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为了探索温度对苹果汁中维生素C降解的影响以及维生素C的降解动力学规律,采用可逆的一级反应模型,对加热温度30、40、50、60、70℃条件下苹果汁中还原型维生素C(AA)和氧化型维生素C(DHA)含量的变化及降解动力学进行了研究,结果表明:60℃的AA反应速率最大,DHA反应速率基本随着温度升高而增大;温度升高,可逆反应速率常数增大,其它降解途径速率常数变化不明显;AA无氧氧化速率与温度有一定关系,50℃的AA无氧氧化速率最大,70℃的AA无氧氧化速率最小;AA和DHA热降解反应活化能均低于一般化学反应活化能,说明苹果汁中维生素C热稳定性较差。维生素C的降解主要是有氧氧化反应,苹果汁中维生素C无氧降解速率比有氧降解速率慢;温度升高,苹果汁中维生素C有氧降解速度加快,无氧降解速度变化不明显。在苹果汁加工工艺中应尽量隔绝氧气,采用高温(70℃)短时热处理。对成品苹果汁应采用低温贮藏。  相似文献   

本文研究了不同贮藏条件对草莓汁中维生素C降解的影响,分别采用玻璃瓶和PET瓶为包装材料对草莓汁在不同贮藏温度(4℃、20℃和37℃)下维生素C的降解规律进行分析,并分别建立动力学模型。结果表明:草莓汁中的维生素C对热不稳定,随贮藏温度的升高,降解速率增大,半衰期减小;同一贮藏温度下,PET瓶的降解速率大于玻璃瓶;玻璃瓶和PET瓶中草莓汁维生素C的降解均符合一级动力学模型,其反应活化能分别为32.04 kJ/mol和28.26 kJ/mol。两种包装材料预测模型的验证值与实测值的相关系数R~20.99,表明了模型的有效性,可用于预测任意温度下贮藏的维生素C含量及草莓汁货架期。同时对草莓汁中维生素C活化热力学函数(ΔG~≠,ΔH~≠,ΔS~≠,K~≠)的值进行了计算分析,为阐释维生素C降解机制提供了依据。  相似文献   

受干燥条件影响,食品原料中营养成分常发生降解,为阐明微波泡沫干燥条件对蓝靛果中维生素C稳定性的作用规律,本研究在对各影响因素进行通径分析的基础上,分阶段建立维生素C降解动力学模型,并据此建立多物理场仿真模型.结果表明:干燥过程中物料温度和含水率对维生素C降解同时存在直接影响和间接影响,温度升高和含水率下降均会导致维生素...  相似文献   

D.N. Sila    C. Smout    T.S. Vu    M.E. Hendrickx 《Journal of food science》2004,69(5):E205-E211
ABSTRACT: Carrots ( Daucus carota ) pretreated under different high-pressure conditions were thermally processed at temperatures in the range of 90°C to 110°C. Texture degradation (hardness) was monitored objectively using a texture analyzer. For a given thermal treatment, the rate constant (k-value) decreased with increasing pretreatment pressure. A high-pressure pretreatment (200 to 500 MPa) at 60°C for 15 min resulted in a more pronounced texture improvement compared with the same pretreatment at 20°C and 40°C, respectively. Calcium impregnation conferred more beneficial effects when applied immediately after the high-pressure pretreat-ment. The observed changes in texture characteristics were associated with the degree of methylation of carrot pectins, which is dependent on pectinmethylesterase (PME) activity.  相似文献   

采后热处理对红富士苹果青霉病和灰霉病的控制   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
热空气处理能有效抑制灰葡萄孢(Botrytiscinerea)和扩展青霉(Penicilliumexpansum)的毒性。灰葡萄孢比扩展青霉的热敏感度高,Bcinerea孢子38℃热处理48h即能完全抑制孢子萌发。热处理72h的Bcinerea平板均无菌丝生长。Pexpansum的孢子活性和菌丝生长随热处理时间的延长而明显减缓。热处理后的霉菌孢子在苹果果实内生长缓慢,Bcinerea孢子在热处理72h后在苹果中的生长完全受抑制,腐烂发生率为零。Pexpansum热处理72h后才能显著抑制苹果的腐烂发生。苹果接种霉菌后再进行热处理(38℃,96h),无论是0℃还是20℃下放置,均未发现腐烂,大大减少贮期灰霉病、青霉病的发生。研究还发现,经过2个月冷藏后,与对照组相比,热处理过的红富士苹果果皮色泽更黄,糖酸比上升,呼吸强度较低,硬度保持较好,说明热处理能够正面影响苹果的贮藏品质。  相似文献   

Thermal Degradation Kinetics of Prickly-Pear-Fruit Red Pigment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The color stability of betacyanine from prickly pear was determined in the fruit juice at temperatures up to 90 °C. The degradation rates were dependent on pigment concentration, being slower for higher concentrations. The lack of a significant oxygen effect or inhibitory action of ascorbic acid did not support autooxidation as the exclusive chemical process responsible for decolorization.  相似文献   

本文研究了胭脂萝卜红色素在不同溶液体系(pH=3.0的缓冲溶液和不同Vc添加量的软饮料)中的热降解动力学及储藏动力学。结果表明:对胭脂萝卜红色素进行加热处理(75~95 oC),其降解动力学均符合一级反应动力学,且降解速率与温度呈正比。同时,不同Vc添加量对胭脂萝卜红色素的降解速率有一定影响,软饮料中降解速率依次为120 mg/L<40 mg/L<0 mg/L<360 mg/L。在4 oC及25 oC储藏条件下,胭脂萝卜红色素的降解动力学分别符合零级动力学和一级反应动力学模型。  相似文献   

建立了一种利用荧光分光光度计检测果蔬汁中VC检测的新方法,用荧光光谱检测VC含量的最佳激发和发射波长分别为342 nm和430 nm。  相似文献   

Xuetong  Fan 《Journal of food science》2005,70(7):e409-e414
The formation of furan in freshly prepared apple and orange juices as affected by ionizing radiation and thermal treatments was studied using a newly developed solid‐phase microextraction method coupled with gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry (GC‐MS). Results show that furan levels increased linearly as radiation dose increased from 0 to 5 kGy. Irradiation induced more furan in apple juice than in orange juice. During post‐irradiation storage at 4 °C, furan levels increased in both apple and orange juices, particularly in the 1st 3 d. On the other hand, irradiation degraded deuterated furan (d4‐furan) spiked in water and fruit juices. The rate of degradation as a function of radiation dose was the highest in water and the lowest in orange juice. Submerging the juice samples in boiling water for 5 min induced higher amounts of furan in orange juice than in apple juice, but autoclaving (121 °C, 25 min) resulted in more furan formation in apple juice than in orange juice. Results reported here suggest that both ionizing radiation and thermal treatments induce furan formation in fruit juices.  相似文献   

Fruit and vegetable juices and beverages are generally preserved by thermal processing, currently being the most cost‐effective means ensuring microbial safety and enzyme deactivation. However, thermal treatments may induce several chemical and physical changes that impair the organoleptic properties and may reduce the content or bioavailability of some nutrients; in most cases, these effects are strongly dependent on the food matrix. Moreover, the efficacy of treatments can also be affected by the complexity of the product and microorganisms. This review covers researches on this topic, with a particular emphasis on products derived from different botanical sources. Technologies presented include conventional and alternative thermal treatments. Advances toward hurdle‐based technology approaches have been also reviewed.  相似文献   

徐媛  潘思轶 《食品科学》2017,38(11):81-88
对红葡萄柚中番茄红素和色泽进行热降解动力学研究。结果表明,不同温度条件下番茄红素和色泽降解均为一级降解动力学,确定红葡萄柚汁中番茄红素含量与色泽可用线性关系C/C_0=1.770 7(a~*/a_0~*)+0.801 2来表示;纯化后番茄红素含量与色泽在70、80、90℃条件下的线性关系分别为:70℃:C/C_0=1.856(a~*/a_0~*)-0.841 5;80℃:C/C_0=1.714(a~*/a_0~*)-0.711 8;90℃:C/C_0=1.492 1(a~*/a_0~*)-0.467 2。高效液相色谱-二极管阵列在线监测发现番茄红素热降解途径为:加热促使全反式番茄红素向单顺式异构体进行转变,继续加热导致全反式和单顺式异构体转变为双顺式异构体,而加热过程中双顺式异构体也可转变为单顺式异构体或发生降解,从而造成总番茄红素含量的下降。  相似文献   

“伯谢克辛”甜瓜属于典型的呼吸跃变型果实,在采后3~5 d迅速软化。使用1 μL/L 1-甲基环丙烯(1-methylcyclopropene,1-MCP)和300 mg/kg乙烯利处理“伯谢克辛”甜瓜,研究“伯谢克辛”甜瓜调控软化机理,分析硬度、果胶物质含量、纤维素降解变化规律,纤维素酶(Cx)、β-葡萄糖苷酶(β-Glu)、多聚半乳糖醛酸酶(PG)、果胶甲酯酶(PME)活性变化规律。结果表明:1-MCP处理组延缓了甜瓜硬度的下降,原果胶、纤维素含量显著高于对照及乙烯利处理。原果胶比对照组高22%(p<0.05)、纤维素含量比对照组高26.13%(p<0.05);1-MCP处理PG、PME、Cx、β-Glu活性显著低于对照及乙烯利处理组。PG、PME、Cx、β-Glu活性均低于对照组,酶活高峰时比对照组低8.92%、25.73%、32.45%、14.82%。乙烯利处理PG、Cx、β-Glu活性均高于对照组,酶活高峰时比对照组高2.84%、21.83%、14.95%。随着贮藏时间的增加,1-MCP处理通过调节“伯谢克辛”甜瓜果胶类物质、纤维素含量及细胞壁降解酶的活性,减缓细胞软化进程,提高“伯谢克辛”甜瓜的贮藏品质。  相似文献   

Thermal degradation and interconversion of B-6 vitamers and extent of their covalent binding to food proteins during processing at 121°C was evaluated. In solutions of potassium caseinate, radiolabelled forms of pyridoxal (PL) and pyridoxal phosphate (PLP) underwent partial conversion to pyridoxamine (PM) and pyridoxamine phosphate (PMP), respectively. Labelled pyridoxine (PN) underwent only slight oxidation to PL. Processing of evaporated milk, chicken liver and muscle containing tritiated B-6 vitamers yielded similar results. The extent of covalent binding to protein and net retention of vitamin B-6 varied among the food systems examined. Pyridoxyllysine and several unidentified bound forms of the vitamin formed during thermal processing were found in hydrolysates of casein, liver and muscle proteins. Bis-4-pyridoxyl disulfide was not detected.  相似文献   

桃汁热处理过程中非酶褐变动力学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
桃汁在热处理过程中极易发生褐变反应,通常将褐变度和色值L*作为评价桃汁褐变程度的指标。通过测定和分析桃汁在热处理(80、90 ℃和100 ℃)过程中的相关指标发现,桃汁的褐变度分别上升了0.185、0.221和0.276,L*值分别下降了4.22、5.74和7.53,Chroma值和Hue值在热处理过程中逐渐变小,褐变指数不断增大;用零级、一级和联合动力学模型拟合各指标的动态变化的研究发现,联合动力学模型可以更好地表示褐变度和色值的动态变化(R2>0.823);热处理过程中VC含量不断减少,符合零级反应动力学模型(R2>0.894);5-羟甲基糠醛含量不断增加,符合联合动力学模型(R2>0.905),且在各个热处理的温度条件下5-羟甲基糠醛的生成与褐变度的变化表现出二次项关系(R2>0.940)。  相似文献   

以陕西临潼净皮甜石榴为试材,研究了间歇升温处理对石榴果实贮藏期间品质变化的影响。结果表明:石榴在(5.0±0.5)℃条件下贮藏,每隔6 d在(15±0.5)℃下间歇升温处理24 h,能有效保持果粒可溶性固形物含量、总糖含量和可滴定酸含量,减缓果皮褐变指数升高速率,降低果实腐烂率,贮藏120 d果实外观色泽鲜艳.籽粒感官品质良好,保鲜效果理想。  相似文献   

为研究加工热处理对鲜食甜玉米中主要类胡萝卜素组分的影响,以晶甜5号鲜食甜玉米为原料,采用高效液相色谱法分析速冻甜玉米烫漂条件、罐装甜玉米预煮和灭菌时间对甜玉米中常见类胡萝卜素变化的影响。结果表明:速冻甜玉米烫漂处理相同时间,蒸汽烫漂甜玉米籽粒中类胡萝卜素含量高于沸水烫漂,且随着烫漂时间的增加,类胡萝卜素的含量在两种烫漂方式下均逐渐下降。对于罐装甜玉米,在20 min内,预煮时间越短总类胡萝卜素含量越高,随着预煮时间增加,仅α-隐黄质含量有所增加,其余均逐渐下降,但预煮时间超过20 min后,总类胡萝卜素含量无明显变化;在10 min内,灭菌处理可以显著提高总类胡萝卜素含量,随着灭菌时间的增加,总类胡萝卜素含量、各种类胡萝卜素组分含量均呈下降趋势。  相似文献   

丹阳  吴成勇 《食品科学》2009,30(4):268-272
以典型果蔬番茄、黄瓜、上海青为试材,观测了5、10、15、20、50μl/L NO 在单纯空气中及果蔬存在下的降解规律。结果表明:空气中NO 的降解规律是初始阶段降解速率较快,随时间延长,降解速率逐渐减缓,且初始NO 浓度越高,开始阶段下降速率越快;果蔬存在下,NO 浓度变化规律与在单纯空气中的规律相似,但是变化速率均高于单纯空气中相应浓度NO 的变化速率。NO 浓度下降速率与果蔬的表面积重量比成正比。在20℃,RH75% 条件下单纯空气中NO/O2 体系会产生较高浓度NO2,其变化呈现先上升后下降趋势。NO 初始浓度越高,NO2 浓度峰值越高。果蔬的存在能够提高环境湿度从而控制环境中NO 氧化产物NO2 的积累。  相似文献   

Polyphenol oxidase (PPO) from pear was characterized with catechol as substrate. The Michaelis constant of soluble and membrane-bound PPO were 15.6 and 23.8 mM, respectively, and their optimum pH for activity were 6.0 and 6.5, respectively. The inactivation kinetics of soluble and membrane-bound PPO during thermal (45–75 °C) and high-pressure thermal processing (600 MPa, 40–80 °C) were studied. The inactivation kinetics of pear PPO were described by a first-order model at all processing conditions. Compared to soluble PPO, membrane-bound PPO was more sensitive to thermal and high-pressure inactivation. Both soluble and membrane-bound PPO displayed higher sensitivity towards thermal inactivation at pH 3.5 (pH of pear puree made from pears dipped in citric acid prior to blending) compared to pH 4.4 (pH of non-acidified pear puree). High pressure and temperature had synergistic inactivation effects on pear PPO at pH 4.4 while slight antagonistic effects were observed at pH 3.5.  相似文献   

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