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四川汶川Ms 8.0级地震同震变形特征和分段性   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
汶川地震发育2条地表破裂带,一条沿中龙门山活动断裂带分布,另一条沿前龙门山活动断裂带分布,前者长超过200km,后者长约80km。同震变形在地表表现为逆冲膝折带,走向N45~60°E,形成公路路面隆起和农田陡坎。逆冲膝折带西北侧抬高,东南侧下降。在剖面上冲断带倾向北西,倾角50~60°。膝折带两侧相对高差沿映秀-北川断裂一般为2.5~3.0m,沿都江堰-汉旺断裂为1.5~1.1m。沿中龙门山活动断裂带,同震变形运动方式具有明显的分段性,映秀-擂鼓镇段,表现为逆冲,走滑现象不明显;北川-青川段既有逆冲又有右旋走滑分量。沿前龙门山活动断裂带,同震变形运动方式主要表现为逆冲,走滑位移和分段性不明显。  相似文献   

2008年5月12日四川汶川映秀发生了旷世罕见的8.0级大地震.这次震发生在盆地之间的龙门山断裂带,其主震震级之大、余震次数之多令世人震惊.  相似文献   

断裂构造是地壳浅层次最重要的构造现象,也是构造地质学研究的主要领域之一.以稳态区域构造应力作用下的岩石变形破坏过程为基础的断裂构造分析理论和方法,受到强地震过程中断裂构造复杂同震变形的挑战.汶川Hs8.0级地震过程中断层同震变形的几何学、运动学特征及其空间变化,为检验断裂构造的几何学、运动学分析的相关理论和方法提供一个现实的范例.本文通过对汶川Ms8.0级地震断层同震位移的方式、规模和空间变化特征分析,提出沿断层走向的位移方式和位移规模的空间变化是区域构造应力和地震动力复合作用的结果.汶川地震过程中地震断层的位移方式和位移规模的空间变化以及同一构造部位的断层摩擦镜面中却出现了不同运动学指向的擦痕线理等特殊的构造现象,对历史断裂构造变形分析中所遵循的某些原则提出了挑战,需要重新审视和研究.  相似文献   

汶川地震(Ms 8.0)地表破裂及其同震右旋斜向逆冲作用   总被引:41,自引:4,他引:41  
2008年5月12日14时28分,青藏高原东缘龙门山地区发生了震惊世界的汶川地震(MS 8.0),地震不仅造成巨大的人员伤亡和财产损失,并形成了迄今为止空间上分布最为复杂、长度最大的逆冲型同震地表破裂带。通过多次野外考查表明,汶川地震(MS 8.0)在龙门山断裂带上至少使两条NE走向、倾向NW的映秀-北川断裂和灌县-安县断裂同时发生地表破裂,并沿映秀-北川断裂产生的地表破裂带长度约275 km,以逆冲运动伴随右旋走滑为其破裂特征,最大垂直位移量约11 m,最大右旋走滑位移量至少约12 m;沿灌县-安县断裂产生的地表破裂带长度约80 km,表现为纯逆冲运动的破裂特征,最大垂直位移量约4 m;另外发育一条长约6 km呈NW走向连接于映秀-北川破裂带和汉旺破裂带的小鱼洞破裂带,以左旋走滑兼有逆冲运动为特征。地表破裂基本沿袭早先活动断裂带上,并使早先抬高的地貌更加抬高,表明龙门山地区地震在同一断裂带上重复发生过,并且无数次地震活动(包括类似汶川MS 8.0地震的强震)的累积,逐渐形成了现今的龙门山。根据同震断裂面以及断裂面上的擦痕分析表明,汶川地震是由两次破裂事件叠加而成,初期破裂以逆冲运动为主,后期破裂以右旋走滑为主,这种破裂过程与地震波数据反演结果(陈运泰等,2008;Ji, 2008;王为民等,2008)一致。在地表破裂带南段(映秀—清平段)叠加了两次不同性质的破裂过程,北段(北川—南坝段)只反映了第二次破裂事件的过程。利用长期滑移速率与汶川地震同震位移对比,估算出在龙门山断裂带上类似汶川地震(MS 8.0)的强震复发周期为3000~6000 a。通过对比研究,西昆仑山、阿尔金山和东昆仑山与龙门山具有很相似的转换挤压构造特征,斜向逆冲作用是青藏高原周缘山脉快速崛起的主要机制。  相似文献   

汶川地震(Ms8.0)地表建筑体变形特征及其构造意义   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
通过汶川地震震区大量的实地考察已证实沿着早先活动断裂主要发育了两条地表破裂带:一条是沿着映秀-北川断裂产生的逆冲伴随右旋走滑破裂带,长275km,最大垂直位移达11m,水平位移达12m; 另一条纯逆冲性质的破裂带,沿着灌县-安县断裂发育,最大垂直位移达4m。活动断裂之上的地表破裂带是野外工作中确定地震断裂性质的重要现象。另外,在活动断裂相邻区域和远离区域的路面以及建筑体还大量存在变形现象。通常沿活动断裂产生的地表破裂是典型的同震破裂,相邻区域的地表路面及建筑体发育的变形属于次生变形,远离区域发育的变形则属于震后变形。对次生变形和震后变形测量数据的应用容易影响活动断裂特征的确定和性质的判断,因为路面等建筑体上的挤压拱起、叠置以及水平错断等现象多是受到地震过程中通过断裂活动突然释放的巨大能量作用在局部地表建筑体产生的变形。但是,分布广泛的挤压现象暗示了区域上挤压应力场环境,有利于地表同震破裂位置的推测及地震断裂性质的判断。  相似文献   

汶川8.0地震地表破裂平通镇段的变形特征   总被引:5,自引:11,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
2008年5月12日14时28分04秒,四川省汶川县发生MS8.0大地震。发震断裂为龙门山断裂带,地震地表破裂带分布在北川-映秀断裂上的映秀-石坎子段和江油-灌县断裂上的磁峰-睢水段。平武县平通镇地表破裂现象典型,在T1和T2阶地上形成了地震断坎和裂缝。应用高精度GPSRTK技术对平通镇地震断坎及两侧作详细的地形测量,并测量了线性显著的路面中线和鱼塘西边壁。在室内生成高分辨率DEM与大比例尺地形剖面图,量取同震垂直与水平位移,并估算压缩缩短量和断层产状。结果显示汶川8.0级地震在平通镇形成的同震垂直位移为3.0±0.1m,右旋水平位移为4.0±0.2m,压缩缩短量为2.5m,断层产状为NE40°/NW∠50°。平通镇的同震右旋位移与本次地震的最大右旋位移相近,而逆冲垂直位移有所降低。  相似文献   

汶川8.0级地震地表破裂带   总被引:37,自引:16,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
汶川8.0级地震的发震构造为龙门山断裂带。地震地表破裂分布在北川-映秀断裂和江油-灌县断裂上,长度分别为200km和70km。地震地表破裂表现为地表出露的地震破裂面、雁列分布的地震裂缝、地震断坎和断塞塘等。地表破裂的性质主要为右旋逆冲,最大同震位错的逆冲量和走滑量均为5.0m左右,分别位于擂鼓和虹口附近。地表破裂带的最大挤压缩短量为3.5m左右,最大宽度约为70~100m。  相似文献   

四川汶川Ms 8.0地震地表破裂构造初步调查与发震背景分析   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:19  
5月16-24日对川西汶川大地震震中区的发震断裂地带进行的实地考察和初步测量,获得了宝贵的地表变形和同震位移最数据资料,证实汶川地震属于逆冲断裂型地震,主破裂沿映秀-北川断裂带发育,前山地区滑灌县-安县断裂也有地表破裂,同震位移量在3~5m.汶川地震产牛的地表破裂构造和运动性质显示明显分段特性,映秀-北川段以挤压逆冲为主,而北川以北段则伴有显著的右旋走滑分量.  相似文献   

高精度GPS测量是研究现今地壳运动和地壳形变的重要手段之一。2013年4月20日,龙门山断裂带南段芦山地区(30.3°N,103.0°E)发生了MS 7.0级地震。震后的野外考察表明,芦山地震在震中区没有形成具有构造地质意义的地震地表破裂带。文中根据震中附近监测站(BXB: 30.48°N,102.71°E和BXN:30.26°N,102.84°E)资料,通过对震前、震后的GPS监测数据反演、分析,推断芦山4·20地震发生机理为逆冲错动型地震。GPS监测结果显示,震区的同震位移量为:断裂北侧测站BXB即断层西北盘(上盘)东向同震位移量为34.0 mm,北向同震位移量为-28.2 mm,垂向抬升10.3 mm;断裂南侧测站BXN即断层东南盘(下盘)东向同震位移量为-45.5 mm,北向同震位移量为-25.9 mm,垂向同震位移下沉为67.8 mm。芦山4·20地震使得断层南北向缩短3~6 mm,水平错动位移78~82 mm,断裂垂向错动75~80 mm。  相似文献   

An earthquake of Ms 8 struck Wenchuan County, western Sichuan, China, on May 12^th, 2008 and resulted in long surface ruptures (〉300 km). The first-hand observations about the surface ruptures produced by the earthquake in the worst-hit areas of Yingxiu, Beichuan and Qingchuan, ascertained that the causative structure of the earthquake was in the central fault zones of the Longmenshan tectonic belt. Average co-seismic vertical displacements along the individual fault of the Yingxiu-Beiehuan rupture zone reach 2.514 m and the cumulative vertical displacements across the central and frontal Longmenshan fault belt is about 5-6 m. The surface rupture strength was reduced from north of Beichuan to Qingchuan County and shows 2-3 m dextral strike-slip component. The Wenchuan thrust-faulting earthquake is a manifestation of eastward growth of the Tibetan Plateau under the action of continuous convergence of the Indian and Eurasian continents.  相似文献   

An earthquake of Ms 8 struck Wenchuan County,western Sichuan,China,on May 12~(th), 2008 and resulted in long surface ruptures (>300 km).The first-hand observations about the surface ruptures produced by the earthquake in the worst-hit areas of Yingxiu,Beichuan and Qingchuan, ascertained that the causative structure of the earthquake was in the central fault zones of the Longmenshan tectonic belt.Average co-seismic vertical displacements along the individual fault of the Yingxiu-Beichuan rupture zone reach 2.5-4m and the cumulative vertical displacements across the central and frontal Longmenshan fault belt is about 5-6 m.The surface rupture strength was reduced from north of Beichuan to Qingchuan County and shows 2-3 m dextral strike-slip component.The Wenchuan thrust-faulting earthquake is a manifestation of eastward growth of the Tibetan Plateau under the action of continuous convergence of the Indian and Eurasian continents.  相似文献   

There are two co-seismic faults which developed when the Wenchuan earthquake happened. One occurred along the active fault zone in the central Longmen Mts.and the other in the front of Longmen Mts.The length of which is more than 270 km and about 80 km respectively.The co-seismic fault shows a reverse flexure belt with strike of N45°-60°E in the ground,which caused uplift at its northwest side and subsidence at the southeast.The fault face dips to the northwest with a dip angle ranging from 50°to 60°.The...  相似文献   

Dextral-slip thrust movement of the Songpan-Garze terrain over the Sichuan block caused the Ms 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake of May 12, 2008 and offset the Central Longmenshan Fault (CLF) along a distance of-250 km. Displacement along the CLF changes from Yingxiu to Qingchuan. The total oblique slip of up to 7.6 m in Yingxiu near the epicenter of the earthquake, decreases northeastward to 5.3 m, 6.6 m, 4.4 m, 2.5 m and 1.1 m in Hongkou, Beichuan, Pingtong, Nanba and Qingchuan, respectively. This offset apparently occurred during a sequence of four reported seismic events, EQ1-EQ4, which were identified by seismic inversion of the source mechanism. These events occurred in rapid succession as the fault break propagated northeastward during the earthquake. Variations in the plunge of slickensides along the CLF appear to match these events. The Mw 7.5 EQ1 event occurred during the first 0-10 s along the Yingxiu-Hongkou section of the CLF and is characterized by 1.7 m vertical slip and vertical slickensides. The Mw 8.0 EQ2 event, which occurred during the next 10-42 s along the Yingxiu-Yanziyan section of the CLF, is marked by major dextral-slip with minor thrust and slickensides plunging 25°-35° southwestward. The Mw 7.5 EQ3 event occurred during the following 42-60 s and resulted in dextral-slip and slickensides plunging 10° southwestward in Beichuan and plunging 73° southwestward in Hongkou. The Mw 7.7 EQ4 event, which occurred during the final 60-95 s along the Beichuan-Qingchuan section of the CLF, is characterized by nearly equal values of dextral and vertical slips with slickensides plunging 45°-50° southwestward. These seismic events match and evidently controlled the concentrations of landslide dams caused by the Wenchuan earthquake in Longmenshan Mountains.  相似文献   

The variation of in situ stress before and after earthquakes is an issue studied by geologists. In this paper, on the basis of the fault slip dislocation model of Wenchuan Ms8.0 earthquake, the changes of co-seismic displacement and the distribution functions of stress tensor around the Longmen Shan fault zone are calculated. The results show that the co-seismic maximum surface displacement is 4.9 m in the horizontal direction and 6.5 m in the vertical direction, which is almost consistent with the on-site survey and GPS observations. The co-seismic maximum horizontal stress in the hanging wall and footwall decreased sharply as the distance from the Longmen Shan fault zone increased. However, the vertical stress and minimum horizontal stress increased in the footwall and in some areas of the hanging wall. The study of the co-seismic displacement and stress was mainly focused on the long and narrow region along the Longmen Shan fault zone, which coincides with the distribution of the earthquake aftershocks. Therefore, the co-seismic stress only affects the aftershocks, and does not affect distant faults and seismic activities. The results are almost consistent with in situ stress measurements at the two sites before and after Wenchuan Ms8.0 earthquake. Along the fault plane, the co-seismic shear stress in the dip direction is larger than that in the strike direction, which indicates that the faulting mechanism of the Longmen Shan fault zone is a dominant thrust with minor strike-slipping. The results can be used as a reference value for future studies of earthquake mechanisms.  相似文献   

Abstract: Dextral-slip thrust movement of the Songpan-Garzê terrain over the Sichuan block caused the Ms 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake of May 12, 2008 and offset the Central Longmenshan Fault (CLF) along a distance of ~250 km. Displacement along the CLF changes from Yingxiu to Qingchuan. The total oblique slip of up to 7.6 m in Yingxiu near the epicenter of the earthquake, decreases northeastward to 5.3 m, 6.6 m, 4.4 m, 2.5 m and 1.1 m in Hongkou, Beichuan, Pingtong, Nanba and Qingchuan, respectively. This offset apparently occurred during a sequence of four reported seismic events, EQ1–EQ4, which were identified by seismic inversion of the source mechanism. These events occurred in rapid succession as the fault break propagated northeastward during the earthquake. Variations in the plunge of slickensides along the CLF appear to match these events. The Mw 7.5 EQ1 event occurred during the first 0–10 s along the Yingxiu-Hongkou section of the CLF and is characterized by 1.7 m vertical slip and vertical slickensides. The Mw 8.0 EQ2 event, which occurred during the next 10–42 s along the Yingxiu-Yanziyan section of the CLF, is marked by major dextral-slip with minor thrust and slickensides plunging 25°–35° southwestward. The Mw 7.5 EQ3 event occurred during the following 42–60 s and resulted in dextral-slip and slickensides plunging 10° southwestward in Beichuan and plunging 73° southwestward in Hongkou. The Mw 7.7 EQ4 event, which occurred during the final 60–95 s along the Beichuan-Qingchuan section of the CLF, is characterized by nearly equal values of dextral and vertical slips with slickensides plunging 45°–50° southwestward. These seismic events match and evidently controlled the concentrations of landslide dams caused by the Wenchuan earthquake in Longmenshan Mountains.  相似文献   

利用ENVISAT/ASAR和ALOS/PALSAR数据,结合两路差分干涉测量技术获得了汶川地震的同震形变信息和震前、震后地面在卫星视线(light of sight,简称LOS)方向上的形变特征。结果表明,汶川地震引起的地面形变范围广,程度大,地震形变沿断层向北北东向扩展,所形成的差分干涉条纹明显。地面的形变特征对于推断断层的性质,研究地震形变和地震发育特征具有重要的参考价值。另外,将同震雷达差分干涉测量的结果与利用USGS发布的汶川地震有限元断层模型(finite fault model)反演的LOS方向的形变进行了对比验证,发现二者在断裂带的上盘具有较好的一致性,但在下盘却有较大的误差。通过不同传感器干涉结果的对比发现,L波段的雷达干涉结果更能够反映汶川大地震在龙门山断裂带附近的地面形变信息。  相似文献   

基于四川防震减灾信息网以及中国地震台网中心、中国地震信息网、国家地震科学数据共享中心提供的汶川8.0级地震目录资料,对2008年S月12日至2010年3月1日共1613次3.0级及以上余震的地震序列进行了时空分布分析。结果表明:汶川8.0级地震的余震大致可分为7个阶段,主震后18天应列为大地震强余震发生的警戒时间;地震序列的b值为0.751,印证了在类型相同的情况下主震震级越大b值越高的观点;地震序列的P值为1.117,与全球地震衰减速率相当;汶川地震的余震分布主要沿龙门山断裂走向北东向扩展,且具有明显分区性,自南向北分为南、中、北3区段,南区为地震起始破裂段,地震后期余震则主要分布在北区;震源深度分布在10~40km,集中在10~20km,表明龙门山断裂主要发生在中上地壳,且震源深度由南向北呈现逐渐变浅的趋势;震源深度扩展,南区呈明显脉冲状,中区主要是依次由15、30、25km深度向深、浅层同时扩展,北区余震深度分布呈“乙”字型,最后稳定在15km左右。  相似文献   

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