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林正云 《太阳能学报》1994,15(3):248-256
首先利用福州市的辐射观测资料,建立计算太阳总辐射的经验公式,并计算福建省各市、县的太阳总辐射的年、月平均辐照度。然后利用地区代表站的地面反射率,求得福建省各月、年地面所吸收的太阳辐射能的分布。再利用地面温度、气温、水汽压和总云量、计算得出福建省各地的地面有效辐射的月、年平均辐照度。最后得出福建省各月、年地面辐射平衡的分布。  相似文献   

庄肃 《太阳能》1998,(1):20-21
如何将水平面上太阳总辐射转换成倾斜面上太阳总辐射庄肃在太阳能利用中,为了使太阳能装置收集到更多的太阳辐射能,我们常将其倾斜安装,故需要计算到达倾斜面上的太阳总辐射能量。一般气象台站都有水平面上的太阳总辐射的观测资料,所以需将水平面上的太阳总辐射转换成...  相似文献   

藏北高原太阳总辐射和地表反射率的分光特征   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
太阳辐射的分光特征具有重要意义。利用1993年8月-1994年7月在五道梁观测得到的一周年晴天的太阳分光辐射观测资料,分析研究了太阳分光辐射各波段的能量分配、分光辐射反射率以及它们的日变化和季节变化特征。结果表明,五道梁的太阳分光辐射具有明显的高地区特征。  相似文献   

采用聚类分析法,依据152个气象站多年的月日照百分率变化规律将四川省分区,分别建立气候学计算方程得到四川地面太阳总辐射时空分布。并通过气候统计方法探讨气象因素对辐射分布特征的影响。结果表明:1)利用可反映辐射削弱状况的日照百分率将站点分类,同一区内的站点辐射状况相似,建立的计算方程更为准确,使得四川省各个地区的7个辐射观测站年总辐射的平均相对误差低至3.5%;2)川西北高原(Ⅰ区)总辐射值最大,整体在6000 MJ/m2以上,川西南山地(Ⅱ区)次之,四川高原东缘(Ⅲ区)再次之,盆地(Ⅳ区)最小,在4000 MJ/m2以下。四川总辐射整体呈由北向南、由西向东递减的趋势。3)Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ区夏季辐射削弱最强,冬季最弱,与相对湿度、降水量、低云量、气溶胶光学厚度(AOD)的夏高冬低分布相关;Ⅳ区恰好相反,主要与低云量夏季占全年的16%,冬季占35%有关。4)由偏相关分析中的定量结果知,Ⅱ、Ⅳ区低云量均为削弱辐射的主导因素,Ⅲ区为相对湿度,Ⅰ区则相对湿度、降水、AOD三者均与辐射的削弱密切相关。  相似文献   

1992年夏季珠穆朗玛峰地区的太阳直接辐射和总辐射   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
用1992年夏季珠穆朗玛峰地区考察的多通道有线遥测辐射观测资料,对珠峰地区的太阳直接辐射和总辐射特征进行了研究。结果表明。1992年珠峰地区夏季中午前后的大气透明度状况与1959年没有明显差异。夏季在珠峰绒布寺地区最大总辐射大于太阳常数现象的出现十分频繁。本次考察时,在有完整资料的16天中,14天观测到了瞬时总辐射大于太阳常数的现象;这种现象从地方时9时到14时都可出现,有时竟连续出现5个时欢。瞬时总辐射的最大值为1688Wm-2,超出了太阳常数23%。考察期间记录到的总辐射时累计值的最大值为4.71MJm-2,平均强度1308Wm-2,达太阳常数的95.7%。青藏高原地区持续出现总辐射大于太阳常数的现象对近地面辐射平衡及生态环境的影响尚有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

福建省太阳总辐射和地面辐射平衡的分布   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
首先利用福州市的辐射观测资料,建立计算太阳总辐射的经验公式,并计算福建省各市、县的太阳总辐射的年、月平均辐照度。然后利用地区代表站的地面反射率,求得福建省各月、年地面所吸收的太阳辐射能的分布。再利用地面温度、气温、水汽压和总云量,计算得出福建省各地的地面有效辐射的月、年平均辐照度。最后得出福建省各月、年地面辐射平衡的分布。  相似文献   

北京地区太阳紫外辐射的基本特征   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14  
1990年1月至1991年3月在中国科学院大气物理研究所香河观测站(北京东南70公里处)利用国产TBQ-4型分光辐射表及配套的智能辐射记录仪,对近地面太阳紫外辐射进行了观测,得到此间北京地区近地面太阳紫外辐射及其占太阳总辐射比例的变化特征,并分析了差异的原因。给出了1990年1月至1091年3月太阳紫外辐射的极值及对应的紫外辐射占总辐射的比例,后者同太阳总辐射存在反相关。  相似文献   

王钰 《江西能源》2006,(3):53-56
本文利用江西赣州、南昌二站太阳总辐射实测值,通过拟合建立经验计算公式,对其计算结果进行误差分析,并通过地区之间日照百分率的相关计算与检验,从而得到适用于计算江西太阳总辐射的经验计算公式和方法。  相似文献   

通过对中国8个典型城市日太阳总辐射实际观测月均值的分析,得到了较为近似的日太阳总辐射月均值模型,并用该模型对郑州地区的数据进行了预测,预测值与实测值吻合良好,表明该模型具有很好的通用性,为中国太阳能的利用提供了科学依据.  相似文献   

In this paper, a detailed analysis of the solar radiation on horizontal and tilted surfaces for six locations in Oman is presented. The locations are (from North to South): Majis/Sohar, Sur, Fahud, Masira, Marmul, and Salalah. These locations spread over Oman and cover different types of landscape. The method is validated through the use of measured data. The effect of tilt angle and orientation on the incident solar radiation is presented along with optimum surface tilt angles and directions for maximum solar radiation collection in these six locations. The solar radiation models used in this paper show good agreement with measured data. The results presented in this paper are extremely useful for quick estimation of solar radiation for calculations of buildings’ cooling load and solar collector system performance. This can be easily extended for other locations with similar landscapes and geographical conditions.  相似文献   

Applying the measured global and diffuse solar radiation data from 78 meteorological stations in China, a countrywide general correlation model for calculating the daily diffuse radiation was derived on the basis of Liu and Jordan method. Two widely used statistics: root mean square error and mean bias error were used to assess the performance of the correlation. And the correlation shows good behavior when applied to most of the stations. Subsequently, with the measured data from the 78 stations, an analysis of geographical distribution of solar energy resource in China was also presented in the form of clearness index (the ratio of global solar radiation to extraterrestrial radiation) percentage frequency, and results show that the solar energy resource in western and northern China is relatively abundant.  相似文献   

李玉娜  马磊  周建强 《节能》2012,31(4):25-28
利用《中国建筑热环境分析专用气象数据集》分析郑州地区年、月、日太阳辐射能的变化。分析表明:该地区全年太阳能资源较为丰富且相对稳定,冬季太阳能资源利用潜力很大,应当合理利用直射、散射以及南向的太阳辐射;通过对太阳总辐射频数分布情况的分析得知:郑州地区超过100W/m2的太阳总辐射占到年太阳总辐射的79%。  相似文献   

In this paper, an attempt has been made to develop a new model to evaluate the hourly solar radiation for composite climate of New Delhi. The comparison of new model for hourly solar radiation has been carried out by using various model proposed by others. The root mean square error (RMSE) and mean bias error (MBE) have been used to compare the accuracy of new and others model. The results show that the ASHRAE and new proposed model estimate hourly solar radiation better for composite climate of New Delhi in comparison to other models. Hourly solar radiation estimated by constants obtained by new model (modified ASHRAE model) for composite climate of India is fairly comparable with measured data. The percentage mean bias error with new constants for New Delhi was found as low as 0.15 and 0% for hourly beam and diffuse radiation, respectively. There is a 1.9–8.5% RMSE between observed and predicted values of beam radiation using new constants for clear days. The statistical analysis has been used for the present study. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

不同朝向太阳辐射测试及应用对策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在太阳能建筑设计、建筑能耗模拟时,逐时的太阳辐射气象数据是最重要的基本参数。我国严寒和寒冷地区居住建筑节能设计标准规定,采暖期的计算需要准确的不同朝向的太阳辐射照度,但是,我国目前尚未广泛地进行不同朝向的太阳辐射观测工作。文章制定了一套不同朝向的太阳辐射测量方案,通过对数据进行处理分析,得出不同朝向的太阳辐射变化规律,验证了方案的可行性。基于分朝向的太阳辐射变化,提出了相应的建筑设计策略,为建筑节能提供更准确的理论依据。  相似文献   

The DYRESM-CAEDYM model is a valuable tool for simulating water temperature for biochemical studies in aquatic ecosystem. The model requires inputs of surface short-wave radiation and long-wave radiation or total cloud cover fraction (TC). Long-wave radiation is often not measured directly so a method to determine TC from commonly measured short-wave solar irradiance (E0) and theoretical short-wave solar irradiance under a clear sky (Ec) has broad application. A more than 17-year (15 November 1991 to 20 February 2009) hourly solar irradiance data set was used to estimate the peak solar irradiance for each ordinal date over one year, which was assumed to be representative of solar irradiance in the absence of cloud. Comparison between these daily observed values and the modelled clear-sky solar radiation over one year was in close agreement (Pearson correlation coefficient, = 0.995 and root mean squared error, RMSE = 12.54 W m−2). The downloaded hourly cloudiness measurements from 15 November 1991 to 20 February 2009 was used to calculate the daily values for this period and then the calculated daily values over the 17 years were used to calculate the average values for each ordinal date over one year. A regression equation between (1 − E0/Ec) and TC produced a correlation coefficient value of 0.99 (> 0.01, = 71). The validation of this cloud cover estimation model was conducted with observed short-wave solar radiation and TC at two sites. Values of TC derived from the model at the Lake Rotorua site gave a reasonable prediction of the observed values (RMSE = 0.10, = 0.86, > 0.01, = 61). The model was also tested at Queenstown (South Island of New Zealand) and it provided satisfactory results compared to the measurements (RMSE = 0.16, = 0.67, > 0.01, = 61). Therefore the model’s good performance and broad applicability will contribute to the DYRESM-CAEDYM accuracy of water temperature simulation when long-wave radiation is not available.  相似文献   

Solar radiation is the main source of energy for the survival of life and its associated activities. It is important to know accurate solar radiation value in areas such as agricultural activities, solar energy systems, heating, and meteorology. In this study, we present a model for the estimation of solar radiation value with other meteorological parameters in cases where solar radiation cannot be measured or not available. This model is based on the relationship between solar radiation and measured air temperature and visibility extremes. As is known, the incident global solar radiation is attenuated by clouds, aerosols, ozone layer, water vapor, etc.. In the model, the attenuation of the solar radiation is expressed by dew point temperature, visibility, and the maximum and minimum air temperatures. Dew-point temperature refers to the effect of water vapor on solar radiation, air temperature extremes are used to signify cloudiness. Visibility also gives the effect on the attenuation of solar radiation by air pollutants and aerosols in the model. The model was applied to the data taken from meteorological stations in Turkey. Error analysis was performed and compared with the models in the literature and satisfactory results were obtained.

Abbreviations H: Daily total global solar radiation, units of MJ ? m?2 ? day?1; H0: Extraterrestrial solar radiation, units of MJ ? m?2 ? day?1; Hm: Measured daily total global solar radiation, units of MJ ? m?2 ? day?1; Hc: Calculated daily total global solar radiation, units of MJ ? m?2 ? day?1; Tmin: Daily minimum temperature, units of °C; Tmax: Daily maximum temperature, units of °C; RH: Tdew: Relative humidity, units of %rh; Dew-point temperature, units of °C  相似文献   

参照变电站主变压器室,建立了双侧开口热源建筑数值模型,通过改变大气透过率(sunshine fraction)的大小改变日照强度,利用FL U EN T进行求解,考察日照作用对热源建筑自然通风流动的影响。计算结果表明:日照作用影响热源建筑室内外热量传递的大小和方向,当大气透过率为0.15时,室内外两侧传递热量达到平衡。较大的日照强度导致通风量增大,室内气流速度分布更均匀,日照作用下不同高度的气流温度受到的主要影响因素不同。  相似文献   

Field testing carried out for solar energy applications is costly, time consuming and depends heavily on prevailing weather conditions. Adequate security and weather protection must be provided at the test site. Measurements may also suffer from delays that can be caused by system failures and bad weather. To overcome these problems the need for accurate model becomes evermore important. To achieve such prediction task, an artificial neural network, ANN, model is regarded as a cost-effective technique superior to traditional statistical methods. In this paper, Levenberg optimization function is adopted to predict insolation data in different spectral bands for Helwan (Egypt) monitoring station. The predicted values were then compared with the actual values and presented in terms of usual statistics. The results hint that, the ANN model predicted infrared, ultraviolet, and global insolation with a good accuracy of approximately 95%, 93% and 96%, respectively. In addition, ANN model was tested to predict the same components for Aswan over an 11 month period. The predicted values of the ANN model compared to the actual values for Aswan produced an accuracy of 95%, 91% and 92%, respectively. Data for Aswan were not included as a part of ANN training set. Hence, these results demonstrate the generalization capability of this approach over unseen data and its ability to produce accurate estimates.  相似文献   

In this study, the usability of clear sky radiation for predicting the average global solar radiation was investigated. For this aim, the various regression analyses were applied by using and parameters. Also, equations which represent the two periods of the year, winter and summer, were developed by using these parameters.The equations developed by using and have approximately the same results.Having the better values of the equations developed by using the change of summer and winter is another result.In addition, the use of the RMSE and MBE in isolation is not an adequate indicator of model performance. Using the t-statistic method and the harmony of results obtained with each method will prove that the results are reliable  相似文献   

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