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半开放或封闭式海豚饲养系统中的水通常很少彻底更换,故水体因动物代谢和各种水化学变化容易富集大量对海豚健康有害的物质。如何保持水质稳定,加强水质监控和日常管理是保证海豚成功饲养的关键。1海豚饲养池水质标准海豚饲养池水质应以能满足海豚正常活动需要和动物感到舒适为准。天然海水是海豚生存的自然环境,它为我们提供了海豚饲养池水质的参照系。因此,人工饲养条件下,尽可能保持水体各项指标接近自然对海豚健康非常重要。本文介绍有关美国海洋哺乳动物公园和水族馆联合会(AMMPA)最新颁布的海豚饲养他水质标准ti),供国内水…  相似文献   

野生海豚的妊娠、分娩及哺育过程很难进行科学、系统地观察监测,人工饲养海豚的繁殖情况却屡见报道。我馆于2003年3月20日从日本购进6头雌性太平洋瓶鼻海豚(Tursiops truncatus aduncus),其中1头编号为“270”的海豚于2003年6月19日顺利产下1头雄性幼仔,作者对其母子进行每天24h看护达2周之久。此后的1年中,幼仔生长良好。本文就海豚“270”的妊娠、分娩及哺育过程进行详细描述,并将工作人员对“270”母子采取的护理措施作一具体说明。  相似文献   

在新西兰北岛美丽如画的西海岸生活着一种叫茂伊海豚(也称“北岛赫克托氏海豚”)的珍稀海洋哺乳动物。它们是世界上最小的海豚,是新西兰特有的四种哺乳动物之一。然而,近几年来这种海豚的数量正受到严重的威胁。目前,全世界茂伊海豚的数量还不到150只。  相似文献   

本文的研究基于文莱湾浅水域的一头野生伊洛瓦底海豚水声定位信号的调查数据。在记录期间,有一艘渔船突然开启发动机,惊扰了其附近的一头伊洛瓦底海豚,接着渔船开始两次连续追逐海豚。这期间海豚回声定位信号的变化情况被记录下来。当伊洛瓦底海豚受惊吓被追逐时,信号的声压级、每分钟嘀嗒声信号串的发生次数、每个嘀嗒声信号串中的脉冲个数和平均脉冲间隔都发生了相应的变化。平均的脉冲间隔在事件发生的瞬间立即增大,并在追逐期间呈现轻微下降趋势。脉冲间隔的增大对应着探测距离的增加,代表着海豚对未知区域的探索能力,制约着它的逃离速度。数据记录结果的分析表明,伊洛瓦底海豚会根据外界干扰对发出的回声定位信号进行调整,改变自己对潜在危险的探查能力。分析结果同时提醒我们需要随海豚生存环境的噪声进行管理,避免突然的发动机操作或者追逐它们。  相似文献   

屠强 《海洋世界》2010,(3):11-11
动物和人类的差距究竟有多远?最近有科学家得出新的研究结论,认为海豚其实就是生活在海洋里的人类。之所以会产生这样让人觉得有些异想天开的观点,主要是因为海豚所表现出的种种接近人类儿童智商的高级行为。科学家已经确认海豚拥有与人类进行沟通的天分,而且对事物的认知水平远远超出原先的想象。  相似文献   

郭红 《海洋科学》2002,26(4):24-25
海豚 ,是小型有牙齿鲸类的通称 ,人们通常把体长3m左右的齿鲸称为海豚。海豚种类很多 ,我国海域有鼠海豚Phocoenaphocoen,真海豚Delphinusdelphis,江豚Neopho caena phocaenoides,宽吻海豚Tur siopstruncatus以及中华白海豚Sousachinesis等10余种常见种海豚。有些种类已在水族馆中进行饲养 ,并已繁衍生息。1海豚搁浅救助的意义海豚搁浅救助 ,属于野生动物的保护和管理中的一个重要课题 ,特别是海豚大都栖息于公海 ,就此意义上说 ,它是国际海兽 ,…  相似文献   

海豚是海洋哺乳动物的一种,因为格外“聪明”而备受喜爱。最近,科学家甚至认为它们是生活在海洋里的人类。瓶鼻海豚又叫宽吻海豚,是我们最容易见到的那种海豚,在海洋馆表演节目的就是它,  相似文献   

赵琪 《海洋世界》2004,(5):46-48
提起瓶鼻海豚(以下简称海豚),常听朋友们说:“这个我知道,不就是在海洋馆见到的那种最可爱、最聪明的鱼吗!”海豚的确是生活在大海中的,可如果你把它理解成鱼可就大错特错了。鱼的全身覆盖有鳞片、尾鳍是  相似文献   

世茹 《海洋世界》2001,(7):46-46
海豚天生友善,喜欢与人亲呢,是智力上非常接近人类的哺乳动物。从古代起,就流传着许多关于海豚的传说,其中不少传说与事实十分接近。  相似文献   

祝茜  李响  马牧  姜波 《海洋科学》2007,31(8):15-17
2003年11月山东省石岛的渔民在黄海水域偶然误捕了一头海豚,经作者鉴定,系长吻飞旋海豚(Stenella longirostris),国家Ⅱ级重点保护动物,是黄海水域的首次记录。其主要鉴别特征:喙细长;背鳍略呈三角形;尾柄很高,具有结缔组织构成扩大的嵴;齿数:右上颌47枚,右下颌50枚,左上颌47枚,左下颌51枚。同时,还对其进行了较详细的观察和测量:此海豚系雄性,体长1.828m。为长吻飞旋海豚的保护以及管理措施的制定提供了基本的参考资料。  相似文献   

厦门港的中华白海豚Ⅲ.牙齿和年龄   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
刘文华  黄宗国 《台湾海峡》1999,18(2):210-214
对厦门5头中华白海豚成体和6头哺乳期的幼仔,进行齿的形态、齿式、内部构造和磨损情况的研究;根据齿的切片判断年龄,5头成体9~30岁,年龄大小和体表颜色及齿的磨损程度密切相关。出生后的幼仔齿包埋在齿龈中,其齿数、齿式和成体一样。  相似文献   

Parties to the convention on international trade in endangered species of wild fauna and flora (CITES) can export specimens if the exporting party issues a non-detriment finding (NDF), stating that removals will not harm wild populations. NDFs are supposed to be based on science. This article discusses the issuance, and acceptance, of non-detriment findings despite concerns expressed by experts and a lack of scientific data, using a controversial trade of dolphins as a case study. In early 2003, at least 94 Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) were captured in the coastal waters of Solomon Islands. Bottlenose dolphins are listed on CITES Appendix II and as such require an NDF for their export. The IUCN Cetacean Specialist Group advised against this proposed export, stating that it knew of no published population assessments or other research upon which a valid NDF could be based. Despite this, in July 2003, 28 dolphins were exported to Mexico. A second controversial export occurred on 18 October 2007, when 28 dolphins were exported from Solomon Islands to the United Arab Emirates, an export regarding which IUCN experts again expressed concerns. Two additional exports, of 18 dolphins total, went to the Philippines in 2008.  相似文献   

厦门港的中华白海豚Ⅱ.颅骨、耳骨及舌骨   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
刘文华  黄宗国 《台湾海峡》1999,18(2):205-209
对厦门海域5头成体(9~30岁)、6头哺乳期幼仔的中华白海豚颅骨、耳骨及舌骨进行了比较研究。5头成体标本的颅骨都已完全骨化缝合,而幼仔的颅骨都基本未愈合。成体、幼仔的耳骨大小和形状都基本一样,表明耳骨的生长和发育与头骨的发育是非同步的。  相似文献   

Line-transect data from sighting surveys conducted in the western Mediterranean (in 1991) and the Alboran Sea (in 1992) were analysed to estimate densities and numbers of striped and common dolphins in various areas of the western Mediterranean. Density of striped dolphins in the northwestern Mediterranean was estimated as 0.20 dolphins km−2 (CV = 0.24; 95% CI = 0.12 and 0.32) and was 41% higher than in the southwestern Mediterranean, where it was estimated as 0.12 dolphins km−2 (CV = 0.38; 95% CI = 0.05 and 0.25). The highest densities were observed in the Liguro–Provençal basin, with 0.24 dolphins km−2 (CV = 0.26; 95% CI = 0.14 and 0.40), and the Alboran Sea, with 0.20 dolphins km−2 (CV = 0.33; 95% CI = 0.10 and 0.36). These areas, and especially the Ligurian Sea, appear to be the most productive in terms of the food consumed by striped dolphins. Common dolphins were abundant only in the Alboran Sea with an estimated density of 0.16 dolphins km−2 (CV = 0.40; 95% CI = 0.08 and 0.35), scarce in the south Balearic area and almost absent in the northwestern Mediterranean. The magnitude of the dolphin by-catch in fishing operations in the Alboran Sea and other areas stresses the need for further assessment of densities and numbers, notably in the Alboran Sea and the North African Mediterranean waters.  相似文献   

Tissue distributions of metals (mercury, lead, cadmium, zinc, copper, iron, manganese) were determined in six specimens of striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba, Meyen) stranded on the Apulian coasts (Southern Italy) between February and June 1987. Methyl mercury and selenium were also determined in the liver samples. The liver accumulated the highest concentrations of metals, except for cadmium and chromium. Metal levels were higher than those found in dolphins living in the Atlantic, but lower than those recorded in the same species from the French Mediterranean coasts. Necroscopic surveys found that all specimens were affected by haemorrhagic gastritis, but the cause was not clear. While it was not possible to related the death of dolphins to a specific cause, or to contaminants, the accumulation of metals is likely to contribute to the health of the organism and represents a risk factor for dolphins.  相似文献   

Common bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, were surveyed in offshore gas fields off Ravenna, Italy, between Spring and Autumn, 2001–2005. These visual surveys provide the first density estimates of bottlenose dolphins in the Northwestern Adriatic Sea south of the Po River. Since no study has examined the distribution of bottlenose dolphins relative to gas platforms, when dolphins were encountered, their distance from the nearest gas platform was estimated and behaviour was assessed. Dolphins were sighted on ca. 36% of survey trips, which varied in duration from 1 to 6 h. Group size ranged from 1 to ~50 individuals, with no seasonal trend evident in the likelihood of encounter. Dolphin density was estimated to be approximately 80% higher within 750 m of gas platforms, relative to densities >750 m from platforms, although variability around the estimates was high. From a limited number of behavioural observations, slightly higher frequencies of feeding and milling behaviour were observed closer to gas platforms, whereas dolphins observed further away exhibited higher frequencies of socialising and travelling. Gas platforms are known to provide habitat for demersal fishes and act as aggregation points for pelagic fishes, and these data provide some support for the idea that bottlenose dolphins may utilise gas platforms opportunistically as feeding sites.  相似文献   

总结了北京海洋馆对2003年3月20日从日本购进的6条海豚在隔离期间所采取的医疗保健措施。针对隔离期内6条海豚表现出的厌食、消瘦、贫血、肠炎、便秘等症状,分别采取了驱虫、补充维生素、处理外伤、补液等保健和医疗措施。6条海豚身体恢复健康,已顺利度过隔离期。这一系列医疗保健措施的制定,充分考虑了北京海洋馆的实际情况,同时汲取了国内外该领域的经验,相信可为国内外同行提供有益的帮助。  相似文献   

Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are increasingly used to protect marine mammals from anthropogenic threats despite limited studies that assess their efficacy. The small population of Burrunan dolphins (Tursiops australis) that inhabit Port Phillip Bay (PPB), Australia, are genetically isolated, listed as threatened and are exposed to dolphin-swim tourism. This study aimed to identify areas within PPB where dolphins are most likely to rest, forage and socialise, and whether these behaviours occur frequently within Ticonderoga Bay Sanctuary Zone (TBSZ), the only protected area designated for dolphins within PPB. Here, a comprehensive activity budget for Burrunan dolphins was established and critical habitat identified. Behavioural data were collected from 51 independent dolphin groups during 67 boat-based surveys conducted in southern PPB between December 2009 and May 2013. Travel (63.9%) and rest (1.8%) were the most and least frequently observed behaviours, respectively. Forage (16.4%), mill (10.8%) and social (7.2%) accounted for the remainder of the activity budget. Results indicate that the broader PPB region is important for foraging, socialising and nursing dolphins, while TBSZ has proven importance for foraging dolphins. Thus, the implementation of TBSZ was a correct management decision and MPAs developed without baseline data can be effective for marine mammal conservation. Three candidate MPAs were objectively identified in areas that are hotspots for foraging and socialising Burrunan dolphins in southern PPB. The findings of this study will be used to inform current conservation management strategies. If implemented, the aim of the proposed MPAs will be to reduce impacts from anthropogenic disturbance, namely dolphin-swim tour vessels.  相似文献   

Fishing activities have the potential to alter the behaviour of cetaceans and pose a threat through bycatch. We present observations concerning the influence of inshore trawling on group size and behaviour of Hector's dolphins (Cephalorhynchus hectori) at Banks Peninsula, New Zealand, made during photo‐ID surveys from 2003 to 2007. Aggregations of dolphins, typically involved in what we assumed to be foraging behaviour, were observed following small inshore trawlers year‐round. Group size was larger for aggregations of dolphins following trawlers (mean ± SE = 22.9 ± 1.3, n = 83) than for non‐trawler groups (3.7 ± 0.2, n = 439), and dolphins were typically in a more “excited” state, frequently exhibiting aerial and sexual behaviours. We suggest that trawlers increase the availability of prey for Hector's dolphins and hence foraging behind trawlers is an energetically favourable activity. However, following trawlers probably also increases the risk of being caught in trawl nets, compounding the threats faced by this endangered species.  相似文献   

We report on the presence of lobomycosis-like disease (LLD) and nodular skin disease (NSD) in a community of Guiana dolphins (Sotalia guianensis) inhabiting the biologically and chemically contaminated Paranaguá estuary (Brazil) and on their absence in the community living in the cleaner Cananéia estuary. Prevalence rates of LLD and NSD were 3.9% and 12.6%, respectively, in 103 photo-identified (PI) dolphins from the Paranaguá estuary in the period 2006–2007. Adults and calves were affected. Lobomycosis-like lesions may be extensive and form large plaques. Skin nodules were sometimes ulcerated and associated with cutaneous traumas suggesting that traumatic injuries may play a role in the pathogenesis of this condition. In two adult dolphins, NSD evoked the beginning of LLD. In 1996–2007 none of the 200 PI Cananéia S. guianensis had LLD or NSD, a highly significant difference. Interestingly, these dolphins were reported to harbour relatively low concentrations of organochlorines. LLD and NSD are possibly indicators of environmental changes.  相似文献   

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