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A 9-year study of the structure of assemblages of fish on 20 coral patch reefs, based on 20 non-manipulative censuses, revealed a total of 141 species from 34 families, although 40 species accounted for over 95% of sightings of fish. The average patch reef was 8.5 m2 in surface area, and supported 125 fish of 20 species at a census. All reefs showed at least a two-fold variation among censuses in total numbers of fish present, and 12 showed ten-fold variations. There was also substantial variation in the composition and relative abundances of species present on each patch reef, such that censuses of a single patch reef were on average about 50% different from each other in percent similarity of species composition (Czekanowski's index). Species differed substantially in the degree to which their numbers varied from census to census, and in the degree to which their dispersion among patch reefs was modified from census to census. We characterize the 40 most common species with respect to these attributes. The variations in assemblage structure cannot be attributed to responses of fish to a changing physical structure of patch reefs, nor to the comings and goings of numerous rare species. Our results support and extend earlier reports on this study, which have stressed the lack of persistant structure for assemblages on these patch reefs. While reef fishes clearly have microhabitat preferences which are expressed at settlement, the variations in microhabitat offered by the patch reefs are insufficient to segregate many species of fish by patch reef. Instead, at the scale of single patch reefs, and, to a degree, at the larger scale of the 20 patch reefs, most of the 141 species of fish are distributed without regard to differences in habitat structure among reefs, and patterns of distribution change over time. Implications for general understanding of assemblage dynamics for fish over more extensive patches of reef habitat are considered.  相似文献   

New data on the species composition and distribution of reef-building corals on some reefs of the Seychelles Islands are presented. The study revealed 236 species belonging to 68 genera, which exceeds the well-known values of scleractinian species composition in this region by almost two times. Representatives of the families Acroporidae, Poritidae, and Faviidae dominated. Settlements of the blue coral Heliopora coerulea and the hydroid Millepora dichotoma were fairly numerous and in aggregate covered up to 40% of the substratum. In its species composition, the coral fauna of the Seychelles reefs makes a single unit with the Indo-Pacific tropical fauna.  相似文献   

Habitat use by the resident coral reef anemonefish, Amphiprion frenatus, was examined in the complex coral reef landscape of Shiraho Reef, Ishigaki Island, Okinawa, Japan, using an enlarged color aerial photograph processed using image analysis software as an accurate field map. The anemonefish inhabit assemblages of the host sea anemone, Entacmaea quadricolor (clonal type), which inhabit various patch reefs in the back reef moat. We located all patch reefs inhabited by the host in the map based on snorkel observations: 297 anemonefish were found in 93 host assemblages in the study site of 2.9 ha. These patch reefs could be recognized by the reef colors, including the shadows (blackish color) in the photograph. Using image analysis software, the colors of the patch reefs were chosen and pixels with the same color values were regarded as potential habitat patches for the fish (PHPs). PHPs were 3D patch reefs (>0.5 m in height). Total areas (TA) and total perimeters (TP) of PHPs were measured in nine quadrats in the digitized aerial photograph. Host abundance and anemonefish abundance in a quadrat showed stronger correlations with the product of TA and TP of PHPs than TA alone. A site with numerous large 3D patch reefs (≥0.75 m2 in situ) can be a better habitat for the fish than other sites consisting of several huge 3D patch reefs of the same total area. The methodology applied here may be useful for assessing the quality of habitats for small resident animals in shallow subtidal reefs.  相似文献   

After several decades of disturbance, many coral reefs in the Caribbean are dominated by macroalgae. One process affecting this transition is coral-macroalgal competition, yet few studies have addressed the mechanisms involved. In this study, we investigated competition between the tall and bushy macroalga Sargassum hystrix (J. Agardh) and the branching coral Porites porites (Pallas) on a shallow reef in Jamaica. Experiments were designed to expose coral branches to different treatments to test the role of shading and abrasion by Sargassum on coral growth and polyp expansion. Corals exposed to Sargassum grew significantly more slowly (80% reduction) than controls, but this effect was absent when corals were caged to prevent physical contact with macroalgae. Light levels were reduced in both the algal and cage treatments, but shading apparently had little effect on the growth of corals in cages. Short-term measurements of integrated net water flow did not detect variation among treatments. In algal-mimic treatments, where clear plastic strips could touch but not shade the corals, growth rates were 25% lower than controls, but this effect was not statistically significant. Thus, the growth of corals in contact with Sargassum was reduced by abrasion and, to a lesser extent, by factors unique to living macroalgae. Analysis of polyp expansion showed that polyps were more frequently retracted when corals were in contact with macroalgae or algal-mimics compared to controls or cage treatment; the frequency of polyp contraction was correlated positively with growth. Together, these results suggest that abrasion-mediated polyp retraction is one of the primary mechanisms of competition utilized by tall (ca. 17 cm) macroalgae against scleractinian corals.  相似文献   

Considering the rapid degradation of coral reefs, it is becoming increasingly important to assess factors such as levels of intraspecific genetic diversity and degree of connectivity between populations and reefs. In this study, five DNA microsatellite markers were used to infer migration patterns and levels of genetic diversity in ten populations of the faviid coral Platygyra daedalea along the coast of East Africa. Populations from reef-slopes and offshore islands had significantly greater genetic diversity, measured as expected heterozygosity and allelic richness than those of inshore lagoonal reefs. A combination of F-statistics and individual assignment tests indicated moderate to high levels of gene flow among lagoonal populations, and less migration between lagoonal sites and the reef-slope and island sites. These results suggest that reef-slope and island reefs could be important reservoirs of genetic diversity for this coral species. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The distribution of small mammals in mountainous environments across different elevations can provide important information on the effects of climate change on the dispersal of species. However, few studies conducted on Afromontane ecosystems have compared the altitudinal patterns of small mammal diversity. We investigated the species diversity and abundance of non-volant small mammals(hereafter ‘small mammals')on Mt. Kenya, the second tallest mountain in Africa,using a standard sampling scheme. Nine sampling transects were established at intervals of 200 m on the eastern(Chogoria) and western(Sirimon) slopes.A total of 1 905 individuals representing 25 species of small mammals were trapped after 12 240 trap-nights.Abundance was highest at mid-elevations on both slopes.However, species richness and their distribution patterns differed between the two slopes. More species were recorded on Chogoria(24) than on Sirimon(17). On Chogoria, species richness was higher at mid-high elevations, with a peak at mid-elevation(2 800 m a.s.l.),whereas species richness showed little variation on the Sirimon slope. These results indicate that patterns of species diversity can differ between slopes on the same mountain. In addition, we extensively reviewed literature on Mt. Kenya's mammals and compiled a comprehensive checklist of 76 mammalian species. However, additional research is required to improve our understanding of smal mammal diversity in mountain habitats in Africa.  相似文献   

Summary Ten small isolated corals were selected as units, of habitat in each of two nearby reef sites-a lagoon and a reef slope. On six occasions over two years we collected all fishes resident in each of these corals. Collections yielded 827 fishes of 64 species from the lagoon and 525 fishes of 66 species from the slope, but at each site 12 common species comprised over 80% of the fishes collected. We examined the distribution of species of fishes among units of habitat to assess the extent to which partitioning of habitat was being carried out. Results are compared with others previously reported from a reef flat site. Species discriminated among different types of habitat offered, but to a different degree in each site. Discrimination was most pronounced at the slope site where 7 of the 12 commonest species did not occur in all three types of habitat offered, and least at the lagoon site where no common species failed to occupy both types of habitat offered. No temporal partitioning of habitat could be demonstrated. Fish did not distribute themselves among units of habitat of one type by means of precise microhabitat discrimination. No pair of species in either site could be shown to mutually avoid, or exclude one another from habitat units. At all three sites, chance patterns of recruitment and loss overwhelmingly determined species composition of the groups of fishes coexisting in single habitat units. The significance of these results for our understanding of the ecology of coral reef fishes is discussed.  相似文献   

Small‐scale spatial and temporal variability in animal abundance is an intrinsic characteristic of marine ecosystems but remains largely unknown for most animals, including coral reef fishes. In this study, we used a remote autonomous unbaited video system and recorded reef fish assemblages during daylight hours, 10 times a day for 34 consecutive days in a branching coral patch of the lagoon of New Caledonia. In total, 50 031 fish observations belonging to 114 taxa, 66 genera and 31 families were recorded in 256 recorded videos. Carnivores and herbivore‐detritus feeders dominated the trophic structure. We found significant variations in the composition of fish assemblages between times of day. Taxa richness and fish abundance were greater in the early morning and in the late afternoon than during the day. Fourteen taxa displayed well‐defined temporal patterns in abundance with one taxon influenced by time of day, six influenced by tidal state and seven influenced by both time of day and tidal state. None of these 14 taxa were piscivores, 10 were herbivore‐detritus feeders, three were carnivores and one was plankton feeder. Our results suggest a diel migration from feeding grounds to shelter areas and highlight the importance of taking into account small‐scale temporal variability in animal diversity and abundance when studying connectivity between habitats and monitoring communities.  相似文献   

Diversity and extinction in the Cenozoic history of Caribbean reefs   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Occurrences of reef corals are examined at Caribbean fossil localities to determine how biodiversity has changed within the region over the past 50 million years. Analyses of 294 species (66 genera) at 58 fossil localities show that Caribbean generic diversity rose to 44 between 50–22 Ma, ranged from 32–39 between 22–2 Ma, and dropped to 25 afterwards. Regional species diversity was high at 40–36 Ma, 28–22 Ma, and 5–2 Ma. Origination rates were elevated throughout each high diversity interval, but extinction was concentrated near the end of each interval. Regional highs of origination and extinction, therefore, differed in timing and duration, causing the observed regional diversity increases during the three remarkably long intervals of turnover. Highs of generic origination decreased in magnitude as immigration from the Mediterranean ceased, but speciation highs increased in association with emergence of the Central American isthmus. Peaks of extinction coincided with regional changes in climate and oceanic circulation. Maximum species diversities within assemblages increased to 40–60 between 50–36 Ma, and have remained relatively constant ever since. Assemblage compositions differed among localities having similar ages and environments, suggesting that the timing and pattern of turnover varied across the region. Stable diversities but variable compositions within assemblages suggest that dispersal and recruitment influenced the pattern of faunal change during turnover. Accepted: 22 August 1999  相似文献   

Fish larvae were sampled daily over a period of 14 days using six crest nets spaced at 200 m intervals on a coral reef on the west coast of Moorea Island, French Polynesia, to estimate the extent to which ichthyonekton arriving at one location reflected ichthyonekton arriving at neighbouring areas. Each night, the six crest nets were colonized by larval fishes from the same location.  相似文献   

Coral cover on Caribbean reefs has declined rapidly since the early 1980's. Diseases have been a major driver, decimating communities of framework building Acropora and Orbicella coral species, and reportedly leading to the emergence of novel coral assemblages often dominated by domed and plating species of the genera Agaricia, Porites and Siderastrea. These corals were not historically important Caribbean framework builders, and typically have much smaller stature and lower calcification rates, fuelling concerns over reef carbonate production and growth potential. Using data from 75 reefs from across the Caribbean we quantify: (i) the magnitude of non‐framework building coral dominance throughout the region and (ii) the contribution of these corals to contemporary carbonate production. Our data show that live coral cover averages 18.2% across our sites and coral carbonate production 4.1 kg CaCO3 m?2 yr?1. However, non‐framework building coral species dominate and are major carbonate producers at a high proportion of sites; they are more abundant than Acropora and Orbicella at 73% of sites; contribute an average 68% of the carbonate produced; and produce more than half the carbonate at 79% of sites. Coral cover and carbonate production rate are strongly correlated but, as relative abundance of non‐framework building corals increases, average carbonate production rates decline. Consequently, the use of coral cover as a predictor of carbonate budget status, without species level production rate data, needs to be treated with caution. Our findings provide compelling evidence for the Caribbean‐wide dominance of non‐framework building coral taxa, and that these species are now major regional carbonate producers. However, because these species typically have lower calcification rates, continued transitions to states dominated by non‐framework building coral species will further reduce carbonate production rates below ‘predecline’ levels, resulting in shifts towards negative carbonate budget states and reducing reef growth potential.  相似文献   

Apex predators often have strong top-down effects on ecosystem components and are therefore a priority for conservation and management. Due to their large size and conspicuous predatory behaviour, reef sharks are typically assumed to be apex predators, but their functional role is yet to be confirmed. In this study, we used stomach contents and stable isotopes to estimate diet, trophic position and carbon sources for three common species of reef shark (Triaenodon obesus, Carcharhinus melanopterus and C. amblyrhynchos) from the Great Barrier Reef (Australia) and evaluated their assumed functional role as apex predators by qualitative and quantitative comparisons with other sharks and large predatory fishes. We found that reef sharks do not occupy the apex of coral reef food chains, but instead have functional roles similar to those of large predatory fishes such as snappers, emperors and groupers, which are typically regarded as high-level mesopredators. We hypothesise that a degree of functional redundancy exists within this guild of predators, potentially explaining why shark-induced trophic cascades are rare or subtle in coral reef ecosystems. We also found that reef sharks participate in multiple food webs (pelagic and benthic) and are sustained by multiple sources of primary production. We conclude that large conspicuous predators, be they elasmobranchs or any other taxon, should not axiomatically be regarded as apex predators without thorough analysis of their diet. In the case of reef sharks, our dietary analyses suggest they should be reassigned to an alternative trophic group such as high-level mesopredators. This change will facilitate improved understanding of how reef communities function and how removal of predators (e.g., via fishing) might affect ecosystem properties.  相似文献   

A continuous time branching-diffusion process model is presented to describe the development of spatial distributional patterns of a biological population. In the model each unit moves independently following diffusion processes on a plane, and multiplies or goes extinct at random times. Standard methods for measuring the degree of aggregation used in field ecology are applied to this model population. Kuno's C Aindex using quadrat sampling is calculated, and the dependence of the index on time, quadrat size, initial density, and diffusion and branching rules, is discussed. Pielou's index based on distance measurement is evaluated by the solution of a nonlinear partial differential equation. Both methods show that continuous-time branching-diffusion processes produce a contagious spatial pattern; as in a discrete-time model studied by Iwasa and Teramoto (1977).  相似文献   

Within estuarine and coastal ecosystems globally, extensive habitat degradation and loss threaten critical ecosystem functions and necessitate widescale restoration efforts. There is abundant evidence that ecological processes and species interactions can vary with habitat characteristics, which has important implications for the design and implementation of restoration efforts aimed at enhancing specific ecosystem functions and services. We conducted an experiment examining how habitat characteristics (presence; edge vs. interior) influence the communities of resident fish and mobile invertebrates on restored oyster (Crassostrea virginica) reefs. Similar to previous studies, we found that restored reefs altered community composition and augmented total abundance and biomass relative to unstructured sand habitat. Community composition and biomass also differed between the edge and interior of individual reefs as a result of species-specific patterns over small spatial scales. These patterns were only weakly linked to oyster density, suggesting that other factors that vary between edge and interior (e.g. predator access or species interactions) are likely more important for community structure on oyster reefs. Fine-scale information on resident species' use of oyster reefs will help facilitate restoration by allowing decision makers to optimize the amount of edge versus interior habitat. To improve the prediction of faunal use and benefits from habitat restoration, we recommend investigations into the mechanisms shaping edge and interior preferences on oyster reefs.  相似文献   

The average biomass ofHalimeda per m2 of solid substratum increased progressively on a series of reefs situated at increasing distances from the shore in the central Great Barrier Reef. There was none on a reef close inshore, increasing to nearly 500 g m?2 total biomass (?90% calcium carbonate) on an oceanic atoll system in the Coral Sea. The biomass measured contained 13 species ofHalimeda but was dominated by only two species,H. copiosa andH. opuntia, except on the atoll whereH. minima was dominant. Three sand-dwelling species were also present but did not occur anywhere in substantial quantities. Growth rates of the dominant species were measured bv tagging individual branch tips. A mean value of 0.16 segments d?1 was recorded but 41% of the branch tips did not grow any new segments whilst only 1% grew more than one per day. The number of branch tips per unit biomass was very constant and has been used in conjunction with growth rates and biomass to calculate productivity rates, and thence sedimentation, in the lagoon of one of the reefs. Biomass doubling time of 15 d and production of 6.9 g dry wt m?2 d?1 are considerably higher than previously reported values forHalimeda vegetation and there was little seasonal change detected over a whole year. Those values indicate annual accretion of 184.9 g m?2 year?1 ofHalimeda segment debris over the entire lagoon floor (5.9 km2) of Davies Reef, equivalent to 0.13 mm year?1 due toHalimeda alone, or 1 m every 1,892 years when other contributions to that sediment are taken into account.  相似文献   

The 1998 global coral bleaching event was the largest recorded historical disturbance of coral reefs and resulted in extensive habitat loss. Annual censuses of reef fish community structure over a 12-year period spanning the bleaching event revealed a marked phase shift from a prebleach to postbleach assemblage. Surprisingly, we found that the bleaching event had no detectable effect on the abundance, diversity or species richness of a local cryptobenthic reef fish community. Furthermore, there is no evidence of regeneration even after 5–35 generations of these short-lived species. These results have significant implications for our understanding of the response of coral reef ecosystems to global warming and highlight the importance of selecting appropriate criteria for evaluating reef resilience.  相似文献   



Lipids in reef building corals can be divided into two classes; non-polar storage lipids, e.g. wax esters and triglycerides, and polar structural lipids, e.g. phospholipids and cholesterol. Differences among algal endosymbiont types are known to have important influences on processes including growth and the photobiology of scleractinian corals yet very little is known about the role of symbiont types on lipid energy reserves.

Methodology/Principal Findings

The ratio of storage lipid and structural lipid fractions of Scott Reef corals were determined by thin layer chromatography. The lipid fraction ratio varied with depth and depended on symbiont type harboured by two corals (Seriatopora hystrix and Pachyseris speciosa). S. hystrix colonies associated with Symbiodinium C1 or C1/C# at deep depths (>23 m) had lower lipid fraction ratios (i.e. approximately equal parts of storage and structural lipids) than those with Symbiodinium D1 in shallow depths (<23 m), which had higher lipid fraction ratios (i.e. approximately double amounts of storage relative to structural lipid). Further, there was a non-linear relationship between the lipid fraction ratio and depth for S. hystrix with a modal peak at ∼23 m coinciding with the same depth as the shift from clade D to C types. In contrast, the proportional relationship between the lipid fraction ratio and depth for P. speciosa, which exhibited high specificity for Symbiodinium C3 like across the depth gradient, was indicative of greater amounts of storage lipids contained in the deep colonies.


This study has demonstrated that Symbiodinium exert significant controls over the quality of coral energy reserves over a large-scale depth gradient. We conclude that the competitive advantages and metabolic costs that arise from flexible associations with divergent symbiont types are offset by energetic trade-offs for the coral host.  相似文献   

Patch reefs occur near the top of the transgressive sequence of Ordovician Trenton Group limestones in the Chicoutimi area of Quebec, eastern Canada. Despite their small sue, these reefs comprise diverse assemblages dominated by bryozoans, corals, stromatoporoids and receptaculitid algae. Pelmatozoans and gastropods are also conspicuous. The reefs were initiated and grew in a fully marine, open shelf setting. Available substrates varied from loose skeletal lenses to soft, firm or hardened bioturbated wackestones, and the earliest stages of reef growth reflect this heterogeneity. Loose or less firm substrates were colonised by bryozoans and pelmatozoans and/or by receptaculitids, which, together with accessory organisms, stabilised the sediments and provided the basis for further reef development. The resultant firmer, slightly elevated substrates provided sites for attachment of stromatoporoids and colonial corals which spread over earlier reef organisms and sediments and dominated the later stages of reef growth. On hardened areas of sediment, stromatoporoids and corals colonised the surface directly and the early stabilising stage of reef growth is absent. The compositions and developmental stages of these Trenton Group reefs are comparable with those seen in broadly contemporaneous and often larger reefs elsewhere, and are among the earliest in which corals played an important role.  相似文献   

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