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梁馨文  李强强  王凯  吴黎明 《食品科学》2018,39(15):343-348
不同品种和产地来源的蜂蜜,其营养成分和市场价值各异。因此,建立有效的蜂蜜溯源鉴别技术对更好地 保障蜂蜜的营养品质具有十分重要的意义。本文以国内外研究文献为基础,综述了蜂蜜溯源鉴别的常见方法,包括 花粉鉴别和化学物质鉴定,并系统归纳了蜂蜜溯源特征标记物,包括挥发性化合物、酚类物质、糖类、含氮化合物 及其他微量元素,为今后进一步实现蜂蜜的准确溯源鉴别提供理论依据。  相似文献   

蜂蜜是天然的甜味剂、膳食补充剂,有广泛的药用功效,但与欧美等国家相比,我国在食用蜂蜜中毒机制及毒性成分阐明上还有待进行深入的研究。本文对我国食用蜂蜜中毒事件、临床症状、中毒原因、植物源性毒性成分及其毒性等进行综述,为开展蜂蜜中植物源性毒性成分研究及提升蜂蜜安全标准提供参考。  相似文献   

本文旨在研究不同蜂蜜多糖的加工特性,探究种类对蜂蜜多糖加工特性的影响。本文制备椴树蜂蜜多糖(Linden honey polysaccharides,LHP)和多花种蜂蜜多糖(Multifloral honey polysaccharides,MHP),并对其进行结构、热力学特性和流变学分析,对蜂蜜多糖的加工特性研究。结果表明,LHP和MHP的X-射线衍射出现不明显的突起。LHP和MHP的重量损失分别为85.05%和81.3%,热降解温度分别为236.7和322 ℃;LHP和MHP均表现出一个较宽的放热反应峰,分别在75和72 ℃附近;LHP和MHP在高剪切速率下粘度分别在1.3和1.2 mPa·s保持不变;LHP和MHP的持水量分别为1.6和0.4 g水/g;LHP和MHP的持油量分别为18.8和11.4 g油/g。这表明两种蜂蜜多糖具有良好的抗热特性及粘度,为蜂蜜多糖在功能性食品及天然药物开发等领域的应用提供理论支持。  相似文献   

蜂蜜是一种很受欢迎的天然食品,但易受到植物毒性物质污染,进而引起食物中毒。因此,快速准确检测出蜂蜜中植物源毒性成分是预防和控制此类食物中毒的重要手段。本文梳理了近年来报道的蜂蜜中主要的植物源毒性成分,对其前处理方法和检测技术的特点和研究进展进行了综述,展望了固相萃取和高分辨率质谱技术在该领域的应用前景,以期为提高蜂蜜中植物源毒性成分监测水平提供帮助,助推蜂产业的高质量发展。  相似文献   

目的建立基于氢核磁共振(1H nuclear magnetic resonance,1H NMR)结合支持向量机分类模型鉴别蜂蜜植物源的方法。方法采集荆条蜜、油菜蜜、洋槐蜜、葵花蜜4种不同植物源的蜂蜜共计122例样品的谱图信息,分全谱(δ0.10~δ9.50)、脂肪区(δ0.10~δ3.00)、糖类化合物区(δ3.00~δ6.00)、芳香区(δ6.00~δ9.50)4个不同积分区间建立分类模型,结合主成分权值系数筛选特征变量,进一步优化判别模型。结果基于主成分权值系数筛选变量范围δ3.40~δ3.90和δ4.60~δ4.70内共计267个积分变量,以该区域积分变量为输入变量建立的支持向量机分类模型,对训练集的判别正确率为97.53%,对测试集的判别正确率为100%。结论通过主成分权值系数能有效筛选特征变量,减少输入变量的同时提高模型稳健性与准确性,基于氢核磁共振结合支持向量机分类模型能有效鉴别不同植物源蜂蜜。  相似文献   

蜂蜜掺假一直是我国食品质量监管部门以及消费者普遍关心的问题,但蜂蜜掺假现象仍然非常严重,影响到我国蜂蜜市场的健康发展。本文概述目前蜂蜜掺假的基本方法以及针对不同标记物质的蜂蜜掺假检测技术,展望蜂蜜掺假检测技术发展的趋势和要求。  相似文献   

蜂蜜掺假一直是我国食品质量监管部门以及消费者普遍关心的问题,但蜂蜜掺假现象仍然非常严重,影响到我国蜂蜜市场的健康发展。本文概述目前蜂蜜掺假的基本方法以及针对不同标记物质的蜂蜜掺假检测技术,展望蜂蜜掺假检测技术发展的趋势和要求。  相似文献   

植物源保鲜剂的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
天然保鲜剂的研究是食品保鲜剂开发的重要方向。植物有效成分在天然保鲜剂的开发和应用中具有独特的优势和广阔的前景。概述了植物源保鲜剂的国内外研究现状及最新热点,并根据化学成分将其分为多糖类、多酚类、挥发油类、生物碱类及醌类,简要介绍了每类成分的保鲜应用及机理,并对目前植物源保鲜剂研究中存在的问题进行了分析,对其发展趋势和应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

近些年来,由于对林业工作缺乏足够的重视,我国的林业病虫害状况已越来越严重。为了能够合理的治理这一现象,工作人员大量使用杀虫剂,来防治植物遭遇病虫害。随着我国科学技术的进一步发展,我国近年来又发明了种衣剂包皮技术,并且目前该技术有了进一步提高。以前的包衣剂的目的只是规范播种,而现在,林业的防治病虫害也用到了包衣剂,并且种衣剂还可以保护作物,提高作物的抗逆性,以促进作物的良好生长。本文首先概述了植物源杀菌剂的基本信息及其机理,然后阐述了国内外对植物源杀菌剂的研究状况,最后简述了我国目前种衣剂的研究进展及其存在的问题和未来的应用前景。  相似文献   

综述了柠檬桉、香茅、迷迭香、银香菊和甜罗勒等植物源蚊虫驱避剂,以及香薷、山茱萸、藤茶、白豆蔻和蒺藜等植物源蚊虫叮咬剂研究进展,指出:提高驱蚊效果、增强保护时间、对植物原料安全性和功效性加强评估,以及产品转化相关因素研究是植物源驱蚊止痒类产品研发中亟待解决的问题.  相似文献   

The HPLC phenolic profiles of 52 selected unifloral honey samples produced in Europe were analysed to detect possible markers for the floral origin of the different honeys. Lime‐tree (five markers), chestnut (five markers), rapeseed (one marker), eucalyptus (six markers) and heather (three markers) honeys had specific markers with characteristic UV spectra. In addition, the flavanone hesperetin was confirmed as a marker for citrus honey, as well as kaempferol for rosemary honey and quercetin for sunflower honey. Abscisic acid, which had been reported to be a possible marker for heather honey, was also detected in rapeseed, lime‐tree and acacia honeys. Ellagic acid in heather honey and the hydroxycinnamates caffeic, p‐coumaric and ferulic acids in chestnut, sunflower, lavender and acacia honeys were also detected. The characteristic propolis‐derived flavonoids pinocembrin, pinobanksin and chrysin were present in most samples in variable amounts. © 2001 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Seventeen flavonoid aglycones were identified in various experimental and commercial citrus honey samples by HPLC analysis. The flavanone hesperetin was detected in all samples. This flavanone was not detected in any of the honey samples, from diverse floral origin (including rosemary, lavender, sunflower, almond, sweet chestnut, white clover, Erisarum, Robinia, Rhododendron, Tilia, Prosopis, Eucalyptus and Calluna honeys) previously investigated. The analysis of the flavonoids present in orange nectar revealed that the flavanone hesperidin (hesperetin-7-rutinoside) was the major flavonoid detected and, therefore, this should be the main source of the hesperetin found in citrus honey. Hesperetin should be produced by hydrolysis of hesperidin by the bee enzymes present in honey. These results suggest that hesperetin could be used as a marker for the botanical origin of citrus honey.  相似文献   

The content of the flavonoid kaempferol in different experimental rosemary honey samples produced in Aragón (Spain) and in some commercial rosemary honey samples produced in different Spanish regions was evaluated by HPLC. The content ranged between 0·33 and 2·48 mg kg−1 of honey. Nectar has been suggested recently as the origin of this flavonoid. Rosemary pollen contained kaempferol 3-diglucoside and 3-glucoside, and therefore could be an alternative source for the kaempferol found in rosemary honey. However, there was no correlation between the kaempferol present in honey and pollen content. This suggests that the contribution of pollen flavonoids to the pool of flavonoids found in honey is very small, and that the search for phenolic markers of the botanical origin of honey should be addressed to the identification of nectar flavonoids or other nectar constituents. © 1998 SCI.  相似文献   

In order to find out biochemical markers for the botanical origin of heather (Erica) honey, the phenolic metabolites present in heather floral nectar, collected from the honey-stomach of bees gathering nectar from these flowers, were analysed. The flavonoid fraction of nectar contained four main flavonoids. Two of them were quercetin and kaempferol 3-rhamnosides, and the other two were tentatively identified as myricetin 3-methyl ether and isorhamnetin 3-rhamnosides. Since the natural glycosides are hydrolysed by bee enzymes to render the corresponding aglycones, which are the metabolites detected in honey, acid hydrolysis of the nectar glycosides was achieved. The aglycones quercetin, myricetin 3-methyl ether, kaempferol and isorhamnetin were identified, as well as the gallic acid derivative ellagic acid. The analysis of Portuguese heather honey samples showed that ellagic acid was present in all the samples in significant amounts ranging between 100 g and 600 g per 100 g honey. The other nectar-derived flavonoids were also present, although some of them in very variable amounts. Ellagic acid and myricetin 3-methyl ether, which have not been detected in any of the monofloral honey samples investigated so far, with the only exception being a French honey sample of the botanically relatedCalluna (Ericaceae) which also contained ellagic acid, seem to be the most useful potential markers for the floral origin of heather honey. However, more detailed and extensive investigations are needed to prove the utility of these markers.  相似文献   

Finding marker compounds is a powerful tool in the determination of the botanical origin of honey. For this purpose the flavour fraction of Greek cotton honey was investigated. A striking characteristic of this type of honey is the presence of more than 35 phenolic compounds in the extract, accounting for almost 60% of the total amount of compounds positively identified by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. In comparison with honeys of nine different origins, a total of 15 compounds could serve as potent markers for cotton honey, namely cinnamaldehyde (0.44%), cinnamyl alcohol (1.79%), cinnamic acid (1.13%), neryl and geranyl nitrile (0.16 and 0.41% respectively), benzenepropanol (0.5%), homovanillyl alcohol (0.6%), (E)‐ and (Z)‐p‐methoxy‐cinnamic acid (0.48 and 0.14% respectively), 2‐methyl‐p‐phthalaldehyde (0.22%), coniferaldehyde (0.47%), p‐coumaric acid (1.77%), ferulic acid (0.51%), scopoletin and scoparone (0.47%). Copyright © 2005 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

In this study, fifty‐one monofloral Sardinian honeys from ten various floral origins were screened for their phenolic content, antioxidant activity, colour and electrical conductivity. The total phenolic amounts have been evaluated by Folin–Ciocalteu method, whereas quantification of several phenolic compounds (phenolic acids and flavonoids) has been carried out by HPLC‐DAD technique. The richest sample in phenolic compounds resulted strawberry tree honey with about 40 mg GAE/100 g, as well FRAP test and DPPH˙ test confirm that antioxidant activity of strawberry tree honey extract exceed both honey extracts and synthetic antioxidants like BHA and BHT. Among the studied phenolic compounds a total of five phenolic acids (ferulic, syringic, trans‐cinnamic, chlorogenic and p‐hydroxycinnamic) and nine flavonoids (catechin, kaempferol, rutin, quercetin, luteolin, apigenin, galangin, pinocembrin and pinobanksin) were identified. Our results show good correlations between total polyphenol amount and antioxidant activity and between colour and electrical conductivity.  相似文献   

The samples of unifloral Paliurus spina-christi honey were analysed by means of headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) and ultrasonic solvent extraction (USE) followed by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC, GC–MS) in order to obtain complete patterns of headspace, volatile and semi-volatile compounds. In headspace pattern the most abundant compounds and possible markers were nonanal, four isomers of lilac aldehyde, decanal, methyl nonanoate, hexanoic and 2-ethylhexanoic acids. Although the main components of USE extracts were higher saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons, higher aliphatic alcohols and acids, they can not be considered reliable biomarkers due to their probable origin from bee wax or bee cuticle. Although present in small quantities, the more reliable markers in the extracts were benzene derivatives (particularly 4-hydroxy-3,5-dimethylbenzaldehyde, 4-hydroxybenzoic acid and 4-methoxybenzoic acid) along with lower aliphatic acids (butanoic, hexanoic, octanoic and nonanoic).  相似文献   

目的 采用电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(ICP-MS)测定蜂蜜中K、Ca、Na、Mg、Fe、Sr、Mn和Cu共8种元素矿物元素含量, 并建立将其用于蜜种特征评价的方法。方法 7种中国不同地理位置的单花蜂蜜经微波消解后, 由电感耦合等离子体质谱仪测定, 以Sc、Ge、In和Bi 为内标元素在线校正, 采用外标法定量。结果 本方法中各元素线性关系良好, 相关系数在0.9990~1.0000之间, 检出限在 0.01~0.2 mg/kg之间, 不同添加水平下的回收率在88.0%~120.0%范围内, 相对标准偏差小于5%。椴树蜜和枣花蜜含有较丰富的K, 荞麦蜜中的Mn和Cu含量最高, 枣花蜜中的Ca、Na、Mg和Sr含量最高, 葵花蜜中的Ca和Mg含量仅次于枣花蜜中的值, 荆条蜜中的Fe含量最高, 洋槐蜜和油菜蜜中的矿物元素水平相对较低。通过计算各元素与Mg含量的比值可以建立蜂蜜元素指纹图谱, 从而实现不同蜂蜜的依次鉴别。结论 该方法能够快速准确地测定不同蜂蜜中的矿物质元素含量, 有助于评价不同蜂蜜的特征及营养价值, 并对蜜源植物和产地的真实性进行判定。  相似文献   

为了鉴别云南地区3种单花种蜂蜜的花源,利用火焰原子吸收光谱法(F-AAS)和石墨炉原子吸收光谱法(GF-AAS)测定了云南地区3种特色春蜂蜜(苕子蜂蜜、橡胶蜂蜜和石榴蜂蜜)中K、Na、Zn、Mn、Mg、As、Fe、Cr、Ni、Ca、Cu、Pb和Cd的含量。比较发现,3种蜂蜜间的矿质元素含量差异较明显。以矿质元素含量为变量,应用PCA、PLS-DA和BP-ANN,对3种蜂蜜进行分析。PCA将13个变量降为三个主成分,三个主要组件解释了66.39%的总方差,并初步实现了不同蜂蜜的分类。在上述结果的基础上,从每种蜂蜜中随机选取30个样品,分别构建PLS-DA和BP-ANN蜂蜜鉴别模型。PLS-DA模型的训练和交叉验证分类的总正确率分别为96.7%和92.2%;BP-ANN模型的训练和交叉验证分类的总正确率分别为100%和95.6%。与PLS-DA相比,BP-ANN模型的性能较好。应用训练后的BP-ANN模型,对余下的35个蜂蜜样品进行测试,橡胶蜂蜜和石榴蜂蜜的预测精度达到100%,而苕子蜂蜜因一个样品被错误的划分到石榴蜂蜜,预测精度为90%。利用F-AAS、GF-AAS测定矿质元素含量结合化学计量学可以实现云南地区3种单花种蜂蜜的花源鉴别。   相似文献   

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