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基于二维加权分数傅里叶变换的安全传输方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从无线通信系统的安全性角度出发,为了进一步提升传统加权分数傅里叶(weighted fractional Fourier transform,WFR-FT)的抗截获性能,引入二维加权分数傅里叶变换(two-dimensional weighted fractional Fourier transform,2DWFRFT...  相似文献   

针对二维三次非线性相位耦合分析中的分维配对问题进行了研究。构造了合适的基于四元数的二维谐波模型,根据此模型定义了特殊的四阶累积量切片,分析了加性高斯在有色噪声中的二维三次非线性相位耦合。该方法从理论上避免了复数模型分析二维三次非线性相位耦合时频率配对中可能产生的错误频率对以及有可能产生的二维频率估计精度的不平衡等问题。仿真实验验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

利用投影引理得出了控制系统分析和综合的一个新框架.在该框架下针对实多面体不确定连续时间系统,提出了基于扩展LM I条件的鲁棒H2/D稳定的状态反馈控制设计方法,所提出的方法能够使用不同的并且是参数依赖的Lyapunov函数来进行鲁棒控制综合,改善了系统性能且具有较低的保守性,通过仿真进行了验证.  相似文献   

为了提高二维瞬态涡流场的计算精度与速度,结合边光滑有限元法计算精度高和边界元法占用计算机内存少的优点,提出一种基于边光滑有限元法——边界元法相结合的混合算法(ES-FEM-BEM)来计算二维瞬态涡流场.在相同网格划分密度下,相较于传统的有限元-边界元耦合算法(FEM-BEM)而言,该混合算法具有明显提高计算精度的优点.同时建立了二维脉冲线圈-铝板模型,并对铝板表面的磁场强度进行计算.结果表明:在网格划分密度相同的情况,ES-FEM-BEM的计算结果与测量结果的最大相对误差只有3.4%,而FEM-BEM的计算结果与测量结果的最大相对误差达到31.8%.基于边光滑有限元法和边界元法耦合的混合算法,可为瞬态开域涡流场分析提供重要的参考依据.  相似文献   

An element coupling model (ECM) method was proposed to simulate the global behavior and local damage of a structure.In order to reflect the local damage and improve the computational efficiency,three-dimensional (3D) solid elements and one-dimensional (1D) beam element were coupled by the multi-point constraint equations.A reduced scale 1?8 model test was simulated by the ECM and a full three dimensional model (3DM) contrastively.The results show that the global behavior and local damages of ECM agree well ...  相似文献   

The carrier leakage and I/Q mismatch calibrated technique based on the digital baseband for the direct conversion transmitter is described. The proposed technique only needs a calibration chain to detect mismatches, and then transmits them to the digital baseband, which completes the calibrated task. The proposed method is very simple in reducing die areas and power dissipation. Under TSMC 013μm CMOS technology simulation, the calibrated error of carrier leakage is less than 15% and the error of I/Q mismatch is less than 65%.The measurement results indicate that I/Q amplitude mismatch is reflected at twice the input frequency. The calibrated chain gain range is 15dB with a 5dB step, and the bandwidth is 20MHz.  相似文献   

长江口一、二维嵌套水流盐度数学模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
建立了长江大通至河口大范围的一、二维嵌套水流盐度数学模型,其中大通至江阴采用一维河网数学模型,江阴至口外段采用一般曲线坐标系平面二维数学模型.采用长江大通至江阴以及江阴至河口段的实测资料对建立的一、二维模型进行了较系统的率定,结果表明:数学模型计算与实测资料均吻合较好,验证了该数学模型运用于长江口水流盐度数值模拟的可靠性,为下一步进行长江口盐水入侵研究奠定了基础.  相似文献   

用正弦伽略金法分析了纵/横向耦合裂缝的散射特性,导出了计及波导壁厚度的积分方程。进一步分析了正交耦合的主模散射特性,分析了S参数之间的关系,计算了标准X波段矩形波导的S参数随缝隙长度、偏置的变化关系。给出了不同偏置、波导尺寸情况下谐振长度和散射特性的数值结果。这些结果已成功地应用于波导馈电裂缝阵列设计中。  相似文献   

提出了一种新的交替方向隐式时域有限差分激励源加入的总场-散射场方法.在总场边界附近,二维TM波的电磁场格点在每个子时间步都需要加入入射波的相应分量.根据交替方向隐式时域有限差分迭代公式及格点在总场边界的具体位置共有14种情况需要修正,其中电场格点有10种情况.该方法继承了常规时域有限差分加源的特点,而且保持了交替方向隐式时域有限差分求解线性方程组的形式不变.在入射波为平面波时,计算表明,当计算时间步长为Courant-Friedrich-Levy稳定性条件所限制时间步长的5倍时,总场区的入射波仍具有很好的场量等值线.利用该方法给出的金属方柱和前端有介质涂层的复杂目标金属机翼散射的数值计算结果验证了其有效性.  相似文献   

为改善现存图像修复算法在修复时存在的"灰度跳变"现象,同时降低运行复杂度,提出一种基于偏微分方程模型(称为Isophote-TV-H-1模型)和改进Criminisi算法的数字图像修复算法.首先利用图像分解模型(TV-H~(-1))获得缺损图像的结构部分和纹理部分;然后用Isophote-TV-H-1模型和改进的Criminisi算法分别对缺损图像的结构部分和纹理部分进行修复;最后将修复后的结构部分和纹理部分进行叠加得到最终的修复结果.实验结果表明,本模型与TV模型相比,能够较好地修复缺损区域中的纹理信息;与Criminisi算法相比,本模型通过对相似度度量方法的改进,有效地抑制了图像修复过程中的误差传播,并利用局部搜索(图像局部相似性)来替代传统的穷尽搜索,进而提高算法的效率.同传统的基于图像分解的图像复原算法以及TV模型相比,本模型能解决"灰度跳变"问题,获得更好的修复结果.  相似文献   

A novel hybrid solar concentrating Photovoltaic/Thermal (CPV/T) system with beam splitting technique is presented. In this system, a beam splitter is used to separate the concentrated solar radiation into two parts: one for the PV power generation and the other for thermal utility. The solar concentrator is a flat Fresnel-type concentrator with glass mirror reflectors. It can concentrate solar radiation onto solar cells with high uniformity, which is beneficial to improving the efficiency of solar cells. The thermal receiver is separated to the solar cells, and therefore, the thermal fluid can be heated to a relatively high temperature and does not affect the performance of solar cells. A dimensionless model was developed for the performance analysis of the concentrating system. The effects of the main parameters on the performance of the concentrator were analyzed. The beam splitter with coating materials Nb2O3 /SiO2 was designed by using the needle optimization technique, which can reflect about 71% of the undesired radiation for silicon cell(1.1m < 3m) to the thermal receiver for thermal utility. The performance of this CPV/T system was also theoretically analyzed.  相似文献   

A general and efficient method is presented in this paper for studying the effects of unbalance on the breathing mechanism of crack. Based on 3D finite element models combined with a nonlinear contact approach for crack modeling, the method is free from the assumption of weight-dominance and can be used to gain deep insights into the breathing mechanism of crack. In order to greatly reduce the computational time, a complex free-interface component mode synthesis (CMS) method is employed to reduce the order of the model. Based on the proposed method, the effects of unbalance on the breathing mechanism of crack are discussed. Numerical results show that the unbalance can lead to significant changes in the breathing of crack, even when the unbalance force is about an order of magnitude smaller than the self-weight. Moreover, the level and orientation of the unbalance have also remarkable effects on the breathing behaviors of crack. Besides, a new universal non-steady breathing phenomenon of crack is first found in this paper, which denotes that the breathing speed of a crack is fluctuated over one revolution when there exists residual unbalance in the cracked rotor.  相似文献   

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