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Multiview video plus depth is one of the mainstream representations of 3D scenes in emerging free viewpoint video, which generates virtual 3D synthesized images through a depth-image-based-rendering (DIBR) technique. However, the inaccuracy of depth maps and imperfect DIBR techniques result in different geometric distortions that seriously deteriorate the users’ visual perception. An effective 3D synthesized image quality assessment (IQA) metric can simulate human visual perception and determine the application feasibility of the synthesized content. In this paper, a no-reference IQA metric based on visual-entropy-guided multi-layer features analysis for 3D synthesized images is proposed. According to the energy entropy, the geometric distortions are divided into two visual attention layers, namely, bottom-up layer and top-down layer. The feature of salient distortion is measured by regional proportion plus transition threshold on a bottom-up layer. In parallel, the key distribution regions of insignificant geometric distortion are extracted by a relative total variation model, and the features of these distortions are measured by the interaction of decentralized attention and concentrated attention on top-down layers. By integrating the features of both bottom-up and top-down layers, a more visually perceptive quality evaluation model is built. Experimental results show that the proposed method is superior to the state-of-the-art in assessing the quality of 3D synthesized images.  相似文献   

A multi-exposure fused (MEF) image is generated by multiple images with different exposure levels, but the transformation process will inevitably introduce various distortions. Therefore, it is worth discussing how to evaluate the visual quality of MEF images. This paper proposes a new blind quality assessment method for MEF images by considering their characteristics, and it is dubbed as BMEFIQA. More specifically, multiple features that represent different image attributes are extracted to perceive the various distortions of MEF images. Among them, structural, naturalness, and colorfulness features are utilized to describe the phenomena of structure destruction, unnatural presentation, and color distortion, respectively. All the captured features constitute a final feature vector for quality regression via random forest. Experimental results on a publicly available database show the superiority of the proposed BMEFIQA method to several blind quality assessment methods.  相似文献   

Stereo video has been widely applied in various video systems in recent years. Therefore, objective stereo video quality metric (SVQM) is highly necessary for improving the watching experience. However, due to the high dimensional data in stereo video, existing metrics have some defects in accuracy and robustness. Based on the characteristics of stereo video, this paper considers the coexistence and interaction of multi-dimensional information in stereo video and proposes an SVQM based on multi-dimensional analysis (MDA-SVQM). Specifically, a temporal-view joint decomposition (TVJD) model is established by analyzing and comparing correlation in different dimensions and adaptively decomposes stereo group of frames (sGoF) into different subbands. Then, according to the generation mechanism and physical meaning of each subband, histogram-based and LOID-based features are extracted for high and low frequency subband, respectively, and sGoF quality is obtained by regression. Finally, the weight of each sGoF is calculated by spatial-temporal energy weighting (STEW) model, and final stereo video quality is obtained by weighted summation of all sGoF qualities. Experiments on two stereo video databases demonstrate that TVJD and STEW adopted in MDA-SVQM are convincible, and the overall performance of MDA-SVQM is better than several existing SVQMs.  相似文献   

为了消除退化函数随空间变化发生变化模糊图像分块复原法子块之间的不平滑拼接缝,提出了一种结合了基于梯度的振铃评价算法梯度振铃评价(GRM)的总变分(TV)最小化分块复原法.根据图像分布及退化类型将模糊图像划分为矩形、环形或其他形状的子块,图像子块之间要留有一定的重叠区;然后对每一个图像子块进行复原,GRM方法是基于图像梯度结构相似度的图像质量评价算法,以GRM作为TV复原算法迭代过程中的收敛条件,可以更好地控制复原图像的振铃;最后去除复原图像子块含振铃波纹的重叠区,拼接得到完整图像.并以矩形分块及环形分块为例,证明该方法可以很好地抑制图像边界振铃效应,克服分块复原法本身的缺陷,得到拼接平滑的完整图像.  相似文献   

Automated grading systems using deep convolution neural networks (DCNNs) have proven their capability and potential to distinguish between different breast cancer grades using digitized histopathological images. In digital breast pathology, it is vital to measure how confident a DCNN is in grading using a machine-confidence metric, especially with the presence of major computer vision challenging problems such as the high visual variability of the images. Such a quantitative metric can be employed not only to improve the robustness of automated systems, but also to assist medical professionals in identifying complex cases. In this paper, we propose Entropy-based Elastic Ensemble of DCNN models (3E-Net) for grading invasive breast carcinoma microscopy images which provides an initial stage of explainability (using an uncertainty-aware mechanism adopting entropy). Our proposed model has been designed in a way to (1) exclude images that are less sensitive and highly uncertain to our ensemble model and (2) dynamically grade the non-excluded images using the certain models in the ensemble architecture. We evaluated two variations of 3E-Net on an invasive breast carcinoma dataset and we achieved grading accuracy of 96.15% and 99.50%.  相似文献   

In recent years, people’s daily lives have become inseparable from a variety of electronic devices, especially mobile phones, which have undoubtedly become necessity in people’s daily lives. In this paper, we are looking for a reliable way to acquire visual quality of the display product so that we can improve the user’s experience with the display product. This paper proposes two major contributions: the first one is the establishment of a new subjective assessment database (DPQAD) of display products’ screen images. Specifically, we invited 57 inexperienced observers to rate 150 screen images showing the display product. At the same time, in order to improve the reliability of screen display quality score, we combined the single stimulation method with the stimulation comparison method to evaluate the newly created display products’ screen images database effectively. The second one is the development of a new no-reference image quality assessment (IQA) metric. For a given image of the display product, first our method extracts 27 features by analyzing the contrast, sharpness, brightness, etc., and then uses the regression module to obtain the visual quality score. Comprehensive experiments show that our method can evaluate natural scene images and screen content images at the same time. Moreover, compared with ten state-of-the-art IQA methods, our method shows obvious superiority on DPQAD.  相似文献   

基于边缘的SSIM图像质量客观评价方法   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
田浩南  李素梅 《光子学报》2013,42(1):110-114
在图像处理领域中,准确判断所处理图像的质量是一项关键技术.本文在基于结构相似度的图像质量评价方法的基础上,考虑了边缘信息对人眼感知结构的重要性,提出了基于边缘结构相似度的图像质量评价方法.实验中,对实验图像进行客观指标的提取与计算,最后统计分析实验数据.结果表明,该方法对图像质量的评价结果优于基于结构相似度的图像质量评价方法,能够正确反映图像质量且更加符合人眼的主观感受.  相似文献   

介绍一种飞行器火力控制系统驾驶员显示组件中光学组件的设计思想,并根据其使用特点,论述用在像面上点列分布“锐度”及细光束点列分布“锐度”的像质评价方法。  相似文献   

网络视频质量评估具有无参考性、实时性、网络传输状态依赖性和主观视觉性等需求.本文以网络丢包引发的视频失真为研究重点,针对不同解码类型帧上的网络丢包引发的视频失真持续效应不同和网络丢包引发的人眼视觉感受与丢包所在帧视频内容的运动剧烈程度有着显著的关联等现象,提出了一种基于运动剧烈程度的无参考视频质量评价模型.该模型无需原始参考视频序列亦无需视频解码,对客户端接收到的码流分析其由丢包引起的视频损伤,标记受损宏块,建立受损宏块的失真持续效应和运动剧烈程度与视频质量间的关联,并完成视频质量评估.实验结果表明,该方法计算量小,实时性高,与主观评价结果一致性程度较高.  相似文献   

一种基于梯度幅度值的图像质量客观评价方法   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
提出一种新的图像质量的客观评价方法,该方法用图像梯度幅值的累加和作为衡量图像质量的指标,无需原始图像作参考,适合于两幅以上同源图像对比来相对地评价图像质量。实验结果表明,该方法所用的指标能比较准确地反映图像的质量,符合人眼的视觉特征,且计算简单,易于快速实现。  相似文献   

图像的边缘信息是人眼观察和识别物体的重要特征,根据模糊图像相对于清晰图像其边缘特征发生较大变化的特点,提出了一种基于边缘锐度的无参考模糊图像质量评价方法。首先,通过文中所示方法寻找图像中的所有阶跃边缘;其次,根据一些原则选择合适的部分边缘;最终,计算这些合适边缘的锐利程度作为图像的模糊度评价依据。实验结果表明,该方法相比于全参考模型SSIM能够更好地评价高斯模糊、离焦模糊等模糊类型图像,与主观评价结构相关性强,更符合人眼视觉系统特性,并且易于实现。  相似文献   

图像的边缘信息是人眼观察和识别物体的重要特征,根据模糊图像相对于清晰图像其边缘特征发生较大变化的特点,提出了一种基于边缘锐度的无参考模糊图像质量评价方法。首先,通过文中所示方法寻找图像中的所有阶跃边缘;其次,根据一些原则选择合适的部分边缘;最终,计算这些合适边缘的锐利程度作为图像的模糊度评价依据。实验结果表明,该方法相比于全参考模型SSIM能够更好地评价高斯模糊、离焦模糊等模糊类型图像,与主观评价结构相关性强,更符合人眼视觉系统特性,并且易于实现。  相似文献   

孙希彤  刘秋生  王乐军 《应用声学》2017,25(1):228-231, 238
针对武器电子系统质量评估过程中客观性不强、实用度较差的问题,引入评估指标的区分度与重要度概念,提出基于DSmT改进权值的TOPSIS质量评估方法。首先,从主客观角度构建指标重要度和区分度作为广义信度赋值;然后采用DSmT(Dezert-Smarandache Theory)理论融合不同冲突证据源的广义信度赋值,消除证据源间的冲突,得到改进权值;接着构造基于改进权值的TOPSIS(Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to an Ideal Solution)法隶属贴近度。最后,以某型感应装定器为例进行实验验证,结果表明,该方法确定的指标权重具有更高可信度,对系统的质量评估更加准确,符合装备实际情况,具有较好的工程应用价值。  相似文献   

为了提高融合图像质量评价中评价结果与人眼视觉特性的一致性,分析了现有融合图像质量评价方法,提出了一种基于图像结构信息复数表示的融合图像质量评价方法,通过计算图像亮度分量的梯度,构成了一种表征图像结构信息的梯度复数矩阵,用该矩阵表征图像的结构信息。考虑到复数无法计算互信息等参数,将分块奇异值分解后得到的矩阵作为度量矩阵,采用该矩阵计算了两种融合图像质量评价方法。实验结果表明,该方法提高了评价结果与人眼视觉特性的一致性,对于融合效果较好的金字塔和小波方法给出了3.748 5和3.722 2的评价结果,与人眼视觉特性的一致性优于传统方法。  相似文献   

肖亮  胡晰远  韦志辉 《光学学报》2008,28(s2):106-111
提出一种用非冗余轮廓波的中低比特率图像质量可伸缩编码算法。该算法采用双正交小波分解和方向滤波器组(DFB)实现图像的非冗余稀疏表示, 不但具有轮廓波对图像中线状奇异性边缘和纹理细节的稀疏表示特点, 而且克服了轮廓波变换系数4/3冗余的缺点。算法中对图像非冗余轮廓波系数各子带系数分布进行统计分析, 通过对变换系数的重新组合, 构造了有利于图像编码的空间方向树结构, 并统计验证了其零树特性, 采用分级树集合分裂和阈值量化达到图像质量可伸缩的嵌入式编码。实验结果表明,其解码算法在中低比特率压缩情况下, 压缩后重构图像的感知质量明显优于小波域SPIHT,JPEG2000编码标准, 峰值信噪比PSNR值与JPEG2000相当, 而图像纹理和边缘细节的视觉效果优于JPEG2000和小波域SPIHT算法。  相似文献   

Automatic aesthetic quality assessment is a computer vision problem in which we quantify the attractiveness or the appealingness of a photograph. This is especially useful in social networks, where the amount of images generated each day requires automation for processing. This work presents Aesthetic Selector, an application able to identify images of high aesthetic quality, showing also relevant information about the decisions and providing the use of the most appropriate filters to enhance a given image. We then analyzed the main proposals in the aesthetic quality field, describing their strengths and weaknesses in order to determine the filters to be included in the application Aesthetic Selector. This proposed application was tested, giving good results, in three different scenarios: image selection, image finding, and filter selection. Besides, we carried out a study of distinct visualization tools to better understand the models’ behavior. These techniques also allow detecting which areas are more relevant within the images when models perform classification. The application also includes this interpretability module. Aesthetic Selector is an innovative and original program, because in the field of aesthetic quality in photography, there are no applications that identify high-quality images and also because it offers the capability of showing information about which parts of the image have affected this decision.  相似文献   

利用美国国家图像解译力标准NIIRS和通用图像质量方程GIQE分析了影响可见光相机图像质量的各种因素。以"全球鹰"无人侦察机所装载的电光相机为例,模拟计算了成像高度、成像角度、光学系统焦距、探测器间距、归一化相对边缘响应几何平均值、噪声增益及信噪比对成像质量的影响。研究结果能够为可见光成像任务规划,航空可见光相机设计提供基础理论支撑。  相似文献   

The implantation of an artificial intraocular lens (IOL) into a capsular bag in place of an extracted natural, but nontransparent lens is a standard therapy method in the case of cataract. Any decentration or tilt of the IOL can cause a deterioration of the retinal image quality, thus decreasing the vision quality. The analysis of the relative position of Purkinje images being a reflection of the point light source from the refracting surfaces of the eyeball determines the location of IOL inside the eye and thus enables to state its wrong or correct location. The paper describes the Purkinje experimental setup consisting of an illuminator (several infrared LEDs arranged in a circle), an imaging telecentric lens and image recording CCD camera and reports details of the system calibration The usefulness of the experimental setup has been proven both in laboratory conditions using artificial model of the eyeball and in measurements on human subjects. Simulations of the retinal image with different decentrations or tilts are shown.  相似文献   

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