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Summary Some new 2- and 4-sulfanilamido-5-alkoxy-pirimidines and their hydroxy-, methoxy-, methylmercapto-and methyl-derivatives were prepared. All of the substances described were tested on white mice infected withStreptococcus pyogenes.  相似文献   

Nicolas Claude Fabri de Peiresc (1580–1637) gilt als Entdecker des Orion-Nebels (M42). Als solcher ist er seit neunzig Jahren bekannt. Der französische Astronom und Wissenschaftshistoriker Guillaume Bigourdan zog diesen Schluss aus Aufzeichnungen, die er in Peirescs unveröffentlichtem Journal des observations entdeckt und 1916 veröffentlicht hatte. Demnach soll Peiresc den Orion-Nebel im November 1610 beobachtet haben. Peirescs Zeitgenossen jedoch war diese Beobachtung verborgen geblieben, und niemandem sonst gelang sie so früh nach Einführung des Teleskops. Mittlerweile sind Zweifel an Peirescs Entdeckung angemeldet worden. Die von Bigourdan veröffentlichten Notizen sind bislang keiner eingehenden Prüfung unterzogen worden. Der vorliegende Aufsatz liefert eine neue Transkription sowie erstmals eine Übersetzung der lateinischen Handschrift. Im Vergleich dazu erweist sich die Bigourdansche Edition häufig als nicht korrekt. Peirescs Orion-Bericht, der hier erstmals in Gänze lesbar vorliegt, wirft neue Fragen auf. Denn aus ihm geht nicht hervor, welche Region im Sternbild Orion, welche Sterne und welche Nebelobjekte Peiresc 1610 beobachtete. Die vollständige Lektüre von Peirescs Notizen verlangt nach einer neuen Interpretation seiner Beobachtungen im Sternbild Orion. Nur so ließe sich klären, ob tatsächlich schon Peiresc den Orion-Nebel sehen konnte oder ob womöglich M42 erst später sichtbar wurde.  相似文献   

Summary Equimolecular amounts of an aromatic or hetero-cyclic aldehyde, glyoxal and cyanideion combine in slightly alkaline aqueous solution to give 4-aryl-2-hydroxytetronimides (I). These are cyclic reductones comparable to imino-ascorbic acid. Oxidation yields dehydro compounds (III) (4-aryl-2, 3-dioxo-4-hydroxy-butyric acid lactones); hydrolysis gives 4-aryl-2-hydroxy-tetronic acids (V) which are easily decarboxylated to -aryl-lactic acids (VII). On hydrogenation, the compounds I are converted to -aryl-, -dihydroxy-butyramides.  相似文献   

Summary Highly active, and relatively little toxic, local anesthetics were developed from the group of substituted acetylmesidines. The substances were tested for toxicity and local anesthetic activity in surface and infiltration anesthesia.  相似文献   

Summary A new cardiotonic pentaglycoside with the structure glucoacetyldigoxoside (digoxigenin--D-glucosido-acetyltetradigitoxoside) was isolated from the leaves ofDigitalis schischkinii (Ivan.) Werner. Its desacetyl product, glucodigoxoside has also been found in the fraction of most polar glycosides.

Wir danken Herrn Dr. F. Kaiser, Mannheim, für die Überlassung einer Probe von Digoxosid und Herrn Prof. Dr. H. Wagner, München, für die Durchführung der Elementaranalysen und optischer Drehungen.  相似文献   

Summary In addition to cassaine, two new alkaloids have been isolated from the bark ofErythrophleum guineense Don, in crystalline form. Their empirical formulæ have been established by analysis of the free bases and of some of their crystalline salts.  相似文献   

Summary We have developped a new method to detect and measure very small amounts of CO having a sensitivity of 1 p. CO per 100 million p. air. HgO is heated in an oven reaction chambre where it reacts with CO in releasing proportional amounts of mercury vapor; the latter is then measured quantitatively in an UV electronic spectrophotometer. Reaction chamber and UV meter are assembled into a handy portable unit. The CO amount in blood is measured by decomposing a sample of blood in a volumetric flask with H2SO4 and drawing the gas mixture through the unit. The CO amount in alveolar air is measured by means of breathing bags. It is thus possible to study the influence of subtoxic doses of CO and the cancerogenic action of tobacco smoking.  相似文献   

Summary Local anaesthetics of low toxicity were developed from the group of aroxy- and aralkoxysubstituted diethylaminoacetanilides. The substances were tested for local anaesthetic activity in surface and infiltration anaesthesia and for toxicity.  相似文献   

Summary 18-Hydroxyprogesterone (VII) and the corresponding 18-aldehyde (IX), hitherto only accessible with difficulty from natural 18-substituted steroids, have been synthesized starting from progesterone.

Über Steroide, 188. Mitt.

187. Mitt. s.Ch. Meystre, K. Heusler, J. Kalvoda, P. Wieland, G. Anner undA. Wettstein, Helv. chim. Acta45, 1317 (1962).  相似文献   

In Part I of this two part paper we try to set out the ‘essence’ of the notion of interactional expertise by starting with its origins. In Part II we will look at the notion of contributory expertise. The exercise has been triggered by recent discussion of these concepts in this journal by Plaisance and Kennedy and by Goddiksen.  相似文献   

The scientific understanding of atmospheric processes has been rooted in the mechanical and physical view of nature ever since dynamic meteorology gained ground in the late 19th century. Conceiving the atmosphere as a giant ‘air mass circulation engine’ entails applying hydro- and thermodynamical theory to the subject in order to describe the atmosphere’s behaviour on small scales. But when it comes to forecasting, it turns out that this view is far too complex to be computed. The limitation of analytical methods precludes an exact solution, forcing scientists to make use of numerical simulation. However, simulation introduces two prerequisites to meteorology: First, the partitioning of the theoretical view into two parts—the large-scale behaviour of the atmosphere, and the effects of smaller-scale processes on this large-scale behaviour, so-called parametrizations; and second, the dependency on computational power in order to achieve a higher resolution. The history of today’s atmospheric circulation modelling can be reconstructed as the attempt to improve the handling of these basic constraints. It can be further seen as the old schism between theory and application under new circumstances, which triggers a new discussion about the question of how processes may be conceived in atmospheric modelling.  相似文献   

Summary A method of staining bacterial colonies with the new N.N.C.D. reagent is described that has been used in the course of a research work on the influence of soft X-rays and slow cathode rays on microbes.  相似文献   

To be, or not to be — molecular chaperones in protein degradation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To be, or not to be--that is the question not only for Hamlet in Shakespeare's drama but also for a protein associated with molecular chaperones. While long viewed exclusively as cellular folding factors, molecular chaperones recently emerged as active participants in protein degradation. This places chaperones at the center of a life or death decision during protein triage. Here we highlight molecular mechanisms that underlie chaperone action at the folding/degradation interface in mammalian cells. We discuss the importance of chaperone-assisted degradation for the regulation of cellular processes and its emerging role as a target for therapeutic intervention in cancer and amyloid diseases.  相似文献   

The Reverend Dr John Beale, FRS, DD, and chaplain to Charles II, carried out a vigorous campaign in the early Royal Society for the reform of agriculture, trade, and public education-reforms which signalled his continuing commitment to the ideas not only of Bacon, but of Hartlib and Comenius as well. In addition to promoting orchard plantations and expanded commercial horticulture, he collaborated with Evelyn, Oldenburg, and Houghton to publish or publicize items on the improvement of agriculture and the national economy. His later writings, including the unfinished manifesto ‘From Utopia’, also identify the ‘mercantilist’ thought of Thomas Mun as a crucial link in Beale's alignment of technology, socioeconomic reform, and the religious and ethical values of Christian humanism.  相似文献   

This note discusses lecture plates at the Hugo de Vries Laboratorium that may be relevant to Hugo de Vries's claim to have independently discovered Mendel's law of segregation. Dating when the plates were made is problematic.  相似文献   

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