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针对国产航改燃气轮机发电效率低、余热烟气量大导致的总能系统效率低的问题,结合上海老港工业区分布式能源热电联供项目,开展了总能系统能效优化设计研究。工程案例表明通过低温余热充分回收利用手段可以有效提高航改燃机的总能效率,为国产航改燃气轮机在工业领域的分布式能源项目推广应用提供新的设计思路和解决办法。  相似文献   

为推进天然气分布式能源项目开发,开展50 MW等级分布式能源用燃气轮机主机选型研究,针对同等级发电功率的两个燃气轮机流派,选取SIEMENS公司典型工业型燃气轮机SGT-800和GE公司典型航改型燃气轮机LM6000为研究对象,综合分析两种机型的结构特点、热力性能、污染物排放特性、燃料适应性、启动及运行特性、供热(冷)...  相似文献   

为推进分布式能源项目用30 MW等级燃气轮机选型工作,以Siemens公司典型工业型燃气轮机SGT-700和GE公司典型航改型燃气轮机LM2500+G4为研究对象,从结构特点、热力性能、污染物排放特性、燃料适应性、启动及运行特性、供热(冷)能力、检修维护等方面综合对比分析分布式能源用SGT-700工业型燃气轮机与LM2500+G4航改型燃气轮机的优缺点,为30 MW等级分布式能源用燃气轮机主机选型提供参考依据。LM2500+G4燃气轮机对于分布式供能方面具有一定的优势,SGT-700燃气轮机在检修维护上具有一定的优势。  相似文献   

张丹  高慧峰 《上海节能》2011,(10):24-27
微燃机分布式供能系统选择微型燃气轮机发电机组(简称微燃机)作为原动机,具有系统整洁美观、运行稳定智能、安装环境要求不高、占地面积小、噪音低等优点。通过其在医院和办公楼能源中心中的实践,不仅验证了上述优点,而且通过对系统性能数据的实测,得出系统电力和余热均能被充分利用,热电比和年一次能源利用率均较高等结论。总结系统实施的经验,成功和不足,望能与同行业同仁分享。  相似文献   

分布式能源系统由于其高灵活性、高环保效益的特点日益受到研究者的关注,但分布式能源系统使用情景多变,难以用统一的标准设计建造,针对不同情境的系统设计改善发挥了重要作用。针对当前常见的分布式能源系统优化手段及发展情况进行深入探讨,总结了优化算法在优化问题上的应用现状,提出可以针对不同实际情况对算法进行整合应用的建议。  相似文献   

航改燃机是非常复杂的控制对象。当前航改燃机应用领域逐步扩展,航改燃机通常采用串级控制方案。但当燃机用于船舶动力、工业发电等领域时,由于负载扰动大,采用常规的串级控制难以获得理想的控制效果。在串级控制基础上,通过引入专家PID控制方法,对燃机在大负载扰动条件下进行了性能仿真分析。2种控制方法的仿真对比结果表明:专家PID控制比串级控制具有更好的性能指标,为后续整个燃机系统的动态响应试验提供了参考与指导意义。  相似文献   

分布式能源系统现状及趋势   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
近年来,分布式能源系统得到了快速发展。分布式能源系统与集中发电、远距离输电和大电网供电的传统电力系统相比,克服了传统系统的一些弱点,成为其不可缺少的有益补充,二者的有机结合,是新世纪电力工业和能源产业的重要发展方向。2003年8月接连发生的美加大停电和英国伦敦  相似文献   

饱和蒸汽减温在燃机余热锅炉的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了燃气-蒸汽联合循环电站余热锅炉过热蒸汽调温的一种方法-自身饱和蒸汽减温。对余热锅炉自身饱和蒸汽减温系统的设计进行了分析,指出了实际应用中应该注意的问题。  相似文献   

分布式能源系统是一个多能量产品输出的复杂系统,针对国内分布式能源系统的应用还处于初期阶段,没有一套完整的优化方法和评价体系,文章从热力学因素、经济因素、环境因素等方面对国内分布式能源系统的优化研究的现状进行了总结,由于分布式能源系统是一个具有多因素复杂效应的系统,对分布式能源系统的优化研究应该涵盖热力学、经济性、环境影响等各个方面,因此文章的分析希望能给以后的优化研究提供有益的思路和借鉴.  相似文献   

微燃机与小燃机在南方地区分布式联供系统中的应用比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立了考虑设备最大最小出力限制、温度和出力对设备性能影响的分布式联供系统优化运行混合整数非线性规划(MINLP)问题求解方法。在负荷确定的条件下,可对不同配置的分布式联供系统进行优化运行计算及经济、节能减排、调峰特性分析。针对我国南方地区气候及能源价格特点,对办公楼、商场、医院和宾馆四类典型城市建筑比较了分别由微燃机和小燃机为主机组成的分布式联供系统的适用性。计算结果表明,与冷、热、电分供形式相比,除办公楼外,由微燃机和小燃机为主机组成的分布式联供系统均具有较好的经济性;分布式供能系统节能减排、调峰性能优越;微燃机联供系统和小燃机联供系统经济性相当,但小燃机系统一次能源利用率较高。  相似文献   

The performance that can be achieved in a power plant obtained upgrading a typical aero-derivative gas turbine is analysed. The methodology is based on the off-design analysis of the gas generator (compressor and high pressure turbine) in the upgraded plant configuration and is applied to the design of a power plant based on the recuperative water injected cycle. The gas generator operating region and its boundary have been evaluated for the upgraded plant configuration; an optimization procedure has been established in order to show the maximum efficiency and power output that can be achieved.  相似文献   

Distributed combustion provides significant performance improvement of gas turbine combustors. Key features of distributed combustion includes uniform thermal field in the entire combustion chamber, thus avoiding hot-spot regions that promote NOx emissions (from thermal NOx) and significantly improved pattern factor. Rapid mixing between the injected fuel and hot oxidizer has been carefully explored for spontaneous ignition of the mixture to achieve distributed combustion reactions. Distributed reactions can be achieved in premixed, partially premixed or non-premixed modes of combustor operation with sufficient entrainment of hot and active species present in the flame and their rapid turbulent mixing with the reactants. Distributed combustion with swirl is investigated here for our quest to explore the beneficial aspects of such flows on clean combustion in simulated gas turbine combustion conditions. The goal is to develop high intensity combustor with ultra low emissions of NO and CO, and much improved pattern factor. Experimental results are reported from a cylindrical geometry combustor with different modes of fuel injection and gas exit stream location in the combustor. In all the configurations, air was injected tangentially to impart swirl to the flow inside the combustor. Ultra-low NOx emissions were found for both the premixed and non-premixed combustion modes for the geometries investigated here. Swirling flow configuration, wherein the product gas exits axially resulted in characteristics closest to premixed combustion mode. Change in fuel injection location resulted in changing the combustion characteristics from traditional diffusion mode to distributed combustion regime. Results showed very low levels of NO (∼3 PPM) and CO (∼70 PPM) emissions even at rather high equivalence ratio of 0.7 at a high heat release intensity of 36 MW/m3-atm with non-premixed mode of combustion. Results are also reported on lean stability limit and OH* chemiluminescence under both premixed and non-premixed conditions for determining the extent of distribution combustion conditions.  相似文献   

An optimization of the movement characteristic of the cold end system of the steam turbine was conducted from an overall consideration of the condenser and the circulation water pump. An analysis method based on thermodynamics theory that fixes coupling characteristic between the best vacuum and the best circulation discharge of water was proposed. The proposed method was applied to the optimized analysis of the operating mode of the cold end system of a 300 MW unit in a power plant. __________ Translated from Thermal Turbine, 2007, 36(1): 19–23 [译自: 热力透平]  相似文献   

《Applied Thermal Engineering》2001,21(11):1149-1159
The heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) is one of the few components of combined cycle gas turbine power plants tailored for each specific application. Any change in its design would directly affect all the variables of the cycle and therefore the availability of tools for its optimization is of the greatest relevance. This paper presents a method for the optimization of the HRSG based on the application of influence coefficients. The influence coefficients are a useful mathematical tool in design optimization problems. They are obtained after solving the equations of the system through the Newton–Raphson method. The main advantage of the proposed method is that it permits a better understanding of the influence of the design parameters on the cycle performance. The study of the optimization of the distribution of the boiler area between its different components is presented as an example of the proposed technique.  相似文献   

Factors such as low capital cost, good match of power and heat requirements and proven reliability can sometimes lead an end user into purchasing gas turbines for use in a modern cogeneration plant. The steam‐injected gas turbine is an attractive electrical generating technology for mitigating the impacts of rising energy prices. According to such mentioned above this paper is to provide results of an optimization study on cogeneration power cycle, which works by gas turbine with recuperator and injection steam added to the combustor of the gas turbine. The performance characteristics of the cycle based on energy and exergy concepts and based upon practical performance constraints were investigated. The effect of the recuperator on the cycle was greatly clarified. Results also show that the output power of a gas turbine increases when steam is injected. When extra steam has to be generated in order to be able to inject steam and at the same time to provide for a given heat demand, power generating efficiency increases but cogeneration efficiency decreases with the increasing of injected steam. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

对分布式能源系统的冷热电三联供系统进行了热力学分析,比较了原动机(燃气轮机与燃气内燃机)和制冷机组(单效与双效制冷溴化锂机组)的优缺点及其在三联供系统中的应用特点,揭示了微型燃气原动机三联供系统的设计优化原则。  相似文献   

Molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC)/gas turbine (GT) hybrid system has attracted a great deal of research effort due to its higher electricity efficiency. However, its technology has remained at the conceptual level due to incomplete examination of the related issues, challenges and variables. To contribute to the development of system technology, the MCFC/GT hybrid system is analyzed and discussed herein. A qualitative comparison of the two kinds of MCFC/GT hybrid system, indirect and direct, is hindered by the many variables involved. However, the indirect system may be preferred for relatively small-scale systems with the micro-GT. The direct system can be more competitive in terms of system efficiency and GT selection due to the optionality of system layouts as well as even higher GT inlet temperature. System layout is an important factor influencing the system efficiency. The other issues such as GT selection, system pressurization and part-load operation are also significant.  相似文献   

燃气轮机总能系统及其能的梯级利用原理   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
吴仲华先生从科学原理出发,阐述热力系统中能的梯级利用与品位概念,倡导总能系统,提出了著名的:温度对口、梯级利用"原理.这里,介绍他的部分论述和我们对它的理解,侧重概述作者等在其基础上的相关拓展,包括联合循环的梯级利用原理、热(或和冷)功联产的梯级利用原理、以及中低温热能的梯级利用原理等.还通过许多典型实例研究,剖析系统集成的能量梯级利用机制和特性规律.能量梯级利用原理是热力系统及其转换利用过程的核心科学问题,不仅为热力循环系统集成开拓提供理论依据,而且为相关的系统设计优化等指明有效途径与方法.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new approach to finding the optimum design parameters of the heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) system to maximize the efficiency of the steam turbine (bottom) cycle of the combined cycle power plant (CCPP), but without performing the bottom cycle analysis. This could be achieved by minimizing the unavailable exergy (the sum of the destroyed and the lost exergies) resulted from the heat transfer process of the HRSG system. The present approach is relatively simple and straightforward because the process of the trial-and-error method, typical in performing the bottom cycle analysis for the system optimization, could be avoided. To demonstrate the usefulness of the present method, a single-stage HRSG system was chosen, and the optimum evaporation temperature was obtained corresponding to maximum useful work for given conditions of water and gas temperatures at the inlets of the HRSG system. Results show that the optimum evaporation temperature obtained based on the present exergy analysis appears similar to that based on the bottom cycle analysis. Also shown is the dependency of number of transfer unit (NTU) on the evaporation temperature, which is another important factor in determining the optimum condition when the construction cost is taken into account in addition to the operating cost. The present approach turned out to be a powerful tool for optimization of the single-stage HRSG systems and can easily be extended to multi-stage systems. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

随着汽轮机的发展和电网峰谷差的不断增大,对机组的调峰和调频要求越来越高。因此,降低运行成本,改善机组运行可靠性和控制灵活性,已成了各电厂特别是老电厂的当务之急。介绍了广州石化1号机组液压调节系统改造为数字式电液调节系统的改造方案,对比分析了机组调节系统改造前后的控制水平。  相似文献   

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