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More than 50% of nests of Ropalidia fasciata were founded by association of foundresses (multifemale nests). The multifemale nests were generally initiated earlier and grew faster than the single-female nests. The survival rate of the multifemale nests was significantly higher than that of single-female nests, and the productivity as measured by the number of cells produced per foundress had a peak at a foundress-group size from 6 to 10. The number of marked foundresses which were seen on their original nest decreased as the colony cycle proceeded, but some of them continued to coexist on the original nests after emergency of many female progeny. Except in the case where a large number of foundresses attended a young nest so that some foundresses could not sit on the nest, the dominance interactions among cofoundresses were mild. More than twothirds (71.4%) of nests (including those at the post-emergence stage) had multiple egg-layers. The foundress association in this species is considered to be beneficial for every foundress because it raises ability to avoid predation or to reconstruct their nests when the nests are destroyed by typhoons.  相似文献   

  1. Losses in workers and reproductives due to the ichneumonid parasitoid Latibulus sp. were determined in a haplometrotic, temperate paper wasp, Polistes riparius, during a 5-year study.
  2. Fifty-four to 79% of pre-emergence nests were parasitized on worker brood, resulting in a worker loss of 25–31% on average. Worker brood reared in outer cells were much more often parasitized than those in central ones, possibly because outer cells are more accessible to the parasitoid. Infestation of worker brood was not random but aggregated among nests.
  3. Seventy-eight to 100% of nests were parasitized on reproductive brood, and lost 10–34% of reproductives.
  4. The number of emerged workers positively correlated with that of reproductives produced and that of cells made during the season. This suggests that worker loss reduces reproductive output of colonies. Hence, the parasitoid can reduce colonial reproductive output not only by killing reproductive brood but by reducing worker force.

Only two out of 959 pre‐emergence colonies of the paper wasp Polistes snelleni de Saussure surveyed between 1989 and 1996 in Sapporo, northern Japan, were found to be two‐foundress colonies, and the others were single‐foundress colonies. The two foundresses in one of the two colonies showed neither aggressive dominance behavior nor clear division of labor between them during a total of approximately 30 h in the first half of the pre‐emergence stage. Although both of the foundresses foraged for pulp and laid eggs, only one foundress foraged for prey and delivered it to the other.  相似文献   

Summary Five cases of the early emergence of males in a Japanese paper wasp,Polistes chinensis antennalis, in which male emerged together with the first group of workers, were described. In one case of the five where the queen disappeared before the emergence of male, worker(s) produced female offspring. The frequency of the nests where the early emergence of male was observed was 16.7% (5/30 nests). In two colonies, worker(s) and/or queen chased off males. But in an orphan nest where worker(s) produced female offspring, the dominance order among workers which was similar to that of colony without male was observed. The significance of the early emergence of male in the social evolution of wasps was discussed.  相似文献   

Nest survival rates and reproductive rates of females of the Australian paper wasp, Ropalidia plebeiana, in nest aggregations under a concrete bridge were studied. The annual colony cycle commenced in August with the reutilization of old nests and by the founding of new nests, mainly by associations of foundresses. Distribution patterns of the number of foundresses per nest was nearly random on new nests while contagious on old nests. About one-third of the increase in number of nest was achieved by dividing large, old nests and two-thirds by founding new nests. Nest survival rates for old nests (August to April) and new nests (November to April) were 89.6% and 88.8% respectively, far higher rates than those of other polistine wasps so far reported. The numbers of nests and reproductive females increased during a colony cycle by 2.30 and 10.98 times, respectively. Thus, huge aggregations of nests are probably beneficial for this species by enabling the realization of high reproductive rates. We could find no density-dependent effect in nest growth rate or production of female reproductives. Ratio of cells parasitized by ichneumonid wasps was low. Nests in the central part of an aggregation were prasitized at significantly lower rates than nests on the periphery or scattered nests outside a dense aggregation, suggesting a selfish herd effect.  相似文献   

Intraspecific nest usurpation by foundresses was studied in 2 haplometrotic (solitary founding) species of different subgenera,Polistes (P.) riparius andP. (Polistella) snelleni, in areas where they cohabited. The overall probability for a nest to be usurped by a foreign foundress during the season was about twice as large inP. snelleni as inP. riparius. In both, however, probability of usurpation was largest on late pre-emergence nests, or in late June and early July. InP. riparius, all the usurpers of known origins were those foundresses that had lost their pre-emergence nests to destruction probably by some vertebrates; inP. snelleni, some usurpers had the same history as above, while the others had lost many of all larvae to predation by unknown agents before worker emergence. Usurpers of both species destroyed eggs and younger larvae to much greater extents than older larvae or pupae, and they produced fewer numbers of reproductives in comparison with non-usurping foundresses. We concluded that usurpation behavior has been maintained despite its relatively low productivity because renesting would lead to even lower or no reproductive production.  相似文献   

Temperature characteristics in paper models of Polistes wasp nests with various numbers (N = 7, 19, 37, or 61 cells) and lengths (L = 10–50 mm) of cells were measured in the field. Temperature distribution in a N61L50 model showed that the central cell provided the best thermal conditions in terms of gained temperature and its fluctuation. The mean temperature excess (difference between cell and ambient temperatures) observed in the diel trial 1 (L50 models with different cell numbers) was 1.5°C in N7 model and 2.3°C in N61, whereas in trial 2 (N37 models with different cell lengths) it was 0.6°C in the L10 model (with 10-mm-long cells) and 2.4°C in L50. In these trials, models with larger numbers of cells or longer cells attained a higher temperature. It seemed that length was more effective in gaining higher maximum temperature than the number of cells. By their heat insulation effect, peripheral cell rings ameliorated the temperature fluctuation in cells at the central part of the comb. Models with more and longer cells maintained temperature slightly higher than the ambient level even during the nighttime. Received: March 10, 2000 / Accepted: December 18, 2000  相似文献   

Although inter-individual diet variation is common in predatory wasp populations, the factors accounting for such variation are still largely unknown. Here, we asked if paired diet dissimilarity in three species of digger wasps correlates with morphological distance and inter-nest distance, two factors previously linked to diet partitioning in vertebrates. Results sharply differed among species and generations. All sampled populations showed significant inter-individual diet variation for prey taxa, but only in half of the cases for prey size. In one generation of two species [Bembix zonata Klug and Stizus continuus (Klug)], similar-sized wasps had similar prey taxonomic spectra (and for S. continuus also similar prey size spectra), a phenomenon which probably reduces intra-specific competition. In addition, B. zonata females nesting closer to each other had more similar prey taxonomic spectra, suggesting that distant females probably hunt on different patches that harbour different prey species. For the females of a further species (Bembix merceti Parker), pairwise size difference and inter-nest distance did not affect prey dissimilarity. Both morphological distance and inter-nest distance are potentially important in shaping the overlap of individual resource use in wasps, though probably only in certain conditions such as a highly clumped distribution of nests and size-related constraints on prey selection.  相似文献   

This study provides the first molecular phylogeny of the social wasp subgenus Polistella (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Polistes) from Vietnam. Fragments of the mitochondrial COI and 16S rRNA genes were used to reconstruct the phylogenetic trees among 38 Polistes species plus two out-group species (Vespa soror du Buysson and Ropalidia fasciata (Fabricius)). Our results support the existence of several species-groups, including two that are congruent with the previous stigma and Stenopolistes groups defined on the basis of morphology. Moreover, we recovered a clade including the stigma group and the two species P. humilis and P. variabilis that was sister to all other species of Polistella. However, the results also challenged the definition of other groups of Polistella based on morphological data, as well as the definition of two species: P. brunus and P. affinis. This first study calls for further analyses including morphological characters to clarify the taxonomy and the classification of the group.  相似文献   

Summary In the primitively eusocial tropical waspRopalidia marginata, five out of eleven colonies studied had an unmated female as their queen. In two colonies this was the case despite the presence of another mated individual in the colony. We found no detectable differences between colonies with unmated queens and those with mated queens. We argue that in species such asR. marginata, where intracolony relatedness is expected to be low and where sociality is likely to be maintained because several individuals have opportunities for direct reproduction in the future, individual selection is likely to override the good of the colony and lead to such phenomena as that of unmated queens.  相似文献   

Amino acid composition of the protein in the oral secretion, which is widely used for construction and maintenance of social wasp nests, was analyzed in preemergence nests of Polistes (Polistes) riparius. The kinds and proportion (%) of amino acids of the protein detected from nests of P. riparius were very similar to those of a consubgeneric species, P. (P.) chinensis, but were conspicuously different from those of other social wasp genera. Further, it was estimated that protein contents in oral secretion of P. riparius were nearly the same as those of P. chinensis; namely, foundresses of P. riparius, which build much larger nests than those of P. chinensis, did not reduce relative protein contents to produce more oral secretion at a smaller cost. Amino acid composition may reflect phylogenetic relationships among wasp taxa. Received: March 10, 2000 / Accepted: May 29, 2000  相似文献   

Temperatures in two mature Polybia nests were measured to study the thermal conditions of nests. Temperatures in a Polybia paulista nest were measured when it had adult wasps (trial 1) and after the adult wasps were removed (trial 2), and temperatures in a P. occidentalis nest were measured when inhabited by adult wasps (trial 3). In each trial, C–C thermocouples were set at four points in the nest and at two points outside to discover the ambient and substratum temperatures. In trial 1, nest temperatures basically followed the ambient temperature, but during the day the nest temperatures were lower than the ambient temperature and this relationship was reversed during the night. The temperature fluctuation of the inner substratum points was smaller than that of the outer points. The trend of trial 2 was closely similar to that of trial 1, showing a virtual lack of thermal effects from the presence of adult wasps. In trial 3, the changing pattern in the P. occidentalis nest showed a trend similar to that in the P. paulista nest, but the inside temperatures rose quickly when the nest received direct sunlight in the morning. From these results, thermal characteristics in the Polybia nests are discussed in relation to the nest architecture and their geographical distribution.  相似文献   

Mating structure and genetic relatedness among gynes (potential reproductive females) of the paper wasp Polistes snelleni were investigated using DNA microsatellite markers. All colonies had one foundress inseminated by a single male, and no sign of inbreeding was detected. The mean genetic relatedness among gynes was 0.734 ± 0.028 (SE), which is not significantly different from the expected value of 0.75 for full sisters.  相似文献   

The ability of two species of Polistes wasps to distinguish their own from nearby nests was tested, following the procedure used by Espelie et al. Our experiments demonstrated that, in the laboratory, females of Polistes dominulus and Polistes nimphus preferentially selected their own nests rather than nearby nests. We also evaluated the role of odor cues in nest recognition by washing nests in hexane to remove the apolar solvent-soluble components of nest odor. Although P. nimphus females continued to discriminate nests even after washing, P. dominulus individuals failed to discriminate between their own and a foreign neighboring nest. In both species, wasps were able to recognize their own nests when nest extracts were subsequently reapplied to the nest surface. These results indicate that P. dominulus wasps recognize their nests through perception of nest odor. The ability of P. nimphus wasps to distinguish their own nests even after presumed removal of the nest odor is discussed. Received: January 27, 2000 / Accepted: May 22, 2000  相似文献   

Exocrine glands are involved in several wasp colony activities; however, the number of known glands in the Vespidae is rather low when compared to other social insect groups. The aim of this study is to survey the head of Neotropical social wasps and to provide a detailed comparative study of the glands found in the Polistinae. A total of 33 species distributed over 13 genera were studied with serial histological sections of the head, excluding the labiomaxillary complex. Additionally, the exoskeleton was explored using scanning electron microscopy looking for associated modifications. A total of eleven exocrine glands were observed, five are structures recorded for the first time for the Hymenoptera, three are new records for the Polistinae and three are previously known organs. The glands studied are: ocellar gland I, ocellar gland II, periocular gland, subantennal gland, hypopharyngeal gland, clypeal gland, posterobasal genal gland, ectal mandibular gland, mesal mandibular gland, intramandibular gland I, and intramandibular gland II. The widespread distribution of most of these glands suggests an origin prior to the evolution of the Polistinae. Our results highlight the importance of detailed morphological studies to unveil the significance of chemical communication in one of the most characteristic groups of social animals.  相似文献   

Chatergellus communis is a wasp species endemic to the neotropical region and its venom constituents have never been described. In this study, two peptides from C. communis venom, denominated Communis and Communis-AAAA, were chemically and biologically characterized. In respect to the chemical characterization, the following amino acid sequences and molecular masses were identified:Communis: Ile-Asn-Trp-Lys-Ala-Ile-Leu-Gly-Lys-Ile-Gly-Lys-COOH (1340.9 Da)Communis-AAAA: Ile-Asn-Trp-Lys-Ala-Ile-Leu-Gly-Lys-Ile-Gly-Lys-Ala-Ala-Ala-Ala-Val-Xle-NH2 (1836.3 Da).Furthermore, their biological effects were compared, accounting for the differences in structural characteristics between the two peptides. To this end, three biological assays were performed in order to evaluate the hyperalgesic, edematogenic and hemolytic effects of these molecules. Communis-AAAA, unlike Communis, showed a potent hemolytic activity with EC50 = 142.6 μM. Moreover, the highest dose of Communis-AAAA (2nmol/animal) induced hyperalgesia in mice. On the other hand, Communis (10nmol/animal) was able to induce edema but did not present hemolytic or hyperalgesic activity. Although both peptides have similarities in linear structures, we demonstrated the distinct biological effects of Communis and Communis-AAAA. This is the first study with Chartegellus communis venom, and both Communis and Communis-AAAA are unpublished peptides.  相似文献   

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