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大肠癌已经成为威胁世界各国居民健康的主要癌症之一,需要大量的卫生资源对其进行防治。经济学评价能为提高卫生资源在大肠癌症防治领域的配置效率提供决策依据,本文对已发表大肠癌筛查经济学评价研究从发表时间、地域、评价方法、研究角度、投入产出测量、模型和策略推荐等多个角度进行了系统综述。  相似文献   

目的 分析Web of Science核心合集数据库2010—2019年人工智能在癌症研究领域的文献,总结研究热点和发展趋势.方法 通过文献计量学方法 和CiteSpace信息可视化软件,对2010—2019年Web of Science核心合集数据库关于人工智能在癌症研究领域的相关文献进行可视化分析.结果 人工智能在...  相似文献   

孙鑫  韩优莉  王乐 《中国肿瘤》2018,27(7):553-560
摘 要:[目的]对亚洲地区乳腺癌筛查中应用超声检查技术的卫生经济学研究进行系统评价。[方法]系统检索PubMed、Medline、Cochrane、CNKI、万方、维普(VIP)数据库,检索时限均为建库到2018年1月。由两位研究者独立筛选文献,对纳入研究的基本信息、人群项目参与率及检出率、经济学评价方法及结果等信息进行摘录和比较,采用Meta-Disc 1.4进行Meta分析。[结果]共检索获得文献197篇,最终纳入文献9篇(英文1篇,中文8篇),发表于2011~2017年,总样本量为912 771例,筛查对象年龄≥30岁。超声检查技术确诊1例乳腺癌成本平均为271 282元,获得1个质量调整生命年成本为286.37元。在筛查效能方面,超声检查技术的敏感性为91%,特异性为100%。[结论]纳入的研究显示亚洲地区应用超声技术进行乳腺癌筛查的经济学研究仍有限,并且主要集中在中国大陆地区。不同研究在方法学及报道结果方面可比性不足,研究质量有进一步提升空间。  相似文献   

张骐瑛  郑莹  张军跃 《中国肿瘤》2020,29(3):177-184
摘 要:[目的]通过系统评价比较离散选择实验与层次分析法在结直肠癌筛查偏好中的应用情况。[方法]以中文关键词“离散选择实验” “层次分析法”“多准则决策分析”“结直肠癌”“筛查”等,英文关键词“discrete choice experience”“analytic hierarchy process”“multiple-criteria decision analysis”“colorectal cancer”“screening”等,系统检索中国知网、万方数据知识服务平台、PubMed和Google数据库中截至时间为2018年12月发表的结直肠癌筛查的多准则决策方法的相关文献,语种限定为中文和英文。纳入标准为方法研究和应用;以人为研究对象。排除标准为会议摘要、中文学位论文等非正式发表文献,以及综述、述评、新闻报道等非一手研究数据。[结果]共纳入32篇文献,涉及两种方法,包括结直肠癌筛查多准则决策分析6篇,离散选择实验有21篇,层次分析法有5篇,涉及美国、日本、荷兰、英国等几个国家,其中中国在离散选择实验的研究有5篇、层次分析法处于空缺,美国研究相对较多,共8篇,皆是使用Logistic模型。对两种方法进行分析比较,两种方法在分析结果上无明显差异,但在使用条件和操作上存在差异。[结论] 结直肠癌筛查的共同决策的方法目前处于发展阶段,皆有助于得出结直肠癌筛查对不同筛查技术的偏好,多准则决策在结直肠癌的筛查中应用比较少,目前两种方法国内应用不普及,有待发展,两种方法的应用有一定区别,可以根据需求灵活应用。  相似文献   

目的 通过对近20年发表的前列腺癌免疫治疗相关文献进行可视化分析,探讨前列腺癌免疫治疗领域研究进展及趋势。方法 检索Web of Science核心合集数据库2002至2021发布的前列腺癌免疫治疗相关文献。采用CiteSpace和VOSviewer进行数据可视化分析并绘制热点演进进程。结果 最终纳入2 326篇文献。研究表明前列腺癌免疫治疗领域处于快速发展阶段,美国在该领域内影响力巨大,中国后发优势明显;美国国家癌症研究所、纪念斯隆-凯特琳癌症中心和加利福尼亚大学旧金山分校是该领域主要研究机构;美国作者Gulley JL、Schlom J和日本作者Itoh K在该领域内发文量最多。当前,前列腺癌免疫治疗的主要研究热点是免疫检查点抑制剂,而高质量的临床试验在不断推动其发展。结论 新型免疫途径的探索及不同疗法间的联合将成为该领域未来研究的主要趋势。  相似文献   

《实用癌症杂志》是由江西省肿瘤医院、江西省肿瘤研究所主办的肿瘤学学术性刊物,是全国肿瘤学类引文分析来源刊、肿瘤学类中文核心期刊、中国科技论文统计源期刊,中国科技核心期刊,获第二届全国优秀科技期刊三等奖。主要报道我国肿瘤医学领域的基础理论、临床实践、技术方法等  相似文献   

《实用癌症杂志》是由江西省肿瘤医院、江西省肿瘤研究所主办的肿瘤学学术性刊物,是全国肿瘤学类引文分析来源刊、肿瘤学类中文核心期刊、中国科技论文统计源期刊,中国科技核心期刊,获第二届全国优秀科技期刊三等奖。主要报道我国肿瘤医学领域的基础理论、临床实践、技术方法等科研成果。主要栏目有:基础研究、临床研究、经验交流、短篇及个案报道、综述与讲座、消息等。  相似文献   

《实用癌症杂志》是由江西省肿瘤医院、江西省肿瘤研究所主办的肿瘤学学术性刊物,是全国肿瘤学类引文分析来源刊、肿瘤学类中文核心期刊、中国科技论文统计源期刊,中国科技核心期刊,获第二届全国优秀科技期刊三等奖。主要报道我国肿瘤医学领域的基础理论、临床实践、技术方法等  相似文献   

目的 分析全球三阴性乳腺癌脑转移文献的分布规律和研究前沿,对三阴性乳腺癌脑转移的研究进行整体文献计量评价,为此后的相关研究提供方向。方法 研究数据均来自WOS核心数据库,使用CiteSpace文献计量软件,对三阴性乳腺癌脑转移研究的作者、机构及国家分布、研究热点与演进趋势等进行数据可视化处理以及相关分析。结果 共分析了2007年到2021年12月31日期间发表的文献共计393篇,出版物发表数量呈波动性上升的趋势,发表数量最多的一年为2021年,全球共计发表相关文献60篇。主要研究机构有丹娜·法伯癌症研究院(Dana-Farber Cancer Institute)、北卡罗来纳大学(The University of North Carolina System)等。关键词分析得到350个关键词、20簇主要关键词聚类和14个突现关键词,研究热点主要集中在治疗、肿瘤分型、生存期等方面。突变点分析显示,三阴性乳腺癌脑转移的趋势集中在信号通路以及细胞增殖研究上。结论 本研究成果为三阴性乳腺癌脑转移提供了研究重点以及未来发展方向,可以进一步准确地指导学者的研究。  相似文献   

《中国癌症杂志》是由国家教育部主管、复旦大学附属肿瘤医院主办的全国性肿瘤学术期刊,读者对象为从事肿瘤基础、临床防治研究的中高级工作者。主要报道内容:国内外研究前沿的快速报道、专家述评、肿瘤临床研究、基础研究、文献综述、学术讨论、临床病理讨论、病例报道、讲座和简讯等。《中国癌症杂志》已入选中文核心期刊、中国科技核心期刊及全国肿瘤类核心期刊,并为中国科技论文统计源期刊,先后被中国期刊网、万方数据——数字化期刊群和解放军医学图书馆  相似文献   

Despite the policy and research attention on ensuring equitable access—equal access for equal need—to health care, research continues to identify inequities in access to cancer services. We conducted a literature review to identify the current state of knowledge about inequity in access to cancer health services in Canada in terms of the continuum of care, disease sites, and dimensions of inequity (e.g., income). We searched MEDLINE, CINAHL, and Embase for studies published between 1990 and 2009. We retrieved 51 studies, which examine inequity in access to cancer services from screening to end-of-life care, for multiple cancer types, and a variety of socioeconomic, geographic, and demographic factors that may cause concern for inequity in Canada. This review demonstrates that income has the most consistent influence on inequity in access to screening, while age and geography are most influential for treatment services and end-of-life care, even after adjusting for patient need. Our review also reports on methods used in the literature and new techniques to explore. Equitable access to cancer care is vitally important in all health systems. Obtaining information on the current status of inequities in access to cancer care is a critical first step toward action.  相似文献   

目的 了解、分析国内外肿瘤相关肌肉减少症患者的研究现状及热点。方法 检索中国知网、万方数据库、维普数据库和Web of Science(WOS)核心数据库1999-2018年收录的肿瘤相关肌肉减少症领域的相关文献,采用文献计量学方法,通过CiteSpace V软件对国家、机构、高被引文献及关键词进行可视化分析。结果 发文量整体呈上升趋势,亚洲国家发文量相对处于领先水平,但高被引文献主要集中于欧美地区;国内肿瘤相关肌肉减少症领域研究热点为胃肠道肿瘤手术患者肌肉减少症的相关影响因素及预后的调查性研究,WOS核心数据库在此领域的研究热点已延伸到对接受化疗及靶向药物治疗患者、泌尿系统肿瘤、胰腺癌、胆管癌等患者的预后影响研究,关注此领域发生机制及影响因素的深入研究,运动及营养的干预性研究等。结论 我国肿瘤相关肌肉减少症的研究尚处于初步阶段,临床一线工作人员应提高对患者的关注度,加强对肿瘤患者肌肉力量、机体功能及营养状况的评估和筛查。在借鉴国外研究方法的基础上,结合本国实际情况,拓宽研究范围,开展适宜研究。  相似文献   

Hepatitis B awareness,knowledge, and screening among Asian Americans   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND: Due to the high prevalence of hepatitis B, Asian Americans have high rates of liver cancer. Screening for hepatitis B leads to monitoring and treatment and prevent further infection through vaccination of contacts. METHODS: We reviewed the published literature up to 2006 on hepatitis B awareness, knowledge, and screening among Asian Americans. RESULTS: Many Asian Americans lack knowledge about hepatitis B and have not been screened. Sociodemographics, knowledge, beliefs, and health care variables are associated with screening. CONCLUSIONS: Further research and health policy changes are needed to address the problem of hepatitis B and liver cancer among Asian Americans.  相似文献   

目的探寻食管癌精准治疗的研究进展和未来的发展方向,为患者的个体化治疗或精准治疗临床研究提供参考信息。方法检索万方医学网和科学引文索引(SCI)网络版数据库中关于食管癌精准医学相关文献,并从文献的年发文量、发表期刊、发文机构、国家和地区、学科分布和关键词频率等对检索结果进行计量分析。结果共检索到中文文献6 869篇,英文文献7 773篇。近10年中文文献总体呈逐年下降趋势,而英文文献正好相反,且英文文献中发文量最大的国家为中国(4 136篇,532%),远超过排名其次的美国(1 657篇,213%)和日本(835篇,107%);在中外文献中高发文机构均为中国高校,分别以河北医科大学第四医院(中文文献187篇,200%)和郑州大学(英文文献442篇,57%)为首;中英文文献内容均以肿瘤学为主,分别为5 082篇(830%)和3 946篇(508%)。研究热点主要是食管鳞状细胞癌的发病机制、诊断标志物和预后改善。结论近10年食管癌的研究主要偏向于早期癌变基因及其致癌作用机制探索的基础研究,根据食管癌患者的基因型、表型、环境和生活方式等各方面因素的异质性从而制定出个性化诊断和治疗措施,是临床研究的关注重点。  相似文献   

Objective: We performed a structured review of the literature to identify areas of greater and lesser knowledge of the nature of disparities across the breast cancer continuum from risk and prevention to treatment and mortality.Methods: We searched OvidMedline and PubMed to identify published studies from January 1990 to March 2004 that address disparities in breast cancer. We read the abstracts of the identified articles and then reviewed the articles if they were in English, were limited to American populations, limited to women, and described quantitative outcomes. We designated the articles as addressing one or more disparities across one or more of the domains of the breast cancer continuum.Results: Substantial research exists on racial disparities in breast cancer screening, diagnosis, treatment, and survival. Disparities in screening and treatment exist across other domains of disparities including age, insurance status, and socioeconomic position. Several gaps were identified including how factors interact.Conclusion: A structured review of breast cancer disparities suggests that research in other domains of social inequality and levels of the cancer continuum may uncover further disparities. A multidisciplinary and multi-pronged approach is needed to translate the knowledge from existing research into interventions to reduce or eliminate disparities.  相似文献   

Objective: Compliance with colorectal cancer screening recommendations requires considerable conscious effort on the part of the individual patient, making an individual's decisions about engagement in screening an important contributor to compliance or noncompliance. The objective of this paper was to examine the effectiveness of individual‐level behavior theories and their associated constructs in accounting for engagement in colorectal cancer screening behavior. Methods: We reviewed the literature examining constructs from formal models of individual‐level health behavior as factors associated with compliance with screening for colorectal cancer. All published studies examining one or more constructs from the health belief model, theory of planned behavior, transtheoretical model, or social cognitive theory and their relation to screening behavior or behavioral intentions were included in the analysis. Results: By and large, results of studies supported the theory‐based predictions for the influence of constructs on cancer screening behavior. However, the evidence base for many of these relations, especially for models other than the health belief model, is quite limited. Conclusions: Suggestions are made for future research on individual‐level determinants of colorectal cancer screening. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Mammography screening has been shown to be able to reduce breast cancer mortality, leading most European countries to implement mammography-based screening programmes. In our study, we analysed key characteristics of breast cancer screening programmes and mammography use in European countries. Information on screening programmes were obtained from the 2017 European Union (EU) screening report, websites from governments and cancer registries, and through literature search in PubMed (studies published up to 20 June 2022). Data on self-reported mammography use in the past 2 years were obtained from Eurostat and had been derived from the European health interview survey (cross-sectional survey), conducted in the 27 EU countries, Iceland, Norway, Serbia, Turkey and the UK in 2013 to 2015 and 2018 to 2020. Data were analysed for each country according to their human development index (HDI). By 2022, all included countries besides Bulgaria and Greece had introduced an organised mammography-based screening programme; Romania and Turkey had only pilot programmes. Screening programmes differ substantially across countries, particularly in timing of implementation (e.g., in Sweden, the Netherlands before 1990; Belgium, France between 2000 and 2004; Denmark, Germany between 2005 and 2009; Austria, Slovakia after 2010). Self-reported mammography use also differed considerably across countries, and went along with HDI—from <36% in all countries with HDI <0.85 to >70% in most countries with HDI >0.90. The data call for efforts to improve mammography screening use across Europe, particularly in countries with lower development levels where breast cancer mortality rates are also among the highest in the region.  相似文献   

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