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The terrestrial water cycle is the mutual transformation of surface and near-surface water, which controls the supply of fresh water resources. It is affected by human activities, solar radiation and gravity, as well as climate and environmental conditions. Inter-basin water transfer, irrigation, crop cultivation and harvesting, exploitation of groundwater water and other human activities lead to the change of spatial and temporal distribution of soil moisture, the underground water level, surface albedo, surface evaporation, as well as water and energy exchange between land surface and atmosphere. Human water use generates important feedback on the climate and changes the processes of the terrestrial water cycle significantly. The spatial and temporal distribution of precipitation in China is uneven. In addition, human activities further exacerbate the fragility of water resources and the contradiction between supply and demand, posing a serious challenge to the sustainable development of social economy. Therefore, understanding the laws and mechanisms of terrestrial water cycle change is very important for water resources utilization and human sustainable development. From the perspective of climate change and human activities, this paper summarized the impact of human activities on terrestrial water cycle and the progress of climate feedback research. It is urgent to consider the evolution of terrestrial water cycle and its climate under the dual impact of natural and human activities, and develop the large-scale land surface hydrological models and climate models with human water use, crop planting and irrigation, lateral groundwater flow. From the perspective of a fully coupled system, we need quantitatively to assess the climate feedback of human water use and its impact on the terrestrial water cycle process, and to explore its mechanism. We need to distinguish the contribution of human water activities and global climate change to the evolution of terrestrial water cycle in the context of climate change, and to propose water resources management strategies to address climate change.  相似文献   

As gravity field,magnetic field,electric field and seismic wave field are all physical fields,their object function,reverse function and compound function are certainly infinite contiuously differentiable func-tions which can be expanded into Taylor (Fourier) series within domain of definition and be further reduced in-to solving stochastic distribution function of series and statistic inference of optimal approximation,This is the basis of combined gravity-magnetic-electric-seismic inversion built on the basis of separation of field and source gravity-magnetic difference-value(D-value)trend surface,taking distribution-independent fault sys-tem as its unit,depths of seismic and electric interfaces of interests as its corresponding bivariate compound re-verse function of gravity-magnetic anomalies and using high order polynomial(high order trigonometric func-tion)approximating to its series distribution,The difference from current dominant inversion techniques is that,first,it does not respectively create gravity-seismic,magnetic-seismic deterministic inversion model from theoretical model,but combines gravity-magnetic-electric-seismic stochastic inversion model from stochastic model;second,after the concept of equivalent geological body being introduced,using feature of independent variable of gravity-magnetic field functions,taking density and susceptibility related to gravity-magnetic func-tion as default parameters of model,the deterministic model is established owing to better solution to the con-tradictioc of difficulty in identifying strata and less test analytical data for density and susceptibility in newly explored area;third,under assumption of independent parent distribution,a real modeling by strata,the prob-lem of difficult plane closure arising in profile modeling is avoided,This technology has richer and more detailed fault and strata information than sparse pattern seismic data in newly explored area,successfully inverses and plots structural map of Indosinian discontinuty in Hefei basin with combined gravity-magnetic-electric-seismic inversion,With development of high precision gravity-magnetic and overall geophysical technology,it is certain for introducing new methods of stochastic modeling and computational intelligence and promoting the develop-ment of combined gravity-magnetic-electric-seismic inversion to open a new substantial and promoting the develop-ment of combined gravity-magnetic-electric-seismic inversion to open a new substantial path.  相似文献   

In this paper, two different research methods are applied to predict large deformation behavior in tunnels and take Tianjiashan tunnel as the case study which is located in Xindianping town, Zhejiang city, Hunan province. The paper introduces the basic principle of the analytic hierarchy process and the fuzzy mathematics method, and classifies the influence factors of the large deformation in tunnels into eight kinds (C1–C8). Basing on the AHP–FUZZY method, this paper applies the results into the large deformation prediction analysis of Tianjiashan tunnel. In order to verify the accuracy of the evaluation results of AHP–FUZZY method, a numerical simulation model of DK394 + 625–DK394 + 650 section of Tianjiashan tunnel is established. The results show that the tunnel deformation is very large, and the tunnel excavation is sure to cause large deformation. The numerical simulation result is in accordance with the AHP–FUZZY method. Finally, we track record of occurrence of large deformation during the actual construction in tunnel, and the actual results are coincide with AHP–FUZZY method and numerical simulation results, which reflects the effectiveness of AHP–FUZZY method and numerical simulation method in predicting the large deformation behavior in tunnels.  相似文献   

Biogeochemical investigation of Tamarix aphylla,a plant species, of the Las-bela area has been made.This area mainly consists of ophiolites associated with sed-imentary rocks of Jurassic and Cretaceous age .Quantitative estimations of important biogenic trace elements such as Fe,Mn,Pb,Zn,Cu,Cr,Ni, and Co have been carried out .Anomalous concentrations of these elements in plant species of certain regions can be used to locate possible occurrences of ore deposits in the area.The comparative strdy also reveals appreciable variations in the composition of trace elements in plants.The possible causes of variation in the constitrents of Tamarix aphylla from different localities have been discussed in the light of bed rock nature, mo-bility of element and average abundance in the plant.  相似文献   

Rainfall infiltration is the main factor that causes slope instability. To study the effect of hydraulic parameters on the final saturation line and stability of slopes, a numerical slope model is established with a saturated–unsaturated seepage analysis method. Analysis results show the following, (1) When parameter a increases, the effective rainfall duration decreases linearly, and the ultimate safety factor increases gradually; when parameter m increases, the effective rainfall duration increases linearly, and the ultimate safety factor decreases linearly; when parameter n increases, both the effective rainfall duration and the ultimate safety factor decrease first and then remain stable. (2) When the saturated permeability coefficient decreases, the effective rainfall duration presents a crescent trend, and the ultimate safety factor decreases first and then remains the same after rainfall intensity exceeds the saturated permeability coefficient of soil. (3) When rainfall intensity is less than the saturated permeability coefficient of soil, the location of the final saturation line rises as the saturated permeability coefficient decreases and is thus independent of parameters a, m, and n.  相似文献   

The standard Box and Cox generalized power transform of the form (x λ ? l)/λ is applied to preprocess hydrogeochemical uranium, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chlorine, sulphate, carbonate, vanadium, pH, and conductivity data. These data do not reduce to normal form at the optimum value λ obtained using the three objective functions as discussed by R. J. Howarth and S. A. M. Earle. We use an objective function based on the observed and theoretical normal frequencies of the transformed data: uranium and calcium data reduce to the desired normal form at the λ values obtained by optimizing this new merit function: vanadium data to approximate normal form: but potassium, chlorine, and sulphate data do not. The other elemental data follow lognormal form. The consequence of the Box and Cox transformation is that if a set of data is reducible to normal form, then the density distribution of the original untransformed data is given by, $f(x) = \frac{1}{{\sigma \sqrt {2\prod {} } }}x^{\lambda - 1} e - \frac{{(\frac{{x^\lambda - 1}}{\lambda } - \mu )^2 }}{{2\sigma ^2 }}$ where μ and σ are the mean and standard deviation of the transformed data and λ is obtained by optimization of the new merit function; an exception is potassium data.  相似文献   

Lining contact pressure and ground deformation of Raghadan transportation tunnel (Amman, Jordan) were investigated. The tunnel is 1.1 km in length and 13.5 m in diameter. This study was intended to integrate useful relations among the widely used rock classification system (RMR: rock mass rating), Hoek–Brown classification, and lining-ground interaction. The materials encountered along the tunnel alignment were limestone, dolomatic limestone, marly limestone, dolomite, and sillicified limestone. The ground conditions along the tunnel alignment including bedding planes, joint sets and joint conditions, rock quality, water flow, and rock strength were evaluated based on the drilled boreholes and rock exposures. Elasto-plastic finite element analyses were conducted to study the effect of rock mass conditions and tunnel face advance on the behavior of lining-ground interaction. The results of the analyses showed that lining contact pressure decreases linearly with the increase in RMR value. Also the results showed that tunnel lining contact pressure and crown inward displacement decreases with the increase in the unsupported distance (distance between tunnel face and the end of the erected lining). Ground displacement above the tunnel crown was found to be increases in an increasing rate with the decrease in the depth above the crown. This displacement was also found to be affected by the RMR value and the unsupported distance.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONWith the rapid development of industrialization,urbanization,andinformation technology ,as well asthe practice of “digital city”and “digital earth”( Gore , 1998) , many administrators and decision-makers are realizing the i mportance of high-resolution i mage information to urban planning andmanagement . Especially in recent years , with thefast development of remote sensing technology ,remote sensing data can be obtained that are complementaryin spatial andti me resolution…  相似文献   


With the long-term operation of the project, the material parameters of concrete-facing sand–gravel dam will change, which brings great difficulty to the scientific and effective stress and deformation analysis. Combining with the measured displacement data, the finite element analysis model of the concrete-facing sand–gravel dam of Heiquan reservoir was established, and the modulus of elasticity and internal friction angle of the dam body were inverted by the measured displacement of the dam, then the simulation analysis of the filling construction process and the reservoir storage process of dam was carried out, and the stress and deformation values of the dam during the construction period and the impoundment period were calculated. The results showed that the parameters obtained from the inversion are smaller than the original parameters, but there is little difference between them. The displacement calculated by finite element inversion was close to the measured displacement value, the overall displacement and stress distribution of the dam body and panel were in line with the general law, and the calculated displacement and stress values were at the normal level. This study provides a reference for parameter inversion and stress and deformation analysis of concrete slab dam through monitoring data analysis.


The results of geochronological (U–Pb), isotope–geochemical (Lu–Hf), and geochemical (REEs) studies of young (MZ, KZ) and xenogenic (AR, PR) zircons from magmatic rocks of the Central Arctic rises of the Arctic Ocean (AO) and the crest zone of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) are presented. The data obtained show that the depleted mantle could be a source of young (KZ) zircons of the MAR, whereas young (MZ) zircons of the MAR and all xenogenic (AR, PR) zircons of the AO and MAR are from crustal rocks of the continental lithosphere.  相似文献   

Terrigenous clastic reservoir rocks are widespread in China,and nearly all the industrial oil and gas accumulations in eastern China occur in the clastic rocks.The study shows that organic inclusions are mostly distributed in the secondary fissures and pores which were ormed in the process of oil-rock interaction,rather than in the cements or secondary enlargements. The organic inclusions are dominantly organic gas-rich or are composed of pure hydrocarbons.Homogenization temperatures range mainly from 120℃ to 130℃,which shows a relatively high maturity of organic matter.Vertical and horizontal temperature changes provide the grounds for the investigation of basin evolution and thermal fluid-kinetics-model.Fluorescence spectral characteristics o the organic inclusions indicate that oils and gases in the area studied probably have experienced two-stage or two-time migration.Micro-fluorescence rescearch is one of the effective approaches to oil/source correlation and oil migration-stage determination.The abundance and occurrence of organic inclusions is one of the indicators of oil and gas abundance and accumulation in rock layers.With the help of other informatio,organic inclusions can provide the basis for the prospective assessment of oil and gas in clastic reservoir rocks.  相似文献   

The impact of vegetation cover on groundwater table was assessed with the observed water level fluctuations at two monitored wells in stalled on a bare ground and a vegetated land,respectively.Substantial differences in water table behavior were observed under two land cover scenarios.Ingeneral,the water level in the east grass (EG) well was lower and had much less response to rainfall events than the WNG well mainly due to the difference in the land cover.The effect of vegetation was to lower the water level in the EG well through ET and thus reduce groundwater recharge,which in turn reduced the chemical loads to the creek.The daily and accumulative ET values were estimated with both the Penman-Monteith method and a water table recession model.It is suggested that while the Penman-Monteith method closely modeled hourly ET cycles during the day,it underestimated actual ET during an intensive mid-summer growing period,and especially underestimated actual ET when the water table was close to the landsurface.With the water table recession model,the amount of ET was estimated at its maximum ET of 7.6 mm when the water table was near the groundsurface and then decreases exponentially to zero around day 33 during a dry period with the accumulative ET of 93.9 mm,or 2.84 mm/day.The results from this study clearly demonstrate that landuse and vegetation coverage have significant effects on ET,groundwater recharge and implications for a basin-scale water cycle and chemical loads to rivers and streams.  相似文献   

The examination of hydromechanical behavior of expansive soil lies mostly within the unsaturated soil mechanics framework, which renders the study of its soil water characteristic curve (SWCC) a necessity. This paper evaluates the correlations of two physicochemical properties, pH and surface conductance, with the behavior of the SWCCs of four natural expansive soils and four stabilized soils. The effects of chemical stabilization and curing time on the SWCCs are also analyzed. The SWCCs and the corresponding parameters were obtained from pressure plate tests and a fitting model. It was found that pH and surface conductance together showed a good correlation with the air-entry related parameter, α, because they determine the formation of the diffuse double layer around fine particles or aggregates. The macroscopic behavior, in terms of unconfined compressive strength, free swell and swell pressure at optimum moisture content (OMC), was also evaluated and good correlations of these property values with the matric suction values at OMC were observed for the four natural untreated soils, while no correlation existed for the stabilized soils. The results and the discussion provide new insight to address physicochemical mechanisms that determine the macroscopic behavior of expansive soil.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONThe GIS-based WofE model is a statistics-basedmethod that weights a variety of evidential data onthe basis of prior probabilities (PRP) and combinesall these weights to produce a potential map of poste-rior probability (POP) . The model can be used toprovide support for decision-makers in many fields .For example ,this model was originally used in themedical field,especially for prediction of the proba-bility that a new patient would be diagnosed with adisease .In geology …  相似文献   

Won  Jongmuk 《Acta Geotechnica》2022,17(10):4667-4680
Acta Geotechnica - This study investigated the microscale assessment of the stability of fine particles from calculated hydrodynamic and adhesive torques of attached fine particles on sand...  相似文献   

As one of the top 20 cities exposed to flood disasters, Shanghai is particularly vulnerable because it is exposed to powerful floods and poorly prepared. However, it is unclear to understand the evolution process of floods and the variation of flood risk in Shanghai during the past 1,000 years. This paper analyzed the spatial–temporal characteristics of flood disaster and evaluated the integrated risk of flood disaster in Shanghai based on the historical flood data from 251 to 2000. The results show that flood disaster in Shanghai was divided into storm surge-induced flood, rainstorm-induced flood and overbank flood. Flood disaster in Shanghai presents rising trend with time and mainly occurs in summer and autumn. Moreover, the flood disaster is dominated by rainstorm-induced flood, especially after the establishment of the People’s Republic of China in 1949. Additionally, flood risk in different areas of Shanghai between the years 251–1949 and 1950–2000 changed significantly. Shanghai urban area, Jinshan District and Chongming County belong to increased flood risk area; Baoshan, Jiading, Qingpu, Songjiang, Fengxian, Pudong and Minhang District belong to decreased flood risk area. The integrated risk of flood disaster in Shanghai has presented spatial disparities evidently at present. Shanghai urban area is most likely to suffer flood disaster; Baoshan, Jiading and Minhang District have medium flood risk rank; and Jinshan, Songjiang, Fengxian, Pudong, Qingpu and Chongming County show low flood risk at present. The combined effect of urbanization, sea-level rise, land subsidence and the poor capacity of flood prevention facilities will give rise to the risk of flood in the next several decades. These results provide very important information for the local government to improve flood risk management.  相似文献   

Hydrous pyrolysis (HP) practiced on type-II kerogen-bearing oil shale samples from the Sargelu Formation in the Ghali-Kuh Area, western Iran, using a specially designed apparatus was performed at different temperatures (250–350°C), with hydrocarbon generation evaluated at each temperature. For comparison, the samples subjected to Rock-Eval pyrolysis before proceeding to HP resulted in Tmax = 418°C, HI = 102, and TOC = 4.33%, indicating immaturity and hence remarkable hydrocarbon (especially oil) generation potential, making them appropriate for HP. Moreover, the samples were deposited in a low-energy reductive marine environment, with maximum oil and gas generation (739 mg and 348 mg out of 50 g of rock sample, respectively) observed at 330°C and 350°C, respectively. The oil generated at 330°C was subjected to gas chromatography (GC) and isotopic analyses to assess hydrocarbon quality and composition. The hydrocarbon generation data was devised to estimate kinetic indices of the Arrhenius equation and to investigate the gas–oil ratio (GOR) and overall conversion yield. Based on the producible hydrocarbon quantity and quality, the findings contribute to the economic assessment of oil shales across the study area. The developed kinetic model indicates the history of hydrocarbon generation and organic matter (OM) maturity.  相似文献   

Calculations,according to some open-system models,point out that while a statistically significant discrepancy between the results of two U-series methods,^230Th/^234U and ^227Th/^220Th(or ^231Pa/^235U),attests a relatively recent and important uranium migration,concordant dates cannot guarantee closes-system behavior of sample.The results of 20 fossil bones from 10 Chinese sites,19 of which are determined by two U-series methods,are given,Judging from independent age controls,8 out of the 11 concordant age sets are unacceptable,The results in this paper suggest that uranium may cycle into or out of fossil bones,such geochemical events may take place at any time and no known preserving condition may securely protect them from being affected.So for the sitew we have studied,the U-series dating of fossil bones is of limited reliability.  相似文献   

Xu  Yingzi  Liao  Xuhang  Li  Jian  Chen  Lihua  Li  Lin 《Geotechnical and Geological Engineering》2021,39(5):3753-3760
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering - The goal of this paper was to study the effect of water content change of weak interlayer soil on the stability of clastic rock slope. Direct shear tests...  相似文献   

Classical chemical classification plots that use major anions and cations can discern between different water facies but they do not offer sufficient discriminatory power for salt waters from sedimentary basins, whose origin is therefore frequently misunderstood.  相似文献   

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