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In this paper, we present an efficient global illumination technique, and then we discuss the results of its extensive experimental validation. The technique is a hybrid of cluster-based hierarchical and progressive radiosity techniques, which does not require storing links between interacting surfaces and clusters. We tested our technique by applying a multistage validation procedure, which we designed specifically for global illumination solutions. First, we experimentally validate the algorithm against analytically derived and measured real-world data to check how calculation speed is traded for lighting simulation accuracy for various clustering and meshing scenarios. Then we test the algorithm performance and rendering quality by directly comparing the virtual and real-world images of a complex environment.  相似文献   

O (n) for n subsystems. Moreover, the data necessary for each subsystem computation is completely localized, which allows the database to be stored on disk. The algorithm can easily be implemented with a slight modification of the hierarchical radiosity algorithm. Experiments demonstrate the efficiency of the algorithm.  相似文献   

The performance of the algorithms for the extraction of primitives for the interpretation of line drawings is usually affected by the degradation of the information contained in the document due to factors such as low print contrast, defocusing, skew, etc. In this paper, we are proposing two algorithms for the extraction of primitives with good performance under degradation. The application of the algorithms is restricted to line drawings composed of horizontal and vertical lines. The performance of the algorithms has been evaluated by using a protocol described in the literature. Received: 6 August 1996 / Accepted: 16 July 1997  相似文献   

Radiosity for scenes with many mirror reflections   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Converting paper-based engineering drawings into CAD model files is a tedious process. Therefore, automating the conversion of such drawings represents tremendous time and labor savings. We present a complete system which interprets such 2D paper-based engineering drawings, and outputs 3D models that can be displayed as wireframes. The system performs the detection of dimension sets, the extraction of object lines, and the assembly of 3D objects from the extracted object lines. A knowledge-based method is used to remove dimension sets and text from ANSI engineering drawings, a graphics recognition procedure is used to extract complete object lines, and an evidential rule-based method is utilized to identify view relationships. While these methods are the subject of several of our previous papers, this paper focuses on the 3D interpretation of the object. This is accomplished using a technique based on evidential reasoning and a wide range of rules and heuristics. The system is limited to the interpretation of objects composed of planar, spherical, and cylindrical surfaces. Experimental results are presented. Received December 2, 1998 / Revised June 18, 1999  相似文献   

Fast template matching using bounded partial correlation   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
This paper describes a novel, fast template-matching technique, referred to as bounded partial correlation (BPC), based on the normalised cross-correlation (NCC) function. The technique consists in checking at each search position a suitable elimination condition relying on the evaluation of an upper-bound for the NCC function. The check allows for rapidly skipping the positions that cannot provide a better degree of match with respect to the current best-matching one. The upper-bounding function incorporates partial information from the actual cross-correlation function and can be calculated very efficiently using a recursive scheme. We show also a simple improvement to the basic BPC formulation that provides additional computational benefits and renders the technique more robust with respect to the parameters choice. Received: 2 November 2000 / Accepted: 25 July 2001 Correspondence to: L. Di Stefano  相似文献   

Despite tremendous progress in 3D modelling technology, most sites in traditional industries do not have a computer model of their facilities at their disposal. In these industries, 2D technical drawings are typically the most commonly used documents. In many cases, a database of fully calibrated and oriented photogrammetric images of parts of the plant is also available. These images are often used for metric measurement and 3D as-built modelling. For planning revamps and maintenance, it is necessary to use industrial drawings as well as images and 3D models represented in a common “world” coordinate system. This paper proposes a method for full integration of technical drawings, calibrated images and as-built 3D models. A new algorithm is developed in order to use only a few correspondences between points on a technical drawing and multiple images to estimate a metric planar transformation between the drawing and the world coordinate system. The paper describes the mathematical relationship between this transformation and the set of homographies needed for merging the technical drawing with all the calibrated images. The method is implemented and fully integrated into an industrial software we developed for 3D as-built reconstruction. We present examples of a real application, in which the method is successfully applied to create an augmented reality representation of a waste water plant. Accepted: 13 August 2001  相似文献   

Geometric groundtruth at the character, word, and line levels is crucial for designing and evaluating optical character recognition (OCR) algorithms. Kanungo and Haralick proposed a closed-loop methodology for generating geometric groundtruth for rescanned document images. The procedure assumed that the original image and the corresponding groundtruth were available. It automatically registered the original image to the rescanned one using four corner points and then transformed the original groundtruth using the estimated registration transformation. In this paper, we present an attributed branch-and-bound algorithm for establishing the point correspondence that uses all the data points. We group the original feature points into blobs and use corners of blobs for matching. The Euclidean distance between character centroids is used as the error metric. We conducted experiments on synthetic point sets with varying layout complexity to characterize the performance of two matching algorithms. We also report results on experiments conducted using the University of Washington dataset. Finally, we show examples of application of this methodology for generating groundtruth for microfilmed and FAXed versions of the University of Washington dataset documents. Received: July 24, 2001 / Accepted: May 20, 2002  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the general problem of technical document interpretation, as applied to the documents of the French Telephonic Operator, France Télécom. More precisely, we focus the content of this paper on the computation of a new set of features allowing the classification of multioriented and multiscaled patterns. This set of invariants is based on the Fourier–Mellin Transform. The interests of this computation rely on the excellent classification rate obtained with this method and also on using this Fourier–Mellin transform within a “filtering mode”, with which we can solve the well known difficult problem of connected character recognition.  相似文献   

We present an efficient and accurate method for retrieving images based on color similarity with a given query image or histogram. The method matches the query against parts of the image using histogram intersection. Efficient searching for the best matching subimage is done by pruning the set of subimages using upper bound estimates. The method is fast, has high precision and recall and also allows queries based on the positions of one or more objects in the database image. Experimental results showing the efficiency of the proposed search method, and high precision and recall of retrieval are presented. Received: 20 January 1997 / Accepted: 5 January 1998  相似文献   

A survey of approaches to automatic schema matching   总被引:76,自引:1,他引:75  
Schema matching is a basic problem in many database application domains, such as data integration, E-business, data warehousing, and semantic query processing. In current implementations, schema matching is typically performed manually, which has significant limitations. On the other hand, previous research papers have proposed many techniques to achieve a partial automation of the match operation for specific application domains. We present a taxonomy that covers many of these existing approaches, and we describe the approaches in some detail. In particular, we distinguish between schema-level and instance-level, element-level and structure-level, and language-based and constraint-based matchers. Based on our classification we review some previous match implementations thereby indicating which part of the solution space they cover. We intend our taxonomy and review of past work to be useful when comparing different approaches to schema matching, when developing a new match algorithm, and when implementing a schema matching component. Received: 5 February 2001 / Accepted: 6 September 2001 Published online: 21 November 2001  相似文献   

In this paper, we discuss an appearance-matching approach to the difficult problem of interpreting color scenes containing occluded objects. We have explored the use of an iterative, coarse-to-fine sum-squared-error method that uses information from hypothesized occlusion events to perform run-time modification of scene-to-template similarity measures. These adjustments are performed by using a binary mask to adaptively exclude regions of the template image from the squared-error computation. At each iteration higher resolution scene data as well as information derived from the occluding interactions between multiple object hypotheses are used to adjust these masks. We present results which demonstrate that such a technique is reasonably robust over a large database of color test scenes containing objects at a variety of scales, and tolerates minor 3D object rotations and global illumination variations. Received: 21 November 1996 / Accepted: 14 October 1997  相似文献   

Efficient collision detection for models deformed by morphing   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Published online: 5 February 2003  相似文献   

This paper presents a new multi-pass hierarchical stereo-matching approach for generation of digital terrain models (DTMs) from two overlapping aerial images. Our method consists of multiple passes which compute stereo matches with a coarse-to-fine and sparse-to-dense paradigm. An image pyramid is generated and used in the hierarchical stereo matching. Within each pass, the DTM is refined by using the image pyramid from the coarse to the fine level. At the coarsest level of the first pass, a global stereo-matching technique, the intra-/inter-scanline matching method, is used to generate a good initial DTM for the subsequent stereo matching. Thereafter, hierarchical block matching is applied to image locations where features are detected to refine the DTM incrementally. In the first pass, only the feature points near salient edge segments are considered in block matching. In the second pass, all the feature points are considered, and the DTM obtained from the first pass is used as the initial condition for local searching. For the passes after the second pass, 3D interactive manual editing can be incorporated into the automatic DTM refinement process whenever necessary. Experimental results have shown that our method can successfully provide accurate DTM from aerial images. The success of our approach and system has also been demonstrated with a flight simulation software. Received: 4 November 1996 / Accepted: 20 October 1997  相似文献   

This paper presents a local approach for matching contour segments in an image sequence. This study has been primarily motivated by work concerned with the recovery of 3D structure using active vision. The method to recover the 3D structure of the scene requires to track in real-time contour segments in an image sequence. Here, we propose an original and robust approach that is ideally suited for this problem. It is also of more general interest and can be used in any context requiring matching of line boundaries over time. This method only involves local modeling and computation of moving edges dealing “virtually” with a contour segment primitive representation. Such an approach brings robustness to contour segmentation instability and to occlusion, and easiness for implementation. Parallelism has also been investigated using an SIMD-based real-time image-processing system. This method has been validated with experiments on several real-image sequences. Our results show quite satisfactory performance and the algorithm runs in a few milliseconds. Received: 11 December 1996 / Accepted: 8 August 1997  相似文献   

This work investigates map-to-image registration for planar scenes in the context of robust parameter estimation. Registration is posed as the problem of estimating a projective transformation which optimally aligns transformed model line segments from a map with data line segments extracted from an image. Matching and parameter estimation is solved simultaneously by optimizing an objective function which is based on M-estimators, and depends on overlap and the weighted orthogonal distance between transformed model segments and data segments. An extensive series of registration experiments was conducted to test the performance of the proposed parameter estimation algorithm. More than 200 000 registration experiments were run with different objective functions for 12 aerial images and randomly corrupted maps distorted by randomly selected projective transformations. Received: 10 August 2000 / Accepted: 29 January 2001  相似文献   

Two methods for cloud visualisation from weather simulation data   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
For the local TV presentation of weather forecast data, it is important to have high-quality and fast visualisation of clouds. In this paper, I present methods for the visualisation of clouds from data produced by a meteorological weather simulation. Isosurfaces, which are originally too coarse because of the data grid resolution, are refined and deformed. The resulting geometry is used for cloud visualisation.  相似文献   

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