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《Gondwana Research》2000,3(1):21-31
The origin of Palghat Gap, the most prominent discontinuity in the Western Ghats, is controversial. The rocks of the Gap — hornblende-biotite gneiss, mylonitic augen gneiss, charnockite and amphibolite are characterised by three groups of folds formed during two deformations. Shear indicators like augens, pull-aparts, rootless folds, sheath folds, minor shears and quartz fabric strongly suggest ductile dextral shearing. Kinematic analysis of structural elements supports shearing in a N-S compressional field with XY being subvertical. Features on both mesoscopic and microscopic scales strongly favour Palghat Gap being treated as a ductile shear zone. The present Gap topography is the product of shearing and erosion.  相似文献   

We present a diatom record from a well-dated 15.25 m composite sedimentary core from Verlorenvlei, a shallow coastal lake on the west coast of South Africa. We show that fluctuations in the diatom record occur in response to changes in sea level, ocean–atmosphere interactions and latitudinal shifts in the wind belts. During the early to mid-Holocene, the system primarily responds to sea level changes. A marine community that favours high nutrients is evident, particularly during 9200–8000, 7420–7000 and 6200–5600 cal a bp , corroborating periods of Benguela upwelling linked to fluctuations in the southeast trade winds. Increases in bioproductivity (%TOC, C/N) and fresher-water diatoms are associated with wetter conditions over the region and the northward migration of the southern westerly wind belt, most notably between 8000 and 7500 cal a bp and over the last 700 years. The latter trends are concomitant with changes in the extent of Antarctic sea ice and availability of moisture in southern South America. During the late Holocene, as sea levels stabilised to modern levels, climate variability is more strongly evident. The body of evidence further reveals the sensitivity of the region to high-latitude atmospheric mechanisms, but also showcases the significance of the southeast trade winds.  相似文献   

In the paper, influence of extratropical circulation features on Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall (ISMR) is examined. Energetics of extratropics, north of Indian subcontinent for deficient and non-deficient ISMR years, during two periods 1951–1978 and 1979–2005, are calculated and critically analyzed. It is observed that for the period 1951–1978, only two out of the 10 energetics parameters, viz., the zonal available potential energy (high) and conversion of zonal kinetic energy to eddy kinetic energy (low) differed significantly in JJA months of the deficient years from that of the non-deficient years. However, during the 1979–2005 period, as many as six out of the 10 energetics parameters, viz., eddy available potential energy, zonal available potential energy, eddy kinetic energy, generation of zonal available potential energy, conversion of zonal available potential energy to zonal kinetic energy and conversion of zonal kinetic energy to eddy kinetic energy differed significantly in JJA months of the deficient years from that of the non-deficient years. These results confirm growing influence of the transient stationary waves in deficient years after the climate shift year, 1979. Analysis of energetics parameters of the pre-monsoon season of the two periods also reveals similar results. This suggests that forcings apparently responsible for energetics in JJA months of the deficient years of the later period were present even before the advent of Indian summer monsoon season.  相似文献   

Our understanding of monsoon circulation timing’s at the orbital scale is currently a matter of debate. Here, we compare previous and recently published results of Indian, East Asian, West African and East African monsoon variability. We note different timings between the East African, West African, Indian and East-Asian monsoon systems for the most recent 45 ka, where the age models are constrained by AMS dating. On this basis, we construct different orbital forcing “reference curves” and apply them to the 200 ka time period for the different monsoon systems. Our results indicate that the ‘global monsoon’ concept at the orbital scale is a misnomer. We find real regional differences in the timing of the monsoon response to orbital forcing and differences in the weight of precession and obliquity in the monsoon records. This work highlights the necessity of studies aimed at understanding the underlying physics of these regional response patterns. This is crucial to a better understanding of monsoon dynamics and improved climate model simulations and comparisons with proxy data.  相似文献   

The Indian monsoon carries large amounts of freshwater to the northern Indian Ocean and modulates the upper ocean structure in terms of upwelling and productivity. Freshwater-induced stratification in the upper ocean of the Bay of Bengal is linked to the changes in the Indian monsoon. In this study, we test the usefulness of δ18O and δ13C variability records for Globigerina bulloides and Orbulina universa to infer Indian monsoon variability from a sediment core retrieved from the southwestern Bay of Bengal encompassing the last 46 kyr record. Results show that the northeast monsoon was dominant during the Last Glacial Maximum. Remarkable signatures are observed in the δ18O and δ13C records during the Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3 to MIS-1. Our study suggests that Indian monsoon variability is controlled by a complex of factors such as solar insolation, North Atlantic climatic shifts, and coupled ocean–atmospheric variability during the last 46 kyr.  相似文献   

Petrographic and geochemical studies of peridotites from the South Sandwich forearc region provide new evidence for the evolution of the South Sandwich arc–basin system and for the nature of interactions between arc magma and oceanic lithosphere. Peridotites from the inner trench wall in the north-east corner of the forearc vary from clinopyroxene-bearing harzburgites, through samples transitional between harzburgites and dunites or wehrlites, to dunites. The harzburgites are LREE depleted with low incompatible element abundances and have chromites with intermediate Cr# (ca. 0.40). Modelling shows that they represent the residues from 15–20% melting at oxygen fugacities close to the QFM buffer. The dunites have U-shaped REE patterns, low incompatible element abundances and high Cr# (0.66–0.77). Petrography and geochemistry indicate that the latter are the product of intense interaction between peridotite and melt saturated with olivine under conditions of high oxygen fugacity (QFM + 2). The transitional samples are the product of lesser interaction between peridotite and melt saturated with olivine ± clinopyroxene. The data demonstrate that the harzburgites originated as the residue from melting at a ridge (probably the early East Scotia Sea spreading centre), and were subsequently modified to transitional peridotites and dunites by interaction with South Sandwich arc magmas. The second dredge locality, near the South Sandwich Trench–Fracture Zone intersection, yielded rocks ranging from lherzolite to harzburgite that could similarly have resulted from a two-stage melting and enrichment process, but involving a more fertile mantle residue and a reacting melt that is transitional between MORB and island arc tholeiite. The South Sandwich peridotites have a similar petrogenetic history to those from Conical Seamount in the Mariana forearc in the sense that both involved interaction between arc magma and pre-existing mantle lithosphere of different provenance. However, the precise compositions of the magma and mantle components vary from location to location according to the precise tectonic setting and tectonic history. Overall, therefore, data from the South Sandwich and Izu–Bonin–Mariana systems emphasise the potential significance of peridotite geochemistry in unravelling the complex tectonic histories of forearcs past and present. Received: 31 August 1999 / Accepted: 3 December 1999  相似文献   

This paper presents a conodont biostratigraphic study on the Upper Cambrian Sesong and Hwajeol Formations in the Sabuk area, Korea. Two samples near the base of the Sesong Slate at the Pukil section contain lower Upper Cambrian conodonts, comprising Furnishina furnishi, F. kranzae, F. pernical, F. triangulate, Hertzina elongata, Laiwugnathus doidyxus?, Phakelodus elongatus, Muellerodus? obliquus, Westergaardodina matsushitai and W. moessebergensis. This is the first conodont record of the Upper Cambrian formations recovered yet in the northern limb of the Paekunsan syncline. The faunal assemblage is correctable with the lower Upper Cambrian W. matsushitai Zone of North China. Four local biozones are recognized in the Hwajeol Formation, i.e. the Proconodontus, Eoconodontus notchpeakensis, Cambrooistodus minutus and Cordylodus proavus Zones in ascending order. This zonal scheme is essentially equivalent to that of the southern limb of the Paekunsan syncline and they are correlatable with zones in other pa  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(12):1461-1480

The South Indian Granulite Terrane (SGT) is a collage of Archaean to Neoproterozoic age granulite facies blocks that are sutured by an anastomosing network of large-scale shear systems. Besides several Neoproterozoic carbonatite complexes emplaced within the Archaean granulites, there are also smaller Paleoproterozoic (2.4 Ga, Hogenakkal) carbonatite intrusions within two NE-trending pyroxenite dikes. The Hogenakkal carbonatites, further discriminated into sövite and silicate sövite, have high Sr and Ba contents and extreme light rare earth element (LREE) enrichment with steep slopes typical of carbonatites. The C- and O-isotopic ratios [δ13CVPDB = ?6.7 to ?5.8‰ and δ18OVSMOW = 7.5–8.7‰ except a single 18O-enriched sample (δ18O = 20.0‰)] represent unmodified mantle compositions. The εNd values indicate two groupings for the Hogenakkal carbonatites; most samples show positive εNd values, close to CHUR (εNd = ?0.35 to 2.94) and named high-εNd group while the low-εNd group samples show negative values (?5.69 to ?8.86), corresponding to depleted and enriched source components, respectively. The 87Sr/86Sri ratios of the two groups also can be distinguished: the high-εNd ones have low 87Sr/86Sri ratios (0.70161–0.70244) while the low-εNd group shows higher ratios (0.70247–0.70319). We consider the Nd–Sr ratios as primary and infer derivation from a heterogeneous mantle source. The emplacement of the Hogenakkal carbonatites may be related to Paleoproterozoic plume induced large-scale rifting and fracturing related to initiation of break-up of the Neoarchean supercontinent Kenorland.  相似文献   

The geology of New South Wales is diverse, spanning Paleoproterozoic to modern materials and their various associated landforms and soils. In recognition of the intrinsic geological value of the State, around 150 geological sites were nominated to the now defunct Register of the National Estate, with the objective of geoconservation. However, these sites did not encompass the full range of geology of New South Wales; neither did they offer registered sites any protection. Analysis shows that the types of sites nominated were biased towards sedimentary and igneous rocks, and fossils, with under representation of metamorphic rocks, site-restricted soils, geomorphology and hydrogeology. To test the utility of the Brocx and Semeniuk ‘Geoheritage Toolkit’, a subset of the Register listings was re-examined, focusing on the Sydney Basin. Within the Sydney Basin, 59 nominated sites were reassessed using various geoheritage categories and the hierarchical framework of scale of the Toolkit. Four sites within the Sydney Basin were found to have features of international to national significance, and to have national historical value. These sites will need to be renominated for State and National listing. Clearly, to ensure that University teaching sites, as well as stratigraphic and lithologic type sections and reference sites, reflecting the geodiversity of New South Wales are conserved for future generations, a greater number of sites need to be put forward for heritage listing.  相似文献   

Rb-Sr and U-Pb isotopic studies of the two contrasting granite types of the Daguzhai and Luobuli massifs in South China provide new constraints on the interpretation of isotopic age data for plutonic igneous rocks. A Rb-Sr internal isochron age of 146±7Ma for the Luobuli adamellite is interpreted to represent the age of magma crystallization, whereas the whole rock Rb- Sr isochron yields an older apparent age of 161±10Ma which is regarded as resulting from contamination processes affecting the petrogenesis of this adamellite. In the Daguzhai granite the marked scatter of whole- rock Rb-Sr data in isochron diagram is ascribed to the open system behavior of Rb during postmagmatic autometasomatism. Uniformity of initial87Sr /86Sr ratio in this granite is indicated in a plot of87Sr versus86Sr. The autometasomatism has also affected zircon U-Pb system, resulting in a spread of data along the concordia curve between 165 and 125Ma. This spread is regarded as indicating the duration of the autometasomatism.  相似文献   

Using a historical database (1952–2007) of sea surface temperature (SST) from a subtropical high-controlled area (110°E–140°E, 15°N–35°N) of the west Pacific Ocean and the precipitation over Hunan Province of southeast China, we analyzed time series variations of precipitation in relation to the East Asian summer monsoon and a global warming setting. The results show that there has been a significant increase in SST of the subtropical high-controlled area in the recent 50 years. Although the increase in annual summer monsoon precipitation during the same period has been subtle over Hunan province, seasonal rainfall distribution has obviously changed, represented by a reduction in May, but a significant increase through June to August, especially in July. We suggest that the mechanism of seasonal redistribution of monsoon precipitation is primarily due to the increasing SST that delays the intrusion of the west Pacific Subtropical High, therefore leading to a postponing of migration of the East Asian summer monsoon rainfall belt inland and northward.  相似文献   

Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) is investigated in samples of Peralimala (PM) pluton (ca. 550 Ma) and adjacent gneiss, gabbro, mylonite and amphibolite from the Moyar Shear Zone (MSZ), Southern Granulite Terrane (SGT) with an aim to decipher the time-relationship between fabric development in the pluton and regional tectonics. Magnetic foliation recorded in the PM pluton is sub-parallel to the WNW-ESE striking MSZ. Magnetic foliation and lineation trajectories are sigmoidal and curve into the shear zone. A dextral sense of shear is deciphered from the trajectories, which is similar to that reported within the MSZ in some earlier studies. It is inferred that the PM pluton has developed post-emplacement deformation-fabric related to reactivation of the MSZ during Pan-African age. Based on the data and existing information about regional tectonics of the area, the possibility of the (a) PM pluton being a Deformed Alkali Rock and Carbonatite (DARC) and (b) MSZ marking an ancient suture zone, is discussed.  相似文献   

The Peninsular Gneiss, which is considered by a number of workers to be the basement on which the supracrustal rocks of the Dharwar Group were deposited, is a composite gneiss formed by migmatization of pre-existing metasedimentary and meta-igneous rocks. These gneisses show the same style and sequence of superposed deformation as those in the enclaves of metamorphic rocks and in the linear Dharwar schist belts outside. The main migmatization is broadly coeval with the isoclinal first folding, which is followed by near-coaxial refolding and non-coaxial upright folding. Small inclusions of migmatized amphibolite and granodioritic to dioritic gneiss, with a fabric athwart to, and overprinted by, the earliest deformation affecting the Dharwar Group of rocks in a large part of the gneissic terrane, point to at least one deformation, a metamorphic event and one episode of migmatization antedating the isoclinal first folds in the rocks of the Dharwar Group. The Peninsular Gneiss in its present state, therefore, represents an extensively remobilized basement.
Zusammenfassung Der Peninsula-Gneis, der von einigen Bearbeitern als das Basement angesehen wird, auf dem die Gesteine der Dharwar-Gruppe abgelagert wurden, ist ein Migmatit aus Komponenten älterer metamorpher Sedimentgesteine und Magmatite. Abfolge der Deformation und Deformationsart dieser Gneise entspricht der Deformation des Dharwar Schiefergürtels. Die Hauptmigmatisierung verlief zeitgleich mit der isoklinalen ersten Faltung, die von einer zweiten fast coaxialen und einer dritten aufrecht coaxialen Faltung gefolgt wird. Es existieren Einschlüsse migmatisierten Amphibolits und granodioritischen bis dioritischen Gneises, deren Gefüge auf die älteste die Dharwar-Gruppe beeinflussenden Deformation zurückgeführt wird. Diese Beobachtungen sprechen für mindestens eine Deformation, eine Metamorphose und eine Migmatisierungsphase, die älter sind als die isoklinalen Falten der ersten Generation der Dharwar-Gruppe. Nach heutigen Erkenntnissen stellt also der Peninsular-Gneis ein intensiv durchbewegtes Basement dar.

Résumé La formation des «Peninsular Gneiss» est considérée par de nombreux auteurs comme le socle sur lequel se sont déposées les roches supracrustales du Groupe de Dharwar. Il s'agit de gneiss composites formés par migmatitisation de roches méta-sédimentaires et méta-ignées préexistantes. Ces gneiss présentent le même style de déformation et la même succession de déformations superposées que la ceinture des schistes de Dharwar. La migmatitisation est contemporaine d'un premier plissement isoclinal, qui a été suivi d'un deuxième plissement sensiblement coaxial et d'une troisième déformation en plis droits non coaxiaux. Il existe toutefois des inclusions d'amphibolites migmatitiques et de gneiss granodioritiques à dioritiques dont la structure, transverse à la déformation la plus ancienne du Groupe de Dharwar, est remaniée par celleci. Ces observations plaident en faveur de l'existence d'au moins une phase de déformation, de métamorphisme et de migmatitisation antérieure aux plis isoclinaux de première génération du Groupe de Dharwar. A la lumière des connaissances actuelles, les Peninsular Gneiss apparaissent ainsi comme un socle polycyclique intensément remanié.

, , Dharwar, . Dharwar. , , - - , - . , Dharwar. , , , , , Dharwar. , .

Abundant and well-preserved fossil radiolarians found from the Artencasher Formation, Heiyingshan of Baicheng County, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, are identified, including 15 species and 2 unnamed species in 9 genera. The fauna is dominated by the Family Entactiniidae of Spumellaria. According to the faunal characteristics, the radiolarians may be divided into five assemblages, namely, the Triaenosphaera sicarius, Entatinosphaera palimbola, Entactinia vulgaris, Belowea cf. variabilis and Archocyrtium sp assemblages. The fauna may be correlated with that from the Early Carboniferous of Frankenwald and Rein in Germany. Thus, ophiolite was formed in the Carboniferous, while the age of collision between the Ili plate and the Tarim plate is Early Carboniferous.  相似文献   

In the past decade progress has been made recognising the contribution that geodiversity makes to biodiversity and society. Scotland's Geodiversity Charter, launched in 2012 and revised in 2017, has attracted the support of almost 100 organisations and encourages signatories to work together to recognise the value of geodiversity and ensure it is managed appropriately and safeguarded. The case study presented here highlights that while there is a real desire to protect sites that are scientifically valuable, significant challenges exist to balance this with societal demand for resources and development. There are also challenges for geoscientists and geoconservation groups to communicate effectively with planning authorities and local communities. The case study also sheds light on the problems associated with the systems of designating geosites of national and regional importance, the maintenance of these systems, and how the value of these sites is conveyed beyond the scientific community. Scotland's Geodiversity Charter offers a framework that stakeholders can use to work in partnership to increase awareness of the issues and help achieve the sustainable management of geosites. Case studies such as Callander provide lessons and solutions to overcome the challenges that arise and highlight the need for the participation of both national and local stakeholders.  相似文献   

In this study, an attempt has been made to examine the relationship between summer monsoon rainfall (June–September) and the total number of depressions, cyclones and severe cyclones (TNDC) over Bay of Bengal during the post-monsoon (October–December) season. The seasonal rainfall of the subdivisions (located in south India) (referred as rainfall index – RI), is positively and significantly correlated (r=0.59; significant at >99% level) with the TNDC during the period, 1984–2013. By using the first differences (current season minus previous season), the correlations are enhanced and a remarkably high correlation of 0.87 is observed between TNDC and RI for the recent period, 1993–2013. The average seasonal genesis potential parameter (GPP) showed a very high correlation of 0.84 with the TNDC. A very high correlation of 0.83 is observed between GPP and RI for the period, 1993–2013. The relative vorticity and mid-tropospheric relative humidity are found to be the dominant terms in GPP. The GPP was 3.5 times higher in above (below) normal RI in which TNDC was 4 (2). It is inferred that RI is playing a key role in TNDC by modulating the environmental conditions (low level vorticity and relative humidity) over Bay of Bengal during post-monsoon season which could be seen from the very high correlation of 0.87 (which explains 76% variability in TNDC). For the first time, we show that RI is a precursor for the TNDC over Bay of Bengal during post-monsoon season. Strong westerlies after the SW monsoon season transport moisture over the subdivisions towards Bay of Bengal due to cyclonic circulation. This circulation favours upward motion and hence transport moisture vertically to mid-troposphere which causes convective instability and this in turn favour more number of TNDC, under above-normal RI year.  相似文献   

Nonhydrolyzable carbon (NHC) and black carbon (BC) were measured upon treatments with the HCl/HF/trifluoroacetic acid method, and with the combustion method at 375 ℃, respectively in three contaminated soils from the urban area of Guangzhou and twenty-two bulk and size-fractionated sediments from the Pearl River Delta and Estuary, China. The isolated NHC and BC fractions were also characterized using elementary analysis, radiocarbon accelerated mass spectroscopy (AMS), solid state ^13C cross-polarization and magic angle spinning unclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (^13C-CP/MAS NMR), Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and Raman microspectrometry. The results showed that the NHC and BC accounted for 25.6%-84.7 % and 4.14%-17.3%, respectively, of the total organic carbon (OC) with averages of 51.9% and 11.2% in the soils and sediments. For the less contaminated, low OC fiver and estuary sediments (WR and C08), the OC and NHC concentrations increased with decreasing particle size.  相似文献   

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