigated by electron microscopy. RuvB oligomers free of DNA formed a ring structure of about 14 nm in diameter. The averaged top view image clearly indicated a sevenfold symmetry, suggesting that it exists as a heptamer. The RuvB oligomers complexed with duplex DNA formed a smaller ring of about 13 nm in diameter. The averaged top view images represented a sixfold symmetry. This difference in oligomerization indicates that the oligomeric structure of RuvB may convert from a heptamer to a hexamer upon DNA binding. In addition, this finding provides the lesson that great care should be taken in investigating the subunit organizations of DNA binding proteins, because their oligomeric states are more sensitive to DNA interactions than expected.  相似文献   

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