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霜枫  田文狄 《家庭医学》2005,(10):28-29
你一定有第一次被人称作“阿姨”的经历;你可能还听到过这样的“教训”——都※※岁的人了,还※※什么呀,你甚至在求职时被用人单位以“年龄超大”挡在门外,这些来自外界或是内心的暗示,都会让你不断地反问自己:我真的不再年轻了吗?  相似文献   

毛健 《长寿》2004,(12):41-41
严冬季节登高远望夕阳拉开金色的大幕甜蜜融进心中的歌唱年轻的老人从不言老恰似滚滚长江奔流到海声势壮回首苍茫天高地长年轻时谁没展开过苍鹰的翅膀把一腔冲天的豪情织进共和国的霞光举着太阳走脚步铿锵风雨雷电滚过胸膛尽管乌发染上白霜山川爬上面庞而前进的背包中始终装着划行的船桨因为没有人可以挡住信念没有人可以回避风浪余热今犹在诗里写故乡不老的内涵就在于有一颗年轻的心去追寻梦寐的方向我们依然年轻@毛健  相似文献   

一位女病人在体检时,医生误诊她患了肝肿,使她心情非常紧张,第二天便感到肝部肿痛。 孩子上床睡觉,妈妈关照他:“当心尿床。”巧,就被母亲说应了,孩子真的尿了床。 电视广告说:“著名影星娜塔莎·金丝姬只用力士香皂,你呢?”于是,许多人争相购买“力士”。 某歌星的发式刚刚在电视上露面,转眼间,这发式便在大街小巷流行起来。  相似文献   

心理学家认为,导致精神障碍的主要原因就是恶性心理暗示。 什么是心理暗示呢?其实,暗示就是一种心理现象,它虽没有任何物质基础,却能够产生强大的力量。如心理医生为患者治病时,就常用心理暗示的方法。有一位老人因惊吓而站立不起。经检查,他躯体没有问题。这时,医生对他说,我们这里有一种特效方法能治你的病,然后给他服用和注射一些安慰剂。过几天医生告诉患者,你的腿完全好了,可以站起来走路了。老人真的站起来迈开双脚走了。这是运用良性的心理  相似文献   

心理学家认为.心理暗示是通过语言、手势、表情等动作。以含蓄的方式对他人的思想行为产生影响的一种过程。心理暗示是社会普遍存在的一种心理现象。从以下三个著名的实验,可以清楚地看出心理暗示的作用。  相似文献   

<正>所谓"心理年轻",是指心灵中的年龄不大或青少年时期的一种状态,是头脑中与老态相对的一种意念,是不受任何干扰的最天真的自然形态的绽放,是不夹杂任何污秽的最本质的孩提,心态是没有任何舞台凭借的稚嫩歌唱,是没有任何毒素的精神营养,是情感活动中的一股勃勃的朝气,是人生春色深处的一缕暖风,是在春风雨露的吹拂滋润之下的幼苗,是一轮爬上峰巅的红日射出的万道霞光,是理性思维中的一种鲜活的创造潜力。  相似文献   

变身妖艳=耀眼的精灵受访者:月仿年龄:27岁职业:形象设计师笔录:猴子我不知道这个世界是谁定下这样隐形的规矩——为什么做形象设计的人,就必须要打扮得比谁都漂亮呢?我不喜欢给自己打扮,从来都是标准的牛仔裤 T恤,这样很方便工作又舒服。可有一次表演 SHOW 结束时,  相似文献   

依升 《健康生活》2010,(10):49-51
我今年30岁.一家银行的会计师 22岁那年,是我风华正茂的年龄。我淳朴、浪漫,对未来的生活充满憧憬。这一年,我跟当工人的薛平结了婚:第二年就有了女儿那娜。一切仿佛都是水到渠成,日子就像流水一样。平静而自然。每天上班下班,忙忙碌碌,生活充实而满足;做饭,收拾家务,哄孩子。  相似文献   

霜爽 《健康世界》2012,(4):74-75
卫生部副部长王陇德指出,从上世纪90年代后期开始,心血管病已逐渐成为我国城乡居民的第一位死因。而国内知名心血管疾病专家林曙光透露,2010—2030年,由于人口老龄化与人口增长,中国心血管疾病患病人数增加幅度将超过50%,如果不加以控制,那么在2030年,中国心血管病患者将增加2130万。心血管病死亡人数将增加770万。  相似文献   

The new sociology of childhood sees children as competent social agents with important contributions to make. And yet the phase of childhood is fraught with tensions and contradictions. Public policies are required, not only to protect children, but also to control them and regulate their behaviour. For children and young people in the UK, youth justice has become increasingly punitive. At the same time, social policies have focused more on children's inclusion and participation. In this interplay of conflict and contradictions, the role the media play is critical in contributing to the moral panic about childhood and youth. In this article, we consider media representations of “antisocial” children and young people and how this belies a moral response to the nature of contemporary childhood. We conclude by considering how a rights‐based approach might help redress the moralised politics of childhood representations in the media.  相似文献   

总有人在忙累之中,不经意问发现自己额上多了纹理.鬓角有了雪花,可在两岸三地娱乐圈里,有很多年近半百的人,比我们还忙碌,作息时间比我们还紊乱.但他(她)们仍显得容光焕发神采飘扬.看起来简直是活脱脱十八九的帅哥美眉,他(她)们为何年轻?答案就是简简单单的四个字:驻颜有术。科技的进步,医学的发达,加上养生观念的提升,人类平均年龄不仅一直得到延长,外表也有年轻化的趋势。难怪医界出身的台湾歌星罗大佑会说,再过5年、10年,人类有可能都不会老了,就算我们经常晨昏颠倒拍戏或录影、录音!下面,为大家介绍几位娱乐圈养颜保健的经典人物。  相似文献   

With the increasing availability of alcohol in modern times,the child neglect and abuse portrayed in Hogarth's engravingGin Lane may once again be witnessed. Reports occur occasionallyof alcohol being given deliberately to infants to quieten them,but alcohol poisoning in the slightly older child is not uncommon. The introduction of child-proof containers has altered poisoningfigures recently. However, alcohol poisoning tends to occurat ages 3 and 4, that is, about 2 years after the peak of allpoisonings in children. This difference may be an indicationthat alcohol is taken in imitation of parents' drinking, a suggestionwhich has some support from reported cases of mouthwash poisoning.Holidays and high days where children and alcohol mix, are potentiallydangerous periods. Since alcohol poisoning can be fatal, yetif recognised is relatively easily managed, every child withthe slightest degree of drowsiness should be suspect until provenor not by blood alcohol. The prevention of alcohol poisoningin the young child consists in protecting the alcohol by lockand key, not setting an example by drinking or gargling in frontof childrenMany substances such as mouthwash and perfume shouldalso be under supervision. Once actual poisoning has occurred blood sugar is probably moreimportant than the level of blood ethanol and blood sugar levelsshould be monitored frequently and the child treated with glucose,preferably intravenously.  相似文献   

Summary The importance of the role of intentional movement and active exploration in the development of a child's knowledge concerning his body, his movement and his surrounding is recognized. Senoristasis is defined and the concept applied to deprivation studies with animal and human subjects. It is suggested that the principle can be used to explain behavioural patterns found in two groups of children who may suffer from sensory deprivation; namely those who live in environments which provide insufficient stimulation and those who lack the necessary mobility to explore the environment in which they live. The importance in a young child's development of a rich sensory environment and opportunities for exploration are stressed.  相似文献   

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